Ticole, Ninick, Chris/Kat, Klonoa/Zody, Barry/Lola, and for my own peace of mind and denial of the last part of your fic best boi aaron/best boi nick too plz ;w;
who said i love you first?
Probably Tip. He might be very disconnected with the world and his own feelings, but I think that as soon as he figured out what ‘I love you’ was all about he’d be telling Nicole ‘I love you’ all the time to make her feel special.
who laughs when the other trips?
Too sweet of a couple.
who pays the bills?
They both do, probably, with adventuring money and what-not. But way after SE, when Nicole’s back, it’s probably Tip considering he’s the one with the job. Not that there’s much bills that need to be paid...
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?
Nicole, until Tip figures out how fun holidays are, and then he makes the biggest deal out of them, which causes antics as he wants to make the best Christmas ever for his wife and his friends.
who’s more clumsy?
Tip, I’d imagine, but he learns to get better at it.
who checks their daily horoscope?
Neither; maybe Tip does for a bit before he learns it’s bull. And I don’t see Nicole doing this.
who sings louder in the car?
Nicole. Definitely Nicole. Tip’s too shy to sing in the first place.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
Nicole again, maybe? I don’t see Tip doing this. If anything, he’s such a neat freak about things just so that Nicole doesn’t think he’s a messy person or anything.
who is more up to date in pop culture?
Definitely not Tip that’s for sure.
who insists on going to see the newest movies?
Nicole. To the newest Disney movies. Immediately.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?
Tip. He cries and tries to prevent himself from donating a thousand gold.
who’s the lighter sleeper?
Maybe Tip? Just because creations likely don’t need as much sleep.
who believes in ghosts?
Ghosts are real in their universe. But, I suppose in a non-magical setting, Tip would. He’d believe in magic even if it didn’t exist. Not in a weird way, but in a “I believe there’s something out there” kind of way. It’s a hope of his.
who does the grocery shopping?
Tip, since he’s the cook.
who updates their facebook status more often?
Again I’d say Tip, if only because he wants to be sociable... Up until everyone he loves dies and he kinda stops doing anything ‘social’.
who said i love you first?
Nick, I think? He’s such a romantic I can see him doing that.
who laughs when the other trips?
Nina, definitely. Nick play-fights her right afterwards for laughing at his clumsiness.
who pays the bills?
Again, probably both. They’d likely be adventurers for a while, after all.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?
I’d think Nina. Nick wouldn’t care as much since he spent lots of his holidays locked up.
who’s more clumsy?
Nick. See above. XP
who checks their daily horoscope?
I don’t think either? Maybe Nina, I can see her being that kind of dumb. Love you Nina.
who sings louder in the car?
Both sing obnoxiously loudly either to annoy whoever they’re with or to try and out-do the other.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
Both because they’re idiots.
who is more up to date in pop culture?
Both because they’re idiots 2.
who insists on going to see the newest movies?
Nina, I would think. Nick might not be into movies. He’s more of a ‘walk on the beach’ kind of guy.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?
Nick hates these commercials because they always come on while he’s almost got Nina in the mood. Neither of them cry, it just makes things awkward when they’re interrupted by “IN THE ARRRRMS OF AN ANGEEEEEL~” and neither of them feel up for anything afterwards. Nick has since learned to turn off the TV before trying to bed Nina.
who’s the lighter sleeper?
Nick, by far.
who believes in ghosts?
Nick again. I could see him being a bit like Tip in a real world situation, wanting to believe in some sort of magic or afterlife.
who does the grocery shopping?
Neither. And then they realize they need food. And then Nick has to go get it because he lost at rock-paper-scissors again and he swears Nina is cheating somehow!
who updates their facebook status more often?
I have no idea lol.
Chris and Kat
who said i love you first?
Chris because he did not understand just how big of a deal that was.
who laughs when the other trips?
Too sweet of a ship. 
who pays the bills?
Kat, but every once in a while one of Chris’s paintings sells like a masterpiece and it makes life good.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?
Chris. He’s far too excited for all the lights and colors and beautiful things he can see as inspiration for paintings. He generally ends up painting Christmas-themed stuff until March.
who’s more clumsy?
Kat, I’d say. Chris is too skilled with his hands to be clumsy. I can see Kat accidentally tripping or something, though.
who checks their daily horoscope?
I don’t know if there’s a right answer to this question. I don’t think either?
who sings louder in the car?
Kat, if only because Chris is a bad singer and she’s a good one so let her sing.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
Chris because he does not understand these things.
who is more up to date in pop culture?
Kat, maybe, since she hears things around the cafe and Chris hears things from his summons, so, she has more know-how.
who insists on going to see the newest movies?
I don’t know. I don’t think either of them would be much of the movie-going type...? I could be wrong.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?
Christopher is sad at first but after about ten thousand of these commercials he’s learned to ignore them like everyone else.
who’s the lighter sleeper?
Kat. I know I said creations are likely lighter sleepers but Christopher sleeps in all the time.
who believes in ghosts?
Maybe both? I can see Kat believing in things like that, too. She seems like the “hopeful” type.
who does the grocery shopping?
Kat. Chris is too irresponsible let’s face it.
who updates their facebook status more often?
Kat, because Chris wouldn’t use facebook. He likes sending letters with little drawings to people instead.
who said i love you first?
Klonoa, definitely. While Zodiac is the first to crush on him (hard), she never builds up the courage to talk to him about it. Despite having the courage to go up against tons of armed people and fight them all, she doesn’t have much romantic courage; Klonoa, however, admits his feelings pretty much as soon as he’s sure he has them. He takes some time to make sure it’s love and not just ‘appreciation for taking him off the streets’, though.
who laughs when the other trips?
They’re both too overly-caring for each other.
who pays the bills?
Klonoa makes good money from the magician gigs. But Zodiac gets plenty of cash from her heists and ‘gang wars’.... Wait. But would they even pay bills? They live in an abandoned warehouse and Zodiac wouldn’t pay any money to the crown. I guess neither of them pay, then.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?
Klonoa. Zodiac doesn’t care much, but she thinks it’s super cute that Klonoa’s doing his best to give her a Christmas that she never really got to have.
who’s more clumsy?
Klonoa. Zodiac’s got her shit together, she is the opposite of clumsy.
who checks their daily horoscope?
Neither. They’re too rational to believe in that  stuff.
who sings louder in the car?
Klonoa has a surprisingly good voice and Zodiac doesn’t sing. Ever. Fuck you.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
Zodiac. Klonoa puts it back on.
who is more up to date in pop culture?
Klonoa, probably? If only just because he’s a part of pop culture.
who insists on going to see the newest movies?
Klonoa might want to see a movie from time to time but knows it’s a bad idea to go out without good reason.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?
Neither. Zodiac gives 0 shits and Klonoa finds it to be too guilt-trippy to be sad.
who’s the lighter sleeper?
Zodiac. She needs to be ready for anything, including rival gangs finding her hideout.
who believes in ghosts?
Neither. Again, they’re both rational.
who does the grocery shopping?
Klonoa. He’s likely the cook of the house, too.
who updates their facebook status more often?
Platonic Yoshi/Peach
who said i love you first?
Yoshi said it, but it was in a platonic way, he swears. But it made things awkward so he never says it again unless the situation seriously calls for it.
who laughs when the other trips?
who pays the bills?
Yoshi. Peach never has money. Yoshi isn’t even sure what she spends the money on she just never has any.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?
Yoshi, again, if only because his family back at Yoshi’s Island always did. Peach might not have had a family before but she’s gonna have to deal with it now, Grambi-dammit!
who’s more clumsy?
I hate answering ‘Yoshi’ to all these questions, but...
who checks their daily horoscope?
who sings louder in the car?
They both sing super obnoxiously, just like Nick and Nina. The little shits.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
who is more up to date in pop culture?
Neither, I would think. They probably both don’t  know a damn thing about pop culture.
who insists on going to see the newest movies?
Peach, maybe?... These are hard.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?
They both point and laugh whenever those commercials come on. They laugh very, very loudly. It’s an inside joke.
who’s the lighter sleeper?
I dunno.
who believes in ghosts?
They both do. Yoshi has met Boos, and Peach has met Ghost Pokemon.
who does the grocery shopping?
Both, probably. It’s a nightmare though. They always argue over what to get.
who updates their facebook status more often?
Yoshi, if only to keep in contact with everyone else. And to jokingly rag on Peach for whatever thing they argued about today.
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Ticole, NiNick, and let's bring back Jaden/Ami since nobody's done anything with that in a while.
I have to agree that Tip proposes. There’s just no two ways around it; even if Nicole wants to propose, Ian stops her in favor of Tip giving the most embarrassed, cute, uncertain proposal ever.
Tip shops for groceries.
Nicole kills... Actually, I’m realizing that every question here can be answered by Heather as well as myself. I agree completely with all of her answers and it’s just like. What can I add? XD
Nicolas proposes in some over-the-top cheesy and romantic way right after they realize Nina’s pregnant. And that night they have cuddles as he comforts her and tells her how much he wants her to be happy. ^w^
They probably take turns shopping for groceries, but both of them aren’t likely to be very good at it. Nick can get what they need at least but I can’t imagine they cook for each other that often, and when they do, it’s usually Nick doing the cooking from what he learned from his dad.
Nick kills the spider and throws it outside and then proceeds to tease Nina over how he’s her hero now and this means he needs a reward and then somehow it leads to sex.
I can definitely see Nick getting drunk sometimes, and Nina getting drunk sometimes, but I can’t see either of them coming home drunk at 3 AM. Nick’s not a party-goer, but I can’t say for Nina, I guess.
Nick remembers to feed the fish. Nina wants to eat the fish.
Both of them. They’re both fucking nerds who initiate duets. It’s awful.
Nina falls asleep first, if only because Nicolas exhausts her almost every night. The fucking crazy kids.
Nick is more prone to adventure and probably takes Nina to romantic spots all the time. He drags her to Sumter’s beach just to see her have fun in a bikini, for example. He tries to take her wherever they’d both be happy.
Nina might wake up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep well because of some kinky shit they did earlier in the night, so she’s like “Nick you did this to me make me some pancakes”. And he just has to do it because he wants his Nina to be happy. And also because she’s cute when she’s happy and eating and... Actually, she’s cute ALL the time, who the hell was he kidding?
Nick and Nina send each other nudes all the time. Whenever Nick receives one, he gets so blushy, and he can’t stop grinning... He has to go see Nina immediately so he can pounce on that. She’s just so damn cute!... But if he can’t go see her, he’ll usually sneak into a bathroom or something to get his revenge.
I doubt either would claim they know karate. They don’t seem like the types.
Nina comes to a halt outside bakeries and candy shops. Nick’s wallet is sad, but he doesn’t care because a sugar-high Nina is a happy Nina, and a happy Nina means a happy Nick. His happiness really depends on her happiness, especially after the stuff he’s went through. He relies on Nina...
Both of them blow sarcastic kisses are doing ridiculous shit. They’re both shitty people. And I love them for it.
Neither are close to killers.
Nick only wears boxers and a white shirt. If Nina’s wearing less than pajamas, like just underwear, then she’s asking for an unproductive day. So it can flux, really. Sometimes they both just go naked because it’s a day off and they want to have fun. Then someone rings the doorbell and it’s like “SHIT!” and the person at the doorbell’s like “I knew today was a good day to die.”
Nicolas. He’s still somewhat traumatized, and after a good night of sex he’ll ramble on and on about how much Nina means to him, and how he’d do anything in the world for her. Perhaps he’s a bit obsessive, but... He’s loving.
Jaden probably proposes. I dunno. I haven’t thought about this ship in a long time...
I think I’m gonna keep this as NiNick only, actually. I need some time to think about Jaden/Ami, because we never ended up doing too much with that pairing beyond headcanons. Sorry. XD;
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△ Do.. Uh, I'm sorry, d-do you need a hug? ;w;
Ryan: 5/10
“... T-Tch... P-Probably. Just don’t tell anyone I said that? I don’t want to fail everyone. Not when we’re still fighting against so much.”
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Salvus - what's the worst you've had to do to keep enya happy? Ryan - so what' even the body count for protecting Mitch at this point anyways? Nick - can you stop for like five second pLEASE. Zody - You ever had to stop any suicide attempts from Klonoa before...?
Salvus: 10/10 - Salvus doesn’t want to answer it so badly, he’s worse than Ryan when it comes to “how did it feel to take a life?”. Consider that for a moment.
NSFW ahead.
“.... Grrrrrr....”
“... Enya... Isssss very hard to... Pleasssse.... Sssshe alwayssss wantsss.... Erm... More...”
“Bartleby dammit. The woman issss hornier than a bull in heat! Nearly every day Ssssalvussss comesss to bed with her, in bed, with rope! Not to mention during the day... Do not be fooled. That woman issss a pervert. A complete pervert.”
“But the worssst thing? Oh, dear godsss...”
“Enya isssss not only horny. The perverted woman issss alssssso kinky. Ussssually all she needssss issss the rope. But one night, Enya getssss the idea that there needssss to be a collar and leash, too. And that Ssssalvusss should walk her around the town. Naked.”
“Do you know what that’ssss like? To pleasssse the one you love, Ssssalvussss had to go to ssssuch inssssane lengthssss! Ssssomeone could have ssssseen! And what then? Enya probably would have loved for ssssomeone to ssssee, the pervert!”
“... Then... Why did Ssssalvussss go along with it, you sssay? Why did he not sssay ‘no’?”
“.... Er. Thesssse thingssss are complicated. Marriage isssss a very sssstrange concept to Ssssalvussss. You underssssstand how thesssse thingssss are.”
Ryan: 8/10
“... Two in the game. Three, if you count Timpani. Outside of the game?...”
“I lost count after twenty-seven...”
“Alex says it’s not my fault. Those people are too far gone. But I just... Wish there was something I could do, you know? A way other than... Murder.”
Nick: 0/10
“No! owo”
Zodiac: 9/10
“.... Psh. You’ve got some big balls, asking me that, you bitch. What? You think a question like that’s gonna make me respect ya? ‘Hey, look at this whore, she can prod the big bad gang leader’s emotions’. Fuck you.”
“... He can get really bad sometimes. I’m not always there to help. I try to be there for him. I love him. He means the world to me. But I also love Marleybone. I need to work to overthrow the corrupt government, and bring peace.”
“But... Dammit. I’m a fucking awful girlfriend, you know? I always thought I was. I’m not good with words. I can’t really tell Klonoa how much he means to me. The best he knows, I basically just plucked him out of nowhere and decided I loved him. It wasn’t as simple as that. i know it wasn’t. Can’t say why, though. Maybe that’s because I still don’t know.”
“... The point is... He did attempt suicide once. I wasn’t there until the last second.”
“It was after his first big show. He changed some hearts. Amazed some people. He was starting a cultural revolution. Something I couldn’t of even dreamed of.”
“But he didn’t see it that way. The moment he went back to being himself, he... Just kind of snapped. I had to... Knock him out. He kept crying about how he wasn’t nearly as great as people thought he was. He was just lying to himself.”
“Honestly, I don’t get this stuff. But I guess he thinks the Great Klonoa is a completely different person. A better person, or something. He just wants to be accepted, you know? And he thinks the Great Klonoa is way better than he is. I think, if Klonoa got the chance, he’d kill himself just so the Great Klonoa’d be the only legacy he left behind.”
“... I didn’t know what to say to all that, though. When he woke up, he apologized. I just kissed him. I kissed and kissed. I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t know if anything I would’ve said could’ve hurt him. All I was thinking about was that he might leave me.”
“... I’m a fucking terrible girlfriend. Y’know why?”
“Because I, with all my heart, hate the Great Klonoa. I hate that persona he puts on. That grin. I want to wring my own boyfriend’s neck every time he puts on that persona for the crowd.”
“Because as far as I’m concerned, he’s much better just the way he is. He might not move crowds the same way he does as the Great Klonoa, but... When you get to watch him perform his tricks for you, and he isn’t putting on an act... He’s just being himself...”
“... Fuck, I love him.”
“I love him so much.”
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△ Nick - Listen if I don't hear the kinkiest thing you've ever done I'm disappointed. Ryan - What was it like to kill a person? Maya - What was your most embarrassing sexual experience? Tip - Can I have a hug?
Nick: 2/10 if you’re his friend. 6/10 if he doesn’t know you.
NSFW ahead.
“So Nina and Tabitha can be a bit of a handful, right? Tabby won’t ever admit it, but she likes sex, too, and we all like to have some fun together every now-and-then. Honestly I’m pretty sure half the reason they keep me around anymore is just ‘cause I have a dick. So, the kinkiest thing we’ve ever done? Tabby and I tag-teamed Nina while she was high on catnip. Some of the best sex we’ve ever had. Tabby refuses to speak of it ever again, though… So let’s keep this between you and me, k?”
Ryan: 9/10
“… You know, the first time… It didn’t feel that bad. I ignored the pain. I just told myself, ‘hey, I don’t know this girl, but she was about to kill my little brother. She deserved this. I did the right thing.’. Even when I saw the life drain from her eyes… I just kept telling myself I did the right thing. I was okay. I was justified.”
“Killing Cashmere was so different… She was my friend. She was everyone’s friend. I wanted to have more fun times with her. I wanted all of us to live. But in that moment… All I could think about was how she wanted to kill Mitch.”
“Knife went in easy…. Too easy. Like she’d just… Given up…”
“After that… My first kill wasn’t justifiable anymore. I’d done it twice. I’d killed twice. I couldn’t tell myself that I was a good person anymore. So, I… I guess I just broke, after that. I couldn’t sleep without nightmares. I don’t think I would’ve made it if it weren’t for Mitch putting up with my bullshit.”
“Don’t kill. Even if you think you can justify it, just… Do your best… To find another way… Don’t be like me.”
Maya: 4/10
“First time’s always the worst, right? I was so excited, though, I just wanted it so badly! Here I am, precious Draconkin girl, laying naked on my own bed for this boy. I gave him attention, now I want it back. He leans in. I’m so incredibly ready to feel what it’s like to have a tongue down there.”
“Problem is… He… Starts licking my tail. Turns out he was a real creep. He didn’t want me for me, just for the parts that made me different.”
“Don’t worry, though! I told Azalea on him. Pretty sure his corpse has yet to be found. She’s good at that kinda stuff, being a detective and all.”
Tip: 0/10
“Of course!~” *hugs*
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Do every question for Tip. All of them. *shot* In all serious do my cinnamon roll and whatever questions you want. I just always like learning more about Tip.
1. Tip generally doesn’t have much of a scent, showering regularly but not adding on anything that stands out. He does enjoy using “orange-scented” shampoo, though, so at times he’ll smell a bit like citrine. I like to think oranges are his favorite fruit, if only because they help make the breakfasts he prepares that much better (and healthier!). Nicole is living the good life, not gonna lie.
2. Tip has a higher-pitched boy’s voice, but his tone is usually soft and meek, allowing him to sound more polite and formal. During times when he’s uncertain or scared, his voice make crack, and he may sound more like a younger teen than a young adult man.
3. I like to think that Nicole is his biggest motivator. And, for a large part of his life, she is. But after she passes, Tip likely looks to his children and to his students. He obsesses over being the best father he can be, because it makes him feel like his life is still worth something, and that he’s still loved, even after Nicole’s gone... Granted, even with Nicole by his side, he still takes his fatherly role very seriously, but when she isn’t there, even his students become second children to him. I like to think he’s helped a lot of kids in his class because of this...
4. Tip’s most embarrassing memory is learning to do anything romantic with Nicole. Whether it be kissing, dating, or further. He always messes it up in predictable ways, and he’s just glad that, half the time, nobody’s able to really make fun of him for it... (Fuck you, Peach and Yoshi.)
5. I’m going to assume physical pain. Tip actually knows how to take a hit. As a creation, his mind works a bit differently from others, and the pain he feels is lessened as a result. You could give him plenty of cuts, but he’d recognize that, even though they hurt like hell, the person bleeding from their head needs more medical attention than he does. It’s a very useful skill for a supporter/healer to be able to heal his allies, even if he’s hurt. Some healers may panic and heal themselves when in pain.
6. Tip is most comfortable in his academia uniform; he prefers wearing formal clothing, with school colors, to give people an idea of his profession and his magical school of choice. And as a creation of Balance, it’s just what he feels most comfortable in… Magical clothes that can help bolster his magical energy, or even just keep it under control, makes life easier for someone who was born from magic.
7. I honestly believe it’s a cross between Ian and Nicole in SC. I know, I know; IAN. But I honestly do believe that having someone so sociable around, even if he’s a little… Ian… would help Tip to open up more and become a more social person, himself. Even if we didn’t get to see them interact that much, I think Ian would have encouraged Tip to become a better person by talking to people and helping them open up to him; this charismatic skill would come in handy in later years, where Tip becomes a professor and has to help his students. Nicole obviously does a lot because she’s his wife, and she always helps calm him down and keep him happy…. But some part of me really wants to think Ian would be a great positive force, too. Ian Kubrick was a great character, and to not have him have some sort of impact on Tip would be a complete shame on my part.
8. Tip eats the dust of stars, dude. It’s fucking weiiiird.
9. Tip cannot go to sleep without hugging/cuddling something. Whether that be Nicole, a pillow, baby dragon Celestia, or a child of his that’s having trouble sleeping themselves, Tip is always holding something or someone in his sleep. He believes it’s because he just can’t stand being alone at night...
10. Tip loves breakfast foods. He loves making a great breakfast that will wake his friends up, and he especially enjoys receiving praise for his work. Nothing warms the boy’s heart more than receiving compliments on his cooking in the morning~
11. Tip is most insecure about his connections to other people. He knows he isn’t human, and he fears that people may treat him differently because of what he is and because of his lack of knowledge… This leads to near-constant depression in his early years.
12. Tip enjoys long, flowing brown dresses that match his eyes. He especially enjoys dresses that cover a lot of skin, so that he can feel enveloped in a silky, regal charm…
13. Tip usually tries to apologize right away when faced with guilt, and will do whatever he can to make amends… He always tries not to get on anyone’s bad side, so when he does, he generally breaks down. However, if that person is someone who has done enough bad that even Tip doesn’t mind doing something hurtful to them… The guilt doesn’t really hit that hard. There aren’t very many people that cross that line, though. If someone gets close, Tip usually just avoids them and tries not to confront them at all costs.
14. I got to show this in BAT2, but despite his calmness… Tip didn’t react very well. He’s gotten to the point where he avoids the person and generally would never trust them. I think Tip would be unable to really forgive betrayal unless the person directly apologized and was clearly trying to make amends. So he reacts like any other reasonable person would, really… There’s only one tick. If that person has only done negative things, it’s very hard for them to get back on Tip’s good side. Not to say that Tip’s “bad side” is necessary a bad place to be (even enemies are treated with the same courtesy he tries to give everyone else; it’s just that they’re avoided), but Tip is capable of holding a grudge, even if he’s not outward about it like a character like Peach may be.
Let me explain further, actually.
So Tip is capable of holding a grudge, but again, you need to be a pretty shitty person to get to that grudge. You’d have to do very negative things towards him or a person he cares about, and then you’d need to go as far as to betray or to do something terrible to him and his friends. Afterwards, you have to show no remorse.
Finally, the grudge wouldn’t be that bad. It’s the least meaningful grudge ever. You’re just avoided. Tip would never not include you in something that should include you, and you would be treated like everyone else as a breakfast or dinner party.
15. Tip’s greatest achievement is becoming the Professor of Balance at Ravenwood. Doing this has led him into a very stable career, and it’s probably the thing that’s kept him sane during all of these years of eternal life… He’s also touched many, many lives by becoming a teacher who is dedicated to what he does. It’s his biggest accomplishment for himself by far.
16. Tip tends to be able to deal with being tired well. Given how he’s a creation, sleep isn’t a prime necessity for him, anyway… It just helps a bunch. He can take some Stardust and be fine if he needs to. He prefers sleeping and cuddling with Nicole, though~
17. Tip doesn’t drink. He just doesn’t. I can never imagine Tip drinking. He’s too much of a “good boy”.
18. Tip enjoys calm, instrumental music. He probably especially enjoys Disney music, if only because of Nicole’s influence, and especially loves upbeat music that can get him going throughout the day. When you’re alone in life… You really have to latch onto every source of happiness you can.
19. Right-handed.
20. Tip fears being left alone, having to fight alone, and having an evil that’s stronger than any hero appear...
21. Tip enjoys either a clear, sunny day, or a calm, rainy day. A day that’s too hot, a day with thunder and severe winds, or a day that’s only cloudy but not quite calm and rainy… Those days are just ‘meh’ to him. He appreciates weather that really sticks to one moderate side or the other.
22. Tip loves tan and maroon colors!~
23. Tip collects spell cards. They are physical manifestations of his own, learned spells. By the end of SC or BAT2, he only has about 22-25 spell cards, but by the time of SW… He likely has up to 200 spell cards, if not many more. Possibly 400 by the end of SE, depending on how much he studied Myth (Myth is the school I like to think has the most spells by far).
24. Tip prefers colder weather. He loves the cold breeze on a nice winter morning~
25. Brown eyes for Tip.
26. Tip’s race is “Creation/Human”. His skin is white.
27. Tip’s hair is also brown!
28. Tip is happy by the end of SC. He’s likely happy by the end of SE because of certain things that Terra has done. I’d say he’s pretty content… But in SW he’s a pure mess. With his wife gone for over a century and nothing but pain, the poor Apprentice has seen better days.
29. Absolutely! Tip tends to get up before Nicole to make her breakfast, and really enjoys helping everyone start their days right!~
30. Sunrise~
31. Tip is an absolutely organized person. He doesn’t like having to look for things, and he prefers making sure he knows exactly where everything is, all the time, even if it takes more time to get preparations and clean-up done.
32. Tip isn’t “peeved” by much, but someone who’s an out-right jerk could make him uncomfortable. He also doesn’t enjoy it when people pick on him for his quiet nature. But he would never get annoyed or angry with someone without great reason.
33. Anything Nicole had given him before she died is of the upmost importance… But, other than that, his Sidhe Staff. It was his first weapon, and still proves to be a valuable tool on the field thanks to its unique powers. It can help him gain more power pips, and will help raise the accuracy of his hard-to-use Balance spells.
34. Tip really doesn’t enjoy green peas. He doesn’t see how anyone could like those.
35. Gray. It’s a dull color that doesn’t really do much for him.
36. … Poison is a bad smell? Idfk. Bad smells are bad. His least favorite smell is probably the same as any other human’s.
37. The last time Tip cried was last Tuesday, obviously. He can cry often, especially when his situation really is stressful… And usually, when he does cry, it’s fair for him to cry, it’s just that he can get overly-emotional...
38. Tip was probably with Nicole the last time he cried. Tip always opens up to her, no matter what; he’s learned to trust her...
39. Tip has been injured several times in many battles. One time, in BAT2, he was severely injured by Nicole and Yoshi after having his identity taken from him by Doopliss. While physical pain doesn’t hurt so much, the emotional pain from having his friends attack him nearly destroyed him… If it weren’t for the heroes discovering the real Doopliss, Tip wouldn’t have made it long.
40. Scars can be healed in the Spiral universe, so no.
41. Does Tip struggle with any mental health issues?... Yeah, probably. I’m not an expert though.
42. Tip has a bad habit of being too formal to people, and not learning to cut back and try to have a warmer aura around him. When in ‘professor mode’ or ‘father mode’, though, he learns to curb these bad habits to become a more charismatic and happy person for his student/child.
43. Tip may be disliked because he’s not much of a people person. He’s quiet, timid, and always needs someone to stand up for him. Anyone who values confidence (aside from his more mature self in SE), a backbone, or some sense of masculinity will be disappointed in Tip Apprentice.
44. Tip is a very caring friend and very affectionate. He will do anything to make someone’s day, and generally does his best for the people who will let him. He is Balance…. Support. His life feels better when he can help someone else’s life feel better.
45. Ghosts are canon in the Spiral.
46. Tip would trust his best friends with his life.. And he would especially trust Nicole, his wife. He would also trust his children with his life, because he helped raise them.
47. Tip is almost always romantically interested in Nicole Peach~
48. Tip, luckily for him, is almost always married to Nicole Peach~
49. Tip isn’t a big fan of surprises. They scare him, and he’s always uncomfortable with having a plan ruined.
50. Tip’s birthday is…. I actually never thought of that. I’d say February 19th is his birthday~ That’s just after the beginning of the Spiral Chronicles RP, and it lands him in the Zodiac Sign I want for him.
51. He tries his best to celebrate his birthday with friends… But in his later years, he tends to enjoy quietly spending his birthday with close family.
52. Tip has no family until he’s married to Nicole. After that point, he wants a family, but it’s really up to Nicole as to how big that family gets. The only exception is Nicolas, a creation that is considered Tip’s youngest son, given how he was made almost a century after Nicole’s death.
53. Tip is close to his wife and children~ He views his family as the most important people in the entire world to him… He’d do anything for them, absolutely anything~
54. I’m already playing 100 questions, I’d rather not to a personality test too. owo;
55. Pisces. I think.
56. Hufflepuff? I have no idea.
57. Tip is a Lawful/Neutral Good. He may circumvent the rules to help others if he has to, but otherwise does his best to follow the rules.
58. Tip has nightmares about losing everything he loves. His nightmares are harsh and unforgiving.. Mostly because, some side of him is harsh and unforgiving towards himself. He constantly questions himself, especially with certain things...
59. Death is something Tip sometimes longs for, but he knows better than to take his own life. He has eternal life for one reason or another, doesn’t he..? Plus, even if he died, he wouldn’t go back to Nicole. He would suffer a far worse fate...
60. Tip will laugh at silly and cute things, but many clever/dark jokes will either fly over his head or disturb him.
61. Tip will pass the time by cooking or practicing new spells. And Tip has had many days of boredom in his years of living… This means he is both powerful, and a great cook!~
62. Tip Apprentice enjoys the outdoors, but he’s gotten used to the magically-conditioned indoors… It’s more comfortable for practicing support spells, cooking, and relaxing.
63. Tip has no accent. Even though everyone technically has some sort of accent, Tip’s tone and the way he says things are completely moderate thanks to being a creation. He does talk a bit too formally sometimes, though.
64. Tip actually prefers vanilla cake, so he’d offer the slice to someone else if he were given a slice of chocolate cake. Too much chocolate is bad for Tips.
65. Tip dying is a very complicated and touchy subject, especially given what it means for him if he dies… So I’m not sure if I can answer this without being in a call, rambling about him.
66. How Tip feels about sex… Well, it’s not all that complicated, but it merits a long explanation because of how it affects him.
Tip is very interested in sex. As a creation, he still has the same sexual urges anyone else would have at his age… But because he has eternal life, those urges last forever. He can’t help looking at Nicole in certain ways, and he feels his heart beat that much faster whenever he kisses her.
However, he’s disgusted by his own thoughts. Nicole is not one for sex (I believe she’s even sex-repulsed), and Tip is well-aware of that, so he likely keeps his feelings under wraps for a long time. However, when he wants to have a family… He realizes that sex is necessary. There are magical ways to get around it, but, he just can’t help but want to push his and Nicole’s relationship to ‘that level’. He’s outstandingly curious, and he has these intense feelings all the time…
But, ultimately, without Nicole saying anything or helping him… I don’t think Tip would do anything. He would, instead, silently resign himself to ignoring his feelings. He would likely become sexually repressed, not allowing himself to think about Nicole in certain ways, and even after her death, he would never touch himself or give into bursts of lust he may feel at night, thinking of Nicole.
Sex is an element to characters I think can be very intriguing for reasons like these. Even if Tip believes he’s disgusting for wanting sex, and even if he thinks he’s wrong… He’s really not. It’s his own instincts and body making him feel this way. Having a sexual attraction to a person you love is completely normal, but because he’s never really told this and because his only other real interactions with anything sexual is through Ian and Charles being crazy, kinky fucks… Tip can never bring himself to do anything.
I think that sex could become a large part of his depression in later years. He has these feelings, and his sexual repression has likely built up for over a century… His own wants and desires make him think he’s a disgusting person, and he begins to hate himself even more over it.
67. Tip is demisexual. He only has sexual feelings for Nicole. I imagine that, later into BAT2 (earlier than SC because of the Bond) and sometime after SC, Tip begins to feel a certain way for Nicole… And these feelings never die, because they’re a part of who he is, whether he likes it or not.
68. Absolutely… In the beginning. Later into his life, Tip has seen enough blood that he can deal with it, unless it’s on the floor/written on a wall/used for some sort of fucked-up thing.
69. Tip thinks his own sexual desires are gross, even if they’re actually rather vanilla and sweet. He resents them with a passion.
70. No idea! Fuck off TV Tropes I don’t have time for you *shot*
71. Does Tip Apprentice enjoy helping people?... Nah, probably not.
72. Tip is not allergic to anything. By-product of being a creation.
73. Tip does not have any pets. Celestia is not a pet. Celestia is Tip’s daughter.
74. Tip is the slowest to anger of my OCs. If he is actually somehow angry… You’ve really, really fucked up. You have to either be outright evil or an actual disgrace to humanity.
75. Tip is extremely patient. See the grudge stuff and the anger stuff for more details.
76. Tip is a natural at cooking. It’s his favorite hobby!~
77. Tip never insults anyone. Even the bad guys don’t really get insulted, he just points out that they’re wrong and they’ll be taken down. If he’s “insulting” someone, it’s usually just him pointing out a character flaw.
78. Bubbly and cute. Tip will act like sunshine and rainbows when he’s happy, trying his best to make everyone else happy, too~
79. I don’t imagine Tip would do anything with knowledge of others’ fears… Like, at all. He might try to help them overcome those fears, but he’d never push them to do anything, and the best he would do is give advice.
80. Tip Apprentice is the most trustworthy character of mine. He will never break your trust, so long as you are a decent person/nice to him and his friends.
81. The only times Tip hides his emotions are when he needs to (which is isn’t good at), or when it comes to sex. If he needs to hide his emotions, Tip is terrible at it, his true feelings usually seeping through… But when it comes to hiding his feelings about sex, Tip is really, really good. One would have to bring them up directly to catch him off-guard, as it’s a big mental barrier for him.
82. Tip exercises regularly by using his spells, which drain mental and physical power, but also help train his physical and mental features.
83. Tip is satisfied with his physical image. He thinks he looks alright, but not amazing or really cute or anything… He’s just fine with how he is.
84. Tip doesn’t immediately find anyone physically attractive for one thing or another… But after becoming close to Nicole, he finds almost every part of her attractive. Especially the kitty ears! So cute!!~
85. Great charisma will catch Tip off-guard and possibly trigger some attraction… But usually that attraction is short-lasting as he gets used to a person’s personality.
86. Tip enjoys sweet foods from time to time, but can’t have as much as Nicole. He prefers a mix of sweet and healthy foods.
87. Tip starts off 16-17, but is constantly 20-21 afterwards. Eternal life sure does suck.
88. Tip is short for his age and gender. He’s only 5’5’’, but he’s still taller than his wife.
89. Tip wears brown reading glasses. He doesn’t need them that much, but… Ian must have some influence on him, because even into SE, he thinks they’re stylish and cute.
90. Tip does not consider himself attractive. Actually, that’s something that constantly bothers him. He truly believes Nicole would never, ever find him attractive.. And, well, maybe that’s true. But because of that, alongside his more sexual feelings, his confidence is really low about how he looks and is when it comes to his wife. He thinks he looks alright to everyone else, and he doesn’t mind that, but he really frets about how he looks to Nicole… Even if he knows it may never truly matter, some part of him really wants Nicole to find him attractive.
91. Tip loves cute, easy-to-understand humor that doesn’t hurt anyone. He’s an innocent child like that.
92. Tip is most often in a gentle, neutral mood… But his mood can easily become happy at the sight of his family or loved ones.
93. Again, Tip doesn’t get angry easily. Villains, evil people, people who are mean to everyone…. Even those people cannot easily get the wrath of Tip Apprentice.
94. Tip believes that life for him is some sort of cruel tragedy, up until SE and Terra’s work. He generally has a negative outlook on his own life, but… He does all he can to make it better. When with his family and when helping his descendents, Tip’s outlook on life is at its brightest, and he can feel like he really does mean something… He cries at Chelsea’s wedding with Amber. He beams with happiness when Nicolas and Nina decide to have their second child together. He hums happily to himself as he helps take care of a younger Terra… He feels such strong, positive emotions when he gets involved with the lives of people he loves...
95. Tip can easily get sad or depressed. Whether it be through questioning himself, thinking about his sexuality, having to face his eternal life, or going through rough times… Many things make him sad.
96. Tip Apprentice’s greatest weakness is his Confidence. He cannot believe in himself, even when he really should, and he has trouble sticking up for himself or battling a threat alone.
97. Tip Apprentice’s greatest strength is his Kindness. He can help turn lives around, give people the strength they need to succeed, and give someone the love they deserve.
98. Tip Apprentice sometimes regrets creating Nicolas, because of all the trauma he had to go through… But when he sees Nick happy with Nina and Tabitha, he thinks it was all worth it, in the end...
99. Already answered on question 15, SUCK IT!
100. Tip is a creation of Judgement. As such, the Bond was created by Judgement as a way of keeping creations like Tip alive, even when they’re without Stardust. The Bond is a very versatile tool, and it’s one whose details I’d rather keep hidden for now… But all you really need to know is that it hurts the creation and the bond recipient when they are apart, and heals them and brings them closer when they are together.
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Alright, so I wanna know about Luna (3, 5, 7, 8, 15, 16, 22, 24, 25), Dragon Yoshi (1, 6, 7, 11, 14, 18, 20, 25), Zigzagoon (1, 3, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23), Yoshi (3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17, 22, 25). Good luck!
Dustin’s One True Waifu:
Luna’s greatest achievement is likely her support and helping of Dustin as he continued his adventures after RoC. She was able to help him whenever he was down and provide assistance when needed, even when he didn’t want it, and her work likely kept him alive at times when he could’ve died, and therefore, she’s likely indirectly saved many worlds herself.
Luna’s pretty vain, and can be very manipulative. Her position in the hierarchy of Dark Units makes her a natural leader, but also a leader that rarely emphasizes with her enemies and is very focused on keeping the royal line as strong as possible. She can come across as overbearing and self-centered, but truly does care for those that are close to her.
She really dresses up. Luna enjoys showy dresses and beautiful clothes, things that really catch the eye, whenever she goes out. She is not afraid to wear daring things, and especially loves to wear sparkling dresses whenever she steps out into the moonlight. At home, she tends to wear less formal things, instead going for casual and practical attire that she can easily put on and take off.
She’s gotten an affinity for pizza ever since Dustin made it for her on their first romantic date. But she likes making and eating lots of different kinds of foods, and generally isn’t very picky. Fancy things are pretty great, though~ Especially if they’re fancy desserts.
“Ooooowwww....! Wh-why does ice cream this good need to be this cold...? ;w;”
“That’s the point of ICE cream, Luna...”
“Shut up! ;w;”
Luna has decided to devote the rest of her life to being with Dustin and helping his world, alongside helping their friends whenever they need it. She dreams of having a large family that she can take care of and be there for.
Luna is exactly like she always is on two hours of sleep. She technically doesn’t even really need sleep, but she enjoys cuddling with Dustin throughout the night~
Luna is motivated by her loved ones, by her friends, and by her own drive to do what she wants to do. She’s pretty rebellious in some ways because of this motivation, able to do what she wants despite what even her most trusted partner has to say about it. She’s even dressed up as a cloaked Dustin before, fighting Heartless and saving the day despite her boyfriend explicitly wanting her to stay out of danger.
I haven’t really RPed Luna lately, so it’d be hard to say what I love about her, besides that I enjoy RPing her personality, especially when getting all romantic with Dustin. She’s fun but I just haven’t gotten that chance in a long time.
Dragon Yoshi:
She’s mute you fucker. Well, sometimes she’s mute, sometimes she’s deaf, sometimes she’s both, but she always requires sign language, so her voice isn’t something I can say I’ve ever put thought into.
Dragon tends to deal with grief in very traditional ways. She may visit a shrine and pray, she may perform a dance or set up a little memorial in the person’s name... If it’s someone she was particularly close to, she will shed tears regularly, but not let out a single noise, instead trying to focus her efforts onto making sure the person is remembered.
Dragon is always in a very pretty Mooshuian cultural attire, with red, pink, and yellow being her aesthetic colors of choosing.
Dragon doesn’t have much of a family, but she became a part of a grand community that made her feel included and loved, and made her feel spiritually accepted... She focused on that more than anything else.
I enjoy Dragon because of her intellect and her ability to keep calm despite any situation. She’s the real brains behind most of what Support does, and that reveal is something I’m very proud of.
Think of a child’s voice, underdeveloped... Yet his voice also carries some weight to that high-pitched tone, as though he were a preteen or so.
Zigzagoon doesn’t have an achievement he’s really proud of... But getting his Astral magic powers is something he thinks of as kind of an achievement.
He likes Oran Berries the best, but doesn’t  mind a good Pecha Berry every now and then~
Zigzagoon’s most embarrassing memories are during the time when he had to look at the Sky without Stars. He would constantly bump into people and do the most embarrassing things without meaning to... But it was when he got his Astral Magic that the Skies had Stars again.
Zigzagoon’s dream is to see the world like everyone else one day, without the influence of Astral Magic...
Yoshi’s greatest achievements are yet to come, but his greatest so far are definitely his great victories and his important role in attacking in battles. The Fire within his heart burns bright, and he’s proud of how far he’s come... But he still has a long way to go. He needs to get much, much stronger if he wants to help everyone face Tabuu.
Yoshi’s insecure about his strength, especially after that fight with Ray where he nearly died. But that insecurity is helping to fuel his passion to get stronger, allowing him to reach greater power in a shorter amount of time. I actually plan on giving Yoshi his “ultimate” move at Level 30, because his strength as a character has grown that far; but I think he’ll need to get moves in the future that help him control it, and Sparky will play a big role in helping Yoshi control his passion and make it even stronger.
Yoshi likes fruit a bunch, bruh.
Yoshi’s family is everyone on Yoshi’s Island. He considers Pink a sister, even if they aren’t technically related, and considers the rest of the Yoshis his brothers and sisters. They’re all great, close friends...
Yoshi’s dream is to become a hero as strong as Mario and Luigi, and to become someone who can protect his friends from harm.
His ambitions, as of right now, are to finish this adventure and prove to everyone, and himself, that he can be a great hero.
I love RPing Yoshi because he’s such a great justice-oriented character. He may have shortcomings of pride and he can be very confrontational and angry, but he isn’t a jerk by any means, and is shown to actually be very friendly towards others. He can’t stand evil, though, and won’t show any mercy to someone who’s acting unfairly against someone else, no matter who they are. I think that’s why he has such a strong hatred towards Ray. He doesn’t care what backstory or what motivations Ray has, Yoshi believes his attitude and actions towards others are despicable. However, if someone were to attack Ray for a dumb reason like “YOU’RE DARKNESS”, Yoshi would probably attack them back with a speech like this:
“ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!? Why are you attacking him for such a dumb reason!? WHY!? Who the fuck cares if he’s got some kind of ‘darkness’ issue! If you’re going to berate him and kick his ass, do it because he’s an asshole! Do it because he’s a complete jerk who shows no regards to others’ emotions! SCREW OFF!” *Get Phoenix’d*
And that’s what I love about Yoshi. He’s super passionate, yet he’s a character I can feel comfortable RPing because he has values I can admire. He doesn’t care for who he’s fighting for or who he’s fighting against, so long as he’s sure he’s doing it for the right reasons, and against the right people. He’d stand up for Bowser if it meant beating down some bigger bad guy.
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Before I forget to send you stuff, pick five questions of your choosing, Nick, Ham, Klonoa, Zodiac, Chris (I know I sent more ocs than Zoe did but shhhhh. XD)
Nicholas Apprentice (Iceward):
Nick’s greatest achievement, from his perspective, was meeting someone who could free him from the mental shackles his captors kept him in. Despite what he did, as a traitor, he was forgiven, and for that, he can’t thank everyone enough... But from an outside perspective, his greatest achievement involves the adventures he went on _after_ SW, as he’d likely continue visiting worlds and trying to fix things, especially during the Age of Exploration. For what little time he adventured through the Spiral, he made a big difference... Up until he got Nina pregnant, the cuck.
Nicolas dresses a lot more casually than his dad, tending to wear whatever’s in fashion, but not caring too much about what he throws on in the morning. When he’s out adventuring, though, he makes sure to have all the right equipment on, and looks pretty snazzy in his light blue Ice Wizard’s clothing.
Nicolas doesn’t have many dreams, for as depressing as that sounds. He just wants the best for his family, and doesn’t think much for himself nowadays. His excuse is that he just loves concentrating on the people he loves most in this world, because he learned from his dad that life is all too short...
This means his ambitions for anything for himself are low, but, otherwise, he works pretty hard for his kids and will do anything for them, even if he’s an embarrassing idiot half the time. The women in his life do the most thinking for him, and he just tries his ass off to do whatever else he can to make sure his kids have great and successful lives.
Nicolas absolutely hates being sick. No going outside and doing things, no sex, no nothing. He acts like an injured puppy when he’s sick, moping around and just hoping it passes soon. And when it does, he _will_ get his revenge on Nina for teasing him...
Ham has a wide, goofy smile that’s perfect for storing nuts in. He rarely smiles very wide, but has learned to smile a lot, especially when around friends.
Ham still feels insecure about being a hero. Throughout the course of SE, he only got one or two big chances to step up and be a leader, and while he succeeded when he needed to, he still feels he didn’t contribute as much as he could’ve. He thinks the end of the adventure could have gone a lot differently if he had been more confident and had taken the lead more.
Ham likes nuts, pastries, and generally anything that comes out of Mama Ebony’s oven~
Ham still dreams of being a hero. He wants to go out on more adventures and he wants to become the leader that March and everyone else never would’ve expected him to be. His drive to do this is generally bogged down by the fact that he’s treated by a child by everyone else, though, and his plans are rarely taken seriously.
I don’t think Ham would take betrayal very well. He’d berate the betrayer without much thought for their motivations, feeling as though his trust in them was misplaced the whole time, and wanting to get some sort of revenge for the event. He’d likely hold a grudge until either the person was taken care of, or until they proved to Ham they were a good friend again.
Klonoa’s greatest achievement in his mind was meeting and courting Zodiac, all while becoming a magician of great renown in Marleybone, and soon, across the Spiral. While he’s very proud of what he’s done for the culture of the dark city, his true greatest achievement is likely what he did to support Zodiac’s cause; with his feats of persuasion and charisma, he turned the tide in her gang’s favor to allow for a complete coup of the corrupted Marleybonian government.
Klonoa has a “Great Magician” aesthetic, and used to put on a very showy cloak and costume during his earlier magician days in Marleybone, so that nobody would know he was a rabbit. When out and about, he dons formal wear with a cute little bow tie and top hat.
Klonoa’s family life was pressuring and, when he was dealing with his depression, anything but reassuring. He ended up having to duck out of family altogether, and he still isn’t sure whether or not he should go see his sister.
Klonoa isn’t great with pain. He’d probably be the squishiest out of any of the heroes, seeing as he’s the most “normal” out of the lot of them. He can pass out easily after taking just a few hits, and would have to rely on dodging to get anywhere in a fight on his own.
I love Klonoa because, despite his difficulties in the past, he’s already reached his dreams and is in a great spot in his life. He’s an example of someone who’s become successful, but hasn’t yet found true happiness; his depression bogs him down, and the only one who can make him feel truly pure again is his Zody. Speaking of...
Zodiac’s voice has a rough yet feminine tone. She has a bit of a Boston accent, but her commanding nature means she pronounces words fully and rarely uses a “shortcut” in her language. Her voice is instantly recognizable, and that helps with her leadership.
Zodiac’s smile is rare, but is great to see. She pulls a wide grin through her maw, her cheeks go a bit pink, and closes her eyes, showing a hint of pride and maybe even showing a hint of the joy that’d escaped her for so many years.
Zodiac’s greatest achievement is, bar none, her amazing coup of the corrupt Marleybonian government. Her gang became a huge source of influence in Marleybone thanks to Klonona’s charisma and her own pure ideals. With the goverment down, Klonoa and Zodiac prepare to rule over the largest city in the Spiral, making it a place that’s accepting of all. Dogs, cats, and mice alike.
Zodiac’s romantic life is wonderful for her. She has a guy who cares about her, is smart, funny, and actually loves both her strong and weak sides. Zodiac took interest in Klonoa for only his magic at first, finding that it tapped into a childhood she never really got to have... But as she got to know him, she let him stay close to her, and eventually they got together.
Zodiac’s motivation comes from the members of her gang. She works hard for the people who have fallen on rough times, and she has the utmost respect for those who fight alongside her. She enjoys her position as a leader, keeping neighborhoods safe and preaching acceptance of all races.
Chris has a cute, small smile that doesn’t show any teeth. It’s a sweet smile that fits in well with his puppy-dog-eyes persona.
Christopher fails to do much for himself, requiring inspiration and a will to do anything other than paint and create art. He’s a starving artist not because he’s low on funds, but because he really can’t think about eating when he’s painting the landscape of Firecat Alley.
Christopher sleeps hugging a Kat and being hugged by a Dorothy. It’s the most beautiful sleep of all.
Christopher would probably be ecstatic to receive a mystery love letter, and he loves the idea. He’d spend the next couple of weeks designing and writing letters to Kat and Dorothy. After the couple of weeks consisting of tons of beautifully-done cards, Dorothy would scold Maya for tricking Chris like that and giving him the idea in the first place.
Christopher is one of my favorite feel-good OCs, though most of the SE cast are very uplifting characters that really mend well with the positive environment. He’s someone I can always go back to whenever I need a pick-me-up. ^^
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How aboooooout some Ryan (6, 8, 13, 20, 23) Tip (3, 10, 14, 22, 24) and Maya (4, 5, 16, 10, 25)
Ryan Trend:
Ryan deals with grief generally very poorly without something or someone to immediately latch onto. His anger can get out of control, and it’s the frustration of losing someone close to him that really gets to him. While he’ll take some moments to be sad and maybe shed a few tears, Ryan tends to do battle with a fire in the dark side of his heart that’s telling him to lash out. If he doesn’t have someone he needs to protect or something he needs to do, he usually loses that fight.
Ryan’s a simple engineer, he makes himself a sandwich when he can and doesn’t really go for much of anything fancy. Usually he’s fine with random leftovers and doesn’t tend to keep track of his meals, preferring to spend the energy on whatever new machine he’s working on. He loves some good pork, though.
Ryan actually did make it pretty far with a girl once. But that was around the same time he was learning he wasn’t into sex as much as other guys, and eventually he figured out he really wasn’t into sex... During a very inopportune time. He doesn’t like mentioning it. (I’m assuming the Ryan in this ask is 21 or so by the way. It’s easier than a 17 or 18-year-old Ryan.)
“The fuck?... I’ll put it with the rest of Ian’s pranks.”
Ryan does his job despite being sick, usually doing his best to ignore whatever sniffles or aches he has. if it’s too bad, though, he tends to complain a lot as he has to stay in bed, and Ryan doesn’t really know what to do when he’s stuck in bed. Go on the internet? The INTERNET? It’s weird in there!
Tip Apprentice:
Tip’s greatest achievement, from his perspective, is probably marrying Nicole. He’s very happy about that, and never wants to forget the wedding day, no matter how long he’s alive... But from an outside perspective, his greatest achievement is likely being able to stay alive and also raise a dragon. Not only has he lived the longest that any Champion ever has, he also managed to raise a dragon, one of the most dangerous creatures in the Spiral, while doing so. Technically he raised two of them for a time, too.
Very formal. Sweaters, sorcerer’s clothing, goofy little hats and amulets.. Tip doesn’t think much about his wardrobe, and rarely wears anything casual because he finds it embarrassing, even if every last one of his friends are also wearing casual.
“Owowowowow!.... Th-that was stupid of me...”
When on only two hours of sleep, Tip is basically unable to function, as though he hadn’t had any Stardust. He’ll do his best to get more sleep, and will whine if he’s kept up, unless it’s some dire situation or another, in which case, adrenaline will likely kick in.
Nicole is the best motivator Tip has, but otherwise, he finds motivation through seeking the approval of friends and family, and through feeling good about whatever impact he’s had on the world.
Maya Grayview:
Maya’s generally very confident, not minding how anyone views her, and that ends up being one of her strongest character traits; it’s hard to say she has many insecurities. Maybe she’s worried about how her teleportation research will turn out, and maybe she can feel nervous in the right situations, but Maya is generally a very well-secured young woman, mentally.
Maya’s way too open, to the point where other people may berate her or just find her awkward with some of the things she says. In the right group of friends, this just comes across as ‘Maya being Maya’. She’s also not quite as smart as her dad, and can make mistakes pretty easily when she isn’t paying attention. Her lack of drive for her work comes from her having far too much drive to find a mate, which leads to her Achilles Heel, her lust. Her lust is her absolute bane, constantly distracting her and making her they type of company that rare gets invited for anything formal.
Maya doesn’t wear much. No seriously. She doesn’t wear much. She tends to just wear whatever covers her and just goes on her way without a care. She has a love for green (”It’s my aesthetic owo”), and will tend to wear green, string tanktops that show a lot of chest, or a far-too-short skirt. Did I mention lust was her bane...? And that she didn’t get invited to formal stuff often...?
Maya wants to continue the Draconkin line and be a heavy influence over the race’s new culture and beliefs. While she likely won’t get away with being some big cultural influence, Maya has a much better chance at managing to further teleportation research in the Spiral, as she works with lodestones and other sorts of teleportation magic to learn how to make the worlds more open than ever before.
Maya’s one of my favorite female OCs (out of the ones that I’ve created, to be clear) because of how she has quite a few problems with lust without being a total “gurl likes sex haha look at me I can do a smut” kind of character. I put a lot of effort into her, and her responses to things, cheerfulness, and happy nature makes her a heart-warmer to write, and hopefully a heart-warmer to read. The whole SE Heroes cast was a great opportunity for me to work on writing characters who had huge banes but were still good people; and, for me, Maya was the best at succeeding in surpassing her bane and showing a personality beyond.... Everything else. *sweatdrops*
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I want the following questions answered plz~ Luna/Dustin: 4, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 25, 34, 35, 40. AK/Ray: 4, 5, 8, 14, 32, 34, 36, 38, 41, 43. Salvus/Enya: 2, 13, 14, 25, 27, 31, 33, 34, 39, 40. Dorothy/Chris: 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 26, 29, 34, 38, 41. Dashy/Garrett: 2, 7, 12, 13, 25, 30, 34, 35, 39, 45.
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
Dustin. Whenever Dustin happens to be up first, he wakes up Luna with kisses. Whenever Luna gets up first... N-Next question.
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
I haven’t even looked ahead at all the questions yet but I’m going to assume Dustin gave this ship tons of the lustful questions. XP Luna always has some sort of nightgown, and I can see Dustin sleeping in boxers. Luna probably switches things up, though, depending on what she wants.
14. Who kills the spiders?
15. Who is scared of the dark?
Neither. Luna for obvious reasons. Dustin because he’s faced way worse than just some dark room.
21. Who has an obsession (over anything)?
Dustin has an obsession over his work. His questing, gathering lux, all of that stuff. It makes Luna worried a lot of the time, to the point where she has taken on his identity and done things for him without his knowledge.
22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day?
Dustin’s a sweet boy so he probably goes and does a lot for the two, but all Luna wants is his attention for the whole day~
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
I can see Luna wearing some guy clothes from time to time if she’s having a lazy day around the house.
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
This is the most fun question tbh.
“If lost, return to Luna.” “I am Luna.”
Get wrkt Dustin.
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays?
Dustin goes overboard on some of the holidays, but on Christmas Eve, Luna goes really overboard because she views Christmas Eve as this really romantic couple’s night, even better than Valentine’s Day.
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
Dustin is responsible because Luna is too not responsible. And then if both of them aren’t responsible then Marine is responsible for them.
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
Ray, probably, unless AK has miraculously woken up before him. owo;
5. Who usually has nightmares?
Ray, for sure. AK doesn’t understand them half the time but she does her best to help.
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
Ray probably sleeps in boxers, but AK tends to just wear a bra. She doesn’t wear much around the house anyway, fuck clothes, who needs clothes when you can watch anime in your undies. Damn straight.
14. Who kills the spiders?
Ray. Ray must defeat the terrible, terrible spider that torments his fair kitsune maiden.
32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation?
I think they both do. Ray has deep conversations whenever his fears over his darkness and what-not start popping up. AK starts deep conversations whenever she’s thinking about their future.
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
“If lost, return to Ray.” “I am Ray.”
36. Who is the social media addict?
I don’t think either of them would be into social media. The most ‘social’ media AK has is her anime websites where she has accounts and argues with people online.
38. Who likes to star gaze?
AK loves the stars!~... For about one minute, before realizing she’s super bored.
41. Who cries during sad movies?
AK definitely does. She has to have Ray hold her for comfort because why did that need to happen goddammit ;w;
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one?
Ray wins anything that AK wants, and he does it with ease. Even if the games are rigged, Ray’s got skills...
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
Enya is clearly the big spoon. Salvus is clearly the little spoon. Case closed.
Nah but really, Salvus has this thing where he hugs Enya but as he does that he wraps his wings around her to protect her. It’s like a double-hug. Two hugs in one. nwn
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Enya is very much the scaredy cat, but Salvus can get triggered (for once I am not using that term jokingly) by certain events or horrors, causing him to blank out or fall into some sort of mental relapse.
14. Who kills the spiders?
Salvus vs. Spider. The ultimate battle.
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
I can see Enya wearing Salvus’s robe one time and being cute as fuck about it. Then Salvus catches her and she gets really, really super flustered.
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower?
They both have to take long showers for different reasons. Enya because she really likes being clean (except when she doesn’t), and Salvus because he has to get everywhere, including his wings. Enya probably sings in the shower sometimes~ And she’s great at it, even if she won’t admit it.
31. Who is more affectionate?
Enya, definitely. Salvus may be affectionate and loving, but Enya spends more time on it and basically devotes herself to him completely, which can be a little overboard at times.
33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt?
Enya is not guilty ever. Salvus had to go through a lot of fucked up shit but I wouldn’t call him “sin”... Plus he can’t wear T-shirts. He’s a big ol’ Draconian. owo;
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
Enya has a collar and she is very happy with it for whatever reason. Now she will never get lost!
39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside?
“Ooooh, I want the cute little robot toy!~”
“Ssssalvussss givessss it one hour until it breakssss. ewe”
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
Because Enya can be easily walked all over, even by her own children, she’s more of the ‘fun’ parent, while Salvus is where all of the responsibility and discipline comes from.
Cafe OTP:
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
Chris has recently decided that kisses are the best things ever, and as such, uses them if he manages to get up early enough. So he can use them on Kat. But not so much Dorothy, because Dorothy gets up way earlier than either of the rest of them, so she gets to kiss them both awake so they can get to work.
5. Who usually has nightmares?
Kat and Dorothy probably do have regular nightmares about the adventure and the fears from time to time... But Chris definitely has some really bad nightmares on a regular basis, if only because of... Well... His death...
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
I can see Dorothy sleeping in her underwear while Chris and Kat have cute little pajamas that they cuddle in.
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies?
Chris gets lots of inspiration for paintings from the romance movies, so I can see him loving them. I could see Dorothy having the slight morbid fascination with a certain horror movie here and there, but Chris and Kat would get waaay too scared about it.
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?
Chris is about 5′9′’, so he’s the tallest. Dorothy is in the middle by only about one inch under Chris, and Kat’s an adorable smol even if she isn’t that smol.
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food?
Chris loves candy. Candy is life. But Rosa makes him eat healthy because she’s basically his mom. Dorothy also makes him eat healthy because she’s the momfriend girlfriend.
29. Who is the better cook?
Dorothy knows a lot about making a good dish, but Kat would be a contender thanks to being an Apprentice and having grandpa Tip as a mentor for certain things. However, I actually think Chris would be the best cook if he put his mind to it, because culinary is an art form, and therefore his passive creation abilities would kick into gear.
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
Kat and Chris both wear lost shirts. Dorothy has to wear the “I am Dorothy” shirt. XP
38. Who likes to star gaze?
Chris loves looking up at the stars for inspiration. Kat probably learned to appreciate stargazing from her parents, who love it. I don’t know about Dorothy, but if both of her partners enjoy it, she probably has fun, too.
41. Who cries during sad movies?
rip kat and chris
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
Garrett is the big spoon, Dashy is the little spoon, mostly just because of the size differences. Also because Garrett is a surprisingly good cuddler.
7. Who sweats the small stuff?
Dash, definitely. Garrett is too chill to care about the small stuff, so he only gets worried if Dash is really, really worried.
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?
Dashy is such a smol, Garrett is a total tol.
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Dash is brave. Dash is strong. But OH FUCK IS THAT A BEAR!?... Otherwise, they’re both relatively brave, although certain headcanon events I can imagine Garrett becoming much more jumpy and scared at certain mentions of the past.
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
Dash wears Garrett’s clothes from time to time, but they’re so big on her that it’s mostly for only if she’s having a lazy day around his home.
30. Who likes long walks on the beach?
Dash would be more for this than Garrett. Garrett’s idea of a romantic date is a rooftop dinner with really expensive foods that he definitely didn’t steal. owo; Also sometimes he has her watch MLP with him and eventually they both get super into it and binge the whole show together.
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
They both have to alternate. They’re both dumb at times, although Dash probably wears the “I am....” shirt more often because she’s at least more responsible. XP
39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside?
45. Who is more likely to get drunk?
Garrett doesn’t touch alcohol unless certain headcanon events  have occurred.If certain headcanon events have occurred, he sometimes downs a few beers to get himself to pass out and sleep, but Dash discourages this heavily. ewe
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Moar Ships
How did they they meet?
On a crazy adventure, where secrets of the Spiral unraveled....
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Probably Nick, considering the fact he’s a bit of a romantic at heart, and being twenty years alone meant that seeing someone he really liked... Well, he became attached easily.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Tip. Stop it Tip. ;w; You’re embarrassing them.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
First kiss? Can’t remember. They kiss too often.
Who confessed their feelings first?
They both kinda did it at the same time on the ferris wheel.
What was their first official date?
Everything after ferris wheel. Until shit went down.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
Dating with Daniel/Olive is probably  a thing, though Nick and Nina tend to be really troublesome... They keep going off somewhere private on their own.
What do they do in their down time?
Sex is a recreational activity. They do other things, too, I swear. They just have one of the biggest sex drives of any acceptable ship, so the whole ‘sexsexsex’ thing gets played up a lot, but, in reality, I imagine they do lots of other things like talking and playing outside. And fucking outside- GODDAMMIT.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Nicolas has the charisma to convince Nina’s parents he’s a great guy. Even though he’s a terrible influence. 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Probably the traitor deal would be their first real fight and rift of distrust, but Nicolas does his best throughout the rest of the adventure to make it up for her, and eventually he breaks through. He just needs to learn his lesson first.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
I don’t think either of them really get jealous. They probably even flirt with other people just to fuck with the other one.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Tip’s cooking. Somehow, all of these lead to “Tip’s cooking”...
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Nicolas is mode cuddly if only because he loves touching Nina. Maybe that was a bit too much of an answer but. Whoops. It’s true. XD I imagine their favorite position is spooning, with Nick as big spoon and Nina as little spoon.
Are they hand holders?
Eh, I’m not sure. I think they’d be touchy-feely a lot, but holding hands wouldn’t be a big thing for them, I don’t think.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA..... They didn’t wait long. I like to think Nicolas didn’t want to stop the moment he got Nina’s shirt off, it was just a question of if they had condoms and if Nina was willing.
Who tops?
Nick. They’re kinky people, so I imagine Nina’s gotten a couple of times on top but I’m not sure if that’d be as satisfying for them. *Shrugs* Who knows!
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
Let’s not try bondage again. *shot*
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
They share those responsibilities, though they sometimes push cooking onto Tip.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Nicolas, if only because of his heritage.
Who proposes?
Nicolas. Perhaps too early, since he’s an excitable romantic, but Nina says yes~
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Separate. But then they spend a whole day together.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Olive’s maid, Daniel somehow ends up as best man, Sniper Yoshi’s there because he just is.
Big Ceremony or Small?
Probably small, I don’t imagine they’d want something extravagant.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Probably in a beautiful hotel in Solaris. They don’t leave their room much during the honeymoon...
Do they have children? How many?
Terra’s a confirmed child, but I imagine she has a couple of younger siblings once they’re ready for more.
How did they they meet?
In the beginning of a crazy adventure in another, corrupted world...
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Probably Luna, if only because of what Dustin did for her, to help her regain her confidence and take off her mask.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Lots of people ship them lightly, but nobody’s really huge about it, especially since they get together early on in the adventure.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
When Luna’s comforting Dustin on being unable to leave the world until the mission is done.
Who confessed their feelings first?
I think it was Luna... Pretty sure...
What was their first official date?
A disaster. XD Not much went right, but they had a great time with each other anyway.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They probably have them all the time since most of their team is getting hooked up together. Buncha crazy people.
What do they do in their down time?
Talk, train, play a game or two maybe, and sexual stuff’s pretty common with them.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Their first fight’s mostly about their future and having children, but it all brews from sensitivity on Dustin’s side and uncertainty on Luna’s side. They get over it by talking it out.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Neither. They’re very strange people... They don’t get jealous. o. o Well, Luna doesn’t once the relationship enters a stage where she’s sure she’d never lose Dustin.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
I couldn’t say... I hardly ever think about my character’s eating habits, whoops.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Dustin’s probably more cuddly because Luna’s more... Ahem... Intimate. They cuddle in lots of different positions, so it’s just a matter of what they’re cuddling on and what they feel like.
Are they hand holders?
Not in the slightest. They might be really into each other, but on the field and just in social situations, they act like two different people who rarely need to be side-by-side and holding hands.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Not very long. Luna, being the maiden of the night, gets Dustin into the mood pretty quickly... *sweatdrop*
Who tops?
Dustin. Luna doesn’t find much enjoyment out of topping with Dustin. Let’s just make him think he has power. (spoiler alert: he has no power) *shot*
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
No idea... Maybe the first time Luna gets a pet. It ends up being a energy-eating fox. What the fuck Luna.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
They probably share both of those things, though Luna ends up doing it more since Dustin’s always on crazy missions.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Luna’s not terribly tidy, but she likes keeping her mess an /organized/ mess. owo
Who proposes?
Dustin, probably. Luna doesn’t want to. Not because of tradition or anything, she just wants Dustin to grow a pair and propose. *shot*
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Separate. But on Luna’s side, it’s wild and fun, with lots of alcohol.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Lots of people. Just. Lots of people. Get ranks. Marine and Jeremiah are probably the maid and best man.
Big Ceremony or Small?
It could go either way, depends on what they feel like.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
They have a long honeymoon in some fancy hotel, all by themselves~
Do they have children? How many?
Not too sure. They end up having children eventually, and they’ll probably have a lot if Luna has anything to say about it.
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You're doing the ship meme, right? (I know I'm late but HHN shh) Anyways: Ticole, Tooke, NiNick, Duna. I can't think of any non trash ships because my brain's fried and I'll leave the rest of the trash ships to other people.
How did they they meet?
To make things fun, I’m going to go with BATU!Ticole. If Heather gets this meme, she can do SC!Ticole. Anyway, they met in Bowser’s Castle, when Tip offered to support the team on their journey.
Who developed romantic feelings first?
I couldn’t say. In BATU, their feelings seemed to be balanced; by that, I mean that they grew together. They went from one or two private conversations to talking all of the time, visiting each other’s rooms and doing challenges together like the best of friends. The best of friends who fell in love.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
In a way, Yoshi and Peach were their biggest shippers, if only because they were annoyed with how stupid they were. Seriously. Why can’t one of these blockheads realize that the other likes them?
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
I couldn’t say. There’s tons of different BATU AUs that we’ve made and most of them had more ‘cuddles and hugs’ than kisses. If anything, their first kiss would be something to cheer one of them up, initiated by the other.
Who confessed their feelings first?
It’s always Tip. Somehow, someway, it ends up being Tip, despite him being the very shy one. That’s because, as shy as Tip is, he has trouble containing his true thoughts and feelings.
What was their first official date?
A trip to the beach in KH, probably!
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They probably never really go on any, because the rest of the team aren’t exactly concerned with romance...
What do they do in their down time?
Talk. They talk a lot. Tip and Nicole love talking to each other and learning new things from each other, and that’s how their ship grew to begin with. They also fight together and eat meals together (made by Tip, of course, that waifu).
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Ehehehehe.... You mean Nicole’s mom? Well, I like to think it’d go well, but Tip might be very nervous about trying to impress Nicole’s mom. He’d probably insist on making the meal or doing some chores or something because that’s the only way he knows how to impress/delight someone.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
I don’t think they’d have any fights, to be honest, and that sounds really far-fetched, but it’s mostly because of the dynamic. The closest to a ‘fight’ I could imagine happening is some sort of misunderstanding...
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Probably Nicole, for good reason. Tip’s too friendly and supportive to all of his friends. Including the cute female ones. On the flip side, BATU!Tip can be a little possessive, if only because he wants to spend as much time with Nicole as possible.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
No clue. Lots of Tip’s meals are very good, but I can’t name which one would be best or their favorite... Well, no. I could take a guess. Fried cod with off-the-cob yellow corn and steamed white rice.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Both of them are fairly cuddly, and it’s only every once in a blue moon that their ‘conversations’ don’t turn into cuddle-fests. They mostly enjoy just hugging each other on the bed and nuzzling. Them cuties.
Are they hand holders?
Holding Nicole’s hand gives Tip confidence, so they tend to hold hands a lot.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
This is a very complicated subject. Sex always is, but with these two in particular it’s kind of hard to wrap my head around it. Ticole and sex has been a subject that interested me if only for the child-bearing aspect of it, and thinking about whether or not Tip would even have a sex drive. There’s tons of different scenarios, but to keep things consistent, I’m going to assume that, for BATU, they never really have sex. Nicole’s ace and Tip might get really flustered and clearly have some sort of sex drive, however small, but he never wants to push it onto Nicole. The worst that happens is maybe they cuddle in their underwear.
Who tops?
Nicole, definitely, I mean. Come on. You think Tip’s gonna top? Really?
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
I can imagine Nicole’s friends recommending something like rock climbing, and once Tip and Nicole get there, Tip can’t get past the first ledge. He’s just shaking and whimpering because he doesn’t wanna fall. ;w; Another terrible first is the first time they defeated an evil demon Tabuu god from subspace. That was hard. ;w;
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Tip is BEST WAIFU. BEST. WAIFU. He makes Nicole her meals and gets really happy when she enjoys them.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Tip loves organization and tidiness. He cleans the house. Because he’s a fucking waifu.
Who proposes?
Nicole. Tip’s too underconfident and uncertain, but he’d say “yes” to Nicole immediately.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Probably joined. No reason to have them separate with these two.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Nicole’s sister would be involved, probably as the maid of honor, Calem would be Tip’s best man because Neil’s not comfortable being up front and all. Neil and Samantha would be gloomy in the corner because /social interaction is baaaad/.
Big Ceremony or Small?
Small. I don’t think either of them really care for huge, extravagant things.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Solaris. Solaris. Solaris. Solaris. Solaris.
Do they have children? How many?
Tip wants twenty. You two have fun sorting that out.
How did they they meet?
Very early on when Brooke went to Ravenwood, she met Tip. They became fast friends as Brooke dragged him into her group of friends. ^w^
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Brooke. 100%.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Grace, because she was the first one aware that Brooke had a huge crush.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Probably when Brooke’s trying to cheer Tip up and teach him that he’s still human.
Who confessed their feelings first?
Brooke, absolutely Brooke. She wears the pants in this relationship. XP
What was their first official date?
They took Ivan’s suggestion for Golem Court. He was oddly on-point about it being such a great place for a date...
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They don’t really wanna date with Calem and Samantha or Grace and Ivan. Both of those pairs are... Really weird...
What do they do in their down time?
Cuddle and study.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
“Hi mom and dad, I brought back a super cute boy. owo”
“Oh my gods!~ What a handsome young man! Come inside, let me make you a meal, are you two moving in together yet?~”
And that was the beginning of Tip learning that Brooke’s mom and dad are just as excitable and passionate as she is.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
I really don’t see Tip fighting with people that aren’t blatantly evil. Ever. He’s a big pushover.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Brooke. Lots of Brooke.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
A spicy meal made by Tip. Though Tip doesn’t like spicy things so he probably makes a mild version for himself.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Brooke is, surprisingly, more cuddly than Tip, if only because she’s a huge romantic.
Are they hand holders?
Yes. All the time.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
I feel like Brooke would feel very awkward about it since Tip has a small sex drive, and it’d be a couple of years before they manage to do anything. And even when they do, it really is more for bonding, though Brooke might take a bit of enjoyment out of it. Tip’s just bribed with the whole ‘child’ thing.
Who tops?
Brooke. Never Tip.  NEVER.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
Brooke tries to take Tip on a rollercoaster. Hilarity ensues.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Who proposes?
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Separate, only because Brooke wants one with all of her girlfriends though Tip wouldn’t really have a party with his friends as much as it is a friendly talk/stay-over or something.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Neil ends up being forced into the position of best man while Grace is the maid of honor. The rest of their friends are groomsmen and bridesmaids.
Big Ceremony or Small?
Big, because Brooke and her family are crazy people.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Probably Solaris. Solaris is the best world for romance, let’s be real.
Do they have children? How many?
Probably a few, because Tip wuvs children and Brooke’s totally okay with having a few if only because Tip is really good at taking care of them and practically does the work for her.
Next post will be NiNick and Duna.
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Ryan Onii-sama, Ivan, Grace, and Chelsea owo
Onii-sama’s Turn.
Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? He would kill someone if it meant protecting someone close to him, whether that be friend, family, or a friend that’s like family. He doesn’t concern his own life or what the consequences of the killing is; he will certainly murder for a loved one.
Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? He thinks it’s fake, so he throws it away. Bad mistake. ewe
What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? Invent things that change people’s lives.
What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? He’s uncultured to a fault, has a hard time under pressure, is terrible with confrontations, and hates sneaky people/liars/spies.
How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? He’s very imaginative with his inventions, though he rarely daydreams. He isn’t a worrier, but he can get pretty worried when loved ones get involved. He rarely lives in the past.unless that past is traumatic in nature.
Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? He’s not a huge fan of candy but he’ll binge every now and then when he’s feeling down. Chocolate’s great.
What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? He listens to electro swing and thinking music. He doesn’t have a favorite, but Mitch gets him into all sorts of music that he doesn’t understand at all... And  he kinda likes one of them? He doesn’t know.
How does your character react/ accept criticism? Pretty well, since he and his inventions were scrutinized very often.
What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? He eats sandwiches and simple foods that he can make on the go while he’s working on inventions.
What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? A buncha sandwiches, probably. A few articles of clothing and tools. He keeps a particularly loud alarm clock on his nightstand to get him up in the morning. He has a lot of failed ideas and blueprints in the can.
Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? Nope!
What deadly sin would best represent your OC? Probably Greed, if only because he’s very greedy about keeping his loved ones safe and he’ll do terrible things to help people he knows needs help.
What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? The genius who’s regulating the school’s computer system.
What is your OC’s theme song? None at the moment.
If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? “I knew I should’ve calculated pressure again.”
Ivan’s Turn.
What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? “So... Are those real?”
What kind of childhood did your character have? A regular one for a quiet kid. He had a pet cat that he grew very attached to.
What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? He was created to serve as one of the characters for my Spiral Schools set, but he became so much more. He was originally designed to just be lazy and to eat gummy bears and stuff all the time, not caring about anything while also being extremely powerful. Now, he’s all that, but with a lot more to him.
If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? “Should’ve saw this one coming.”
What does your OC smell like? Lemons. Just because he’s lazy doesn’t mean he doesn’t shower. And use lemon shower gel.
What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? Male, hetero on overdrive, human-human.
What is a random fact about your OC? The secret to his summoning prowess are the bonds he makes with his summons.
What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? Ivan doesn’t believe that there’s much in life worth trying for, but he will make time for his summons and for his friends. He will try his hardest when he sees a goal that’s worth fighting for.
What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? He’ll eat a lot of different foods, but he especially likes chewy foods. He hates especially hot foods.
What kind of clothing does your OC wear? T-shirts, shorts, kitty hoodie.
What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? No addictions or stims, no nervous habits.
Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? He collects summon friends, if that counts?
Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? He never draws.
How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? His imagination is beyond that of a normal human being’s. He daydreams constantly, and he almost never worries about anything. He never lives in the past.
What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? His parents were very lenient on him, and became pretty scared of his potential... Especially when they saw a cat that should’ve been dead walking around the house again...
Grace’s Turn.
If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? She would be completely disgusted, but still do it... One tiny bite at a time... ;w;
If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? Eternal beauty.
What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? She’s snapped at a woman pretty hard before after said woman accused her of being vain. And, yes, Grace is a little vain, but... It’s... For a reason.
What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? No stim or addiction. She has a nervous habit of twirling her hair.
What is a random fact about your OC? She has back pain and is the opposite of athletic.
What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? Grace is obsessed over her looks. She wants to look beautiful as often as she can, and is compulsive over her own looks and style. She’s willing to sacrifice hours of time getting her hair done and putting on clothes to find just the right styles.
What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? She has a lot of take-out and salads in her fridge. She has a few hair products and things on the floor that she needs to make room on her dresser for eventually. She has a lamp and a clock alongside a makeup kit on her nightstand. She has lots of junk in her trash can from the products and stuff she uses.
Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? Probably lipstick? Eh, it’d be something beauty-oriented.
What deadly sin would best represent your OC? Lust, maybe, though in a very complicated way...
What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? Grace intends on being the kindest she can be, but can get very easily annoyed and displeased with other people. She believes she should look her best all the time.
What element would your OC be? Storm/Lightning.
What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? She likes casual foods like pizza, but she hates more fancy and complex foods that require a fine tongue.
What does your OC smell like? Heaven. She makes sure she smells wonderful after a lovely shower... And perhaps a few spells. What? It’s not TECHNICALLY cheating...
What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? She hasn’t faced trauma, but her favorite memory depends on the universe. Meeting her little sister, Mirai, is one of them.
What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? She listens to a lot of pop, but secretly has a thing for orchestra.
Chelsea’s Turn!
Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? Nope!
What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? Go to the dueling arena and slash up a few dummies. It helps her exercise and use that anger for something good.
What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? She enjoys pump-up and high-tempo music that gets her body moving. Hip-hop and such are pretty good candidates. Maybe something fun like “Settle It In Smash”, idk?
What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? Chelsea is scared of abandonment and being alone, but her greatest strength is when she works as a one-woman army. Her greatest weaknesses stem from getting in the way of teammates and having trouble with cooperation.
Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? Touch Amber or Clary, and she’ll show you a few tricks Amber taught her.
Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? She’s going to the arena with gym gear. She’s dragging Amber so she can impress her with her sword skills. nwn
What kind of things is your OC allergic to? Just pollen, but she has a strong resistance to it. She hardly ever gets colds and keeps healthy all the time.
What is a random fact about your OC? She can take out a thousand trolls before getting tired.
What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? She was in the care of her grandpa, Tip, for most of her life, and he shaped her into a healthy young woman who tries to do what’s right all the time. She’s kind and polite, as her father taught her, and it was her father’s support that led her to being an arena master.
What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? She has a couple of attachment issues and has a few other embarrassing problems. She hates lazy people. Hates. HATES. owo
If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? A fluffy adorable puppy!~ So cute and affectionate and loyal and... Awww... Why doesn’t it like Amber...?
Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? She thinks some freak made it and throws it off the edge of the world.
How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? She has an okay imagination, it’s average. She daydreams sometimes, when Amber’s around. She can be very worried about her friends and loved ones, to the point of being a ‘mom friend’. She doesn’t live in the past.
What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? She was created for the purpose of being one of the first important and friendly NPCs in the Spiral Wakes, with a personality of being friendly, strong, and loyal. But she developed into more of a lovebird as Amber entered the picture....
How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? She works as an arena master for Wizard City. She loves her job as master of the arena, even if it’s hard as fuck sometimes and takes forever...
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TIP I KNOW I SHOULD SEND OTHER OCS BUT I'M BEATING DUSTIN TO TIP BECAUSE I HAVE TO BE THE ONE WHO SENDS IN MY CINNAMON ROLL. (Also do Nick and Brooke in addition to Tip because why not. I'm only gonna request between 10-15 questions per character, but you can do as many as you'd like. ^^)
What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? Tip’s most traumatic memory was his death, in the Spiral Chronicles, before being revived. His favorite memory would be when he was held by Nicole after telling her how he felt. It gave him warmth and courage.
Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? Tip is a fan of candy, but he doesn’t eat enough to get a sugar rush. He eats in moderation and reminds everyone else to.
What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? He probably listens to softer music, orchestra and etc. Though he probably listens to Disney stuff thanks to Nicole. I don’t think he’d have an absolute favorite; he’d find great aspects of all of the songs.
If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? It depends on where in the timeline you’re talking here. In SW, he’d gracefully accept it. In SC, he’d try to fight it for Nicole, and would feel awful and full of despair.
What are your OC’s hobbies? Cooking, cleaning, taking care of the animals (dragons), basically being a perfect housewife.
What kind of childhood did your character have? Eheheheh... Heh....
What kind of clothing does your OC wear? Formal Balance Professor clothing. ^^ He likes to stay professional. As professional as he can be, anyway.
What element would your OC be? Uhhhh... Balance? XP
What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? Very studious but perfectly willing to go along with whatever his crush wanted. XP
What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? Enjoy housekeeping. owo
What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? Male, I hardly have any idea tbh, human, still human idfk.
Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? Tip would think it’s creepy and not mess with it at all.
Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? Nope!
If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? Tip would be shocked at all of the technology and not understand why there’s no magic. Also he’d want to go back home. ;w; 
Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? Tip would never kill anyone, ever. It’s impossible for him. He’s too weak, anyway.
Brooke’s Turn.
What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? She’s said some pretty mean things that she didn’t actually believe or mean to say. She can say a lot of terrible things in the spur of the moment.
What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? Some water bottles and juice boxes alongside lots of take-out, there’s not much on her bedroom floor since she keeps tidy, there’s a lamp and alarm clock alongside a dream journal on the nightstand, and a few tissues alongside some other misc. trash in the trash can.
Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? She’d think about burning it, but quickly realize that’s a terrible idea. owo
What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? Female, hetero, human human.
What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? She has no addictions, nor stim, but she has a nervous habit of biting her lip a lot, which could cause it to bleed.
What element would your OC be? Fire.
What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? Obsess over just /one/ cute boy that isn’t famous or well-known.
What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? Brooke has never faced /trauma/. Her favorite memory is when she first met her friends at Ravenwood.
What kind of things is your OC allergic to? Pineapples.
What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? Pineapple pizza (it’s a tough life...), anything stupidly hot. She hates cold brocolli and other such cold foods.
If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? THE WORLD IS A CRUEL PLAAAAAACCEEEEE
What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? The average girl who’s crushing way too hard on the shy kid. She does her homework and uses her free time on stupidly complicated plans to win his affection.
What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? Brooke is too attached. She hates liars and gets annoyed at overly-cruel or unusual people.
How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? Hot-headed is... Pretty much exactly what Brooke is when you push her far enough. But she’s generally patient when she’s not having to deal with bullshit.
What are your OC’s hobbies? Firemaking, card games.
Nick’s Turn.
What is your OC’s favorite color? Light blue.
Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? He got the word ‘TRAITOR’ carved into his arm by a psychopath. It wasn’t a fun time.
What kind of childhood did your character have? A good one. Until it was awful. It was good until it was terrible.
What element would your OC be? Ice.
What kind of things is your OC allergic to? Nuts, maybe?
What is your OC’s first memory? A beautiful carnival... A wonderful ferris wheel....
What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? I created them for the sole purpose of tricking all of my friends. They are an OC who is made for a fandom, so yes. When I first made Nick, he was just a sweet, innocent boy. Not so much now, thanks to the events of the Spiral Wakes.
If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? He hates it, but he’d eat it anyway. He has to, right?
What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? A lot of that depends on Nina, so all i can say for sure is that clothes are on the bedroom floor. Don’t ask.
How does your character react/ accept criticism? Pretty well. So long as it isn’t harsh, demoralizing criticism. Then he doesn’t take it well.
What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? Pretty bright, so he doesn’t have to try hard and he spends most of his time flirting with a girl he likes.
What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? Electronic music and whatever Nina likes, probably. No favorite. ^^
What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? Nick has pretty bad depression thanks to his past, and he has a huge inferiority complex at times thanks to what he’s done. He gets annoyed by people who call his behavior ‘disgusting’ or etc.
What deadly sin would best represent your OC? Not lust, because he genuinely loves Nina and the ‘fun times’ they have are a result of that love. If anything, Jealousy may be it? He’d be jealous of more pure/innocent people, but only somewhat...
If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? Nina’s pussy. Sorry in advance, Heather.
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Tip, Cormag, Celestia, Chelsea, Nick, Marine, and Isaac from RoC.
- Tip is ticklish everywhere. Just. Everywhere.
- Tip is obviously not very good with the whole ‘self esteem’ thing. He’s more of a ‘3′ at all times, but with Nicole that number goes up... But it can go way down in his worst of moments...
- Tip is very cautious with money, but he is not afraid to spend quite a bit of it on his friends and family. He’s generous for others, but fickle with himself.
Zoe’s character, but, okay.
- Dragons cannot swim.
- Harm coming to his parents is his worst fear and will break him. But he becomes much stronger and self-aware as he becomes ready to leave the nest.
- His hands are big. Scaly. And LETHAL.
- His favorite dessert is the intestines of his enemies. Ian and Charles should NOT have let him stay over with Celestia and Nicole that one Thursday. And Ian shouldn’t have let Cormag hang out with Charles alone. Ever.
- Cormag does not school. XP
- He flirts by performing the mating ritual and call for a female mate so they can start a family in Dragonspyre.
- Dragons. Cannot. Swim. XP This one can take baths though.
- Celestia is wonderful with children thanks to Tip’s strict teachings. Children tend to be scared of her anyway though... She has a large presence.
- Celestia would love to play board games if they didn’t inconspicuously get set on fire whenever she was about to lose...
- Celestia is a hulking, huge dragon, how the fuck can she be stealthy?
- Celestia is not ticklish, sadly.
- Celestia is a firm 1. Not because she hates herself, but because she respects and is prideful of herself, but will never find it within her to ‘love’ herself. At least, that’s how she puts it, but it’s really just an odd series of emotions she can’t quite explain...
- Celestia is better at Cormag in school because she can somewhat grammar. Maybe.
- Nick’ll eat tons of different things for breakfast, he doesn’t really have a routine. That makes things boring.
- 6 at first, but after SW, it’s been bumped down to 4. He doesn’t quite love himself, but he tries...
- Nick loves swimming, though he doesn’t do it often; he’s pretty good at it, though.
- He’ll try to avoid talking to you or just straight-up walk away from you if you’ve upset him.
- Marine loves some simple, over-made brownies.
- Marine would be good in all subjects, but her passion is with the simpler things in life...
- Marine has stiff, small, fragile hands that are hardly soft thanks to all of her work with cleaning supplies.
- Marine is a 3 on the scale. She doesn’t value herself highly, especially not her body.
- The maid will generally eat whatever; eggs are common, though.
- Marine is awful with children, unless she is around a special person...
- Isaac is a ‘5′. He doesn’t really love himself, but he doesn’t go down on the spectrum, either.
- Isaac is very stealthy. He can generally get away with hiding and sneaking around without much of a problem.
- His best classes in school are history, geography, and literature. He’s a fan of the arts and of the past.
- Isaac isn’t a great swimmer, but he can stay afloat...
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Ryan, Andrew, Ivan, Grace, and Brooke
- His hands are firm and strong. Usually, they have at least a bit of dust or oil on them from his mechanical work, though he tries to get that cleaned off as soon as possible. Because of his work, he ends up cleaning his hands very often, meaning his nails are always short and cleaned, to an art.
- The question of ‘Why?’. That’s a question everyone wonders, however...
- Mathematics, Physics, Calculus, Auto-Shop. These were his best courses, and his favorite ones.
- He likes fried eggs, well done, fried within some grease but not too much. He enjoys bacon alongside it; any bacon will do, usually, besides turkey bacon.
- History, Mathematics, and Chemistry were his favorite classes.
- He really likes some whitebread toast with grape jam. It’s simple, quick, and gets him out the door.
- He doesn’t take flirting very well; he hardly ever knows how to react. He’ll tend to get flustered, but he might fight back.
- They’re generally dirty and thin. He writes so much that lead gets on his hands and fingers, and he needs to be reminded to clean them sometimes.
- Andrew’s fantastic with children!.... Er, well, he tries, at least. He likes them, but he’s not exactly the most entertaining guy in the world...
- Can Andrew dance?... Let’s not think about it. XD
- Ivan’s a big fan of himself. He’s a solid 8.
- Piss off his summons, and you’ve pissed off him. Otherwise, it’s pretty hard to annoy him.
- He’s best at anything that hardly requires him to study. Which means he’s screwed. His best class is Myth, though. nwn
- He likes waffles. Waffles are easy. Waffles are good.
- She is sly and crafty with her flirting. She’s very good at it, and can generally charm anyone who’s into the female gender.
- Her hands are soft and clean. Her nails are painted purple with yellow bolts at the tip, to show some school spirit.
- She loves drama classes and geography. She’s very good at the sciences as well. Though Storm is where she belongs.
- Grace is an okay swimmer, but... Things.. Get in the way... You know? Long hair, for example.
- Grace is wonderful with children. She can get any child to pay attention and heed her word, all while keeping them happy.
- Brooke doesn’t have allergies; she’s pretty thankful for that. It’d make all of the sports and stuff she does a bit harder.
- Her hands are tough yet small. They can be pretty dirty, with ashes being seen on them all the time.
- On the outside, being sucked into a pressure-filled watery death. On the outside, seeing a certain someone being taken from her... But she might get over that.
- How do you know when you’ve upset Brooke? Fire. Fire EVERYWHERE.
- Brooke isn’t great with children. She’s awkward and nervous.
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Spell a character's name in my askbox and I'll tell you my headcanons...
A: What are/were this character’s best subjects in school?
B: Do they have any allergies?
C: Can they swim well?
D: How they react to being flirted with?
E: How are they with children?
F: What’s one thing they’re really bad at?
G: How do they flirt?
H: What is their deadly sin?
I: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do they love themselves?
J: What’s their sense of humour like?
K: How do you know when you’ve upset them?
L: What is their favourite board game?
M: What is their favourite dessert?
N: What do they usually eat for breakfast?
O: What would it take to break them, inside and out?
P: How do they handle money?
Q: Are they patient?
R: What are their hands like?
S: How stealthy are they?
T: Where are they ticklish?
U: What’s their voice like?
V: What’s the easiest way to annoy them?
W: Can they dance?
X: What’s their most petty little secret?
Y: What is one question they’ve always wanted an answer to?
Z: How do they sleep?
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