thetravelersjournal · 4 years
I’ve Come to Make an Announcement
So long, for now.
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thetravelersjournal · 4 years
Hey Ya’ll
Sorry for being so inactive as of late, hopefully I can get out of whatever funk I’m going through at the moment. In more important news, I updated the people of interest page! It links directly to my Toyhouse now, so be sure to check it out! I’ve only submitted a few entries so far, but I’ll try to keep putting out more in time.
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thetravelersjournal · 4 years
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I’m accepting commissions for April!  
1-character lineart illus.: $85 
2-character lineart illus.: $160 
1-character color illus.: $160 
2-character color illus.: $320 
If you’re interested, fill out this form and I’ll get back to you soon!
Applications will be open until April 7, 11AM PST, so get on it! Also if you’re somebody who I’ve already promised a commission in the past, remind me in your application and I’ll be sure to get to you ASAP.
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
The file you are attempting to access is available to personnel with Level 4 access only. Unauthorized access will result in immediate termination through a memetic kill agent.
Access file?
Access granted. Opening file...
Item #: SCP-111817
Object Class: Euclid Keter 
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-111817 is to be kept in a five by five by five (5x5x5) meter containment cell, with one (1) meter thick steel walls. Food may be provided if entity requests, though have not been asked for since initial containment. At least two guards are to be stationed outside the containment cell at all times. Interviews may be conducted with anyone with clearance Level 3 or higher, as long as at least one guard accompanies them. Under no circumstances are children and/or childlike SCPs allowed within the presence of SCP-111817.
SCP-111817 has been missing since Incident 111817-19. Due to its unknown level of knowledge about the foundation, its destructive capabilities, and its disregard for human life, subject is to be re-captured by any means necessary, if possible. 
Description: SCP-111817 is an assumedly masculine humanoid entity approximately 2 meters tall. Most notable features are obscured by a dark cloak that is worn by the subject at all times. Two luminescent green eyes are clearly visible. All attempts to remove the cloak or converse with the entity have been unsuccessful.
Any hostile action towards the subject is met with considerable force, usually resulting in an unpredictable, anomalous event to occur. What is considered hostile is dependent on SCP-111817, with verbal offenses offering no reaction while attempting to grab its cloak caused [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in the victim slowly being eaten from the inside out for approximately ██ hours before expiring.
When in the presence of children under the age of 14, SCP-111817 will [REDACTED] when threatened. Anomalous events in the general vicinity (approx. 3 meters) of the entity will start to occur, increasing the longer it is [REDACTED] the subject. During this time, SCP-111817 will [DATA EXPUNGED] ignore symptoms as long as subject is still within its area of effect.
SCP-111817 was discovered in ████████, Ukraine, after an unprecedented number of child kidnappings in the local area.
Incident 111817-13: During a containment breach, SCP-XXXX and childlike entity SCP-███ broke into SCP-111817’s containment room. The following transcript was recorded.
00:08 SCP-███ enters the room, not noticing SCP-111817.
<SCP-███>: Is the crusty man gone?
00:10 SCP-███ notices SCP-111817.
<SCP-███>: Ah! S-sorry, I didn’t mean to- Ar-are you the Bogey-man?
00:11 SCP-111817 does not respond. SCP-███ stays outside of SCP-111817’s area of anomalous effects. 
00:12 <SCP-███>: ...Um, do you mind if I hide in here till the men in white clothes come back?
00:20 <SCP-███>: ...Uh, so… what’s your name?
00:32 <SCP-███>: ...Do...Do you have any friends? Can I be your friend?
00:57 <SCP-███>: (Barely audible) ...Do you think they’ll let me see my parents again?
00:58 SCP-XXXX bursts into the room. SCP-███ screams.
<SCP-XXXX>: There you are, little one.
<SCP-███>: W-who are you?
<SCP-XXXX>: I heard your call. I can let you see your parents again.
<SCP-███>: Really?
<SCP-XXXX>: Of course! Come closer as I hum you this lullaby, young one.
01:00 SCP-███ becomes drowsy. It is at this time that SCP-111817 moves for the first time since the containment breach. It takes SCP-███ and moves them away from SCP-XXXX.
<SCP-XXXX>: This child is mine! Who are you to take them away?
<SCP-111817>: ...I’m the Bogey-man.
01:02 SCP-111817 proceeds to [DATA REDACTED PER O-5 ORDERS].
01:05 SCP-111817 moves toward SCP-███. 
[Video feed for the remainder of the containment breach is lost. Audio feed persists, mostly filled with crying and occasional screams from SCP-███.]
Addendum 111817-a: Requesting reclassification to Keter. SCP-XXXX’s remains have still not been recovered, SCP-111817’s containment chamber is an absolute mess, and SCP-███ appears to be [REDACTED], and is unwilling to cooperate with medical staff.
-Dr. ██████
Addendum 111817-b: Approval pending.
-Site Director Marshale
Incident 111817-18: On November 17, ████, Dr. ██████ entered SCP-111817’s containment room for an interview regarding Incident 111817-13 and Incident 111817-17. The following transcript was recorded.
Dr. ██████: Would you like to talk to us now?
SCP-111817 remains silent.
Dr. ██████: It says here that you spoke to some of the cleaning crew regarding SCP-XXXX.
SCP-111817 remains silent.
Dr. ██████: Can you tell us what you’ve done to SCP-███? She has been extremely frantic, and-
SCP-111817: The young girl. She’s alright?
Dr. ██████: Yes, but like I was saying, she isn’t cooperating with the medical sta-
SCP-111817: Understandable. I, unfortunately, tend to have that effect on children.
Dr. ██████: Effect?
SCP-111817: Sometimes.
Dr. ██████: ...Never mind, we-
SCP-111817: In any case, I suppose even if she wasn’t okay, it wouldn’t matter to me for much longer anyway.
Dr. ██████: And why is that?
SCP-111817 remains silent. 
Dr. ██████: Why have you chosen now to start speaking, after all these years in containment?
SCP-111817: Let me answer your question with a question. Why do you do what you do, doctor? Locking up objects, people, things, weapons? Then afterward throwing away the key? Why write all these little ‘case files’? Why choose to pretend your ‘SCP Foundation’ doesn’t exist?
Dr. ██████: How do you-
SCP-111817: Just answer the question.
Dr. ██████: ...To protect others from-
SCP-111817: To protect others? Anyone specific? Perhaps a family member? A mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a son...?
Dr. ██████: What are you getting at?
SCP-111817: I speak now after all this time because some of you still don’t get it. If I have made one thing very clear, it’s to stay out of my way. And yet you still run your silly little experiments, play your silly little games, thinking you can use me or my curse to better fund your ambitions. You think you have a right to know everything that goes on in this vast universe of ours, but there are some things you shouldn’t know, some things that you don’t want to know. I’ve seen them, and they’re enough to make even the most hardened Zone Cop piss their pants.
Dr. ██████: Stay out of your way? You haven’t gotten up from that chair since you were brought here!
SCP-111817: Tell me, doctor, what makes you think I can’t break out of these walls right now? Do you think I’d just allow myself to be captured?
Dr. ██████: This is a secure facility. There is no chance of you escaping.
SCP-111817: You really believe that, don’t you?
Notes: I’d like to request additional guards, a readjustment to containment procedures, and an immediate reclassification to Keter. What and how much it knows about the Foundation is unnerving and a possible containment breach itself, and should be extracted from the entity as soon as possible.
-Dr. ██████
-Site Director Marshale
Incident 111817-19: On November 18, ████, an anomalous gateway opened in the site cafeteria. At the same time, SCP-111817 escaped containment. It proceeded to [DATA EXPUNGED], killing ██ personnel before disappearing into the gate, which closed behind it. No other SCPs escaped during the breach, although Dr. ██████ has been reported missing since the beginning of the incident. SCP-111817 has not been recovered, though a note was recovered from its cell.
when did they remove separating lines gfhdsgvs
And because I know people are going to ask this...
No, I’m not putting this on the SCP wiki. I give it that ridiculous number for a reason. This was more for practice than anything. For anyone who reads SCP stuff regularly, feel free to leave a comment on what you liked/what I could have done better.
If it wasn’t obvious, another story about The Traveler(another reason I’m not putting this on the wiki, they probably have enough OCs on there). Most likely gonna be inactive for a few months again, the end of school is slowly approaching, but I’ll try to write/post when I can.
The Traveler belongs to me.
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
I can now die in peace
Will we be seeing Metal Sonic again in this newest issue?
I assume you mean GOTF…
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
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One sassy boi.
My character Sparks, drawn by the lovely Violetthefox0001! Go check her out!
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
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This must be the first Youtube ad I’ve had no intention of skipping.
2 more days.
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
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(Drawn by me, colored using this)
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
Also me. 111%
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
Totally me. 110%.
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What an epic gamer moment!
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
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create things that make you happy!
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
Is this Tumblr’s version of clickbait? Because if so I fell for it hook line and sinker.
Please reblog this if you're in the Sonic the Hedgehog Fandom
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
Let Me Just Rant For A Second, OK?
Just felt like I had to write down some crap I've been thinking lately. Nobody's probably gonna read this especially since I can talk basically anyone's ears off but whatever who cares. I've just been thinking about Gear Foxx's story and where the heck I'm going with it. If I'm honest, there's no end in sight to the story as far as I can tell. Originally, when I first started thinking about it in- oh I don't know, early 2013, early 2014?- it started out as nothing more than a "Wow it'd be pretty cool if I could be in the action too" type of thing. So yes, Gear basically started out as my fursona, but at this point he's evolved into something else entirely. When I first thought him up I had zero plans to start writing about him on the internet, for the exact reasons I'm talking to you about- that is, writing cringy fanfiction. I'm not gonna lie, some of the earlier work I've reread seems pretty bad(at least to me). And no, I'm not saying this because I'm depressed or because I'm being hard on myself. I'm saying this because I want to improve on the mistakes I've made as a writer. Writing full-on fanfiction is still generally new to me, and I'm definitely no expert, but I only improve as I continue. And above all else, I think that is the main reason why I'm even bothering to share these stories with you guys. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey, and believe me, this is as much a journey for me as it is for you. Before I started and before outlines of the overarching story were made, this entire plot was filled with basically every clique you can image. It was just a movie I'd watch or a comic I'd flip through in my head to starve of boredom in school. I'm still figuring out what would probably work on (digital)paper and what wouldn't, and at this point the plot is almost unrecognizable from the first, original draft. Heck, plot threads that I've since discarded can still be seen in the prologue, though thankfully I kept them vague enough that I don't have to deal with repercussions later. And before even the finalized prologue, I had a draft where both the Human and the Fox had names(though I'd like to think I hopefully cleared up why they don't have names now with some of the latest chapters). Anyways, what I trying to say is that, as much as you guys are experiencing the story for the first time every time I post a new chapter, I am too. And as long as I'm figuring out just where Gear's next story will take him, I'll continue telling Gear's story and grow as a writer in the process(even if that means I have to climb a few hills to do so). Think that's all I needed to say. If I think of something else I'll put it in the cliff notes, IDK.
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
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Whoops, forgot to post this. Pic of Kaitlyn, created by and adopted from iiTyrano-Chan. She’s a cool assassin girl. Make sure to read her bio here!
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
What is this I want one
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Walmart snapped
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
New chapter and new POI category added, go check them out!
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thetravelersjournal · 5 years
Gear Foxx- Chapter 12
Back From The Dead?
“When I asked to join the Freedom Fighters, I was expecting…”
“Something more exciting?” I offered.
“Something less dull,” Mina whined, slumping down against the metal underneath her feet.
“I don’t know. I wouldn't count sneaking onto Robotnik’s new turf as ‘dull’ per se,” I replied, diving my hand into a bag of chips.
“Yeah, but Sally just has us on guard duty. We could be fighting Eggman in there or... something,” she grumbled.
“Aw, come on. Guard duty isn’t that bad,” I said between bites, “Right Tails?”
Tails grunted in response, glancing up at the screen monitoring the rest of the team’s whereabouts for a moment before turning his head back to the plane magazine he was reading.
Freedom Fighting training was going reasonably well, enough to the point where Sally felt comfortable enough to bring us on a mission with the team. We had been led to a place called Megaopolis (which, from the looks of it, appeared to be a destroyed, abandoned New York City), where it was rumored Dr. Robotnik was trying to set up a base of operations. However, since Mina and I were still inexperienced, it was more of a ‘watch and learn’ kind of mission than anything else. Right now we were squatting down in an old, overturned taxi, faded grey from its prolonged time of disuse. It provided easy cover from dozens of the doctor’s Eye-cams that wandered the ancient Apple, but it was slowly wearing down on our nerves as the three of us were forced to sit and lie down while the rest of the team explored Robotnik’s new hideout.
Mina sighed before turning and staring at the screen, watching Sonic and the rests’ progress. I tilted my head back and stared at the ceiling, mulling over our training results in my mind. I was performing well above average during the regimens so far, and the only thing that seemed to give me any trouble was my cooperation skills. Antoine was particularly impressed when I managed to keep up with him during fencing practice, and had given me a sword for the purposes of training. The blade sat uncomfortably at my side, its hilt digging into my waist. I sat up a little more to relieve some pressure. I wasn’t really sure what I thought of my new friend just yet, but I’m sure I would get used to it. It was better than a gun, at any rate.
Mina was also doing fairly well. She seemed to struggle with making quick decisions and couldn’t figure out how to work a computer to save her life, but she was a great team player and got along with everyone easily. While I was a little more reserved, Mina was open and friendly, and easy to trust. I could tell that everyone thought she would make a great Freedom Fighter, but I don’t think they were too sure about me yet. I could tell they still had Station Square on their minds whenever they looked at me, so I just quietly sat back and tried to do the best I could. However, there was one other thing that Mina had trouble with- something that made me realize why she wanted to become a Freedom Fighter.
Every time Sonic came into the room, she would become astonishingly distracted. So far, whenever she had caught a glimpse of him during training sessions, she had run into a tree, gotten hit with the back of a sword by Antoine, tripped over her own feet, and-
“Ah!” Mina suddenly cried out as the screen in front of her lost its picture, turning to loud static.
“Huh? What happened?” Tails asked, putting away his reading material.
“I-I don’t know! I was trying to figure out how to zoom in, so I turned this dial and…”
“There isn’t a zoom feature. It’s just supposed to record the layout of Eggman’s base,” Tails said, crouching beside Mina as he started fumbling with dials.
I inwardly sighed. I had absentmindedly watched Mina mess around with the screen, knowing that she had been trying to get a closer look at Sonic.
Sally’s voice suddenly came over the intercom, “Is something going on over on your end?”
“Everything’s fine, we just lost video feed from the camera,” Tails replied, banging his fist against the machine.
“What? Did someone mess with the controls? I specifically asked that no one touch them!” Rotor’s voice rang from the background.
“That’s my fault,” I declared, scooching over, “I was bored and started twisting the knobs on the console while I was lost in thought.” Both Mina and Tails stared at me with looks of puzzlement for a moment, but before they could say anything Sally spoke her mind.
“Oh for… one of the main points of this mission was to make a track record of all the twisting pathways in here… Nicole, do you think you could run a survey of our path for a little while?”
“Affirmative, Princess,” an electronic voice rang on the other end.
“Tails, I want you to get the scanner back up and online as fast as possible.”
“Yes ma'am,” Tails saluted, only to quickly let his arm fall when he remembered Sally couldn’t see him.
“And Gear,” Sally continued, annoyance now ringing in her voice, “We’re going to have a discussion about this when we get back.” With that, Sally hung up, leaving the three of us in silence. Mina was the first to speak up.
“Gear, why did you do that? I was the one who goofed up!”
I just shrugged, not really sure myself. I had mostly just done it in the heat of the moment, not really thinking about the consequences of my choice. At this rate, I could get kicked out before I even joined the Freedom Fighters.
“Let’s not worry about that for right now. Gear, you think you could help me get this running again?” Tails pointed to the static-filled screen.
“Quicker than a certain someone we know!” I replied, leaning over the console. But before I could get to work on it, I was distracted by a soft, creamy aroma. The fragrance permeated through the musty air, cutting through floating mold spores and dancing gracefully with the wind.
“Huh? What’s wrong now?” Tails asked, observing my hesitation.
“You guys smell that?”
“Smell what? I don’t smell anything,” Mina replied.
“It smells similar to- I don’t know, citrus maybe? Some kind of fruit for sure; there’s something else too…”
Tails frowned, “Well, you’re the only one who brought food with us. Are you sure there’s-”
“Wait, I smell it now too! It smells like a sweet flower,” Mina declared. Tails looked around in annoyance before finally catching the scent on his snout.
“You’re right! It smells really fruity and… maybe a little bit like-”
“Gunpowder!” I cried, shoving the two away from the console, “Hit the deck!”
A bullet simmered through the space where Tails’ head had been a second prior before loudly smashing into the computer beside us. Ear-splitting static now filled the air as I stuck my head out of the car and glanced around, searching for our attacker.
“Tails! Wake up, wake up!”
I looked back to see Mina softly slapping Tails’ sleeping face. A small bump was slowly becoming visible on his forehead.
“Uh-oh… must have knocked him unconscious when I pushed them to the floor,” I thought. I heaved an exasperated breath of air before stepping out of our hiding place. Even when scanning my surroundings, nothing was out of the ordinary. Nothing except for that out of place smell…
A small clomping noise was the only warning I got before the butt of a rifle cut through the air mercilessly, aimed at my head. I was barely able to spin and dodge the attack before having to avoid another directed at my knee. My attacker’s speed was incredible and gave me hardly any time to jump out of the way with each swipe of their weapon. But what was even more intriguing than the velocity of their stock was their appearance.
Rather than a robot bearing Robotnik’s insignia, a tan lynx with long, vibrant red hair was gaining ground as they unceasingly kept attacking me. A dark beak-like mask was attached to their face, obscuring their identity. A beige cloak was wrapped around their body, from which I could make out other hidden weapons attached to their side.
“Gear!” Mina cried, taking in the situation. She dashed toward us but tripped in her haste. Assuming she was initiating combat, the assassin turned away from me to face Mina, striking in the general direction she was in moments ago. Mina, on the other hand, had already hit the ground, knocking into their feet and causing them to fall over as well. I grabbed her arm, pulling her to her feet and away from our attacker.
“Thanks for the save,” I said, drawing my sword, “I needed a moment to breathe.”
“But who-?” Mina tried asking, but the lynx had already started their next attack, putting away their rifle in favor of a long baton with pointed edges. I pushed my friend away before hastily guarding, surprised by the raw strength my attacker was displaying. They pushed me back, rushing me once again with another swipe of their weapon. I dodged, parried, and blocked their attacks as well as I could. They still managed to graze me a few times, and I could now feel warm blood running down my arms. I was running out of steam, something my enemy fully planned on exploiting. They struck the ground at my feet, causing me to lose my balance. I looked up at their emotionless mask as they prepared to strike.
The wadded-up remains of my snack bag struck the back of their head, drawing away both their attention and mine. Mina stood a few feet from the both of us, knees shaking. I swiftly took advantage of the situation, kicking the lynx in the gut and jumping back to my feet. They followed the movement of my attack, backflipping a few times until they were a few feet away.
I took a few shallow breaths, trying to regain my composure. The creamy scent once again hit my snout, making me lose focus. I gripped the hilt of my blade a little tighter with my blood soaked gloves.
I had to think of a way of stopping their attacks long enough for the others to get here. It was obvious that our attacker was stronger, in experience and strength. While I had been in similar situations before, I was still unsure of how to confront said situations properly. If I could hold out until the rest of the Freedom Fighters got here…
The problem was Mina. Based on her reactions to the entire fight so far, she was at a loss of what to do. I glanced over at her, noticing the slight fear in her eyes, the sweat dripping off her fur. She was doing well in ignoring her fear, at least enough to the point that she could stand up. But it wouldn’t be long before the lynx found the weak link in our small party.
I focused my eyes back towards them. An overwhelming urge inside me forced me forward, telling me that I had to protect Mina. If I couldn’t save her, then I had no right to call myself a Freedom Fighter in training.
My feet moved on their own accord, bringing me closer to the assassin as my pace went from a walk to a jog to a run. They guarded, preparing to deflect. I concentrated, once again imagining the flowing green energy that connected everything flying around me. I shifted my body through the void, moving a few feet behind them. The assassin hesitated, watching me vanish into thin air, before swirling around to face me, their baton cutting through the wind. I teleported again, quicker then they could turn, moving a foot off the ground to their front. I raised my knee and connected it with their large disturbing mask as they once again turned towards me. A sharp crack bounced off our ears, hitting nearby buildings. I hopped away, wary of a counterattack.
The lynx’s mask was practically split in two, desperately clinging onto their face with what little grip it had left. It was bent at a slight angle, hindering their ability to see. With a grunt of annoyance, they threw the guise off their face and to the ground.
“Wait, it’s a girl?” Mina exclaimed, pointing.
The lynx sighed, pulling off her cloak. Dark green eyes pierced mine, almost devoid of life. She was dressed in light combat gear, small knives and a few hand pistols attached to the side of her belt. She wove her hands through her hair, which had gotten tangled during our brawl. The stripes across her tan fur seemed to pulsate in anger, illuminating a thin scar on her right shoulder.
“And here I was thinking this would be easy,” she exhaled, throwing aside her baton and drawing one of her guns, “I should know better than to trust Sweeper on these things.” She held the pistol up, pointing it at Mina, “Move and I shoot.”
I stood my ground, glaring back at her. “What-,” I started to say.
“No talking either, it’s a waste of my time,” she interjected, “Now, you’re going to come with me quietly. Or not, my client never specified how ‘alive’ you needed to be when I bring you in.” Her face was all business, and I knew if I didn’t comply there would be consequences.
I was a little more worried about Mina than myself, so I slowly lowered my sword to the ground and silently walked over to the mercenary with hands held up to the sky. She smiled, knowing that she had won. What neither of us expected was Mina running towards the lynx at lightning speed, clocking her in the jaw. While pain didn’t register on her face, surprise did, and she dropped her gun out of shock.
“Based on her reaction, she thought Mina didn’t have it in her to fight back,” I thought as I started sprinting towards the two, “Guess we were both wrong.”
Mina fell back as I swiftly approached with fists raised. The lynx, now on her guard, reached for one of her knives, thrusting it at me. Much to her astonishment, I didn’t back off, and as the cool blade pierced my side I connected my knuckles with her abdomen, sending her to the ground.
“Are you okay?” Mina cried, rushing over. I grunted in pain as more blood left my body in larger quantities. I clutched my side, wary of the knife that was stabbing my insides. My eyes, however, were focused on the bounty hunter in front of us.
She was already getting up, albeit at a snail’s pace. She wiped away some saliva that had escaped the scowl on her face. She grunted as she rose back to her feet, her hands once again reaching for another weapon attached to her waist. A small beeping suddenly rang out, interrupting her, and the two of us watched as the lynx pressed the button of a small device on her ear.
“I’m in the middle of something,” she said.
“I’m well aware,” a tiny voice answered, “but we need to bring you back in. Now.”
“Is she using some kind of communicator?” I asked myself silently.
“Can’t I wrap this job up? I’m almost done here,” the mercenary angrily replied.
“Well, rather unfortunately, your client-”
“Who do you think she’s talking to?” Mina suddenly whispered to me. I shushed her, hoping to regain the conversation.
“-mands were too… narrow sighted. I will reimburse you for your time, Kaitlyn, and I have another assignment for you, which I have emailed to your console. Leave the one named Gear Foxx alone- for now.”
For a moment, the lynx didn’t answer. A small groan echoed out of the taxi, breaking the silence. She sighed, muting her transmitter. She turned away from the two of us, picked up her things, and slowly walked away, taking that strong peachy scent with her.
“Shou- should we go after her?” Mina asked hesitantly.
“No. We’ve got other things to worry about right now,” I groaned. I gingerly walked over to her abandoned helmet, still creepy looking despite its condition. I picked up one of the two halves, rotating it around in my free hand, observing it. On closer inspection, it vaguely resembled a plague doctor’s mask. A small tag stuck out from the inside reading, “Property of Mx. Fruity and Co.”
“We’ll leave this mystery for another day,” I said, attempting to make my way back to the car. Pain spiked in my side, causing me to stumble. Mina caught me and laid me down on the ground. My vision blurred as I tried to make out the red splotches that kept appearing on the floor.
“Wait, you’re not walking in this condition! I’ll try to contact Sally.”
“Yeah, you- you do that…,” my voice managed to croak out just as the world started dimming around me.
“-The lacerations on his arms should heal given time- as for the wound to his stomach, it just missed any major organs, but he should get some rest for the next week at least. The time to fully recover will still take a while, but considering how fast those broken bones of his healed after what happened in Robotropolis, I’d give a complete recuperation time of a few months.”
“Thank you, Doctor Quack.”
I slowly realized I was lying down in a hospital bed, staring up blankly at the ceiling. I tilted my head to the right, peering over at Dr. Quack and Sally. They were slightly blurry, only coming into focus after I had blinked a few times. I noticed the throbbing in my gut was held back by a layer of fresh bandages covering my midsection. A clock on the wall counted off the seconds, amusing my eyes as they watched the hands slowly turn. I moved a little under the blanket covering me, noticing the comforting warmth that was washing over my cold, feeble body. Sally finished her conversation with Quack and entered the room before noticing I was awake.
“How are you feeling?” she asked, sitting at the end of the bed.
I turned my head back towards the ceiling letting out a soft moan. “Numb,” I declared simply, too tired to elaborate further.  Silence slowly crept into the room as I waited for Sally to reprimand me for my rash decisions.
“Mina told me about what happened.” I attempted to speak, but Sally cut me off, “Why did you lie?”
I eyes grew wide with alarm as I realized where I had been stabbed. “Did she see my brand when the doctor was performing surgery? Not to mention the doctor knows now too…,” I thought, my mouth quivering with terror. I forced myself to remain calm as I asked, “What do you mean?”
“I mean the console. Mina messed with it, so why did you say otherwise?” Sally was looking at me with a faraway gaze, as if it didn’t really matter what my answer was or not.
“Because…,” I paused, trying to find the words, while at the same time breathing a mental sigh of relief, “It was obvious who the better Freedom Fighter would be. Mina gets along with all of you so effortlessly, something I can’t do. She opens her heart to people, but I can’t. And… I know you all trust her a lot more than you trust me. Maybe it’s because I keep to myself, or maybe it’s because of what happened in Station Square,” Sally frowned at this, but didn’t say anything, “but I figured Mina had a better chance of becoming a Freedom Fighter than I did.”
A long, quiet pause held back my breath as I waited for Sally’s answer. She continued staring at me as the clock slowly ticked away, filling the void in my eardrums.
She finally sighed and stood up, shaking her head. “If you want to be a Freedom Fighter, you need to have more confidence in yourself. Besides, Mina announced that she would quit training, starting today,” she declared.
I swiftly sat up, at the cost of sharp pain trying to dig its way out of my abdomen. I held the covers close to my chest as I cried out, “What? Why would she-?”
“I’m not sure, but it was her decision. You can ask her about it later.” She walked toward the door, before suddenly turning back around, “I wasn’t going to cast you out of the team for something as little as that, Gear. That’s the reason we have these training sessions- so you can improve on your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.”
She left the room, leaving me with nothing but my thoughts. I stared blankly at the sheets, clutching them tightly in my fists.
“Overcoming my weaknesses, huh?” I muttered.
Dr. Quack quietly entered the room, surprising me when he spoke suddenly, “Ah, our new problem child is awake. If you want to get on my good side, then you won’t leave that bed till I say otherwise.”
He proceeded to give me the same spiel that I overheard him and Sally discussing. Once he was finally done, I asked the question that had been bothering me for a while.
“Did anyone else see it?” I asked with a slight edge of malice in my voice.
“See wh- Oh, you mean that weird mark on your chest?” My eyes narrowed as my worst fears were confirmed, but only for a few seconds, as the Doc continued, “Yeah, no one saw it, except for me. You wanna tell me what that’s all about?”
“No,” I replied sharply, looking away, “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone about it either.”
“Alright. Not like it’s my business anyway, so your secrets safe with me kid. If it bothers you, though, I can prescribe an ointment…”
“Thanks Doc,” I sighed, flopping back against my pillow. I stared at the ceiling for a few moments before realizing just how tired I was.
“Get some rest, kid. You’re gonna need it.” Dr. Quack walked out of the room, and I was once again by myself.
I yawned before closing my eyes. Darkness now covered the landscape as I drifted off to sleep, forgetting my troubles and the mysterious new enemy I had just faced.
Wow this only took forever.
Read the Beginning!- Prologue
Previous Chapter <—> Next Chapter(IDK)
Gear and Kaitlyn belong to me.
Kaitlyn created by iiTryano-Chan
Mina, Tails, Sally, and others belong to SEGA, Archie(?) or Ken Penders.
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