thetrixster-blog · 7 years
You: So do you have a preference for men or women?
Me: *gazing deeply into the distance* I have a preference for justice
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thetrixster-blog · 7 years
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when ur: 👌👌👌👌👌 but ur mun: is what we in the business call; problematic & stupid
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thetrixster-blog · 7 years
Send for my muses's response
[ text ]: where the fuck are you?
[ text ]: do you have any tequila I can borrow?
[ text ]: please tell me you didn't abandon me here alone
[ text ]: I burned the mac and cheese. My bad.
[ text ]: Didn't I block you?
[ text ]: ......was that a sext?
[ text ]: I won rock paper scissors, time for you to pay up
[ text ]: I told you so
[ text ]: If you're not here in five minutes, don't bother
[ text ]: I found Oreos in the freezer and squeeze cheese under the sink. You have a good night?
[ text ]: I thought I told you to stop jumping on the couch. It is now broken, and I know it was you.
[ text ]: Your mom called. I told her you had syphilis. haha fuck you.
[ text ]: Are you ignoring me or did you lose your phone again? Honestly it's hard to tell.
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thetrixster-blog · 7 years
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
episode 005-008.
‘hands up!’
‘how else do you think i got in here?’
‘drink. it’ll calm your nerves.’
‘i knew he was alive.’
‘don’t look at me like that.’
‘you’re not gonna like this, but i think you need to seriously consider the possibility that all this… it’s in your head.’
‘the stupid radio kept going in and out.’
‘it’s like riddles in the dark…’
‘i’m here as long as you need me, okay?’
‘how are you holding up?’
‘can we talk? alone?’
‘you need to leave.’
‘you being here… you’re just making things worse, like always.’
‘look, i’m on your side.’
‘take that down. it’s inappropriate.’
‘can’t he just, you know, outsmart the bad guys?’
‘sometimes the bad guys are smart, too.’
‘i’m gonna get you some new crayons.’
‘you want to go out there.’
‘we might not find anything.’
‘this is a terrible idea.’
‘you could tell someone, but they’re not gonna believe you.’
‘i’ll tell her when this thing is dead.’
‘we were wondering if you had time to talk?’
‘science is neat. but i’m afraid it’s not very forgiving.’
‘i’ll take care of this, alright?’
‘funny, right? they keep doing our job for us.’
‘it’s a shame what they’ve done to this family.’
‘do you even understand how a compass works?’
‘i hope that’s not meant for me.’
‘listen, i’m really sorry. i mean, even before you threatened me with a baseball bat.’
‘i was a total dick.’
‘i’ll call you later.’
‘you never cared about him!’
‘get out!’
‘you need me here.’
‘you’re a mess!’
‘maybe i’m crazy.’
‘you ever shot a gun before?’
‘he made me kill a rabbit.’
‘i cried for a week.’
‘screw that.’
‘i told you not to call me.’
‘even after everything that happened, i don’t regret any of it.’
‘do you think she’s acting weird?’
‘how far?’
‘is that okay?’
‘turn back.’
‘just hold on a little longer, oaky?’
‘don’t take it so personally, okay? i don’t like most people.’
‘you know, i was actually starting to think that you were okay.’
‘she’s trying to sabotage our mission.’
‘just leave her alone!’
‘fresh blood.’
‘it’s not safe.’
‘they bugged my place.’
‘this whole time, you were right.’
‘she used us!’
‘she’s like a stray dog!’
‘screw you!’
‘for all we know, it’s her fault.’
‘what is wrong with you?!’
‘why would you do that?!’
‘i’m not nine anymore.’
‘you’re worried about her?’
‘would you just shut up?’
‘do you want the lights off or…?’
‘couldn’t sleep?’
‘every time i close my eyes, i just keep seeing that thing.’
‘you wanna go back out there?’
‘it seems to hunt at night, like a lion or a coyote.’
‘i can’t believe she didn’t come back.’
‘she said it wasn’t safe.’
‘i shouldn’t have yelled at her.’
‘all of you were being a bunch of little assholes!’
‘she didn’t mean to hurt you.’
‘i’m not spending my time on her anymore.’
‘i’m going to the gate.’
‘don’t be frightened.’
‘they’re just here to watch.’
‘whatever it is, it can’t hurt you.’
‘it’s reaching out to you.’
‘don’t turn away from it this time.’
‘are you lost?’
‘mouth breather.’
‘you know you have to pay for those!’
‘you may have seen him on the news.’
‘i told you, you’re wasting your time.’
‘what matters is that he’s your best friend.’
‘i call bull on your logic.’
‘you read any stephen king?’
‘the doctors all say it’s a coping mechanism.’
‘what’s the weirdest part? me or the bear trap?’
‘uh-oh! she looks upset…’
‘you don’t want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?
‘kick his ass!’
‘only love makes you that crazy.’
‘you’re dead.’
‘i know you did something to me.’
‘i’ll cut him right now!’
‘that’s right! you better run!’
‘she’s our friend and she’s crazy!’
‘you come back here and she’ll kill you!’
‘i’m sorry…’
‘i’m the monster.’
‘you saved me.’
‘still pretty?’
‘i’m happy you’re home.’
‘the bad men are coming!’
‘they’re on us!’
‘that was – awesome.’
‘friends don’t lie.’
‘why is he wearing handcuffs?’
‘i wanna see you in my office.’
‘what happened to her hair?’
‘we want to help him.’
‘do you have any idea where he might have gone?’
‘this place is like a fortress.’
‘you’re sorry? that is not good enough.’
‘you act like you’re all alone out there in the world, but you’re not.’
‘a psychotic child broke his arm!’
‘she doesn’t even look like a girl.’
‘the cops should just lock him up forever.’
‘for once in your life, shut your damn mouth!’
‘you never even liked her because she’s not miserable about you.’
‘she actually cares about other people.’
‘you gonna fight me now, too?’
‘this is an emergency. do you copy?’
‘we know you’re in trouble.’
‘if you’re there, pick up.’
‘we can protect you and we can help you.’
‘this is our government. they’re on our side.’
‘maybe this is all a trap and the bad men are coming to get us right now!’
‘is that my dress?’
‘i can’t find them.’
‘how do we make her better?’
‘i can find them.’
‘i have a science question.’
‘do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks? specifically how to build one?’
‘why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?’
‘we’ll be careful.’
‘it’s not gonna snow next week, is it?’
‘i don’t want you anywhere near this, alright?’
‘i’m gonna find him. you gotta trust me on this.’
‘what did she even eat?’
‘she really likes eggos.’
‘i knew you were acting weird.’
‘no more secrets, okay?’
‘from now on, we tell each other everything.’
‘you’re a very brave girl. you know that, don’t you?’
‘i am gonna be there with you the whole time.’
‘if it ever gets too scary in that place, you just let me know, okay?’
‘we’re right here.’
‘don’t be afraid. i’m right here with you.’
‘i’ve got you.’
‘it’s okay. you’re safe.’
‘you’re okay.’
‘you tell him i’m coming.’
‘you did so good…’
‘i’m gonna find him.’
‘i wanna finish what we started.’
‘i want to kill it.’
‘let me out!’
‘i want to save them.’
‘i can’t do that. not without your help.’
‘i know who you are…’
‘i know what you’ve done.’
‘now you’re asking for my help? go to hell.’
‘did i stutter?’
‘i know you went a little too far this time and you messed up in a big way.’
‘you really messed up, didn’t you?’
‘you’re just a junkie.’
‘they’re probably just sucking face somewhere.’
‘where’s the girl?’
‘nobody’s ever gonna find out about this.’
‘you’re gonna leave them alone.’
‘this place had nothing to do with it.’
‘i want you to slow down your breathing. take deep breaths.’
‘just breathe…’
‘stop talking.’
‘this is crazy!’
‘in case you forgot, we’re still fugitives.’
‘the bad men are still looking for us.’
‘she’s kind of a badass now, so…’
‘i’m just gonna go get some chocolate pudding.’
‘you need to leave.’
‘did he do this to you?!’
‘i’m not asking you, i’m telling you – get out of here!’
‘is that – is that gasoline?’
‘put the gun down.’
‘will someone please explain to me what the hell is going–?!’
‘this is crazy. this is crazy. this is crazy. this is crazy! this is crazy! this is crazy!’
‘are you insane?! it’s going to come back!’
‘come on, you son of a bitch!’
‘go to hell, you son of a bitch!’
‘it has to be dead… it has to be.’
‘i found the chocolate pudding!’
‘what’s “putting”?’
‘she can make you whatever you like.’
‘my point is, they’ll take care of you.’
‘this will charge your battery right up, i’m tleling you.’
‘they found us.’
‘she’s just drained…’
‘there’s more blood.’
‘she’s barely breathing.’
you want her, you have to kill us first!’
‘eat shit!’
‘you’re sick, but i’m going ot make you better.’
‘the bad man’s gone.’
‘is it dead?’
‘no more.’
‘he’s not breathing–’
‘i love you more than anything in the world.’
‘i need you to wake up now.’
‘just breathe. breathe.’
‘you’re okay…’
‘you’re home.’
‘you’re safe.’
i made you a new mixtape.’
‘be careful with him.’
‘it’s dead.’
‘we made a new friend.’
‘she has superpowers.’
‘something is coming.s omething angry.’
‘whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s not it, is it?’
‘it doesn’t make any sense!’
‘he farted.’
‘you’re like a little girl!’
‘i didn’t get you anything.’
‘can i open it?’
‘did you give it to him?’
‘no more snooping.’
‘it’s fun.’
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
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   I don’t know–  I haven’t traveled back in time to find out. I’m not that bored. I’m very comfortable with the present, this time, this era- whatever. It’s fantastic, which I’m guessing yours isn’t.
   OOOOH Admit it! You wanted to meet me~ The great Axel Walker~
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Oh yes, The Great Axel Walker, i couldn’t pass up a moment to meet you. That’s actually what they call you back home. [Eugene replied sarcastically.] In school I learnt ALL about you, and all the kids would fight over who got to do their class project on the Amazing Trickster.
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
   Eugene.. old name for a future dude, isn’t it? But I guess it suits you anyway.             Eugene Eugene Eugene… Yep! I’ll remember it.
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Yes, an old name, family name. However I don’t think names really have an expiration date. John is one of the most common names in this era, right? And that comes from even before Biblical Times, does it not?
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
   “They just get paid for telling you to ‘Get Real’, basically. I mean, they say they don’t care about that shit.. they care about the person– But that’s fucking bullshit. They all seem understanding and helpful until a fucking timer beeps and they’re like ‘Alright times up bye bye, don’t forget to pay. See you next week’ ” Axel snorted and shrugged again, just to make himself seem like he didn’t give a damn.
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   “And what does it help to talk about something? Talking won’t get things done. It’s just words… whining and self pity. I hate pity, it’s the worst fucking shit ever.”
❝Ah..’get real’, definitely,❞ Eugene replied slowly...he was somewhat sure he understood what that meant, or at least he had a feeling about what it could mean. A lot of the time he just guessed and pretended, as long as he understood the rest it was okay.  ❝Well I suppose that’s why they no longer have those sorts of treatments in the 25th Century. It’s all very different...is it better? Well...I guess it could always be a lot worse.❞
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❝Okay, so if talking doesn’t DO anything then what else do you do? If you are able to fix your problems on your own, without talking with anyone then there would of never been a need for psychologists at all, right? However people do need help from other’s sometimes, which just comes back to the idea of humans being pack animals and needing community.❞ 
❝As for self pity well...if the idea of talking to someone and asking for help is degrading to a person, then I would have to suggest that mindset would be the best thing to change first,❞ he tried to imply that he was speaking in a general sense, and not to him, or about him personally. Eugene had a feeling Axel wouldn’t feel too good about him trying to help, however if he did it indirectly, well maybe that was just tricky enough to work.
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
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❝We got to get out of here,❞ Eugene told her as he tried to catch his breath. The Trixster pulled himself from the floor and glanced around the room, looking for a way out. His hand fell to the satchel by his side, thank god it was still there.
◆ ◆ @cassies-comics (meme) ◆ ◆
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
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❝Hey! Okay, stop what you’re doing! Or as an officer or the law I’ll have to stop you,❞ The Trixster warned, holding up one of his Trixster Balls just in case he needed to use it. He didn’t exactly have jurisdiction in this era...but he didn’t have to know that.
◆ ◆ @algidcalc (starter call) ◆ ◆
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
numbers: ( 1 - 352 ) link to generator: here content: another movie quote meme, some adult content. feel free to change pronouns.
Keep reading
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
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6x Luke Mitchell
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
ooc; gaah I can’t stop thinking about my nerd bby. like I can picture him being really into inventing and creating all the tricks and he has all these plans and ideas and blue prints. like I am picturing papers up on his wall and stuff, but he probably has some fancy future gizmo. 
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
   Hmp. Fine… be like that, but he will try to get his hands on something.
   “..No, I was gonna say that you can’t trust anyone else but yourself to 100%.  Of course I’d help my fam with… whatever, really.  I just.. don’t know how much they would do.” He shrugged, taking another bite of his food when he starts feeling like he’s sharing too much. He has always been having a hard time to keep his mouth shut.
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   “What I really meant with the thing I said earlier, about doing things yourself– I was talking about, like… if there’s something you’re unhappy about with yourself or with your life.
    No one else can fix your life or whatever it is about You that you don’t like, except yourself. Ya feel me?..    No one else wants to deal with your shit so you should keep it to yourself and just fcking fix it.”
❝Hmm, I suppose in some cases that would be true, but...❞ he trailed off, falling silent as he tried to find the right words.  ❝...so no one but yourself can fix your life...however that doesn’t mean people can’t help you?❞
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❝This era has psychologist, does it not? So there is the concept of talking to people about your feelings, to going to someone else for help....❞ Eugene trialled off again as he realised this was probably going a lot deeper than he had first intended. 
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
Pick up lines Sentence Starters
Some of these are NSFWish but most are SFW
“Hey, are you a parking ticket? because you’ve got fine written all over you.”
“Are you the moon? Because even when it’s dark you still seem to shine”
“Are you from Jamaica? Because jamaican me crazy over you.”
“Is that a phone in your back pocket? Because that ass is callin’ me!”
“You from Taiwan? ‘Cause Taiwan-na get in your pants!”
“Hey, mind if i take a picture of you? I wanna prove to my friends that angels are real.”
“Hope you’ve counted your sins, ‘cause there’s gonna be a demon in your bed tonight”
“There’s gonna be a full moon tonight. I’ll help you howl all night long“
“You like sleeping? Me too! We should do it together sometime!”
“If you were a transformer, you’d be a hot-obot and your name would be optimus fine~”
“I’m gonna need ice over here, cause you’re too hot for me.”
“Hope you like Pokémon, ‘cause I wanna Pikachu!“
“I think I need a paralyz heal. Because you are absolutely stunning.”
“Is your body from McDonalds? Cause I’m loving it!“
“Are you religious? Cause you’re answer all my prayers!”
“Do you have a map? Because i got just lost in your eyes”
“Do you mind if I walk you home? My mother always told me to follow my dreams.”
“Are you a bicycle? Cause i wanna ride you all night long~!”
“Are your legs made of Nutella? Cause I want to spread them!“
“Are you from china? ‘cause i’m china get ya in my bedroom tonite!”
“Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?”
“Are you a magician?  Because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.”
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
   “I’m pretty interesting so it would be weird if my thoughts weren’t.” Is he playing this Self-Love Card too much, now? It can be overused, and people would jump to other conclusions than ‘Oh, this jerk is just self-obsessed.’
   He was reaching his hand out towards the bag but when Eugene glanced up at him, he quickly pulled back and kept his eyes on the other one’s.
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   “… I guess? But–  they don’t get involved with war or any other shit like that. They live and survive easier.    I mean, I’m not against having friends and family, I have a pretty damn good one if I say so myself~  Buuuut…”
Grinning, Eugene looked down at his bag before nudging further from Axel with his foot. Yeah, I can see what you’re doing there, and you can’t have them. He could only imagine what would happen if the future technology got away from him...especially in the hands of someone like Axel.
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❝Buuuut, if they had a problem or issue you’re not going to help them because they should be able to look after themselves? That’s what you’re saying right?❞ he had a feeling that wasn’t exactly what Axel meant, or maybe he did? Eugene knew a lot about history, preferred tech and building things but when you worked around Temporal Justice, knowing your history was important. 
He had read up on Axel too...made sense considering.. you know Trickster vs Trixster, but history could also be very impersonal.    
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thetrixster-blog · 8 years
   would you please reblog this if you and/or your muse consider platonic sensual intimacy to be valid? if you believe in platonic kisses (even if it’s on the lips), platonic cuddling, sensual intimacy with no pressure to be sexual? – stuff like that? o~o
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