thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
La gente que toma conductas o prácticas patriarcales y las aplica en las acciones políticas que ejerce dentro de un movimiento social anti opresión, sólo porque cree que está apropiación es automáticamente subversiva ¿están bien? No funciona así.
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
La anatomía y patología planetaria
De acuerdo a la ley hermética de vibración, cada órgano del cuerpo tiene una frecuencia energética determinada. Esto hace que halla correspondencias entre las diferentes partes del cuerpo humano y los planetas, así como los signos zodiacales.
Estas correspondencias son:
Sol: corazón y sistema circulatorio, espalda y columna vertebral, glándula pineal.
Luna: estómago, pechos y órganos sexuales internos de la mujer, glándula pituitaria.
Mercurio: sistema respiratorio, zonas cerebrales del lenguaje y la inteligencia, así como las del uso de las manos, glándula tiroides.
Venus: región sexual femenina externa. Partes del cuerpo que dan belleza física: cabello, pestañas, facciones, piel, etc. Sistema urinario, glándula timo.
Marte: sistema muscular, aparato sexual masculino, páncreas endocrino.
Júpiter: hígado, intestino delgado, glándulas suprarrenales.
Saturno: sistema esquelético, bazo, dientes, glándulas sexuales en su vertiente endocrina.
Urano: sistema nervioso simpático, actos reflejos, funciones del pensamiento superior (sistema nervioso voluntario).
Neptuno: sistema nervioso vegetativo parasimpático, cerebelo y bulbo raquídeo, el sueño.
Plutón: sistemas de defensa, sistema endocrino en general, intestino grueso.
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Vamos ahora a realizar un razonamiento analógico en torno al porqué de estas relaciones:
SOL: es el emisor de energías y centro del sistema solar (corazón). Hace llegar esa fuerza a todos los planetas (irrigación de los órganos). Es el eje y centro del sistema (columna vertebral).
LUNA: recibe la luz del Sol como símbolo de alimento cósmico (estómago). La relación de la revolución lunar alrededor de la Tierra (28 días) con el ciclo menstrual femenino medio (28 días), se prolonga al embarazo (10 meses lunares) y los mecanismos hormonales que regulan ambos procesos. Recuérdese que la glándula pituitaria o hipófisis está regida por la Luna.
MERCURIO: establece la unión entre el microcosmos (ser humano) y el macrocosmos (naturaleza) a través del ritmo respiratorio en un movimiento dual (inhalación-exhalación).
VENUS: Es el símbolo de la belleza física y la sexualidad femenina.
MARTE: es el principio de la acción y de las funciones motoras.
JÚPITER: está relacionado con el gran órgano que es el hígado, laboratorio metabólico del cuerpo humano y, por añadidura, con el sistema digestivo y la absorción de sustancias por el intestino.
SATURNO: está en analogía con el elemento más solidificado y consistente del organismo humano: el hueso. También tiene que ver con la destrucción de los glóbulos rojos envejecidos (bazo).
URANO: tiene relación con los reflejos y el stress, así como por un estado de superactividad del sistema nervioso. En el plano mental pone al máximo de sus posibilidades las funciones de relación y razonamiento creativos.
NEPTUNO: relacionado con las funciones nerviosas inconscientes. Da la tendencia a la atonía y la pasividad.
PLUTON: es la integración, el autocontrol y el control de las funciones orgánicas (sistema endocrino). Defiende al organismo de los ataques de tóxicos y microorganismos (sistemas de depuración e inmunológicos), simbolizando en ellos un tipo de agresividad para mantener y preservar la vida. La potencia sexual está también influida por él.
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Patología planetaria (Influencias disarmónicas sobre el cuerpo humano).
Se es más propenso cuando se tiene algún aspecto no armónico (maléfico) en la carta astral que afecte a estos planetas.
SOL: ataca la vista, la piel, da fiebre y gasta el corazón.
LUNA: dispensa cansancio, enflaquecimiento, enfermedades mentales, cólicos y mal de estómago. Desarreglos en sistema linfático, ovarios y útero. Depresión emocional.
MERCURIO: da pequeñas dosis de locura, manías y tics. Vuelve nervioso, agitado y crea inquietud, trastornos del habla, la memoria y la respiración.
VENUS: enfermedades venéreas. Impurezas de la sangre, riñones y orina. Problemas derivados de la falta de ejercicio y del erotismo desenfrenado.
MARTE: predispone a pesadillas, insomnio, fiebres, etc. Enfermedades infecciosas como la viruela. Quemaduras. Puede ser bastante disarmónico y causar heridas por objetos cortantes, así como crear accidentes y operaciones quirúrgicas.
JÚPITER: indigestión, congestión, hígado, etc. Es el benéfico mayor pero puede llevar a excesos, sobre todo en la comida.
SATURNO: predispone a caries, reumatismos, resfriados, etc. Da envejecimiento, enfermedades crónicas, estreñimiento, etc.
URANO: crisis, parálisis, espasmos, stress, etc.
NEPTUNO: confusión y desorientación psíquica; agotamiento, neurosis, mediumnidad descontrolada, obsesión, embriaguez, y drogadicción. Estados de trance. Alteraciones en la función del sueño. Anormalidades y perversiones sexuales.
PLUTÓN: desarreglos endocrinos y sexuales. Falta de defensas inmunitarias. Malformaciones hereditarias. SIDA. Alteraciones genéticas.
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
Gemini: May Rundown
Attracted to: Positivity, Productivity, Cleverness, Knowledge
Needs: Freedom, Truthfulness, Strong connections mentally
Words to Describe Self: Dynamic, Determined, Charming, Neutral
Hates: Disrespect, Lack of ambition, Immaturity, Dead-ends, Deadlines
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
Part one of signs on house cusps
Aries on the 1st house-Comes off as fierce and strong.
Aries on the 2nd house-Aggressive about their belongings. Determined to succeed.
Aries on the 3rd house-Confident speaker. Loud and expressive laugh.
Aries on the 4th house-Military families. Mother was very protective.
Aries on the 5th house-Passionate lover. Extreme sports. Fast hobbies.
Aries on the 6th house-Fast paced lifestyle. Works out. Strong body.
Aries on the 7th house-Strong partner. Protective of friends and loved ones. Aggressive way of handling disputes.
Aries on the 8th house-Likes rough, passionate sex. Secretly very intense and passionate.
Aries on the 9th house-Passionate about beliefs. Freedom fighter. Marches in protests. Determined.
Aries on the 10th house-Determined. Strong public persona. Heroes. Soldiers. Police officers. Respected.
Aries on the 11th house-Protective and living friend. Bold friend. The one ready to fight. Takes you on adventures.
Aries on the 12th house-Secretly confident. Hides their strength and power.
Taurus on the 1st house-Beautiful and delicate features. Earthy presence. Down to earth and kind.
Taurus on the 2nd house-Practical about money. Good at business. Determined and possessive over possessions.
Taurus on the 3rd house-Beautiful and soothing voice.
Taurus on the 4th house-Comes from a kind and loving family. Home is beautiful and luxurious. Good interior decorator. Nice taste.
Taurus on the 5th house-Loyal in love. Artistic hobbies.
Taurus on the 6th house-Healthy routine. May be vegan or vegetarian. Likes things planned.
Taurus on the 7th house-Gentle and careful partner. Very loyal.
Taurus on the 8th house-Sensual and enjoys sex. May have a sex addiction. Downfall may be greed and lust.
Taurus on the 9th house-Set in their beliefs. Enjoys traveling.
Taurus on the 10th house-May be a business person.
Taurus on the 11th house-Steady friendships. The loyal friend. Gives good advice.
Taurus on the 12th house- Secretly really down to earth. Greed is part of their karma. Calm and enjoys being at home.
Gemini on the 1st house-Funny and charming. Slender but tall. Can be quite bony.
Gemini on the 2nd house-Takes risks with finances.
Gemini on the 3rd house-Loud but small voice. Witty, and intelligent.
Gemini on the 4th house-Family is very scattered. May be a hoarder.
Gemini on the 5th house-Kinda non commital. Experimental. Likes to try out different hobbies.
Gemini on the 6th house-May worry too much. Scheduled person because without a schedule they’re a mess. May have trouble gaining weight.
Gemini on the 7th house-Likes sociable partners. Enjoys someone who stimulates them mentally.
Gemini on the 8th house-Sexually experimental. Kinky.
Gemini on the 9th house-Takes an interest in many different topics in school.
Gemini on the 10th house-Known to be well educated and a good conversationalist.
Gemini on the 11th house-The social butterfly. Likes to go out and do things.
Gemini on the 12th house-Can be very shy and keep thoughts to themselves. Can be too antisocial.
Cancer on the 1st house-Soft, round features. Sweet and kind. Very feminine. Great love for family.
Cancer on the 2nd house-Values family and togetherness. Spends money on things for the home.
Cancer on the 3rd house-Gentle voice. The voice of a caretaker. Sweet talker. Baby voices.
Cancer on the 4th house-Loves family. Believe in harmony, compassion and love. Home is where the heart is.
Cancer on the 5th house-Spends time taking care of others and doing tasks around the home. The type of child who enjoys chores and spending time with other the family.
Cancer on the 6th house-Likes helping others. Great satisfaction from caring for others.
Cancer on the 7th house-Sweet and loving partner is who they need and what they want. Likes to be nurtured and likes to nurture in relationships.
Cancer on the 8th house-Gentle sex. Values intimacy. Keeper of peoples secrets. Doesn’t fuck with evil. Very intuitive.
Cancer on the 9th house-Gets emotional and greatly appreciates travel an college. College gives you a sense of togetherness, and you can find your true friends there. Travel is an experience you take to heart.
Cancer on the 10th house-The mother of society. Known to help others. People greatly appreciate your presence. You are kind and gentle soul in other peoples eyes.
Cancer on the 11th house-The mom friend™. You take care of your friends. You are protective and consider them family.
Cancer on the 12th house-May feel as if you aren’t taken care of. Secretly a very caring person. You have love for everyone it seems.
Leo on the 1st house-Noticeable. Beautiful and well known. Looks and acts like royalty. Charismatic and a leader.
Leo on the 2nd house-May spend a lot. Has luxurious belongings. Enjoys luxury. Expensive clothes and belongings.
Leo on the 3rd house-Nice voice. Popular siblings. Well known siblings. Amazing and noticeable laugh. Instagram famous.
Leo on the 4th house-Lives in luxury. Mom was a good role model. Spoiled.
Leo on the 5th house-Passionate lover. Likes to be appreciated. Artistic and talented. Lots of different hobbies.
Leo on the 6th house-Beautiful body. Strong body. Spontaneous. Good work ethic. May be high maintenance.
Leo on the 7th house-Charismatic partner. Loyal and sociable. Relationships in the spotlight.
Leo on the 8th house-Likes to be worshipped during sex. May like role playing. Downfall is greed. Bad side is disloyal and ungrateful.
Leo on the 9th house-May be a good leader. Easily influences large masses. Well known.
Leo on the 10th house-In the spotlight. Popular in their profession. Fame. Everyone knows something about you
Leo on the 11th house-Popular friend. Friend who you shows you new things. Spontaneous. Likes to party and have fun.
Leo on the 12th house-Secretly insecure and doesn’t feel appreciated. Wants love but doesn’t always receive it. May feel overlooked or invisible.
Virgo on the 1st house-Modest but intelligent. Calm presence. Funny. Beautiful. Nice hips.
Virgo on the 2nd house-Pragmatic with money. Enjoys self improvement books.
Virgo on the 3rd house-Soft voice. Funny. Modest and reserved siblings. Well read.
Virgo on the 4th house-Quiet surroundings. Modest and clean home. Not too flashy, but well kept.
Virgo on the 5th house-Loyal and devoted. Likes to read and write.
Virgo on the 6th house-Cleans when nervous and can be very meticulous. Nice and balanced diet. Healthy. Doesn’t get sick too often.
Virgo on the 7th house-Wise in partnerships. Anxious but ready for marriage. Devoted.
Virgo on the 8th house-May be quite kinky. Likes dirty sex. Many guilty pleasures. Likes to be submissive.
Virgo on the 9th house-Ivy League ready. Devoted to their beliefs and higher education. May be very religious.
Virgo on the 10th house-Considered to be reliable and hard working. Their career is important. Nurses and doctors.
Virgo on the 11th house-Helpful friend. Looks out for everyone. Kinda reserved though.
Virgo on the 12th house-Secretly clingy and messy. Worries too much. Relies too much on others.
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
Sun in the Houses
Sun in the 1st House
You are good at getting what you want.
Identifying your interests and desires is easy for you.
You have strong willpower and self-assurance.
You are respected for who you are and what you do.
You hide your insecurities behind a strong facade.
Taking orders from others feels like an insult to you.
You are capable of seizing great opportunities.
Sun in the 2nd House
Self-esteem is tied to your material possessions.
You value quality over quantity.
You usually know how to hold onto money, but you must be careful with spending too much on extravagant things.
You don’t mind hard work if it gets you what you want.
You dislike unexpected changes and people who never take responsibility for their own acions.
You rarely change your mind.
Sun in the 3rd House
You prize intellect and consider it the key to all things.
Nothing irritates you more than boredom.
You can become really argumentative and sarcastic when frustrated.
You are wise beyond your years.
You always strive for everything new and often simply can’t hold your attention for any more or less long time.
You have pretty light and mischievous sense of humor.
Sun in the 4th House
You are very protective of your home, family and the things you own.
Privacy is very important to you and you may not like just anybody coming into your home.
You love to keep sentimental things.
When people come to you with a problem you’re the first person to offer help.
It’s hard for you to let go of something or someone that was once close to you.
You follow your heart when it comes to trusting someone.
Sun in the 5th House
You are creative by nature and constantly seek opportunities for self-expression in everyday life.
Tradition is pretty important to you and your family is especially important.
You love the idea of having children.
You are a party animal and enjoy going out.
You love being the center of attention but at the end of the day you don’t care what other people think of you.
You desire a career that gives you an avenue to shine.
Sun in the 6th House
You aim for the top for a feeling of accomplishment.
You are always prepared to meet any obstacle, nothing stands in the way of your perfection.
It’s very difficult to convince you to relax and lower the pace of working.
You notice every little detail, no matter how small it is.
You’re likely to own a pet who you share a deep connection with.
You take great pride in being independent and hate to admit that you need help.
Sun in the 7th House
You are fun to be around and know how to bring a lot of energy into the room.
You shine particularly bright when interacting with your environment.
You are able to handle a busy social life.
Building relationsips and lasting connections makes you happy.
Your sense of self can be easily shaken or projected onto others.
Being in a relationship makes you feel complete.
Sun in the 8th House
You experience many transformations throughout your life.
No one is able to hide things from you.
To you, people are complex and life is one mystery after the next.
You stumble upon hidden knowledge but feel unable to share it.
You are very private and quiet about your interests.
You hate when people try to tell you what to do or act like they know you.
Sun in the 9th House
You tend to rely on your instincts and intuition.
You dislike routine and prefer to experience new places and things.
Higher education, philosophy and travelling illuminate your sense of identity.
You put enthusiasm and passion into any goal you are striving towards.
You have a thirst for knowledge but little patience for details.
You are very outspoken about your beliefs.
Sun in the 10th House
You may not always want to be the leader, but you can’t stand getting behind someone who is sloppy and inefficient.
Your career might be structured with the help of your father.
You will do whatever it takes to succeed.
You have a personality that naturally demands respect.
You have high standards in most aspects of your life.
You are extremely bold when trying to make a point or an impression.
Sun in the 11th House
You have great faith in the efficacy of the power of the group to change society.
You can’t hold back your opinion even if it will get you in trouble.
People will never be able to figure out what you’re thinking or feeling, because it’s constantly changing.
You don’t like to limit yourself or your creativity and will actively seek the unknown and unexplored.
Bringing people together and making things better will help your ego to shine.
You are driven by the need to help other people.
Sun in the 12th House
You understand things that others fail to notice.
You need a lot of alone time to think and explore your inner world.
You need to be careful who you surround yourself with, because you tend to absorb energies from other people.
You have strong healing and perhaps even psychic abilities.
You might have trouble realizing your full potential.
You can sometimes have a strong inner desire for fame or you dream about being in the limelight.
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
Part two of signs on the house cusps
Libra on the 1st house-Beautiful, graceful and likable but can be two faced. Usually has dimples and a sweet smile.
Libra on the 2nd house-Likes spending money on things dealing with their appearance. Values beauty and kindness.
Libra on the 3rd house-Beautiful voice and handwriting. Very likable among peers. Had a pleasant childhood and early school experience.
Libra on the 4th house-Pleasant upbringing. Values harmony and usually grew up in a pleasant environment with luxurious objects, or beautiful objects.
Libra on the 5th house-Good and charming dating partner. Has pleasant hobbies like doing art, singing, writing, cooking etc.
Libra on the 6th house-Usually has a beautiful body and their daily life is well balanced and pleasant. Sickness may come and go if they aren’t balanced. Beautiful hips and voice
Libra on the 7th house-Needs a beautiful, charming, likable spouse. You act very non confrontational in relationships. You’re very pleasant to be around but can act two faced. People pleaser.
Libra on the 8th house-Gentle sex. Likes to please their partner. Their bad side can cause them to be very hurtful, mean and two faced.
Libra on the 9th house-Non confrontational about religion, politics, etc. Would make a good ambassador. Likes to settle disputes. They are the mediator we all need.
Libra on the 10th house-Pleasant reputation. Not too many conflicts in public. Will make a good lawyer. Everyone likes this person. When people think of you, they may think of you as charming and kind.
Libra on the 11th house-Gentle friend who just wants what’s best for everyone. Tried to settle issues between friends. Gets invited to go places because everyone enjoys their company.
Libra on the 12th house-Private self is gentle and compassionate. At their lowest they can be very mean and like to start drama. Spiritual pursuits is something they may enjoy.
Scorpio on the 1st house-Magnetic, alluring and addictive. Very noticeable eyes because they’re so intense.
Scorpio on the 2nd house-Secretive about finances and their belongings. Sex is placed at a high value. Very resourceful in making money. Sources of income may be secret because it can involve scandal.
Scorpio on the 3rd house-Communicates in a vague but attention grabbing way. Detective like mind. Seduces your mind easily.
Scorpio on the 4th house-A lot of growing and life lessons came as a result of the family. Childhood might have been hard and sexual or emotional abuse is likely.
Scorpio on the 5th house-You approach love and dating with intensity. Sex isn’t taken lightly. You attract potential partners through the vibes you ooze. Can be jealous. Taboo hobbies.
Scorpio on the 6th house-Sex is apart if the daily life. Daily life is transformative and often intense. Repression of desires takes a toll on your health often times.
Scorpio on the 7th house-Attracted to power and status. Attracted to sexually alluring types. Intense relationships and secret business dealings.
Scorpio on the 8th house-Very intense sex. Transforms through sex. Secrets are often kept dealing with other peoples secrets.
Scorpio on the 9th house-Religious and philosophical crusader, often engaging in arguments over religious beliefs. Beliefs have the ability to transform you greatly.
Scorpio on the 10th house-Intense public persona. Often revolutionizes career. Transforms an industry. Recognized by many.
Scorpio on the 11th house-Tend to surround yourself with dynamic, aggressive, and powerful friends. You don’t have many weak friends.
Scorpio on the 12th house-Kow how to cultivate hidden talents in others. Your downfall can be caused by secret resentments and concealed love affairs.
Sagittarius on the 1st house-Jovial and bright. Philosophical approach to things and can be very wise and insightful.
Sagittarius on the 2nd house-Lucky with finances. Doesn’t worry too much about their belongings or money. Spends money on experiences, like travel, sports etc.
Sagittarius on the 3rd house-Loud and expressive voice and laugh. Siblings probably travel and experience a lot. Has early travelling experiences. Lucky with school.
Sagittarius on the 4th house-Had a blessed early childhood. Got to experience a lot with parents. Comes from a huge ethnic background probably.
Sagittarius on the 5th house-Spontaneous, happy dating partner. Enjoys learning and traveling. Adrenaline junkie.
Sagittarius on the 6th house-Day to day life consists of adventurous with a happy go lucky approach. Since the 6th house rules pets you may also have large pets.
Sagittarius on the 7th house-« You might be deeply attracted to love relationships with a partner who has a background quite different form your own, either culturally or with religious beliefs. The differences stimulate you. »
Sagittarius on the 8th house-Approach to sex, love and intimacy is filled with optimism. A lot of sexual encounters is likely since Jupiter rules Sagittarius.
Sagittarius on the 9th house-Philosophical and lucky with travels and higher education. May travel a lot later in life. Good traveling partners.
Sagittarius on the 10th house-A spiritual leader/mentor among the public. People look up to you.
Sagittarius on the 11th house-The happy, inspirational friend. Gives good advice. Experiences a lot with friends. Excellent travel buddies.
Sagittarius on the 12th house-You easily understand universal concepts. Blessings will come from the most unexpected people and places, these individuals are able to sense anyone’s goodness of heart from miles away.
Capricorn on the 1st house-Seems hardworking and serious but can also come off as sad or cynical. Defined bone structure, nice smile. Beautiful skin.
Capricorn on the 2nd house-Responsible and tactful with money. Good at business.
Capricorn on the 3rd house-You’re careful in the expression of your thoughts. You never say or write anything unless there is a good reason. You can be quite harsh with speech and your voice intimidates people.
Capricorn on the 4th house-A great disciplinarian and household organiser. Grew up in s sheltered but strict household.
Capricorn on the 5th house-Able to easily combine business and pleasure. Large appetite for sex. Can be insatiable.
Capricorn on the 6th house-Extremely hard worker. Very serious and focused on your profession. Health is related to job. If you overwork yourself you may become ill.
Capricorn on the 7th house-Marries late in life and it may be for status. Cautious in relationships and business related endeavors. May be attracted to older partners.
Capricorn on the 8th house-Likes control during sex. Enjoys being dominant. May like bondage as they can be quite kinky. An inheritance is likely and they are good st handling other peoples money. They are very resourceful.
Capricorn on the 9th house-Traditionnel and conservative in religion and philosophy.
Capricorn on the 10th house-You’re ambitious and want to achieve professional prominence through competition. Good at managing and organizing tasks and people. Good st business. Bound to succeed.
Capricorn on the 11th house-Hopes and wishes are often dominated by a desire for security, you choose stable, conservative, and established people as friends. Lifelong friendships here.
Capricorn on the 12th house-More conservative than they care to admit. Sometimes limited by unconscious fears, their hidden strength is the discipline that enables them to work hard behind the scenes. They can be trusted with secrets.
Aquarius on the 1st house-Strange expression and gestures. Appearance may change a lot. Quite tall but slender. Rounder face.
Aquarius on the 2nd house-Erratic finances. Finances constantly have ups and downs.
Aquarius on the 3rd house-Very noticeable voice and laugh. Distinct handwriting. Intelligent but weird siblings.
Aquarius on the 4th house-Erratic upbringing. Maybe moved around a lot.
Aquarius on the 5th house-Doesn’t like to commit too much. But dating life is interesting but has many ups and downs. Bounces around a lot with hobbies and interests.
Aquarius on the 6th house-Spontaneous. Unplanned person, doesn’t tend to follow a schedule. May encounter weird illnesses.
Aquarius on the 7th house-Enjoys freedom loving partners. Wants a spontaneous partner. Someone who’s weird, intelligent and fun to be around.
Aquarius on the 8th house-Can be very kinky. Loves taboo or weird stuff. Can be very much into the occult.
Aquarius on the 9th house-Strange or out of the blue beliefs. Doesn’t follow a set religion or isn’t completely with one side. Experimental and likes to experience everything.
Aquarius on the 10th house-Weird public persona. Funny person to the public. People don’t really know too much about you. You’d do well in jobs where you have to be creative and revolutionary.
Aquarius on the 11th house-Has many acquaintances but not too many close friends. The weird friend. You’re fun to hang out with but you are equally strange. You make friends/acquaintances rather quickly.
Aquarius on the 12th house-Secretly weird. Doesn’t show it too much but can be into strange and taboo things.
Pisces on the 1st house-Selfless, kind, and compassionate. Spiritual. Somewhat ghostly presence.
Pisces on the 2nd house-Losing what you love is the greatest way to take away from your value and security.
Pisces on the 3rd house-Soft and gentle voice. Grabs attention. Has a deep, introspective mind. Great love for siblings.
Pisces on the 4th house-Great love for family. Selfless when it comes to their family and loved ones. Maybe idealized their mother when she might not have done such s great job of parenting. Very vulnerable with family. Capable of being manipulated by those closest to them.
Pisces on the 5th house-« You might have a difficult time seeing your lovers clearly, having a tendency to place anyone you’re dating on a pedestal of perfection with full God like status. Yearning for deep soul mate connections. You’re able to surrender your body and soul completely during sex. Might date or fall in love with someone who is psychic or extremely artistic. »
Pisces on the 6th house-Health is largely dependent upon your emotional state. Very selfless. Derives satisfaction by helping others.
Pisces on the 7th house-Needs an artistic and selfless partner. May be out of touch with reality but is compassionate.
Pisces on the 8th house-Transcendental sex. Soul bonding occurs during sex. Soul bonding is what brings about transformations.
Pisces on the 9th house-Religion and spirituality play a large role in your life. You’d make a good mentor or spiritual teacher.
Pisces on the 10th house-Seems to be “otherworldly” and visionary, and not always practical with regard to work and public reputation. You’re elusive and can be hard to pin down in professional matters.
Pisces on the 11th house-May have toxic friends. Friends may introduce you to drugs and alcohol. Nonetheless you may have compassionate and caring but elusive friends. You express a great, selfless love for friends.
Pisces on the 12th house-« They will live their lives unaware of their own inner faith, needing healthy sleeping routine in order to stay in a calm and peaceful state. »
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
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you are
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
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Friday: Mexican government puts a 9.8ft barrier around National Palace and other buildings to “protect” them ahead of a planned march to mark International Women’s Day
Saturday: Women turn it into a memorial in honor of the thousands of victims who are murdered every year in Mexico just for being women
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
“¿Cómo no apoyar si yo también tengo miedo de desaparecer un día?”
— 8M (chica-con-alma)
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
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“¿Feliz día de la mujer? Feliz va a ser el día en que podamos salir sin miedo a no volver, feliz va a ser el día en que no nos falte ninguna. Hoy no se festeja, se lucha, se conmemora.
¡Jamás tendrán la comodidad de nuestro silencio otra vez!”.
Créditos a quién corresponda la ilustración.
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
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by Libby Frame
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
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Último sábado del 2020, termina la serie de trabajos de Agustina Paci, la Galería de Cosas se reinventa… La serie de ilustraciones de Agustina que elegimos compartir hoy nos ayudan con este mensaje: digamos palabras que acaricien, que acompañen, que alivien. Digamos los sueños, los proyectos. Digamos amigxs, fuerzas, abrazos. Demos las gracias: gracias por acompañarnos. Digamos lo importante: amor, salud, prosperidad y alegrías para todxs.
Sigan disfrutando del trabajo de Agustina en @paciamor
Despidamos el año con la ilusión en lo por venir que cultiva el poema de Claudia Tejeda:
La lluvia cae joven sobre las cosas viejas. Algo nacerá de su milagro. Flor o maleza inevitable. No lo sé. Los nacimientos tienen algo de belleza en los ajuares de entusiasmada expectativa y de ternura. Después veremos qué arrancar de los canteros.
Yo quiero que llueva. Que llueva bien.
#ilustracion #poesia #filosofia #galeriadecosas #felicidades #feliz2021 #gracias https://www.instagram.com/p/CJQymaVgRtJ/?igshid=1855flksjid8l
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
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Two Girls (Lovers), 19011, Egon Schiele
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
“Immediately leave behind those who use manipulative behaviour to convince you to change or lose your identity. You are not putty to be played with or a project to be perfected, but a magnificent and unique manifestation of the universe. You have the right and responsibility to be yourself.”
— Beau Taplin, True Self
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
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I’m Thinking of Ending Things (Charlie Kaufman, 2020).
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thetruth-thoughts · 3 years
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The cost of oblivious daydreaming was always this moment of return, the realignment with what had been before and now seemed a little worse. (insp.)
ATONEMENT 2007, dir. Joe Wright
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