Family Court Fraud Queensland
Family Court Fraud Brisbane Australia.
1) 10 people walk into a bar and the 19 year old working behind the bar can immediately tell who's the trouble maker, who has money and who's full of shit before they reach the bar.
2) A group of people wanting to get in the club and the security at the door can tell who's going to cause trouble and who's going to be good in the venue.
But this Family Court Judge Michael "the maggot" Baumann has been in law most of his life and a judge on the Family Court for year's yet he can't tell the difference between the two parent's who's telling lies who's playing the system,
He ignores Professional reports on Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Photos of Injuries, Doctors Reports and Parental Alienation on the Reports he asked for and then drags it out for over 7 Court appearances over 5 years and over 300 Counseling Sessions and contact centre change overs.
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#Brisbane #corruption #court #Family #michael #beaumann #judge #fraud #pompous #bloated #legalaid #legal #lies
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