thetwistytrombone · 17 hours
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The look 😭😭
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thetwistytrombone · 2 days
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Luca: Snyder cut
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thetwistytrombone · 2 days
his profile is so beastly????
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thetwistytrombone · 5 days
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wip.... working on adding inbetween frames :^) i always forget to share wips outside of twitter
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thetwistytrombone · 5 days
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Trying CSP and decided to practice with some Luca fanart THE BESTIES
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thetwistytrombone · 7 days
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*i hand you a sopping wet beast* *i hand you a sopping wet beast*
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thetwistytrombone · 9 days
Hello I've decided I want to make a longform post about sea monster gills okay 321 go
Under the cut because there's a near embarrassing amount of yapping
To begin, I promise these next two paragraphs are relevant:
Amphibians are known for having both lungs and gills (with a small caveat). However, most (not all! will come back to this in a second) amphibians actually lose their gills in their transition to adulthood (there’s the caveat). Many amphibians instead ‘breathe’ through their skin, cutaneous respiration, by diffusing oxygen in the water into their blood cells. Sick af. Unfortunately, this does not (usually) mean they can live all of their life underwater. A main issue faced by many amphibians is that the water is not saturated with nearly enough oxygen, meaning they need to surface sometimes to take air (far more oxygen dense) in through their lungs. Though they can’t stay there forever, this does mean that they can stay underwater for prolonged periods of time, both by having an insane ability to hold their breath and by using their skin to 'breathe.'
So, the thing with most amphibians lose their gills: Axolotls, for example, are actually what's known as a paedomorphic animal (humans are somewhat paedomorphic as well, fun fact), meaning that their features (or some of them) don't change during their transition from adolescence to adulthood. This is unusual, because most amphibians undergo a metamorphosis in which they lose their gills when they move on from the larval stage. Axolotls, though, do not have a larval stage AND keep their gills. 
So, in the movie, Luca has never been to the surface, he hasn’t even been above the surface level of the water (more on this in a second). Amphibians that undergo a metamorphosis and lose their gills almost always come up for air at some point, as, like mentioned before, the "breathing through their skin" method is just not sustainable. So, if not all sea monsters, Luca, at least, must have gills. You can argue that Luca has not yet undergone a metamorphosis, thus meaning his parents might not have gills while he does, but that’s implying he is in the larval stage right now. Due to how similar he looks to his parents and other adults (and, though I’m hesitant to use concept art, how similar he looked as an even younger child), I’m going to say that sea monsters are very much so paedomorphic and don't have any larval stage.
(Evidence 0, technically: I also will argue that, given how much Daniela is against even going towards the surface, if she (and other adults) had to breach the water level to breathe in air, then this concept wouldn't be so taboo to Luca. Daniela likely would've told him that he will eventually develop lungs and he will need to breathe air, especially as he's, like, 12, and, assuming that sea monster puberty is around the same time as human, he is soon going to undergo that metamorphosis. OR, Luca would've at least seen his parents, his grandma, any other villager, going towards the surface to breathe. Regardless, I'm not subscribing to the theory that they lose their gills, anyway.)
Side note: this also leans them, taxonomically, towards being amphibians and not reptiles
(side note about the side note: this also unfortunately means they probably don’t have claws. I do my best to bend the rules of nature accordingly to fit what their actual anatomy in the film is instead of saying “they don’t have x thing” that they clearly DO have, but, in the film they don’t actually have visible claws (their sea monster fingers are pointy at the ends, but I think that's just how they grow, look at salamander paws). This is incredibly unfortunate, because I really like the idea of them having claws. What is incredibly not unfortunate is that the world is made of pudding and if I want them to have claws then they can and I will reshape taxonomy as we know it to make that happen. And you can too! (Also I’m giggling. Even in the most stereotypically threatening scenario that we see sea monsters, when Alberto reveals himself, the fingertips are still distinctly round. Human nails can do more damage. Lmfao. Little baby.))
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This next section is a lot of silly analysis simply for fun because I was on the debate team and everything needs evidence:
Evidence 1 timestamp 5:55- 6:20
The scene where Luca sees a boat and then imagines himself floating up to the surface of the water, where he's about to breach it and see the human- but his own imagination stops him. The water forms an impenetrable barrier around him and he can’t push his way out of it. This is both for the audience to see how Luca feels trapped under the water and also demonstrate that he’s very interested in the surface, despite his “good-kid” nature. Ignoring the character development, I’m going to use this scene to say that he absolutely has gills. If he had no gills, then going above water level wouldn’t be so forbidden. Of course, like whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals, you can absolutely have animals that live entirely underwater and simply hold their breath for a really, really long time before breaching for air, but this isn’t the case. To breathe in the air, he’d need to breach the surface of the water, and if this was a consistent thing in his life so as to, say, not die, then it wouldn’t be an issue for him to imagine it. Thus, he was likely born underwater and also born with gills. 
Evidence 2 timestamp 0:00-0:15 
Pretty much exactly what I said before but no longer daydreaming and it just further enforces what I said. If he had simply breached the surface of the water at some point in the past, let alone go onto the surface itself, then he wouldn’t struggle so much. One could argue he’s nervous to go above the water level because he knows the next step is to go onto the surface, and to that I say: yeah you’re probably right. Consider though: the daydream sequence. Also I would throw the slippery slope logical fallacy at your face, but Luca himself was probably slippery slope-ing in that argument, so I am keeping my mouth shut.
Evidence 3 timestamp 4:00
This is actually a bit niche (and a stretch, but everything in this post is a stretch), but if you watch the “Deleted Scenes” Bonus Feature for Luca (2021), specifically “Starfish Hunting (timestamp 1:25),” you get more insight as to why this scene is important. Just to overview it: Enrico Casarosa clarifies that this alternative introduction scene to the film specifically highlights the quiet moments during Luca (2021): “[...] There was a tone in [this scene] that was important to the movie, and it really inspired many other moments. I find it’s one of those sequences that we always kept talking about that we gotta make sure we carve time for the slower, quiet, little reveries to nature” (Casarosa). The scene that played in the background as he said that quote was the scene I just linked you too for the third evidence. I bring up this whole other thing to prove that every little thing in this scene was thought about, especially (drumroll) the feeling of the air on Luca. In this scene, you soooo clearly see how Luca’s hair shifts as the wind sweeps through it, which they wouldn’t add in that animation detail* and make it so front and center of the scene if it wasn’t important. As it is for the audience, it’s also Luca’s first time feeling the sensation of air like that on his skin. 
*huge note: you can clearly see the wind brushing through Luca’s (and others’) hair a lot throughout the film, an example off the top of my head is the nighttime scene on the lighthouse when Luca asked what the stars were. Worth mentioning. Do with that what you will.
So, they likely have gills. Now what? Well, originally I thought that there’s really only one place for their gills to be: within their pharynx. Like fish, the sea monster would breathe in through their mouth (or nostrils and they make use of a secondary palette), and the water passes over their gills in the pharynx and out through the sides of their necks, covered by an operculum. This felt shaky, honestly, as the main issue is the operculum not being present in their models for the movie. However, pharynx-located gills was all that I knew of internal gills to be, until:
Signal2Noise’s sick ass bichambered lung theory (idek how they thought of this but it’s actually so awesome and is my personal hc now and I want to share it)
So, to finish off, I wanna talk about this fic briefly. (Observations of the Sea Monster, by Signal2Noise on ao3) (if the link doesn’t work)
It’s not really a fic, it's (in their own words) a “mock-scientific paper written in 1999.”I just wanna talk about their respiration section (and I'm going to try and translate much of it into more layman’s terms), but I highly encourage you to read the full thing, especially if you’re interested in their biology and such, because it’s INCREDIBLY interesting. The amount of work clearly put into it is amazing. I’ve already gassed it up on this site before.
I don’t want to repost any of their work here, so (and I believe it’s no longer marked as only members can view it) go to chapter 7 to specifically see their bichambered lung theory. It does have a lot of science-y jargon, but it’s very much worth it. 
Essentially, two lung chambers (one major, one minor). Sea monster breathes in water, oxygenated water goes into the major chamber, over/through the gills, and the now deoxygenated water drains into the minor chamber. The minor chamber opens up into the trachea through a dorsal facing bronchiole to allow the water to be exhaled out. In the same way that the epiglottis prevents food from going in our windpipe when swallowing, a similar structure prevents the water from flowing back into the major chamber during exhalation. 
Very cool!
I don’t have much else to say. I just wanted to ramble about this and actually I had most of this sitting in a google document for a long time. I figured that I really enjoy when people ramble about Luca regardless of what it’s about so maybe someone else shares a similar mindset. Also, I don’t see people talking about their biology in this way very often. I also don’t think the gills thing was heavily disputed in the fandom? Like, I think most of us agree that they breathe underwater somehow, but this was still fun to put together. Also, just to add on to why cutaneous respiration isn't likely for them (not that they can’t do it at all but): too much of their body is covered in scales for it to be efficient in any way. Only being able to breathe using the skin on your chest, belly, and face would kill you, probably. 
Hope you enjoyed the random analysis and all-over-the-place rambles and the mini zoology lesson :]
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thetwistytrombone · 9 days
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thetwistytrombone · 11 days
A Tale of Five Tandems
The Body Language of Double Riding with your Buddy
This was bouncing around in my head when i went to the theaters and someone reminded me so here it comes. Bear with me.
Ride 1: The "Vespa" on the Island
For their first ride, Luca is anxious and hesitant! But Alberto is right, if he doesn't hold on to the front the makeshift Vespa will fall apart. Luca doesn't grab on until it begins to detach, keeping it whole and working correctly.
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He keeps a tight grip onto Alberto for the rest of the ride, out of fear or duty, but also because grabbing worked. He was right to trust Alberto. And then, when they're falling towards the rock, he stops grabbing and re-detaches it, because they would not survive if he stayed attached. (Parallels what parallels?)
Ride 2: The Dream Vespa
Later that night, Luca is much more confident. The trust he put in Alberto paid off and he faced his fear. And he's starting to share Alberto's appreciation of adrenaline. When he falls asleep, he's behind Alberto on a "real" Vespa. Holding his waist gently, not desperately like earlier. Comfortable and secure.
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Dream Alberto puts Luca in the drivers seat, perhaps representing Luca's growing confidence and desire for agency. Alberto encourages him to ramp up into the fish, but once there Alberto isn't holding him anymore. And when Luca goes even further and touches the moon, Alberto and the Vespa vanish.
(break added because long)
Ride 3: The Uphill and the Downhill
That worry (or maybe the whole dream) is forgotten for a time, and Alberto and Luca don't ride together on a two-wheeled vehicle until the day before the race. By this point much has changed. Tensions are rising and Alberto feels like Giulia is pushing them apart. While helping Luca strength train, he is literally separated from him by Giulia. At the top of the hill, things start to come to a head and Alberto interjects himself in front of Luca, for him to hold onto. Where he thinks he belongs. Luca's hands go out, but do not grasp him, not trusting him. Notably, Alberto has never ridden a bicycle.
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On the way down the hill, Luca only touches Alberto once, to try to take control of the handlebars. Is he willing to fall of the bike away from Alberto? He may be fearing his safety but he does not trust Alberto with this, and again this is justified. They did get down the hill, but they did crash. Into the sea.
Ride 4: The Race
After Ercole stymies Alberto's attempt to rescue Luca from the rain, Luca rescues Alberto from Ercole. Things are completely different. Alberto rides behind and he barely stops touching Luca the entire ride. He trusts Luca's ability and is putting his life in his hands.
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Alberto switches between Luca's waist or his shoulders, and once his face to avoid Ercole's harpoon, but he clings tight to Luca the entire time he is on the bike. No matter what jumps, rough terrain or murder threats are happening.
Ride 5: Victory Lap
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As Portorosso celebrates the Underdogs' victory, they drive the newly-purchased Vespa to Giulia's house. Luca is now between Alberto and Giulia, everyone holding each other by the shoulder, nobody feeling estranged. The body language is much more relaxed, like in the dream, no doubt helped by the slow speed. Alberto is driving, but the Vespa was his dream to begin with. And his to sacrifice if he chooses.
So yeah, this was I'd guess 80% intentional, 20% me reading too much into things, haha!
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thetwistytrombone · 12 days
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Alberto and Giulia up to some nonsense
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thetwistytrombone · 12 days
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so about those fish boys-
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thetwistytrombone · 12 days
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and i’ll sing to you
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thetwistytrombone · 18 days
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Happy Friday! I know it was a few days ago, but happy two year anniversary to my absolutely favorite Pixar film Luca! 💜💚🐟 Absolutely adore everything about the film from its characters, story, and art to pieces. Also counts as my favorite pride film.xD
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thetwistytrombone · 18 days
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A cute “guppy” pile.
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thetwistytrombone · 19 days
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Been thinking about Luca again
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thetwistytrombone · 22 days
it’s really funny how Luca dreamed up exactly what he wanted, and the universe just handed it to him like it was some monkey’s paw situation
yeah you want an outwardly confident 5’4 tan boy with a yellow tank + brown shorts standing on a boat. here you go. he’s really cool & gonna show you the surface & super obsessed w you too,
but watch out!
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thetwistytrombone · 23 days
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Little goatherd boy helping on the farm
zoom under cut because I don't know how image resolution works
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ehehehe lookit the fishies
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