Elliot waited for the guard to release him before he stepped out of the cell and stretched. They were always so cramped, he’d forgotten what they felt like. When asked if he wanted to go anywhere first, the wolf considered his options. “There is a tavern on the south side of the city. Fancy a drink Witcher?” He suggested. It was a tavern August had frequented and regularly gotten information from, they knew Elliot, maybe the wolf could get some information himself. 
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The witcher nodded his head as he heard the other man’s request. “That seems doable,” Viktor assured as he looked at the other before walking towards the entrance of the tower. “I do request you of one thing of any people I rent. Don’t misbehave and make me look bad. I don’t wish to needlessly punish someone should we be able to avoid it.”
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Gabriel nodded his head, “Twenty-four years in total, ten since my last owner.” Most balked at the statement and it was usually good enough for people to think he was defective. He could be left alone that way. What he hadn’t expected was for the man to reveal that he was a Witcher. A hunter then. Gabriel had a fiery dislike for hunters– the people who had abused him from a very young age. “I wouldn’t speak that around here, sir. Some may grow mad.” He tried to keep the dislike from his voice but it was difficult. He was more tense than before.
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Viktor rose an eyebrow as he looked at the other man. He seemed physically attractive and not as uppity as most slaves. He didn’t get why the man would have been left in the Tower for as long as he has. “That’s quite surprising,” The witcher admitted as he looked at the other. He heard the other man’s warning and shook his head. “Your concern isn’t needed. I’m more than capable of protecting myself.” Viktor assured.
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Elliot considered his options. He could send the Witcher away and remain stuck in this cell until August showed or he could take the chance to leave by agreeing to Viktor’s offer. “I suppose I can keep you company for the night.” Elliot agreed, standing and moving towards the bars. He needed to see if the city had changed from when he’d been here or if the many secret exits he knew existed were still an option. 
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“Sounds like a plan,” Viktor said before informing one of the guards that he would be renting this beauty for the night. “Do you desire to retire straight to my loft? Or do you want to go some place first?” Viktor offered the other man. After all, he had the ability to go wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Some people just weren’t lucky like him.
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“You find liars unattractive?” Ashley replied back in a mumble, a bit of color rising in his cheeks as he realized he’d said too much and embarrassed himself a bit. “Then everyone here must be hideous to you. Everyone I’ve met here is a fuckin’ liar. They either want you to believe there’s nothin’ wrong with bein’ in a place like this, they want you to think everythin’ is gonna work out in the end, or they think there’s honor in– in fightin’ each other for a fuckin’ ribbon.”
With a heavy sigh, he leaned forward on the edge of his bed to rest his elbows on his knees. This was honestly the worst part; when he was genuinely attracted to someone he rambled rather than holding his tongue, and his girl back home was the only one who had the pleasure of knowing that– and if his strong draw, and attraction, to the stranger wasn’t confusing enough the fact that he remained cold and emotionless regardless of what Ashley said. “Yeah? How–and how do you know what I want?”
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Viktor rose an eyebrow at that and shrugged his shoulders. “I try not to ask to many questions that people would feel the need about lying about. And if people do lie as much here, then they’re clearly better at it than you,” For the first time, Viktor allowed a hint of amusement slip into his tone with the other before raising an eyebrow.
“I do not know what you want. I can merely assume and help to offer you. My witch made me in order to help make the lives of humans and halflings easier, after all,” Viktor said with a shrug of his shoulders as he looked at hte other.
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Gabriel could blame it on wandering thoughts causing him to stare in the distance, but it’s a bullshit line that many could see through. “You are new. I have been in this cell for many years– a new appearance caused me to pause, sir.” He explained to the man, easily dismissing the obvious staring as nothing of consquence. As far as he was concerned, they could all see him as nothing but a dumb mindless pet; it was better that way.
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“I’m assuming that you’ve been in The Tower for quite awhile then?” Viktor asked curiously. Despite teh fact that the other was human, Viktor supposed that he has been here since he seemed to be able to refer to him as new. “Although I do have to commend you. Your observation was rather accurate. I’m Viktor, and I’m a witcher.” Viktor said, his voice still holding no emotion to it.
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Gabriel was usually hidden in the shadows but right now was leaning close to the bars of his cell. Inquisitive eyes watching the people that passed him by. He was usually overlooked and it was a fact that he was content with. If he had his way, one of those bastards would not be owning him again. The man that was lingering in the hall caught his attention. He hummed as the man spoke, “Wandering eyes, sir. I apologize.”
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The witcher had noticed the pet had been watching everyone, although he had kept quite about it until his eyes landed on him. Some masters would have been dissatisfied, but Viktor wasn’t some masters.  “No need to apologize. I was merely wondering why your eyes hadn’t strayed from me for a bit,” Viktor said with a shrug of his muscular shoulders as he looked at the other.
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Alek nodded his head in understanding. The truth was, he wasn’t made for this place and he knew he wouldn’t survive for very long. Perhaps his father had coddled him too much and now he couldn’t protect himself. Alek tucked some hair behind his ear, exposing more of his face to the other man. He’d never thought himself all that attractive, but maybe it was just in his clan where that applied. “I understand.” He nodded his head before looking over and offering a sweet smile. “Thank you.”
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For the first time, a flicker of emotion flashed over Viktor’s face as the other thanked him. Viktor wasn’t quite used to people thanking him, after all most of the time any business or relationships he had were transactional. One party always had something for the other. “There’s no need to thank me,” The man grumbled, a flush on the cat-man’s cheeks as the watcher looked off to the side.  “It’s not like I said something prophetic or something.”
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“Very astute of you.” Elliot replied with a smirk. He knew clearly a Witcher wasn’t someone who would be so easily manipulated or fooled, but the wolf still played the game that needed to be played. He was no stranger to the tower. When asked if he wanted to be rented, Elliot paused. The bluntness of the question didn’t bother him, it was the consequences of it. He did not want to be rented by any master but his own, however if he was to return to August he needed out of the tower. Trying to escape a Witcher was likely unwise, but some time out of his cell might give Elliot a better plan for next time. “Do I really get a choice in the matter?” He replied instead, not to outright agree, but gage the other more clearly on his intentions. 
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Viktor’s face showed no emotion as he pondered over it. “I guess it doesn’t,” Viktor admitted before shrugging. “However, I have no desire to spend company with someone who doesn’t want company tonight,” Viktor shrugged with a shake of his head. “I’ve heard that a lotof people seemed to be into that. I currently haven’t been struck by that impulse. Although I suppose I shouldn’t jinx myself quite yet,” Viktor snorted.
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“Always glad to help.” Elliot replied with a smirk. He shrugged when asked which kind of pet he was. It would be easier to let the Witcher believe he was just another dumb fighting pet, one that did nothing but kill and attack on command like a trained dog. Elliot was far from any of those things, but he had to do what was best to get out of here and back to his master. “What do you think? I’d like to hear your thoughts before I either play dumb or prove I am.” He chuckled. 
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“From your fighting background, it’d be easy to say you don’t have much of a brain. But considering all you told me, I believe you’re smart enough to play dumb most of the time. So I think you’re a combination of the two,” The witcher said as he studied the smaller man with a hum.”Would you like to be rented?” Viktor asked the other bluntly, figuring there was no point in dancing around the subject.
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“I used to be an arena champion. And then with my last master, I did lots of killing. All kinds of things, mostly werewolves, but there were other things too.” Elliot answered. He could see the Witcher was impressed with his body count, but that didn’t really surprise the wolf, Witchers were mercenaries. “Just because I’m a halfbreed doesn’t mean I can’t fight or kill. It makes people underestimate me and so I win.” Elliot smirked. “You’re not likely to find much of that here, the pets with muscle lack a brain and the smart ones play dumb to keep elites away.” He chuckled.
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Viktor chuckled as he nodded his head. “Ah, I see. Thank you for spoiling their strategy to me,” Viktor joked, allowing a little amusement to slip into his tone as he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms as he stared at the pet. “And which one are you? Muscles with no brain, or pretty and smart pretending to be dumb?” Viktor asked with a curious look.
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So he wasn’t going to get out of admitting he was looking the other over. Great, this master was either stubborn or he was just one of those types that loved being right; that loved hearing they were right. Either way, Ashley was stuck. So after closing his eyes he let out another tired sigh before looking up at the elite outside his cell; his right eye a cold, natural blue in contrast to the milky grey haze of his left eye; the low lighting of the cells making the scar that marked his face from his forehead, over his left eye, and down onto his cheek look darker, and angrier, than it really was.
“If you’re askin’, then I think it’s safe to say you know what I was lookin’ at.” He grumbled back as he crossed his arms over his bared chest. “But, no, you want me to admit it don’t ya. Even though it’s obvious, you just want to hear me say I was starin’ at you– that I was weak, for a second, and found you to be really distractin’ right?” Despite the argumentative nature of his words, Ashley’s tone was very even and calm; there wasn’t an edge to them as he looked up at the elite with slouched shoulders and the features of his face softening. “You’re– I don’t know how to say it, okay? I’ve got a girl back home and it just feels… wrong… to say I was lookin’ at you the way I look at her..”
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The witcher looked at the other with a frown.  What the hell was this human thinking? Viktor didn’t care if the other admitted to looking at him or not...His ego wasn’t that big. He knew he was attractive, he didn’t need validation from others. No, Viktor merely wanted the other to not lie. “I don’t care about you calling me attractive or hearing it come from your mouth. While I do find you attractive, I find liars to be highly unattractive,” Viktor said, his cat-eyes piercing the other before he moved them away.
Viktor actually didn’t like it when people vocalized their attraction to him. He didn’t mind themshowing it, but to be put on the spotlight or to hear it come from someone’s mouth had always felt a bit odd to the witcher. A small flush came across his cheeks. “It’s not weird or wrong. It’s perfectly natural. Your body craves physical contact, most human bodies do. I can offer you a non-sexual version of that if you want, since you’re clearly not looking for sexual.” Viktor offered emotionlessly.
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“I’m well aware a face doesn’t make a creature. I’ve killed enough of those soft-faced boys to know you shouldn’t underestimate them.” Elliot replied with a shrug. And that was before he’d been turned into a weapon, an assassin’s right hand. Back when he was still just an arena pet he’d done enough killing. “So not all brawn or all brains. Hardly picky are you?” The wolf smirked with amusement. When asked what he looked for Elliot shugged. “Something interesting.” He answered vaguely. 
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“You’ve killed some before?” Now that definitely caught the witcher’s interest. His eyes moved towards the other man’s direction for a moment. “That’s...surprising. I wouldn’t have expected that coming from someone of your species,” Viktor admitted with a shake of his head. “And I don’t see the appeal of someone who is all muscle, nor the appeal of someone without the muscle to back up their brain,” Viktor explained.
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Ashley was tired; he was tired of fighting, of arguing, of getting his ass handed to him, and of trying to protect the other pets that got in trouble just for being around his loud mouth. He was tired, and there was nothing he could do about. He was stuck here in his cell for the rest of the night; expected to just sit and wallow in his thoughts until he eventually fell asleep. Honestly? It was no surprise that some of the pets went crazy here. The human hadn’t even been here a week and he already thought he was losing his mind.
Maybe that’s why instead of looking away in disgust, or simply annoyance, as a master made his way through the tower holdings he found himself staring instead; licking his lips absentmindedly as his good eye drank in the master’s ridiculously striking good looks. Ashley was so distracted by the man, he’d almost forgotten he could be seen. When he was called out, though, he quickly cleared his throat and rolled his eyes; trying to play it off as if he weren’t looking at all. “Don’t know what you’re talkin’ bout. I wasn’t lookin’ at you. I wasn’t lookin’ at anythin’.” 
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The witcher’s eyes narrowed as he gazed at the other. “You know, boy, I have come across many things. Vampires, dragons, werewolves, merfolk, fairies...You name it. But the one that aggravates me the most? A liar.” Had he been human, Viktor may have thought that perhaps he was just imagining the other looking at him. But he was a Witcher, which meant he was bestowed gifts to him by witches. And to say that one of his gifts was inaccurate? Was an insult to Viktor in his eyes. 
“So let me ask that again, boy...Why were you looking at me like that?” Although he felt mildly annoyed, neither his face nor tone showed it. Instead, all his face showed was an unemotional mask and his tone was as flat as the horizon of a plain.
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“Understandable.” Elliot nodded. He saw no point in risking life for a pointless cause, money was a means to an end. Money certainly made his own work more worthwhile but he’d still be doing it whether he was paid more or not. He listened as the other answered Elliot’s question regarding the city, giving another nod. “Survival of the fittest I suppose.” The wolf mused, hazel eyes shimmering golden in the low light. “Unique tastes huh? Like soft faced boys or blood-soaked warriors?”
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“What makes you think that a soft-faced boy can’t be a blood-soaked warrior?” Viktor asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’ve run into too many vampires to believe that wasn’t the case,” Viktor nodded his head before humming as he looked at the other. “People who rival me in either physicality or mentally. It’s no fun if there’s not a bit of a challenge, after all,” Viktor said with a shrug of his muscular shoulders. “And what do you look for?” Viktor asked curiously.
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Elliot hardly thought the Witcher would tell him his business, but it was still curious to see one in the city. He gave a chuckle, arms folded across his chest as he studied the other male. “Witchers always want to get paid hm?” He commented with a raised brow. Elliot had heard of their need for payment before they dealt with a monster problem. It was hardly that different to his own line of work. 
“So what do you think of Aeternum? Quite the city of blood and depravity, pets to entertain your every whim.” The wolf asked, curious. Where once before he would keep his mouth closed, barely speak to any master who came by, Elliot now had the confidence and attitude to speak up, even to a Witcher. He was actually curious about the other’s thoughts on the city. 
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“Exactly,” Viktor didn’t even try to hide his greed when the other said that Witches always want to get paid. After all, that was true. They weren’t just going to roam around killing people and risking their lives if there’s not a profit in it for them. That’s how Viktor sees it at least. “If I’m going to risk the one life I have to go after people with many more years on me, then I expect to at least be compensated for it.”
Viktor thought the other man’s question over before answering it. “It’s...Alright. A shame that the humans have to live in such horrible towns when this one has stuff that they’d kill for, but that’s above my pay grade,” Viktor chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “As for the pets, they’re quite attractive I must admit. But I’m a bit peculiar when it comes to my taste.”
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When Elliot had caught the other’s scent he was definitely intrigued. The wolf had travelled all over the world at August’s side, seen all manner of creatures, killed them. But he’d never seen a Witcher before, they were legendary. The scent that rolled off the man, who was not a man, was unique and it caught the wolf’s attention. 
“Never seen a Witcher up close before. For good reason too.” The assassin now turned pet, again, commented with a shrug. He wasn’t stupid enough to let his guard down around a Witcher, even with bars between him and the hunter. Elliot knew that hardly meant he was safe. “I didn’t think your kind would flock to a city of monsters. Just has me curious why you’d be here unless its to murder everyone.”
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Viktor’s head turned so he could look at the pet that was speaking to him. Viktor was slightly intrigued by this one, he must admit. He asked some pretty good questions.Viktor leaned against the wall as his cat eyes gazed at the other before he finally looked away and shrugged his shoulder.
“Why I come here is my business, however,” Viktor sighed. “I have no desire to kill anyone just yet. I was made to kill your kind and the ‘purebloods’, it doesn’t mean that I do it when there’s no benefit in it for me,” Viktor assured with a shrug of his shoulders.
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Alek cringed visibly. He was still getting used to this place and the idea that they would be using him was not a comforting one at all. Especially because he’d never even been touched before. “I’ll get better at it… I just… I’m new. I don’t know how I’m supposed to act.” He admitted. Though he knew the man didn’t care. He could see on his face that the man didn’t care in the least. No one in this place was an ally.
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The Witcher had been trained not to care, to let all of his emotions simply go in order to do what he was born to do in the witch’s eyes. To protect and balance both sides of this eternal war out. “I’d suggest you get better fast...From what I’ve seen, not all masters would lt that go,” Although his tone was as unemtional as before, he hoped that the other understood that he was trying to tell him. “With a pretty face like yours? They’ll look for any excuse.”
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