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Day One • Damiano David
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« I gasp, and I’m Eve in the Garden of Eden, and he’s the serpent, and I cannot resist.»
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The bomb drops in silence, and once again the simulated city explodes in a mushroom cloud of fire, wiping it away in one swoop. The gravity of the moment would likely not be lost on Lux. They, along with every other child in the New World, would be taught that those bombs were dropped so that the old could be washed away and it’s sins could be purged from the new.
Abbadon bites the inside of his cheek. Every move Lux makes gets on his fucking nerves. They might be too young to get it, but he and everyone else could pick it out in a heartbeat. It was clear who was the son of a King.
“Come on, let’s go somewhere else,” he says, annoyed he couldn’t freak the kid out like he wanted to, “Maybe the dinosaurs?”
He’s proving to not be terrible at watching the children, which will be a relief to Summer. But instead of waiting for an answer from the the twins he merely directs them that way automatically. He wants to just start walking and see if they follow but that’d get reported to Michael for sure so he tries to herd them.
The Old World museum would bore most kids to tears, but not the royal twins. Lux loves looking at the war exhibit for the uniforms, flags, and maps that he doesn't know how to read yet. He likes the old colors and worn fabrics. Nox, however, loves to learn about all the ways the people before the Apocalypse would destroy one another. He points at a musket with a bayonet, which to him would look completely foreign. "Daddy?" He's asking for an explanation. Both of them are curious beyond belief.
Abbadon was not a museum kind of person, but he will admit that the war and weapons exhibit was way more up his alley than anything else; and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the way his son oohed and awed at the intricate guns and weapons which ranged from daggers in the 500s BC to WWII German machine guns.
He looked at the musket and pointed, "You know what a gun is, kid? Well, that's a gun with a knife at the end of it. It's called a bayonet."
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Abbadon smirks at the boys, “You wanna see?” There’s a little display with a simulation of a metropolitan city beneath a plexiglass case with a big red button outside of it. Abbadon presses the button and activates the simulation wherein a nuclear bomb is dropped and the whole city goes up in a mushroom cloud of ash and fire, everything obliterated. He looks at his nephew and nods towards it, “Press the button, Lux. You can be just like Daddy.” He encourages Nox to do the same, patting his back, “It’s just like the Legos, but better.”
The Old World museum would bore most kids to tears, but not the royal twins. Lux loves looking at the war exhibit for the uniforms, flags, and maps that he doesn't know how to read yet. He likes the old colors and worn fabrics. Nox, however, loves to learn about all the ways the people before the Apocalypse would destroy one another. He points at a musket with a bayonet, which to him would look completely foreign. "Daddy?" He's asking for an explanation. Both of them are curious beyond belief.
Abbadon was not a museum kind of person, but he will admit that the war and weapons exhibit was way more up his alley than anything else; and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the way his son oohed and awed at the intricate guns and weapons which ranged from daggers in the 500s BC to WWII German machine guns.
He looked at the musket and pointed, "You know what a gun is, kid? Well, that's a gun with a knife at the end of it. It's called a bayonet."
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Abbadon leads the two boys over to the exhibit that begins with the Manhattan Project, including a dramatic voiceover of the infamous line, “Now I have become death, destroyer of worlds.” Abbadon smirks at this. “Looks like your daddy sure showed him, huh, Lux?” he joked, half-way hoping to scare the boy, “But he used nuclear bombs. Do you boys know what happens when a nuke is dropped?” He crouches down next to them as if he’s telling a spooky story, “Everything nearest to it gets evaporated. Just poof and it’s gone like it never existed.”
The Old World museum would bore most kids to tears, but not the royal twins. Lux loves looking at the war exhibit for the uniforms, flags, and maps that he doesn't know how to read yet. He likes the old colors and worn fabrics. Nox, however, loves to learn about all the ways the people before the Apocalypse would destroy one another. He points at a musket with a bayonet, which to him would look completely foreign. "Daddy?" He's asking for an explanation. Both of them are curious beyond belief.
Abbadon was not a museum kind of person, but he will admit that the war and weapons exhibit was way more up his alley than anything else; and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the way his son oohed and awed at the intricate guns and weapons which ranged from daggers in the 500s BC to WWII German machine guns.
He looked at the musket and pointed, "You know what a gun is, kid? Well, that's a gun with a knife at the end of it. It's called a bayonet."
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Abbadon’s hatred for the boy grows as he stares into those eyes. The perfect combination of the two people he despises the most in the world. A brief, very violent thought of ripping them from his sockets crosses his mind.
“Crayons?” He raises an eyebrow, “That’s it? You two don’t fight over anything else?”
It shocks him because, from the womb, fighting over things was what he and Michael did. They fought over food, toys, everything.
It might be harder to divide them than he thought.
He watches his son lead Lux to one of the exhibits with fascination. They speak in their own language. Just like him and Michael.
Glancing over, he sees an exhibit dedicated to the most deadly of human weapons. The bomb.
“Hey, Nox, you wanna see a real-life bomb?”
The Old World museum would bore most kids to tears, but not the royal twins. Lux loves looking at the war exhibit for the uniforms, flags, and maps that he doesn't know how to read yet. He likes the old colors and worn fabrics. Nox, however, loves to learn about all the ways the people before the Apocalypse would destroy one another. He points at a musket with a bayonet, which to him would look completely foreign. "Daddy?" He's asking for an explanation. Both of them are curious beyond belief.
Abbadon was not a museum kind of person, but he will admit that the war and weapons exhibit was way more up his alley than anything else; and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the way his son oohed and awed at the intricate guns and weapons which ranged from daggers in the 500s BC to WWII German machine guns.
He looked at the musket and pointed, "You know what a gun is, kid? Well, that's a gun with a knife at the end of it. It's called a bayonet."
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Abbadon always soaked in any attention he got, no matter how small. He smiles proudly at Nox and ruffles his hair as the passerby mentions the resemblance, not necessarily out of genuine affection but more from a sense of stroking his ego. Nox was his son, who looked like him, who made him look good. Though, even with this shallow gesture, he does notice the wild look in his eye as Nox studies the weapons, the desire for the power destruction holds. He’s not completely disconnected. He then glances at Lux, the little golden boy, crowned prince, the one thing Abbadon had tried to prevent from happening to secure his position as nearest to the throne. He hated the little brat for his very existence, for what he represented. A loss of power and prestige. A failed plan. Of course, he knew that he couldn’t hurt him directly. That’s no longer an option. He has no control over him. But he does have control over his own son, and he can teach him how his brother is stealing his birthright from him, turn them against each other… “You and Nox ever fight, Lux?” he asks the worried boy.
The Old World museum would bore most kids to tears, but not the royal twins. Lux loves looking at the war exhibit for the uniforms, flags, and maps that he doesn't know how to read yet. He likes the old colors and worn fabrics. Nox, however, loves to learn about all the ways the people before the Apocalypse would destroy one another. He points at a musket with a bayonet, which to him would look completely foreign. "Daddy?" He's asking for an explanation. Both of them are curious beyond belief.
Abbadon was not a museum kind of person, but he will admit that the war and weapons exhibit was way more up his alley than anything else; and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the way his son oohed and awed at the intricate guns and weapons which ranged from daggers in the 500s BC to WWII German machine guns.
He looked at the musket and pointed, "You know what a gun is, kid? Well, that's a gun with a knife at the end of it. It's called a bayonet."
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The Old World museum would bore most kids to tears, but not the royal twins. Lux loves looking at the war exhibit for the uniforms, flags, and maps that he doesn't know how to read yet. He likes the old colors and worn fabrics. Nox, however, loves to learn about all the ways the people before the Apocalypse would destroy one another. He points at a musket with a bayonet, which to him would look completely foreign. "Daddy?" He's asking for an explanation. Both of them are curious beyond belief.
Abbadon was not a museum kind of person, but he will admit that the war and weapons exhibit was way more up his alley than anything else; and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the way his son oohed and awed at the intricate guns and weapons which ranged from daggers in the 500s BC to WWII German machine guns.
He looked at the musket and pointed, "You know what a gun is, kid? Well, that's a gun with a knife at the end of it. It's called a bayonet."
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Corentin Renault in Last Splash, photographed by Jumbo Tsui and styled by Shuo Yuan Hasegawa for Men’s Uno China
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Jakob Wiechmann  
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Abbadon rolls his eyes, “Chill out, Pussycat. We’ll be back and the little kiddos will be all right.”
Though she’s right to be afraid. Something just…accidentally happening to Lux didn’t not cross his mind. Because of course it did. It’s Abbadon. Though, he knew better than to try something like that now.
Nox grabs onto Abbadon’s hand and grins up at him adoringly. Lux gently takes Nox’s free hand and looks back at his parents, chewing on his bottom lip as they head towards the car where Reginald and the guards await them. He got the kids in the car and turned towards the house where Michael and Summer stood watching. He gave a little salute and a wink before getting in the car and having Reginald drive off.
Three o' clock sharp, Abbadon is at the Royal House ready to take his son and nephew on their little outing. As if to ensure he knew he was being watched like a hawk, Reginald and two guards had been the ones to escort him there and would be accompanying them the entire day. He did not appreciate being so heavily monitored but, like everything else in his life, it was a trade-off. He smiles at Summer as she opens the door, "Right on time, Pussycat. As promised."-theuncrowneddestroyer
Summer is barefoot when she opens the door, immediately letting out an angry sigh at the moniker. He knows it enrages her to no end.
She's beeen trying for an hour to get the boys ready for the outting. Any kind of nice outfit she wore would've been ruined by now, trying to pack their little bookbags to accommodate any possible scenario that might come up. So she's wearing a casual light-green linen sundress, the hemline sitting just above her bare knees, so she can move around easier.
She steps aside, her bright ponytail leaning in the breeze from outside. "Come in. They're almost rea—”
"Daddy!" comes the little voice behind her. A dark-haired boy slams hard into Abbadon's leg to embrace it.
Lux is inside with @thecrownedbeast , finishing up his pack with a granola bar and a juice box. He's frowning, but quiet.
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Abbadon slightly stumbles back as Nox collided with his leg, but quickly recovers, ruffling the boy’s hair, “Hey, kid.”
He looks at Summer, his eyes trailing over her body in that same lustful way they have since they’d met. A deadly combination of hunger and hatred. He’s already imagining what he’s gonna put her in for their date, and probably what he’s going to do when she has to come over for their weekly escapade.
“So, I’m assuming you have a list of how many steps I can take? How many puffs of air I can have?”
Three o' clock sharp, Abbadon is at the Royal House ready to take his son and nephew on their little outing. As if to ensure he knew he was being watched like a hawk, Reginald and two guards had been the ones to escort him there and would be accompanying them the entire day. He did not appreciate being so heavily monitored but, like everything else in his life, it was a trade-off. He smiles at Summer as she opens the door, "Right on time, Pussycat. As promised."-theuncrowneddestroyer
Summer is barefoot when she opens the door, immediately letting out an angry sigh at the moniker. He knows it enrages her to no end.
She's beeen trying for an hour to get the boys ready for the outting. Any kind of nice outfit she wore would've been ruined by now, trying to pack their little bookbags to accommodate any possible scenario that might come up. So she's wearing a casual light-green linen sundress, the hemline sitting just above her bare knees, so she can move around easier.
She steps aside, her bright ponytail leaning in the breeze from outside. "Come in. They're almost rea—”
"Daddy!" comes the little voice behind her. A dark-haired boy slams hard into Abbadon's leg to embrace it.
Lux is inside with @thecrownedbeast , finishing up his pack with a granola bar and a juice box. He's frowning, but quiet.
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