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Kitty Wilde || Big Meanie
First of all her name is Kitty and she doesn't even speak Cat. I'm not impressed by her parents' choice of name. I walked up to her one day and said something Lord Tubington taught me (not really sure what I said, hopefully it was nice), she looked at me like I was stupid, insulted me, then walked away. I mean I could of said something stupid but Lord Tubington wouldn't teach me something stupid. 
Second, she's the new Quinn. I was the new Quinn until I got kicked off the Cheerios. Now I'm just vice Quinn. I think I should be the new Quinn because I'm blonde, popular, a show choir goddess, and overall more talented. 
Plus, she'll never do Britney and Ke$ha justice like I can.
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Other than that, I like her.
Picture Credit: kitty-caps Picture Edited by Brittany S. Pierce  Gif is temporary. 
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Just a hello from us three :)
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how many cats does brittany have?
I have one cat and his name is Lord Tubbington
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Bram - rate it. all three of you.
An 8/10.  If they're happy, I guess that's what matters, but it just doesn't seem... Ideal.
-- Quinn 
On a scale of 1-10, I say 13!
-- Brittany
All I'm sayin' is Trouty better learn to keep those balloon lips to himself if he knows what's good for him, and on a scale of one to ten? I'm gonna go with somewhere in the negatives. 
-- Santana
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Is this a critic site?
More or less.  One of us will look over something and deem it worthy of praise, or decide to bash it and maybe give some tips on how to better it.  Some things might be more harsh than others, but it all depends on who's answering.-Quinn 
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If you guys were the powerful girls, who would each of you be and why?
Are you this much of an idiot?  Look at the links on the page, it's said there.  (It was Britt's idea.)  I think the ones she chose are fitting; Blossom is the leader, Bubbles is the sweeter one, and Buttercup is kind of the bitch.-Quinn 
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Alright, listen up, losers.
Santana, Brittany, and I were bored and came up with a little idea to try and help you all out.  What we'll do is try and help any of you freaks out if we can, just be sure to establish who you're talking to.  This can be for characterization or whatever you want.
Just keep in mind if you suck, whoever is answering has no problem letting you know.
xoxo Quinn
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