We can start in the year 1619 with the arrival of twenty African prisoners of war in Point Comfort, Virginia but that would take far too long. Instead let us fast forward through the horrific murders, rampant rapings, brutal beatings, planned starvations and all other inhumanities inflicted upon these “Slaves” and their descendants at the hands of slave masters, slave drivers, and patty rollers to the year 1775. The true beginning of American hypocrisy, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” were words spoken by white men pursuing freedom from servitude even as they denied it to their captives and profited from their suffering. This hasn't been overlooked by historians, nor has it gone unnoticed by the descendants of these Africans. Who as a people, have not only been aware of the duality of this society but have rebelled against its fraudulent existence from the very beginning. The slave revolt was the first form of protest and revolution.  
Fueled by the inhumane treatment of human beings in America, in the colonies, and on the colonized Continent, the fire of this revolution has never stopped! Altered maybe, forms and fashions may vary from boycotts to guerilla warfare attacks on police officers, but without question as we begin to analyze the persistence and perseverance of our people in a collective effort to achieve the rights and freedoms granted to us by God and later spoken of their constitution we begin to understand very simple truths. 
There can be no peace without justice and for every action there is a reaction. As basic as these concepts appear, one glance into a small window of our history allows us to clearly see just how much blood continues to be shed by the actual complexity of these truths. Nat Turner, our revered ancestor, reacted in the only available response. Before him our brothers and sisters that participated in the Stono Rebellion and Gabriel’s Conspiracy reacted, murdered and died. Since then, there have been many movements, riots, protests, and even strategic wars fought, all in reaction to America's failure to live up to its claimed founding principles of equality, freedom, and justice for all! 
The civil war, according to American school books, was a military solution to the blatant discrepancies that existed between the ideals of American liberty and the actual reality of enslaved Africans. Viewed as a way of life for many, violence would be the only option of ending a society and system that was designed to terrorize humans for profit. 
Slavery was after all a way of life many intended to keep, as Abraham Lincoln himself put it: “The Autocrat of all the Russias will resign his crown, and proclaim his subjects free republicans sooner than will our American masters voluntarily give up their slaves”. He stated this knowing that slavery in general was in direct opposition to the principles America was founded upon and that a weak foundation will soon crumble anything built upon it. He knew that one never addressed hypocrisy could, would, and should be the cause of civil unrest in America for decades to come. If fact, this martyred President was very aware of Americas true nature, saying: “The slave-breeders and slave-traders, are a small, odious and detested class, among you; and yet in politics, they dictate the course of all of you, and are as completely your masters, as you are the master of your own negroes”. Few people caught on to that simple truth then, and even fewer are aware of it now although we continue to revolt against this small minority today. The 20% of society consisting of racists, seperatist, and supremacist who harass and terrorize people of African ancestory through laws, discrimination, petty tyranny, and direct violence. The so-called 1% responsible for the social and educational systems that breed modern slaves and the corporations that trade their labor, but this is a topic for another discussion and for now we are talking about war. A war in which African People fought with brave honor for our freedom. Comprising 10% of the union army and motivated by the opportunity to claim their rights and freedoms in this concept called America, our ancestors killed and died as warriors. The same way their ancestors did fighting in the War of Independence that brought what would be called the U.S.A. into existence. The truth is history only repeated itself regarding the plight of African Americans. Before the war was even over, any thought of Black People finally enjoying the benefits of a country built on our backs, by our sweat and blood, was nothing more than a fantasy. Although the war’s conclusion did abolish the legal institution of slavery and later resulted in the recontruction of the southern United States however briefly, it also ushered in a new era called Jim Crow and gave rise to the Klu Klux Klan. Both created to perpetuate the subjugation and destruction of Black People. Basically, as state sanctioned white supremacy attacked African Americans with petty laws and designed ordinances, white terrorists lynched and sabotaged those of us succeeding in the American dream. A long recurring nightmare of ours, us being gored at every turn by the two vicious horns of the same sacred bull called capitalism or democracy.
This can be seen simply by analyzing the 1921 Tulsa race riot. After the white mob bombed and burned the wealthy and successful Greenwood district, city officials put restrictions in place to ensure Blacks could not rebuild Black Wall street and would never be compensated for their losses. This is the first time as a people we began to understand that our inclusion into their society was never the plan. In reaction to this reality, Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association of the early 1920’s founded the Black Star Line in order to aid the return of the African Diaspora to our homeland. The opportunity for this exodus was immediately countered by the federal government who used agent provocateurs to stop our repatriation to Africa due to the economic impact America would suffer without the presence of American Africans. Strategically, Marcus Garvey was criminalized and deported, not murdered and made a martyr of for Black People to relic. The overseers only had him removed in the hopes that our ambitions of escape from this constitutionalized plantation would be abandoned and our conformity to a racist system that ensures we are both brutalized and monetized, would continue. Expectations for our future were set high. We were  expected to participate in American society economically as workers, consumers, taxpayers, court fine payers and warehoused inmates. We were also expected to accept the fact that the rules governing American society do not apply to African Americans.                   This presented us with a choice: Accept second class citizenship or bring about change through revolutionary movements that focused on the concept of self determination.
We of course chose to continue the rebellion, resisting injustice and racism in solidarity during an era that we would term as the “Struggle” and voice loudly with calls for “Black Power'' while using phases that would rewrite the meaning of freedom or death like the infamous “Ride and Die”! The Civil Rights era of the 1960’s proved beyond a reasonable doubt, the extent to which the attempt at the reconstruction of this country’s political power to be more fair and equal following the civil war failed. If Blacks were really citizens and were truly as free as the constitution claims it’s citizens are, why was there a need to ask for civil rights, the right to be treated in a civilized manner by uncivilized people? This question has never been answered. In fact, as Black People began to persistently ask for our humanity the only honest answer that we received was assasination. Fred Hampton, Patrice Lamumba, Malcolm, Martin, James Earl Chaney and his honorable associates, a list of our losses too long to continue here. Killed by governments, killed by “recently escaped convicts'', killed by our manipulated own, killed by police, or killed by the white mob after being handed over by the police, they were all slaughtered without remorse actively pursuing the right to be treated like humans.
 The irony of this is in reality (Genetically, Archeologically, Historically) the African is the first human being, the only human group still existing on this planet today who has not interbred with non human species such as the neanderthal and the denisovan.   Understanding this, we can see that all of our past and present revolutions can be translated into a simple request from a people who should want ruthless revenge. Having been enslaved, freed without reparations, subjugated economically and socially thru maliciously designed laws, and oppressed thru systematic racism, surprisingly, we only ask that White America confront it’s hypocrisy. A revolutionary request, only in the context of asking the white power structure, to explain how they expect two concepts of justice to exist in this world without continued social disorder. We have been aware of how racism has been maintained in America through legislation from the state and federal government for decades. We know all about police sponsored brutality and murder which is a direct result of this racist legislation. We are being openly attacked by militias, hate groups, cowards, and pawns. Randomly targeted for termination by police and white terrorists who the media politely refers to as “troubled individuals''. Sadly, it has been made very clear to Black people through court precedents and rulings that very few of these savages will be prosecuted for committing crimes against us.
This is why the revolution still continues in the year 2020. There has never been an actual effort to right these wrongs. 401 years after the first African slaves arrived chained on American shores. 155 Years after slavery supposedly ended. 55 years after civil rights were granted to African Americans by law and integration occurred. 3 years after the first Black President. And as you are reading this now probably less than 1 day since the murder of a Black Man in America by a police officer openly or by a race soldier in secret. We have tried to reason with the government, the corporate elite, the scholars, and their uneducated citizens concerning our oppression only to have the narrative of our conversations changed from their hidden hand in our destruction to topics like Black on Black Crime. We have burned our property, their property, looted their stores, and robbed their banks in rebellion. We’ve marched more miles than any other people to bring attention to injustices we suffer while carrying signs advertising our grief and expressing our demands. We have now begun to carry assault rifles. 
The time of White supremacy is over. The advantage of surprise and a monopoly on weapons is over. The ability to pretend to be righteous while using division and deception to conquer and control unnoticed is over. The tactic of being the aggressor while simultaneously playing the victim is over. The ability to manipulate the minds of the masses to see African people as inferior, ignorant, and dangerous thru biased news coverage and stereotypical movie and television portrayals is over. The malicious deflection of all qualities, traits, and innate desires of our colonizers upon Black people is over. It is known that the very men incapable of constraining themselves in the act of murder, rape, and robbery have been attaching these very characteristics to the poeple they have been and currently are robbing, raping, and murdering. We are all aware that when it comes to “Western” history, culture, religion, knowledge, and identity the #1 world exploiter is a liar. A burner of books. A suppressor of truth. A thief of other peoples creations and accomplishments. A “race” prone to unimaginable and unnecessary violence. Knowing exactly who the enemy is our revolution continues. Until now we have done most of the dying and endured all of the suffering in America but this has only strengthened us. This strength makes us despised even more. Today it still remains that for every 10 Black People who assert their right to life and liberty there are 15 selfish and soulless individuals who pursue their happiness attempting to deny us ours. Until this conflict is resolved we can not and will not stop revolting in an unjust, corrupt, and racist system designed to maximize our exploitation. This is a revolution described by our ancestor Malcolm X as being “ by any means necessary” because he knew back then what many of us are just beginning to learn now. You can only speak to violent people in the language they understand: Violence. We have exhausted all of the non-violent methods of negotiation with those who oppose our liberation and self determination. For all of our marching and petitioning at best we have been given token positions and symbolic street signs to distract and deflect us from the fact that we have not achieved true freedom and actually remain slaves without natural rights. This is unacceptable! The time for revolutionary change is now. Our real community activists like Willie D repeat with the same tone the deepest feelings in the American African community that there will be “No Mo’ Talk”, I agree. We’ve waited long enough. The revolution in progress  continues but the generation to end it is this one. Umshini wami!
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Some will pick a side and some will die in the middle. It is extremely sad that those who choose justice and truth will have to walk over their bodies in order to get to where they are going!
anyway it is the year two thousand and twenty and in my country alone 100,000+ are dead and over 40 million people (myself included) are unemployed due to a pandemic that has had a negligent-at-best-cruel-at-worst government response, black people are being murdered by police at horrific rates, trans people have the highest murder rate of any group, hate crimes (especially against immigrants) have spiked globally, and the president called for the military to shoot people protesting violent systemic injustice
if you will not use any platform at your disposal to call out injustice and bigotry then you have chosen your side
neutrality is not an option when one side is calling for the death of the other
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