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Lyenn The lone outcast Toa wanders the ruins of the city that had once been the splendor of an universe. Her purpose was clear, and her destiny yet unfulfilled.
The fourth image shows Lyenn in her prime.
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
I feel kinda ill possibly so the City of Legends 2004 post will be delayed, but the title of the post can be found below (which will kinda spoil my opinion on it, but with no context for said opinion).
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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Makuta Spleco
He took the name Silver Fish literally.
Creator: DerpSpawn
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
In a universe where Takanuva had continued to be the protagonist of the Bionicle storyline past 2003, Ahkmou would've made a great antagonist. Both for the cool factor of having a shadow toa and also offering an interesting mirror for the two in their respective patrons, Mata Nui and Teridax.
Now granted, i'm mostly just daydreaming here, it never would've happened with the way the story was structured around whatever the set design team put out.
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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Funky little guy gets two shuriken~
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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A powerful golden toa.
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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Power Cell Bad Guy, his weapon is powered by some large batteries.
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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4 more Bionicle MOC commissions
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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My first Blender render
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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Bionicle Custom: Sidorak
Loyalty to the original is admirable.
Creator: AleximusPrime
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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Ahkmou "Destiny is the lie that they use to choose how you die Duty is work they have you toil in, never getting their own hands dirty Unity is just an illusion and fleeting, in the end you will be abandoned in the dark
The Turaga lead you with only deceit and self-interest. They know where you truly come from and hide in the their lies, the beasts they know deep down they always will be. They hid the truth from you, hiding it within warped legends of heroes and spirits.
You can never step free of you shadow, with it you will never be alone."
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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Ok so I remembered that @valtarshol made a Bohrok-inspired custom mask, so I decided to do a Thing with it. Originally it was just going to be the regular Bohrok, plus the "Fohrok", but then I went a bit overboard and ended up with 24 things.
First row: regular Bohrok.
Second row: Bohrok-Kal.
Third row: Maze of Shadows palettes (with Gahlok being slightly altered due to its MoS sprite having a grey faceplate).
Fourth row: left to right; Fohrok, Exo-Toa alternate build, Gladiator, Furno Bike, Bionicle Heroes GBA silver/cyan Bohrok, Bionicle Heroes GBA brown/green Bohrok (the latter two have artistic license in regards to their tusks and visors, as the original sprites lack either, so I'm using them as an excuse to show their accent-colours).
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
Ehhh I'm gonna do the Bionicle media looking at thing list now.
The order of some of these were decided by a poll, and therefore are on here before I've done them, albeit crossed out.
Part -2: Bionicle: City of Legends movement demo (PS2)
Part -1: E3 2003 press-kit
Part 0: the source of order I'll be doing (most of) the following things in
Part 1: "Free the Band" games
Part 2: Power Pack
Part 3: Interactive Demo CD
Part 4: Inika Promo Disc
Part 4.5: City of Legends PS2 movement demo but it's the most recent version (from 2004)
Part 5: Bionicle: The Game (GBA)
Part 6: Bionicle: City of Legends movement demo (Xbox)
Part 7: Glatorian Arena Trilogy
Part 8: Barraki Promo Disc
Part 9: Stop the Morbuzakh
Part 10: Bionicle Challenge
Part 11: Bionicle Defenders
Part 12: Matoran Adventures
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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A new group render of my Piraka MOCs from 2022.
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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About to build some bugs for king grandpa, what could go wrong?
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
random thing
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thewayofthebionicle · 10 days
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This is a commission I did a while ago for @anotherbionicle for his comic Inside War #5, I'm really excited and grateful for this opportunity, I really loved doing this cover and I hope you like it and the comic too! :D
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