thewiredwalker · 3 years
It's been a while, hasn't it?
Just something to prove to myself that I'm not dead. Work is a bother at the moment.
Laptop won't boot without some recovery key, and the wassocks gave me another link to another support group without actually going deeper into it. Guess that's another day off...? Woot.
After reading through the CIA document on the Gateway Process, figured I'd do it for a laugh. Works on varying levels, I guess. Might try it lying down since there's no head support on this here chair.
Still think about my ex from time to time, but that's part of life innit?
When all is said and done, I'm in a stronger spot than I was in the past. Maybe it's because I'm nearing 30, but it seems like adult life is finally starting to settle in. Rented a flat a while ago, but it was too expensive for dear me, and had to move out after the six months was over. In the meantime, I'm patiently waiting for Covid to end while I save money. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't smoke, but the stress of moving out got to me.
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thewiredwalker · 3 years
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thewiredwalker · 6 years
See guys, lying gets you places. Don't feel bad about not telling the truth to people, so long as you benefit!
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“I was going to Arizona State when my dad passed away.  I didn’t handle it well.  Sort of fell apart.  I had just paid $9,000 for the fucking semester.  I opened my laptop, dropped the semester, opened up a new tab, bought a one-way ticket to New York, and threw myself a going-away party.  Once I got here, I started working in retail.  But on the side I was writing about Fashion Week for a blog called Style Cartel, shout out to Charlotte, Muslim like me.  And every time I went to these events, I’d introduce myself as a stylist.  I kept saying: ‘I style athletes and celebrities.’  I didn’t give a fuck.  Then suddenly I started getting clients for real: actors, NFL players, you name it.  Now I’m up to 42 clients.  Down to two days a week in retail.  Pure hustle.  No Miami mommy money.  Well I’m not going to lie.  I did have a sugar daddy first year,  billionaire, you’ve heard of him.  But never fucked him.  Anyway, the one thing I’ve always wanted to do is go back to school.  Cause I promised my dad.  Then one night I was watching Billions and there’s this psychologist who always keeps the men in check.  So I peeped the psychology degree at Hunter College, walked into the admissions office, and told the lady: ‘My transcripts are trash.  My dad died of cancer.  But I’m intelligent.  I need a second chance.’  The deadline had already passed, but she ended up doing me a solid.  She performed some sort of alchemy on my transcripts and came out with a 2.6 GPA.  That was enough to get me in the door.  I just finished up my second semester.  Now I’ve got a 3.5 GPA.  Plus the teachers love me cause I’m entertaining in class.”
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thewiredwalker · 6 years
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thewiredwalker · 6 years
Dis nigga finna be dabbed on
literally all of online “stan twitter” language is just aave that’s been popularized and generalized by nonblacks to the point where black people are the ones who look out of pocket for using words we came up with because funny internet persona #23904378 wants to use “deadass” and “finna” in every other sentence
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thewiredwalker · 6 years
I make Arma-related things sometimes. Watch as I slowly evolve my mad camera skillz.
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thewiredwalker · 6 years
Not saying I'm mad...
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thewiredwalker · 6 years
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thewiredwalker · 6 years
My kink is taking you out for a moonlit and starry night, settling down with you in my arms.
And then waiting until you sleep to stick my knife between your ribs, killing you instantly, before surgically removing your delicate porcelain skin, so I can sleep with you for ever and ever.
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thewiredwalker · 6 years
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thewiredwalker · 7 years
Just farted and it sounded like the roblox oof
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thewiredwalker · 7 years
Advent calendars, but instead of chocolate it's insults.
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thewiredwalker · 7 years
If ever you want to think about being made from star stuff...
Remember that bins are also made from star stuff.
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thewiredwalker · 7 years
I'm not Amanda. But I am a man. Duh.
reblog if your name isn't Amanda.
2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!
We’ll find you Amanda.
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thewiredwalker · 7 years
I don't want to be That Guy™, but numerous people have come out at the author of My Immortal. How do we know you are legit. Accusations aside, I think your outspokenness about the situation going on in the NA community is awesome. Before digging around your Amazon and tumblr, I had no idea there was even a problem. Regardless of whether or not you actually are the author of MI, kudos to you for using this opportunity to bring more awareness to the injustices committed against NA people.
Thank you very much for the support.  Don’t worry about the questions, I think they’re warranted at this point.  I tried to answer this one in the FAQ, but basically:  Macmillan is a major publisher.  When my agent sold my book to them, they first hired a lawyer (they do not have an in-house lawyer) to legally vet all my claims.  He combed through my manuscript for things related not just to My Immortal, but to my childhood.
I won’t go into my childhood, because that’s not why you’re here, but when it got to the question of, “Can you prove you wrote My Immortal?” I provided him with the original email address with which I first signed up for fanfiction.net.  Believe it or not, I still have it.  (”After all this time?” “Always!!”)  And the other thing I have in my possession, which I’m very fortunate I never threw away (side note, I’m a hoarder), is an old, gross flash drive from 2006 with the first eleven chapters of My Immortal on it.  Because when we first started writing My Immortal, we were doing it on the school computer.  And I had no idea how reliable it was, so I bought like, a $5 flash drive from Best Buy, lol.  Once I was in a home with a real computer, I stopped bothering with the flash drive.  I may be a hoarder, but my attention span is shit.
The verification process took three days.  So, I think if anybody is unconvinced at this point, it’s just because they don’t really want to know the truth.  I’m sorry if I’ve ruined it for those people, but in writing about my childhood, there was no way I couldn’t write about My Immortal.  My Immortal shaped so much about who I am, whether I like it or not (more often than not, I don’t).  If it bothers anyone, that’s fine, they don’t have to read the book.  Anyone who wishes to has my blessing to go on pretending the fic wrote itself, and I promise I won’t bear you any ill will.
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thewiredwalker · 7 years
This is a cautionary tale to always have a CO detector. Don't leave it until the last moment thinking that "it'll be fine, I probably won't need it," get it anyway, otherwise you'll end up in a worse scenario.
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this is so wild, this guy thought his landlord was going into his house and leaving him post-it notes but he just had an extreme case of carbon monoxide poisoning 
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thewiredwalker · 7 years
I wouldn’t suggest using anger as a coping mechanism, but...
Ah, what the Hell. It worked perfectly fine for me so far. Nothing makes me feel justified in anything unless I have a good dose of hot, searing Temper.
I love the feeling that I get when I get riled up. From the cold fury that suddenly focuses me on situations or people at hand, to the blind, frothing, BOILING anger that pushes me to actually do shit. It gives me a passion that I would never know otherwise; it productively gives me an aim that I tend to accomplish, usually with minimum bloodshed and tears. It shoots the spark in my brain that tells me to DO THIS SHIT, AND IF ANY FUCKER GETS IN MY WAY THEY’LL BE PULP.
‘Course, the only issue with it is the comedown. When it all calms down, and you realise that you’re back in your body, with quivering hands and a thought - what the hell just happened?
All in all: I heartily suggest you do what our Norse ancestors have done before, and bring yourself into a berserk rage. It’s fun. I promise.
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