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I'm giving up on this account.
Everything has been shot to hell, and I don't need added stress in my life. So, as I can't delete it permanently, I'm just going to lock myself out in the securely way possible. I'll eventually (or maybe even soon) make another Tumblr, but I will NOT be revisiting this community. I wish you all the best of luck.
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Every fucking time I come back to something, it always stabs me in the back. I'm so done with being treated like I'm worthless and that I don't matter. Tumblr isn't what I need right now. In fact, it's probably the worst possible thing I could've come back to at this time in my life. I'm such a fool.
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I was wrong. This hurts more than it helps. I can't really take this, even though I'm trying to convince myself that I can. I'm just so fed up with everything nice that I make or that's around me being ruined. It's happened time and time again, with relationships, with stories, with my family, with my pets, with everything. It's all spiraling into a hell hole again, and this is just stressing me out more. Again.
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Send me asks, Starters, or anything you can think of. I’m ready to start using Lacy again, and I’m excited that she’s Fandomless. I’d like to Stress that I’ll accept Roleplay Starters from any Fandom (though I’d prefer those that I’m in), and there won’t really be AU’s. Most interactions will Exist within the same Universe for her.
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*dances aggressively*
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I'm feeling so much more confident in Lacy now. Her backstory isn't based in something concrete, and I have wiggle room to make something I like. I'm actually excite for this.
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So I suppose I can start things again. Weird. I doubt anyone has much interest any more, but I'll work in it in the morning. Goodnight all.
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Bam. After only an Hour of Typing, my blog is Up and Running Again. What'd you Know?
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I think I’m going to redownload Tumblr on my phone so that I can edit Lacy again, and then post her bio again.
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Everyone’s forgotten about me, lol.
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God, I’m in such a mental war with myself. I want to come back, and redo Lacy to be Fandomless, but at the same time, I feel as if I’d be a complete nuisance to everyone. This is mostly because I left in an awful place with the majority of my Dashboard, sooo 
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Hey wife :) I just wanted to say that I definitely missed Lacy. She was soo much fun to rp with and had so much though tour into her back story and personality that I was so sad to see her go. I understand if you need to let her go for mental health reasons, but she will be missed. If you restarted her again as a fandomless, great! I'd love to rp with her again. And of course I miss you as well, very very much. Much love, Kai ❤️❤️❤️
I fucking Love you.
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I’ve been thinking more, and before I leave for the day, I’m going to say that this mighht just be a last ressort passtime. Looking back on how obsessed I was with Tumblr kind of opened an old wound, and I’m realizing that it really wasn’t great for me. Plus, I’m not into the FB Fandom as much now. I may just make Lacy Pierce a Fandomless OC? Who knows.
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Okay, so I’ve been thinking about this blog and how I would even begin to fix it and stuff, and I’ve had a few ideas. She would be changed, in that she’s a Fanatic more out of spite for MACUSA, then actual interest. She was denied a job, and bribed with a particular Black Cat, and here she is. I’ve looked back at my previous posts (and Deleted them all) and I’ve realized I’m Dramatic as Fuck. Like, I have had zero Chill and zero Respect and I just cringed at the majority of what I wrote. Keep in mind, this is only after a month break and three months after I restarted this account for the second time. If I start again with this, I realy don’t want to look back and cringe, or regret, writing things. So I don’t really know what I’m doing with this anymore.
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This blog has gone through almost 5 Thousand Posts being deleted, and 3 Restarts. This is getting to be a bit much.
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