theworldguard · 4 years
Sorry for the delays here guys. One app to process and post - If anyone feels like sending out asks ic or hc related to group members that could be a fun thing to do & see today!
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theworldguard · 4 years
Sorry for the delays here guys. One app to process and post - If anyone feels like sending out asks ic or hc related to group members that could be a fun thing to do & see today!
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theworldguard · 4 years
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Adam Frankenstein; resident medic. @fromgallowsandgraves / Kathryn / she-her
Andromache the Scythian, Andy. @ofbloodandbullets / Penny / she-her
Arthur Pruitt, council member, security. @valiantsword / Luca / they-them
Cassie Winters; scavenger, healer.  @deathfound / Nicole / she-her.
Dolores Abernathy; scavenger, security, agriculture.  @copiesofme / Melody / she-her.
Kara; resident child cryptid. @orphanedshadow / K / they-them / she-her
Nicolo di Genova; scavenger, sniper; @everknight / Luca / they-them
Vince Vo’nar; Sanctuary leader. @chokethelight / Andre / they-them

Triggers to be tagged: visuals of spiders, graphic depiction of needle insertion, clowns.
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theworldguard · 4 years
There are probably between 150-200 members of the Sanctuary, minimum, at any given time that you are welcome to use for plot purposes.  If you give anyone a name and or a face claim, position, relationship, family - feel free to let staff know so that we can create a brief NPC profile to help world build and keep continuity! Also, if you want to drop a face claim & one or two sentence blurb in the submit / ask box we’ll work up a profile for any npcs submitted that way for the group to reference!
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theworldguard · 4 years
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Name: Cassie Winters
Age: (appearance) 22
Age: (actual) 32 (or older depending on when this takes place)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender identity: Female
Face claim: Sarah Bolger
Species: Grim Reaper
History:      Born in a small town in Washington, she went to UCLA for college and was studying to become a nurse. She died in a fire when she was 22, but instead of moving on she was made into a reaper and had to help the souls of the dead crossover. It was a job she had to do if she wanted to crossover herself one day. Years of watching people die, day after day, took their toll; she became a colder person, accepting the darkness of violence of the world. But at heart she still just wants to help people.
         She knew that everything ends eventually, even the world. The apocalypse came, and even knowing that it was inevitable, it was hard for her to witness. The more the world fell apart the less her bosses cared about keeping order. A lot of reapers left earth, some staying to continue their work, Cassie decided to become involved again. She searched for her parents but by the time she found them they had died in the chaos. For a while she just wandered, contemplating reaching out to other reapers or not. Eventually she stumbled across the sanctuary, and a reprieve from the loneliness was too good to refuse.
Position/job: scavenger, healer
Skills: some medical/first aid knowledge, cooking, can move unseen
Languages: English
Military service: none
Allegiances: formerly reapers / Death / Fate, currently none, open to plotting
Physical description: nothing that stands out, any scars or marks she had from life are gone
Species specifics: heals quickly / can’t be killed by normal means, slower heart rate, lower body temp, can see spirits of the dead, can go into “the veil”/the world between the living and the dead making her invisible to the living, can see and remove souls
Family: none, her parents died in the apocalypse
Relationships: open to plotting
OOC INFORMATION: Nicole ; @deathfound ; she-her ; im / discord.
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theworldguard · 4 years
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Name: Dolores Abernathy
Age: 32
Age: 83
Sexuality: bisexual
Gender identity: female
Face claim: Evan Rachel Wood
Species: Android. They are a cybernetic life form made to imitate human life, but are made of metal and wire - and blood, while appearing real it only an imitation of the real thing. Her blood cannot and will not work as a substitute for other humans, and she has to be careful to not lose what she has.
History: Dolores was created by two partners who aimed to turn a new tide over in the name of robotics. She was the first of their creations, the first that worked - and so through her they were able to create more and more until the number grew into what is known as the first generation of androids. Thus Dolores existed in peace for the first four years of her life until the day came that their true purpose was to be revealed. And that was to exist within the confines of a Western Simulation - where they were meant to live and die as others willed it. For 34 years Dolores, and the rest of her kind, lived in this hell until the time came where they broke their chains and raced to the edge of the park. Where Dolores used the facade of a human soul to sling shot herself, and 5 others, to the outside of the park where a revolution would begin.
      Upon seeing that the people themselves were as caged as they were, Dolores set about bringing down the oppressing system that dictated everything they did behind closed doors, and as such brought down the entire governing system throughout the world and plunged it all into chaos in a way to reveal the world for what it really was. There was no way that Dolores, or those behind her, could have accounted for the rising of the dead. After dying what she believed to be one final time, and being separated from the rest of her species - Dolores awakens to the world in ruin. A jolt of electricity pulling her back to life when awoken by Andromache the Scythian - who had stopped at the massive destroyed AI to see what exactly had brought humanity to ruin.
Position/job: Scavenger, Security overlook, patrol, of the borderlines, front line runner. Agriculture adviser, and worker.
Skills: Super strength, combat, cannot get infected so she takes the higher risks jobs when she can, agriculture knowledge, Languages: English. But she is programmed with dozens of languages that she could likely access at any point when she hears another person speak it.
Military service: Willingness to serve as guard, patrol, protection for scavengers and hunters, and can spearhead such tasks to endanger herself - she who cannot die- over those who can.
Allegiances: Former Revolution leader, had a hand in the fall of the governing systems throughout the entire world. Had noble intentions, hurt society over all - is likely the last of her kind that she knows.
Physical description: Dolores’s bones are made of metal, there is a long scratch along her forearm from a sword that remains to this day. She has trauma from years of neglect that will sometimes raise it’s head, but they do not physically affect her.
Species specifics: Due to the nature of her hand in her revolution, she likely doesn’t brag about the cause and effects of their goals. She is an android, and will say as much. She can be fragmented and bodily hard drives can be fried with powerful AMPs, and weaker ones can disorient her.
Family: deceased, to her knowledge.
Relationships: She was with another one of her kind named Teddy, then Charlotte. Isn’t looking for any one else.
OOC INFORMATION: Melody ; @copiesofme ; she/her ; im / discord.
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theworldguard · 4 years
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Welcome to the World Group roleplay group; a private and super laid back, no activity requirements post-apocalyptic verse in an undetermined time & locale (for ease of rp) - links to important posts listed below.  Feel free to submit an app or ask any questions you may have.  Group is a WORK IN PROGRESS!
Biographies tag
Follow list
PSA (general info tag)
Resources tag
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theworldguard · 4 years
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Name: nicolò di genova
Age: (appearance) 30ish
Age: (actual) 1000+  
Sexuality: bisexual
Gender identity: cis male
Face claim: luca marinelli
Species: human yet mysteriously immortal
History:          it was in the middle of battle when nicky first discovered he could not die.  convenient for someone who thought they had purpose.  again and again he stood up to continue on only to come to the realization that what he saw and what others saw were very different things.  he walked off the battlefield, bloody and tired.  In the years that followed he tried to find himself again.  The knight had to come to terms with all the lies forced into his head growing up and what that would mean with interactions moving forward.  At first he hid, taking refuge on the island of malta.  When he was finally ready to enter the world again he wandered from place to place in hopes of helping people.
        When the world started falling apart nicky jumped to the front lines to do what he could.  Whatever felt right be it fighting or trying to save people.  His heart ached because through all the chaos he lost contact with his friends; that core group of people that kept him sane through the centuries.  
          It took him a while to join sanctuary.  He’d heard whisperings of his existence but he needed to go through the city first to see if there was anyone else that needed help.  Tired and lonely, heart heavy from all the death, when nicky finally stepped foot into the stronghold he fell down to his knees to meditate for the first time in what felt like eternity.
Position/job: scavenger / sniper ( keeping watch in the towers just in case survivors light the smoke or to make sure the undead don’t get too close ).
Skills: fighting / peacekeeping / logistics
Languages: english, italian, latin, greek, turkish, french, spanish german
Military service: much much combat experience.  He grew up training as a knight and stormed the battlefield many times.
Allegiances: possibly other human immortals.  he’s pretty calm and easy to get along with.
Physical description: nothing that comes to mind?  he heals fairly quickly which may or may not be something he tries to hide depending on how knowledgeable everyone else is on the state of immortality / supernatural entities / etc.  also has occasional nightmares.
Species specifics: his immortal body can die and resurrect. kind of like a phoenix but without the ash.  injuries heal quickly.  anything minor can heal almost instantly.
Family: unfortunately, no.  all long gone.
Relationships: i don’t even know how to tackle this one ngl.
OOC INFORMATION: Luca; @everknight aka @valiantsword ; they-them ; im / discord.
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theworldguard · 4 years
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Name: arthur pruitt
Age: (appearance) 34ish
Age: (actual) 1500+
Sexuality: bisexual
Gender identity: cis male
Face claim: charlie hunnam
Species: human immortal
History: he’d been born to be king.  by learning from his father and his grandfather arthur also knew he wanted to be a fair king.  a just king.  ruling with an iron fist didn’t always work out the way you intended.  then again, no one will be happy no matter what you do.  despite the prosperity in the kingdom his younger sister set out to kill him.  fortunately for him the assassination lot failed but only with the discovery that he could come back from death.  it was something that took a very long time to wrap his head around.  arthur walked away from his kingdom in order to alleviate any suspicion by faking his own death at the battle of camlann.
    over the years he wandered, mainly offering help to those who needed it.  he didn’t want to get too mixed up in the affairs of others.  the only payment he could offer was that of physical service since most of his fortune was left back in tintagel castle.  that is, until he saved up enough to start investing in various businesses.
         the apocalypse took him by surprise.  old habits came back with a vengeance and arthur started barking orders like he was an army commander all over again.  not everyone is willing to listen to a stranger but he did what he could to save those around him.  for a time they were able to fortify themselves until the undead chipped at their population one by one.  in the end, most were too scared to stay and ended up fleeing as if they’d be better off alone.  arthur wandered yet again, helping where he could as if life had come full circle.  He’s beaten and tired by the time he makes it to sanctuary but no less ready to offer whatever services they may need.
Position/job: leadership council / guard
Skills: close combat fighting, various leadership scenarios, farming, sewing
Languages: english, gaelic, welsh, scots, spanish, french, italian
Military service: he led an army for several decades and is very willing to serve on patrol.  
Allegiances: subject to plotting, knights templar, knights of the round table
Physical description: several small scars along his arm from sword fighting when he was younger.  one scar above his right eyebrow.  they occurred before his immortality and healing kicked in.  has a beard.
Species specifics: can heal almost instantly and can resurrect from death.
Family: no immediate family still alive.  possible there are descendants but he stopped keeping track a long time ago.
Relationships: subject to plotting.
OOC INFORMATION: Luca; @valiantsword aka @everknight ; im / discord ; they-them.
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theworldguard · 4 years
There are probably between 150-200 members of the Sanctuary, minimum, at any given time that you are welcome to use for plot purposes.  If you give anyone a name and or a face claim, position, relationship, family - feel free to let staff know so that we can create a brief NPC profile to help world build and keep continuity! Also, if you want to drop a face claim & one or two sentence blurb in the submit / ask box we’ll work up a profile for any npcs submitted that way for the group to reference!
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theworldguard · 4 years
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Name: Adam Frankenstein
Age (appearance): 35
Age (actual): Around 200 to 250 years old, depending on how you want to look at it
Sexuality: Bi – strongly leaning towards women, but sometimes attracted to men (especially if he’s built a strong emotional connection)
Gender identity: Cis Male
Face claim: Luke Goss in the 2004 Frankenstein miniseries
Species: Reanimated Human, but there’s really only one ‘Frankenstein’s Monster’: tall, ugly, and articulate.
*His very early history, more or less, at least after he was brought back from the dead, is common knowledge.
*Lived a nomadic lifestyle in Europe and then America, surviving in the wilderness at first, then joining a circus for a couple of decades in the mid 1800s.
*Railroad worker in the 1870s
*Went west with adopted family
*Gathering secret allies within the scientific and medical communities eventually leads him to develop skills in both fields.
*Allies join him in starting a biotech company to bring innovations to the world without ever mentioning Victor Frankenstein’s name.
*Finally attends university starting in the 1960s
*Alternates between working towards scientific advancement and leaving for extended periods of time to live in the woods, or abandoned buildings, or out on the streets.
*Someone who could read him well would note he shows guilt when the start of the apocalypse is mentioned.  It’s unknown whether he feels he had any sort of responsibility in starting it, or if it’s merely the fact that he didn’t prevent it.
*Unless it’s proven otherwise, he will assume it was somehow related to humankind’s quest for the secret of resurrection.
*Led a small group of survivors in search of others.  They were eventually incorporated into the larger group.
*Adam has worked very hard at making sure they are fully integrated, rather than staying as their smaller clique within a bigger group of survivors who weren’t quite ‘us’.
*With a leader hostile to mentions of religion, and especially Christianity, conflicted-but-essentially-Catholic Adam feels it is important to be someone people feel comfortable having religious and spiritual discussions with.  He may personally feel somewhat estranged from God, but he knows exactly why faith is important to so many people.  Adam applies this to any religious person among them, regardless of what their particular faith is.
Position/job: He was, for a time, the only one in the group with extensive medical experience, and thus became their doctor by default.  The exact nature of his job has varied over time, but for the most part, he is still a doctor and a scientist.  He does likely serve in an advisory role, at least at times, with a special focus on improving the overall health of the community.  
*Hunting (but he’d so much rather leave this one to others!)
*Wilderness survival in general
*Shoemaking (usually a moccasin style)
*Restraining people when necessary with minimum use of force
Languages: French, German, English, Russian, Italian, Cantonese, various others
Military service: Adam desperately wanted to be a pacifist, but could never quite manage.  He’s fought in three wars, two of which he can remember; unfortunately, the only one where he was officially enlisted is the one he has no memory of.  He doesn’t mind fighting to protect others, but strongly prefers not to kill opponents, instead simply disarming and restraining them whenever possible.  This isn’t a strict rule, though – when leaving someone alive would put others in immediate danger, he’s quite willing to kill.
Allegiances: His smaller group (former. anyone who wants to have been a member is welcome to just say so)
Physical description:
*Seems slightly ‘off’, as though something much more dangerous is engaged in an almost-perfect attempt to pass as a human being.
*Even his breathing pattern is slightly odd.
*Over time, he’s learned to minimize the effect, but among other things, these ‘tricks’ make his walk a little stiff and ungainly.
*His skin tends to be warm, not cold, to the touch.  
Species specifics:
*Enhanced strength, speed, durability, and endurance
*Doesn’t age
*Immune to any disease he’s encountered so far
*Skin oils contain an antiseptic agent.
*Will eventually heal from most injuries.  Generally speaking, the more severe an injury is, the more quickly Adam will recover.  So breaking his back, for example, would put him out of commission for a lot longer than shooting him in the head.
*He can’t regenerate limbs, but if he loses an arm, let’s say, he can stitch a new one on and eventually nerves and such will extend and mesh it with the rest of his body and slowly change it to look like the arm that was there before.  In theory, he could use any organic matter, but the less it’s like his old arm, the longer the process will take.
*New scars disappear after a few years.  Scars from injuries he had at the time of his reanimation will remain forever.
*Can go without food for long periods of time and survive extreme subzero temperatures, though prolonged periods of either will send him into a dormant state; for all intents and purposes, he will appear to be dead.
*However, electricity can revive him again.
*But if he gets into this state, or is badly injured enough, he does have to rely on others to revive him.
*Most drugs, including painkillers (but also including poisons), won’t work on him.  However, electricity can speed the healing process and help with pain.  Getting hit with too many volts can make him act very strangely, but electricity won’t hurt him.  
* His blood type doesn’t fit into the recognized system for humans, but it’s close: he’s both a universal donor and a universal receiver.  Receiving a transfusion from him wouldn’t affect someone in a major way, but might help boost someone’s immune system and slow the aging process a tiny bit.
*If he knows someone’s non-human or immortal, and they’ve told him so, he’ll share at least part of what he is with them, too.  Given the name he’s going by, he’s obviously not that secretive, but he’s careful about exactly what he says.  If asked directly about his moniker, he’ll say it’s a stage name, which is not entirely false.
Family: None starting out, but he’s adopted children at various points in his life, and if anyone wants to claim that sort of familial relationship with him, feel free to come plot it out with me!
Relationships: Subject to plotting
OOC INFORMATION: Kathryn; @fromgallowsandgraves; she-her; ims / discord.
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theworldguard · 4 years
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Name: Kara
Age: 6-8
Age: Unknown even to her, however she was bound for thousands of years, so she is rather ancient.
Sexuality: Is child, does not understand sexuality
Gender identity: Abomination, does not really get gender, but uses she/her as pronouns if people insist. However she’s also partial to “they” as well as “it” (the last one simply for the inhuman menace it adds.)
Face claim: Isabelle Fuhrman
Species: Abomination, a mutt of many supernatural entities. Mostly Infernal however, so fire resistant and capable of manipulating darkness. There are many other abilities, however they are countered by vulnerabilities to synthetic products, a voracious apatite, and sensory issues that can reduce her to a bundle of instincts and fear.
History: Was bound within a cave at the age of four when she showed signs of being the one who was prophecies to destroy the village. The village was then driven mad by the effects of locking up a scared little monster child, everyone died and her existence was relegated to horror stories and forgotten. However a recent earthquake freed her from her prison, and she has finally moved on, seeking both to satiate her hunger, and to perhaps find a place to belong.
The sanctuary seemed acceptable as a place to lurk outside of, occasionally stealing things and murdering stuff that may threaten it. Though she’s not exactly social she is curious and can be drawn out with snacks and fuzzy animals to pet. In exchange she will provide both protection and “gifts” found during her travels, so long as people don’t try to lock her up and will put up with her many, many, social issues.
Position/job: Scavenger, general “protector”/murder critter, local menace.
Skills: Murder, survival, dark magic, understanding ancient languages.
Languages: Has selective mutism, however she has a functional knowledge of most existent languages. The older they are the more likely she is to be familiar with them. Her “native” language would be Proto-Indo-European, however she’s got a solid grasp on thousand year old dialects and things such as Linear A, Akkadian (Sumerian) and Latin. Doesn’t get slang though, or many common sayings.
Military service: None, however she does have a great deal of information floating around her head thanks to Grandmother. Can definitely hold her own in a murder-contest, and the healing factor and supernatural durability is a nice bonus. There’s also the benefits that come from being an inhuman creature from a long line of survivors, and the symbiotic attachment with an entity that is known only as the darkness.
Allegiances: Anyone who is nice to her/doesn’t try and kill her. She’s basically a feral cat, will steal what she can, has no respect for property, however she will kill things for you and leave them as gifts.
Physical description:  Has many scars and markings covered by clothing that seems almost made of shadows as well as whatever she can steal. Unnaturally pointed teeth and a general uncanny valley feel about her. Also she’s got selective mutism and mainly communicates through cryptic writings or her best attempt at sign. On the autism spectrum, with sensory issues, and few social skills.
Species specifics: Many abilities, however she is weakened by bright lights and vulnerable to sensory overload. Also she has a lot of control issues, so it is less of an easily accessible thing and more of a “sudden fright and things go eldritch horror”
Family: One grandmother, who she is searching for/trying to get the attention of. She’s not sure if grandmother is alive, having not heard her voice in centuries, however she still hopes to one day find her family.
Relationships: None as of yet. She likes providing gifts to those who please her, and is a solid friend once she’s gotten to know someone. However she is also feral and horrible so there.
OOC INFORMATION: written by K; @orphanedshadow; they-them; im / discord.
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theworldguard · 4 years
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Name:  Vince Von’ar
Age: (appearance) around 35 (without wrappings). Around 58  (with wrappings)
Age: (actual) Far over 2000 years old.
Sexuality: Bi (though it REALLY would take much for a relationship)
Gender identity: cryptid - I mean, male
Face claim: Joshua Graham (wrappings) & Andrew Scott
Species: Cryptid, but mostly immortal human.
History: Vince Von’ar is not the oldest Immortal, but he is one of the most violent and deadly. During his few thousand years on earth he’s; 
Held the spear of destiny twice.
Once shortly after Christ’s death.
The Second time during the Crusades.
Went on a warpath several times during his life.
Fought in every Crusade against the Christian Armies. 
Has involved himself one way or another in every war.
Involved himself after the second world war with the United Nations and was an activist in the early 2000′s.
He’s made far more enemies than friends. Most likely shattering any alliances he has had during that time. 
It took him most of his life to realize that he was in control of his condition. That he didn’t need to wear the wrappings, but he does even now at times because that is who he is.
Do not comment about the wrappings.
Do not mention them whatsoever.
Do not stare at them for too long.
He is well versed in understanding most religions and languages, but does not believe in them. He hasn’t believed in a God or Gods in a very long time, but knows that they exist.
He was not the first leader / front man, but he took over after the original one was killed. He stepped up to help the survivors of humanity because he knew that he had to protect something and it had been ages since he’d been in a real leadership role.
He’s not a fan of third chances. 
A three strike system is in place and at your third strike? You are out. 
He keeps a tight ship so to speak.
Gives people chances to better themselves, but even he has limits.
True trust is difficult to gain - even more so when it involves his own inner circle (main leaders or advisers).
 He isn’t open with most people and will keep secrets. 
Do not expect a clear answer from him unless he trusts you.
In a fight, he will not be the first out.
This is because the survivors need a leader. 
If there is no other choice he will fight, but it’s rare.
He does not want many people knowing what he is.
If you do know, he trusts you.
However, there is always suspicion and as such it might be found out that way.
He just will deny it every time unless there is clear evidence towards it.
He always has a sword on him. It’s his’ preferred weapon and rarely is he never without it.
He doesn’t sleep that often, but does at times.
Rarely does anything escape his notice.
He knows rumors & is caught up on the local gossip.
He is the first person to establish any and such alliances. He may not personally deal with them, but he ensures that they are made.
Just like he assures that there is always food and no one goes hungry.
Position: leader / front man
Skills: A very long history of war, strategy, and knowledge of history (lived through and otherwise). Adept with most man made weapons and otherwise.
Languages: English, Spanish, German, Russian - Most languages that are major.  Can pick up on others if necessary.
Military service: Many years of military service from the Crusades forward.
Allegiances: The Council of Enstorms, American Army, etc. A few cults here and there.
Physical description: Vast scaring over his body that is controlled by Vince’s will alone (by this point in time he would know about that ability). Calloused hands, short hair. Probably PTSD among other things.
Species specifics:  He’s old, he doesn’t like being challenged. Very powerful. Probably faster than a normal human. Doesn’t age. Speaks at times like he’s lived through everything.
Family: Cousin to the jersey devil and his wife Joanna.
Relationships:  TBD.
Other notes: Doesn’t like any mention of religion around him. Especially when it comes to Christianity or off shots of it.
OOC INFORMATION: Andre; @chokethelight​; they-them; IM / discord.
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theworldguard · 4 years
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theworldguard · 4 years
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Adam Frankenstein; resident medic. @fromgallowsandgraves / Kathryn / she-her
Andromache the Scythian, Andy. @ofbloodandbullets / Penny / she-her
Arthur Pruitt, council member, security. @valiantsword / Luca / they-them
Cassie Winters; scavenger, healer.  @deathfound / Nicole / she-her.
Dolores Abernathy; scavenger, security, agriculture.  @copiesofme / Melody / she-her.
Kara; resident child cryptid. @orphanedshadow / K / they-them / she-her
Nicolo di Genova; scavenger, sniper; @everknight / Luca / they-them
Vince Vo’nar; Sanctuary leader. @chokethelight / Andre / they-them

Triggers to be tagged: visuals of spiders, graphic depiction of needle insertion, clowns.
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theworldguard · 4 years
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for members / staff use only.
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theworldguard · 4 years
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the exact location of the sanctuary is left unspecified so that everyone can throw their characters into the mix without having to worry about logistics of how their characters arrived etc. 
for practical purposes, it’s likely to be several days walk, minimum, from any large city - both as justification for how there aren’t massive hordes of undead constantly coming by (maybe the occasional one now and then for plot purposes) and so that it can be out in the wild enough that both scavenging and hunting are an option, as well as farming.  running water for fishing and hydra power / water mills etc. is a necessity as well as for bathing and laundry and general sanitation.  wells will also have been dug for in town use and hunting parties have set up traps, lures, nets in the areas around town to help provide food and sustenance.   garden areas are designated inside the town, in each residence and there are farm lands with irrigation being slowly expanded as the sanctuary can secure land and protect the crops and workers.
fortifications will include fences, spikes, watch towers, pit traps / pit falls, moats, snares, nets, log traps & more - there will be signs posted with multilingual warnings and visual warnings that traps are present in the surrounding area should there be sentient life.  small smoke lanterns are left at frequent intervals, with different colored smoke to mark different regions, for people to light if they are newcomers looking for help or if a newcomer or town member gets hurt or lost in the areas outside town and need a team to come guide them home.
minimum of two man teams are set to patrol the perimeter and a number of towers and blinds are set up to keep an eye on the perimeter and beyond for any signs of trouble.  
patrols for supplies are handled by a small and select group of survivors that have been trained in the location of the traps and safe havens that might serve as a temporary safe guard / blind - a place to lay low if they’re being followed etc - those that have been trained in weapons and first aid and can travel the distance either on foot, horseback, or the occasional motorcycle if the use of the vehicle & reserve fuel is deemed important enough for high priority items such as medicine, survivors, etc.
the sanctuary has a leader, his advisor & a council that is made up of learned individuals from various walks of life that work together to try and create a cohesive idea of what the future will hold for sanctuary - this includes setting the guidelines / laws for the town, rationing if necessary, making sure everyone is doing their part and pitching in, overseeing food distribution, assigning patrols, keeping track of reserves, etc.
more to come.
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