theworldismyhead · 5 years
Strange place
almost succeeding but getting 1 x last good round of your old stifling and restricting life + everything about overcrowding that nearly destroyed your life and chances all those years ago. The same fire that drove you can also be used to burn yourself to death. Fire is impartial, how you yield it is what matters
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theworldismyhead · 5 years
Good to have options
good to have money. thank god i listened back in late 2017 and choose the practical path. God knows how shitty my life would be now. At least now i have a solid system that can keep replicating results and i will never starve. Money making is the number one skill for survival in the modern world.
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theworldismyhead · 5 years
2 Versions of the truth
One is the bs pedalled on the internet, via the media and people who claim to be gurus. The other is the real truth that is of a darker nature. Reality is always darker. But to recognise it, accept it and then learn how to use it to your advantage is how you get around in the world.
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theworldismyhead · 5 years
BB-ing is not that important
it would have been insanity to my ears even just 2 years ago. It was all i used to have and of course it still does boost my self esteem to this day. But it has served me up to a point and i do see its necessary role in my life, but in the right proportions. Fitness is a part of my life. But bodybuilding is my hobby. And hobbies shouldn't affect your career
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
What you obsess on grows
and if left unchecked it becomes overly excessive. Much like everything else in your life. What you need now is not to do more. Dont do more businesss Dont train harder Dont increase piano practice time. You need to balance yourself out Go do something completely different
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
Not just hard work and endurance
those are 2 ingredients but you cant just bake a good cake made of water and flour. intelligent activity is the multiplier. 3 hours of intelligent activity can equal what someone does for like 300 hours sometimes.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
Take the hardest path
its not about getting rich at first, its about the person you become. By expanding your mind, by learning , you lay a strong foundation that will set you for life. you will be prepared for any oncoming storms and be able to stand strong against waves of bs. you see this with your friends born with double golden spoons in their mouth. Now weak and waiting for that mid life crisis to happen.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
opening fb again
and like it left a very sour taste in my mouth. Like woah wtf i was on this bs for like almost 9 years... Nothing but negativity and things nobody really cares about. just reactions and emotions that fade. people just wana be entertained and outraged. Yeah maybe you learn little bits of shallow stuff but sometimes the food in trash can is edible but do you really wana keep going for that.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
i realised i was stupid and got to work fixing it. The journey so far has been far from easy. But i am proud of the person i have become. Although i am not rich yet but i'm proud of the fact that not only did i cover my pay but i turned a decent profit. this is rare for most companies in their first year. Next up is larger customer acquisition. Fucking love the process so damn much. Gonna explore another new market too which is fucking wonderful.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
It is not what you get
it truly isnt about the money, but what you become. It is only sep now but what i have learnt so far has been more valuable than gold and even if i lose all my money now i know i can make it all back. time to find more adventure and take even more risks.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
Embrace and love criticism
its the only way to grow,the more criticism you can take objectively and use to change yourself the better. Dont ever surround yourself with people who only angkat you and tell you how good you are. Have people around that will call you out on your bullshit regularly. Your enemies and competitors actually make you a better person ironically.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
Playing with better odds
Past a certain point in my life, i realise i couldnt afford to be slow and stupid anymore. I really had to be much much much smarter than everyone else and not be lazy too as i have nothing to fall back on. Even now i still gotta keep going but its the wiser choice and something i dont definitely regret. Had i continued coasting along just like the people around me i would be in real deep shit now with no bargaining chips for a better life and career in future. Im glad i made the fucking tough choice back in 2015, now my life seems more stable and on track to better things. All because i was willing to take a risk. And what i got initially was not money and happiness but rather 10 x more pain and a good dose of esteem destroying self doubt at making a shitty choice. Like Elliot said, go answer the call to adventure. Become a fucking man.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
think about yourself first
dont serve others agenda and walk away empty handed yourself. the name of the game is results which is cash from commission. Without that you have failed.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
Dog Tired
mentally tired af. how does one person handle 20 projects. There are key lessons to take away from this experience to avoid the same situation again.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
Turning 26
As i turn 26 tonight, its important to reflect on the lessons so far, so as to make the future better. 1.) Always chose to have an adventure. Initially i quit in oct 2017 in a sudden decision and decided to just try something new,initially abandoning audio etc seemed like betraying myself but everything has instead turned out 10 x better. Now i feel like my odds of becoming is not only a reality it is due to statistics 2.) Know your role in the story are u aragon , sam or gollum ? 3.) Don't always be angry also don't hold anger for too long, its not worth it. 4.) You aren't always the same person your interests and passions do change over time and thats ok 5.) To be happy always make sure your activities support you instead of killing you. from now til year end, i need to let lifting and music tone down alot more and focus on building the business.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
Social media = shit
only now 6 months after detoxing completely from social media do i really realise the true benefits 1.) No more hearing or seeing negativity. be it some stupid whiny ass post or some other bullshit 2.) No more envy, i'm not even looking at yet another pic of your ''great meal'' or your ''great holiday''. Now im off to enjoy my meal. in silence and in peace. 3.) No more anxiety or FOMO or whatever, just a serious inner peace. I now can finally hear the thoughts of my true self in my head and am confident of the path im walking. I also feel a fuck ton less stressed when im doing work. I can concentrate on just one task and get so much more done.
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theworldismyhead · 6 years
Every 7 years = a new you
back in 2016, just stepped into a new job, new enviroment with shitty co workers and i really remembered how tough it was. Add to that there was still those leftover party animal feelings that have not been fully discharged. I really feel very different nowadays, very focused, very intense but at peace with my lifestyle. i seriously think it has to do with stopping all social media, no more envy or insecurities and i really found my own thoughts and am able to examine various aspects of my life.
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