Control your vices for the universe's sake
Control your vices now
Control your vices at any going rate
Control your vices now
#Vices #originallyrics #songwriter
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Change stands before time
And builds faith
Faith falters in time
Due to change
Pay attention, pay attention
To the air in which you breathe
Not to mention apprehension
Of what we believe
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I can't stick to anything. Basically, I say one thing, but do the opposite. I'm the worst type of person, I feel like. I'm not trustworthy.
Not that anyone would be drawn to this page, but don't follow unless you're awfully depressed too. F me.
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Goodness. I guess I'm just a completely terrible person. Actually, there's no doubt about it. No wife needed. No external influence at the cusp. I know what I am.
Hands are loose
Controlled by booze
I'll only lose
At walk's end...skin and tooth
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Now my own mother, who is one of my very best friends, has tried to force her hand on me and expressed that I do nothing to help myself and questioned why. Didn't end on a good note. I only told my truth how I felt about that route and how could "help" me. But once again, expressing my feelings has only fucked me. Thrown back in my face.
So it seems I've lost her too. That kills me. But what hurts me the most in this moment is the thought of her probably crying in her bed right now.
I love you, Mom.
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I'm having one of my hard nights. But my dog and best friend, Blink went back originally with "her" and went to sleep. Yet, he came out to the living room, where I am, and checked up on me twice. I reassured him both times and told him "I'm ok, buddy." But the third time, I guess he wanted to really make sure. He's been here at my feet ever since. I don't deserve him and his death (he's 7) very well might be my demise.
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Among even the simplest acts of humanity is to comfort or at least reassure someone who is visibly and outspokenly concerned, even worried about something. Yet, that STILL is beyond her.
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How is it that an almost 30 year old man has zero independence?
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Privacy eludes
Not mine
As it should
Nothing, my own
As is shown
Suffocation, regurgitation
~ LW
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Well, eyelids closed
Chewed through and through
Like Barbie doll on the mend
Ignorant...of the bitter, bitter end
~LW... Wish I could say goodnight forever
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Our family's little dog Suki passed away two days ago. I still haven't gotten over it and don't expect to soon.
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I am drowning.
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"Real love
Or is it me you're after?
It's it time?
Cause it's now or never"
- Billy Corgan
I'll probably be quoting him a few times.
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Sparrows chirping
Vines turn to the ray
Dawn is so cheerful
Yet white blurs await
~ LW
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Can't it just stay dark? I'm such a piece of shit.
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"For every crooked line there is a chemical
With every pill I take to try to make me whole
I'm bound to what I've sown
I am the history
I try and drink it down
But it's a part of me"
- JT Daly, Paper Route (one of my favorite bands)
These are the words I would love to get out at times, but just can't anymore.
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From the light I run
I'm seen under the sun
Lashings from THE one
Otherwise, shunned
~ LW
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