thewrightmatt · 6 years
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
“Why thank you,” she said with a giggle as she listened to him, the giggle turning into a laugh, reaching out and touching his hand. “Yes, dear, you’re on the ground, and it’s a very nice ground-I’ll be very sad if you fly away and never come back.” Kaira told him. “But I think I know a way to get you back down on the ground.”
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Matt’s head slowly moved from side to side before settling back onto her. He slowly raised himself into a seated position before crossing his legs, eyes locked onto hers. “How? How do I get down, Kaira? How? Do you have magic?” Matt licked his lips. “Are we magic?”
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
Greta frowned and tilted her head, mostly because of the last part, She had an amused grin set across her lips because of how funny Matt looked. “Are you ok, babe?”
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“... I don’t know, Grets. Are you okay? Is the world okay? Will the world ever be okay?” Wide eyed, he shook his head and rolled around towards her. “Am I okay? What will be of me in a few years? Will I lose my devishly handsome grin and be an old man? Oh man, I am an old man, aren’t I, Grets. Who’s Grets? You, babe. I’ve got you babe...”
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
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“Did you, now? Did you eat out of the cookies in the jar I told you not to eat out of?” Geneis asked, raising her brows and smiling. She was laying on her stomach near him, resting her chin on her hand. She scooted a little closer, giggling as he beckoned for her to come a little closer, which she was more than happy to do. Matt had definitely eaten one of her edibles. Still, seeing him like this was incredibly entertaining and somewhat endearing. “You are too cute, Matthew Wright,” she teased.
Matt sat up immediately after hearing Genesis’ voice, his eyes moving back and forth as he tried to scoot away from her (which was not working). “... Maybe,” he whispered before snorting a chuckle at himself. As she laid down, he moved back towards her and laughed again at her laugh before settling down to glance at her. “I am cute, aren’t I? Cute as a button -- why do people even call it that? Buttons aren’t cute. I’m cute. It should be ‘Cute as a Wright Matt.”
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
Zoe had been taking a walk when she noticed Matt on the ground. “Uhm…” she said, raising an eyebrow. “You okay?” she asked, stopping near him, but not wanting to sit because she knew she would have a hard time getting up if she did sit down.
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“I’m high,” he whispered-screamed out at her, attempting to hide his voice from the ‘Po-po’ that might be nearby. Laughing to himself, he slowly sat up and stood up from his spot to sling his arm around Zoe. “Zoe, Zoe. Andrews. No, no. You’re not Andrew. You’re Zoe, silly. What brings you to my humble abode? Wait, wait. Is this my home? Shhh, don’t tell Aria I’m here. There’s a possibility she’ll get mad and choke... choke, uh, me! She wears the pants in this daddy/daughter relationship.”
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
“You’re definitely a weird one, Matty-o.” Thomas laughed a little, before laying down on the grass beside the blonde and looking up at the sky. “Is this the part where we start picking out shapes in the clouds?”
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“You’re like... Oh, I don’t know, the seventh person to tell me that,” he laughed, shaking his head as the other lay beside him. Turning his head towards Thomas, he smiled and pressed on the other’s cheek. “This shape is a butt.”
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
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“What?” Kaira asked as she walked passed him and seeing him on the ground.She found it silly that he was on the grass, but it did look inviting…”Oh, alright,” she said as she sat down next to Matt. “Okay, Mr. Nature Man,” she teased with a smile.
“You’re so pretty Kaira,” the man whispered, not even glancing at her as he said it. His eyes rolled from side to side before settling down and looking over at her. “I’m high. High as a kite and I don’t know how to get back down onto the ground... but I am on the ground.” With eyes widened, he reached out to her. “I’m on the ground, Kaira.”
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
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cuddly chris hemsworth in: 12 strong
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
“I’m pretty sure that’s not true.” Seok arched one brow as he watched Matt on the grass. School was far from being over and he actually liked this cardigan too much to lay down on the grass with him. “I actually have a healthy relationship with my phone, but I don’t think you can say the same.” Although he didn’t lay down, he did sit down. “Too much stress at work?”
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“I’m pretty sure it’s tr-ue, Seh-Uuhk.” Matt couldn’t help but laugh at his words, closing his eyes as he patted the spot next to him again. “Let me cuddle you, friend. Cuddles spread love, don’t you know?” Again, he laughed at himself before opening his eyes. “Phones, right. Did you know if we put our phones on top of each other. it’s called phone sex?” Bursting out in a fit of giggles, he sat up from his spot and moved his head towards his friend. “I think I’m high, man. I don’t think those were normal brownies, babe. Will you hold me?”
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
Actual Matt & Aria
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
Spending time in Paris was always a blast for Greta, she had accumulated a large amount of friends, with college, that she now missed and had had the chance to visit while in her work trip. But this time her heart seemed to be held back elsewhere. Back in the States with Matt–much like in the first time she left to Paris. This time it was different, of course. They were more grown up, more mature. Plus she didn’t break up with him just to follow her dream, quite the opposite. Greta had called and texted him as much as her routine, and his, allowed them.
In the end she was just so glad to be by his side again. Like her usual, Greta was a chatter box, updating him on any detail she had forgot along the trip, or that arise afterwards. She was taking special adoration on all the attention he was giving her, looking at her all goofy, smiles everywhere, and all the compliments. “Oh baby.” Greta grinned and leaned toward him, to place a sloppy kiss on cheek. “You big goof.” She adored him, in every way. “You told me to doll up nicely, you know I never disappoint.” Her thumb rubs his hand, affectionately. “You look very, very handsome yourself. I’m the luckiest gal in town.” Definitely not just his looks, as the personality that always came with Matt was his biggest quality. “I am super curious where we’re going? You’re being so mysterious…”
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Even hearing her call him baby in person was enough to cause him to beam from one ear tot he other. It was hard not to when all he could think of was her whenever he had downtime. When he didn’t have downtime. Matt thought of Greta and how she would react towards the crowded streets, the chilliness in the air, the scenery. She was always on his mind. “Ugh, never do you disappoint. I’m the luckiest guy in the world.” Shaking his head in disbelief, he brought her hand up to his lips, kissing the back of her hand before placing their hands back into her lap. "Mysterious is my middle name,” with a shrug of his shoulders, he beamed as soon as he came up to the valet parking of Providence. “Chef Cimarusti’s, not so much. I’ve been planning this for weeks, baby. Finally got an answer, and...” As the valet came up to them to open their doors, he turned and kissed her on the cheek. “Here we are.”
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
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“I was once told, that if you lay on the grass and take in nature, it’ll boost your IQ,” he called out to the person walking by him. “Destress, decompress, Dephone-ess.” Winking at the person, his hand moved to circle the spot next to him. “Come on over and let some of that worry away, m’dude.”
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
In all honesty, Matt had lost count of the days he spent missing Greta. For one, it was more difficult for him countdown the days until he could see her again than just going through the motions and hoping that the next day would be the day. Except, when he landed in LA he went straight back into working -- with the promise from Henry that he would be able to get more leave during the holidays to spend with his family (and those he loved). Therefore, he had been waiting a long, long time for this night. Matt had started planning everything out as soon a he could, making reservations for the two of them and telling her to set aside a date for them. The two of them had been so busy lately that they kept missing each other. And, hell, did he miss her. He missed her so much that just having her sit next to him in the car was such a huge distraction. 
“Oh, it’s green,” he mumbled, keeping his hand on her thigh as he started to drive forward. There was a lot he wanted to say to her. The excitement for her igniting the passion again, seeing her so into her work, how much he had missed feeling his hand against hers. Her voice. Matt glanced over at her again, a goofy smile on his face before shaking his head. “God, how the hell do you look so good, Morrison?” He paused and shook his head once again, the hand from her thigh moving to intertwine with hers. “Breathtaking, someone take the wheel, please. I just... can’t. That’s what kids say these days? I’m so not chillin’ next to you, babe.” 
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
She took the compliment at heart, though she knew Matt would think she was sexy in anything she put on–or didn’t. “You’re very bias, but thank you.” She mumbled with the softest smile setting on her lips. “I haven’t set up the couch yet in the flat, so it’d have been a bad sleep on the carpet I guess.” He was so right though it still shocked her to hear him say out loud the exact thoughts she had to carry on the rest of her night. She took the drink and blew the smoke to cool it slightly, sipping when it was safe. “Ohh–Did you spike it?” She chuckled, surprised by the taste. Which was in fact quite refined, so she took another, taking more comfort on the blanket he wrapped around her instead. With his inquire though, she wondered if she could play coy and just escape it. “I– I don’t know.” She licks her lips for a moment, her face turned to him but her eyes wandering off. “I don’t wanna mess us up again, Matt…” But she gazed him back again. “I’m afraid stuff is going to blow up on my face and I’m going to end up alone again, without you.”
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“True. You could wear a trash bag and I’d think you’d be the sexiest trash bag I’ve ever seen.” He laughed a bit before blowing into the thermos to take a sip of the spiked hot chocolate. With a nod, he glanced back over at her and watched her as she talked, noticing as he gaze moved away from him. “We’re taking things slow, Greta, because we’re adults.” His hand moved towards her thigh, rubbing it slowly for comfort and warmth. “Look -- us? You don’t need to keep worrying about...” Matthew paused, letting out a breath of air as his hand just lingered over her knee. “It’s been a while since I’ve been in a relationship... actually in one where I really want things to work. I’ve been in some, they lasted a few months. It never meant as much as this means... as much as you mean to me.” This time, he inhaled a breath. “I didn’t want to say things I didn’t mean. I was upset, yes, and I didn’t want to say things I’d regret out of that emotion. And I’m not planning to leave -- and I don’t blame you for what you did.” Pausing, he let out a light laugh. “Well, maybe a little bit -- but you know what? Everything that happened in my life, with you, with Taryn, with every other person... gave me Aria. I love her... And, Greta. Our relationship? We’re not trying to be our past selves. We’re our current selves. And if that means that... currently, you go and check up on Tony, well, then current Matt is okay with that.” 
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thewrightmatt · 6 years
Greta had no time to change, just throwing on her slips and pick her her purse, leaving the house in a classy grey sweatpants and her much worn out cordon bleu hoodie. So much for always wanting to look her best to Matt lately, she thought to herself in the Uber as she wiped off some tears. She was an emotional wreck lately. Maybe it the work load stress, her upside down personal life or just how much she missed him. So it was good that he knew her so well to just force her to come there. Greta hopped off the car with a content sigh that he had a blanket and what seemed like hot chocolate awaiting with his graceful presence. “Came looking my best, Wright.” She said as she adjusted her bun and fell hard on the spot next to him. “Had you given me more time to look more presentable…” She probably would have talked him out of it.
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“That’s the sexiest I’ve seen you,” he whispered into her ear, chuckling as he pulled away from her. His grip on the thermos tightened a bit as he took in a breath of the cold air. “Had I given you more time, you would have curled up into a ball on the couch and not slept properly.” With a nod of his head, he opened the jar and poured out a cup of the hot liquid to hand to her. Matthew actually knew that was a plausible idea, hence the reason why he acted so quickly to have her there... he wasn’t trying to make her feel guilty about anything, just voice his own thoughts. Or so he thought. “Greta...” Turning towards her, he draped the blanket around her shoulders and held her gaze. “Why are you doing this to yourself, hmm?” 
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