thexuelong · 3 years
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Hyacinth or Hyacinthus is a divine hero and a lover of Apollo from Greek mythology. His cult at Amyclae southwest of Sparta dates from the Mycenaean era (c. 1600–1450 BC).
O Hyacinthus!” Moaned Apollo. “I can see in your sad wound my own guilt, and you are my cause of grief and self-reproach. My own hand gave you death unmerited—I only can be charged with your destruction.—What have I done wrong? Can it be called a fault to play with you? Should loving you be called a fault? And oh, that I might now give up my life for you! Or die with you! But since our destinies prevent us you shall always be with me, and you shall dwell upon my care-filled lips. The lyre struck by my hand, and my true songs will always celebrate you. A new flower you shall arise, with markings on your petals, close imitation of my constant moans: and there shall come another to be linked with this new flower, a valiant hero shall be known by the same marks upon its petals.”
Metamorphoses. Ovid. Book 10, Translated By Brookes More
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thexuelong · 3 years
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Saint Seiros
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thexuelong · 3 years
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25th anniversary!! 🎉 
i’m so glad fe4 came into my life, not just the characters but the wonderful people i’ve met through it ;;
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thexuelong · 3 years
For the last time :)
It is not a neutral “conflict”. Palestinians don’t have:
an army
police officers littered around the streets fighting off attacking settlers
$3.8B funding from the US
bomb shelters
homes (hello they’re being evicted and bombed?)
immediate access to medical care (settlers are blocking ambulances and throwing grenades)
citizen acknowledgement from the government that supposedly wants to help them
means of defending themselves
the right to properly mourn (a funeral was recently attacked by settlers)
Anyone who chooses to claim neutrality is choosing to claim the side of genocide. Neutral = complicit. The number of Palestinian deaths remains staggering and I promise, the occupying state’s numbers are nothing compared to it. Thousands more deaths and fatalities have occurred to the Palestinian people. When the death toll defers by roughly 9,000, I think it’s safe to say that the situation isn’t neutral.*
I repeat, if you are neutral, you side with genocide.
As a bonus:
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thexuelong · 3 years
Pay Attention to Palestine
I really don’t mean to guilt trip anyone, but the word needs to be spread about Palestine and no major news outlets are covering it. Hundreds of Palestinians are being injured by the Israeli Occupation forces trying to defend their homes from settler violence and ethnic cleansing.
For the past month lynch mobs and anti-Palestinian pogroms have filled the streets of Jerusalem, this is an extension of over 70 years of ethnic cleansing, dispossession, occupation, settler colonialism, and murder that has effected Palestinians, and Israeli courts have ordered the eviction of 12 Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah and to hand over their land to Israeli settlers. If you are American, this is what your tax dollars are going to, the least you can do is spread the word and voice your support for us. 
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If you are able to donate, here are some donation links for Palestinians in need: 
Boycott Divest and Sanction (BDS) 
Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association 
Save the Children 
US Campaign for Palestinian Human Rights
Project Rozana USA 
Adalah Justice Project
Medical Aid for Palestine (UK)
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
Palestinian Policy Network
Electronic Intifada 
Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU)
International Medical Corps (GAZA) 
Human Concern International (Gaza) 
Playgrounds for Palestine
Watch to Donate: 
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thexuelong · 3 years
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Researchers have used Easter Island Moai replicas to show how they might have been “walked” to where they are displayed.
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thexuelong · 3 years
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John Bauer ~ illustration for Swedish folk tale, Agnes and the Sea King.
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thexuelong · 3 years
I made a field guide about the Korok Forest (but it’s magical!)
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thexuelong · 3 years
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i love the harmonized heroes!! happy to see Dorothea and Lene. i hope we get more FE3H/Jugdral pairs!
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thexuelong · 3 years
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some 3h stuff ft return of slav emblem
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thexuelong · 3 years
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Felix x Annette Commission based on the famous painting “Springtime” by Pierre Auguste.
Visit me on Patreon.
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thexuelong · 3 years
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My actual birthday is funnily enough, the day before the Imperial invasion of Garreg Mach. Party activities as picked by patrons!
An early update because I’m gonna be out of town during the weekend.
Based on my first playthrough of Verdant Wind ft. my friend @3stargins  
All comics are made possible by my patrons over on patreon.com / Diardri!
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thexuelong · 3 years
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FE house leaders
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thexuelong · 3 years
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yuris getting ready for a rockshow 💅
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thexuelong · 3 years
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The Gaza strip was bombed throughout Christmas day and I'm ashamed that I didn't know about it until now, I instead wasted my time talking about a racist movie that'll be forgotten in a month. If you have the money please donate to a Palestinian relief fund such as the one below.
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thexuelong · 3 years
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so the new wonder woman movie is black hawk down levels of racist that’s fun
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thexuelong · 3 years
Hey I’m once again seeing discourse about PewDiePie (probably because he has been welcomed back into the larger community of youtube personalities playing Among Us like Corpse Husband, JackSepticEye and Cr1tikal) and I just want to remind people of his ugly racist history that he has never properly put behind him and in fact continues to perpetuate.
His fanbase has always been racist. He was one of the first big YouTubers and he has always made racially charged jokes and has said the n-word in videos - notably, targeting somebody else with it. I watched his content when I was a young child, I experienced these things first hand. There were racist jokes, rape jokes, and generally sexual jokes targeted for his younger demographic. He has always been known as problematic, as problematic was used back in 2012.
A preamble to his first exposé: in November 2016 he showed up to a taping of his own series produced by Maker Studios (Disney) wearing a shirt with a swastika on it. Somebody told him to change. He denies this ever happened, but acknowledged that the shirt exists. There are photos of him and a friend wearing it.
The thing he got caught for was when he paid two men $5 to write and hold up a sign with the words “Death To All Jews”. His apology was half-assed. He apologized for the way that it came across and did not acknowledge the reasons that it was wrong. Febuary 2017: he descends into utter alt-right reactionism, harassing the WSJ journalist and sending his fans after the publication to the point where the Journal offered to put the journalist in a safehouse.
September 2017, he called somebody he n-word on stream, just weeks after Charlottesville occurred - where his imagery, jokes, and memes were used as motivation. He went on to say he had no idea that Nazis actually existed, that the Nazi jokes he was making weren’t funny anymore, and that he would not be making them anymore.
In March 2019, a white supremacist livestreamed himself saying “Subscribe to PewDiePie” before committing mass-shootings in two Christchurch mosques, killing dozens and injuring more. He responded with a single tweet, that he felt sickened that his name left the man’s mouth, and that his heart went out to the people affected. Later, he called for an end to the Subscribe to PewDiePie meme and promised $50,000 to the Anti-Defamation League. He then retracted his decision, saying that he did not want to donate to something that he was not passionate about.
Felix Kjellberg has never made a single attempt to rid his fanbase of actual literal Nazis and white supremacist scum because he built his platform around them. He alone has radicalized probably half of the white nationalist/supremacist/Nazi men in America ages 18-25.
I will never forgive him.
This is taken from the Guardian article from above:
You could say that today’s digital economy has spawned a new “bro-nality of evil”. Racist memes serve as in-jokes that help solidify bonds between alienated white men online. The style of these memes, their overblown exaggerated nature, means we often don’t take them seriously. Dismiss them as jokes. But this is how antisemitism creeps into our lives. Not with a bang but with a punchline.
Happy Chanukkah, everyone.
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