theycallmepspshh · 3 years
I completely relate to you. Dionysus himself is pretty dark and cruel but what hits the nerve for me is how everyone just makes him the fun, party god who uprooted patriarchy with his cults. When it's just Dionysus imposing himself on people, including women, rather cruelly and making those who refuse him do horrifying things. I don't understand what about that is "uprooting patriarchy"? And in practice, his cults weren't all that liberating and inclusive as people like to think either.
Sure, all the gods can be cruel, but Dionysus comes off more strong and intense to me. It's probably because he wasn't yet a god when he started punishing people for not worshipping him or following him, while most of the gods themsleves never seem to have employed such methods. Well, Apollo does technically kidnap a bunch of Cretan men to be his priests, but when they get scared and confused, he explains things to them and promises them prosperity - they find his words convincing and assuring, so they agree to serve him. But Dionysus just doesn't put that kind of effort and expects people to join him. And come on, getting your followers crazy drunk and making them tear apart wild animals is not the best way to convince other people into joining your cult :P not everyone wants to do crazy things. In that sense, Dionysus comes off as entitled and self serving. And people ignoring this side of his, acting like it doesn't exist at all (all the while criticising other gods for being wrathful), doesn't help me feel better about him.
Been contemplating how different things might rub someone wrong or make them so uncomfortable it’s hard to be reasonable about it for the last couple days.
This is me when it comes to Dionysos (which makes it a little hard here on Tumblr sometimes considering how enthusiastic everyone is about him), and this is the reason why he’s not going to ever show up more than briefly in anything I write. Gifts of Katabasis is undoubtedly the only fic that I will do that focuses on him.
I seriously just cannot deal with anything related to The Bacchae, and the various other bits of “Dionysos makes someone insane and they Do Bad Things without even knowing it” myths. Just reading fairly short and dry summaries of these myths/the play gets me upset and always brings with it a vague urge to write something not just dark, but ungenerous in its interpretation just to deal with it, but that’s an unreasonable reaction, I know.
So I just have to ignore him as much as possible in my writing. I’m not sure why it’s easier to not get as upset about the times Hera does similar things; to Dionysos, but he doesn’t really appear to DO ANYTHING during that period; to Heracles, who also gets stuck with this condition as a on-off chronic one since he kills someone else during a fit of madness later, aside from Megara and the kids, but maybe it’s because it doesn’t take up as much real estate of her mythic corpus…
And Hera is also not the one basically portrayed as nothing but fun, sweet, drunk dude. Like, as I’ve said before, I don’t begrudge people focusing on the lighter side of things in Greek myth, we’re all here to do whatever we want and have fun, but it sometimes gets me seriously uncomfortable how hard Dionysos’ darker sides are basically erased.
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theycallmepspshh · 3 years
Wait who made fun of them and why would they do that? Apollo and Dionysus are literally gods! And why do you think Dionysus was mocked more than Apollo?
Dionysus: sure, when Apollo wears a dress and dances he's beautiful, graceful and mesmerising
Dionysus: but when I do it I'm obnoxious, barbaric and a threat to the society
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theycallmepspshh · 3 years
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Psyche, goddess of the soul, wife of Eros.
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theycallmepspshh · 3 years
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Leto, titan-goddess of motherhood and demureness.
Fourth wife of Zeus and mother of Artemis and Apollo.
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theycallmepspshh · 3 years
One of the things I love about The Iliad is the little biographies given to the people who are killed in battle. Pedaeus took a spear to the jaw, “teeth clenching the cold bronze,” but before that he was raised by Theano, who breastfed him like one of her own children even though he was a permanent reminder of Antenor’s infidelity. Simoisius is slashed with a spear from his nipple to the shoulder, but he’s not just a nameless enemy the Telamonian Ajax killed; he gets his name because his mother gave birth to him on the banks of the Simois, and he was a young man, full of promise, not even married yet when the dark came swirling down across his eyes. Scamandrius was killed by Menelaus, “a crack marksman skilled at the hunt” because “Artemis taught the man herself.” Did she mourn him like she did Hippolytus? The dead were people, with histories of their own, relations to others, and a depth that can’t be reduced to “killed by the heroes.”
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theycallmepspshh · 3 years
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Saint Seiya / Gods ― Olympians
God Hermes
God Hephaestus
God Dionysus
God Ares
God Apollo
God Poseidon
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theycallmepspshh · 3 years
What are your opinion of Ares x Dionysus and Hephaestus x Dionysus?
Ares x Dionysus feels like a crack ship to me (honestly idk much about these two interacting in the myths so I might be wrong) but Hephaestus x Dionysus is Very Very Good, I like it very much!
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theycallmepspshh · 4 years
I have to admit it can be interpreted either ways. Hyginus only says they slept with her on the same night. It might have been a threesome, it might not have been. I just think the former is a fun idea ;)
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So Hermes readily had a threesome with Apollo when they both liked the same lady, but with Ares he went to the extent of having a boxing match to avoid sharing with him, and I guess that's because he disliked Ares or liked Apollo too much (or both?) but it's funny that Ares lost to Hermes
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theycallmepspshh · 4 years
Okay turns out Ares and Hermes were actually on pretty good terms with each other, which makes this funnier.
Ares: but why do we have to fight? can't we just yknow, have a threesome?
Hermes: no
Ares: but- but we're friends! Can't you consider it?
Hermes: nahhhh
Ares: you did it with Apollo the other day!
Hermes: sorry to break it to you Ares but you're not Apollo. I don't like you that much.
Ares: *gasp*
Hermes: now wear your gloves, lets get started.
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So Hermes readily had a threesome with Apollo when they both liked the same lady, but with Ares he went to the extent of having a boxing match to avoid sharing with him, and I guess that's because he disliked Ares or liked Apollo too much (or both?) but it's funny that Ares lost to Hermes
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theycallmepspshh · 4 years
Is Ares close with Apollo and Artemis? He's usually paired up Aphrodite but did he have any friends among the gods?
I don't think he's close with the twins tbh, especially Apollo. In fact, I think Ares is one of the few Olympians Apollo doesn't particularly like, because Ares supported his son Cycnus who had sacrileged Apollo's temple :P now Apollo is the kind to forgive and not hold a grudge (look at how he became close friends with Hermes and Heracles inspite of those younger gods messing with him), but I don't think Ares and Apollo had such bonding over. But they were on the same side during the Trojan war, and Ares even obeyed Apollo's command and went to attack Diomedes. So I guess they had settled their differences enough to work as a team. They're pretty neutral towards each other imo. I don't see them being friends, but they can work together if it's a necessity.
And Artemis...hmm, she wouldn't be very keen with befriending Ares either I suppose? given that he persecuted Leto when she was pregnant. I mean, even if she did eventually move on from that feeling of bitterness, I haven't really come across anything that makes me feel like they would be friends. They don't have interactions, or anything in common with regards to their duties/domains either.
But I'm pretty sure Hermes was a friend of Ares! In Homer's hymn to Apollo, when Apollo is giving a concert, Ares and Hermes are seen playing a game together, like best bros. Hermes also saved Ares from the Aloadae giants so, they must be on pretty close if you ask me :3
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theycallmepspshh · 4 years
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So Hermes readily had a threesome with Apollo when they both liked the same lady, but with Ares he went to the extent of having a boxing match to avoid sharing with him, and I guess that's because he disliked Ares or liked Apollo too much (or both?) but it's funny that Ares lost to Hermes
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theycallmepspshh · 4 years
I wanna become the president just so that I can make short haired Apollo illegal
Why do people draw Apollo with short hair? Like??? Apollo? Who was well known for his long hair?? Whose uncut hair was mentioned like a thousand times in mythology?? Y'all giving him short hair even though long hair was legit one of his attributes???? Why!! Give this boy his long hair is that rly that hard??
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theycallmepspshh · 4 years
Why do people draw Apollo with short hair? Like??? Apollo? Who was well known for his long hair?? Whose uncut hair was mentioned like a thousand times in mythology?? Y'all giving him short hair even though long hair was legit one of his attributes???? Why!! Give this boy his long hair is that rly that hard??
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theycallmepspshh · 4 years
Okay I'm gonna try to tell the entire story of Hermes's birth myth with only emojis okay here I go
🤰 👩‍👦 👩🏻👉😪😴 👶👉😈 ⬅🏠 👀🐢 👶👉🤤🍴🐢👉🎩 🏞 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮👈🚫👉👶 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮👉☀️👱 ✅ 👶👉😈 👶💡 👶➕👣➕🌾➡🥾 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🕺
👶🤤🍴🐮 👶🥱😴 👱☀️😡❓🐄 👶 👁👄👁❓
👶omg 🏃💨 👱☀️🏃💨 ➡ 🗻 ⚡🧔❓
👱☀️😡 👉👶 👶❓👈 👉👶 👼✅
👶😬 🪕❓
Thank you
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theycallmepspshh · 4 years
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🌈 Iris commission still on mythical woman for @padmeisqueen 🌈
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theycallmepspshh · 4 years
im high and losing it a little over this
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theycallmepspshh · 4 years
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Hera, queen of the gods, goddess of marriage, women, the sky and the stars of heaven, and wife of Zeus.
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