theymeanaspecs · 2 years
just one more not vote bro I swear then the revolution will definitely come bro I swear just one more fascist given a free ride into office I promise then bro it’ll be okay bro trust me bro capitulation will definitely save us all look just do absolutely fucking nothing again bro just one more election it’ll definitely work I promise
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theymeanaspecs · 2 years
I….genuinely am worried if a ton of twitter users come back to tumblr because of how many of them are exclusionists. I hate the idea of going back to that being the majority here again.
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theymeanaspecs · 2 years
We NEED to put sex and magic back on the pride flag right now
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theymeanaspecs · 3 years
Happy international asexuality day!!! This is actually the first one ever :0
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theymeanaspecs · 3 years
ay not trying to start shit or anything but like… seeing widely spread memes that mock anyone who uses words like “aphobia” or “queerplatonic” kinda hurts, like, i don’t think you can make jokes like that while simultaneously claiming to be supportive of asexual and aromantic people. they have the exact same tone and purpose as “i identify as an attack helicopter” jokes except directed at a group that is apparently an acceptable target still
i’m not trying to argue whether cis heteroromantic aces or heterosexual aros have a place in the lgbtq+ community (i think they do but i’m not making that point here), just saying if you claim to be supportive of people of any orientation but then turn around and reblog memes where what you’re laughing at is literally the idea that asexual people could face negative treatment because of their orientation, or aromantic people describing their own lived experiences, then the message you’re sending is “i don’t recognize the validity of aspec orientations”
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theymeanaspecs · 3 years
This is true. Also, I can’t help but see “Jews” scratched out and “straight” written in in that discourse boil-down. The rhetoric about a secret, corrupting, worse-than-the-actual-bigots subgroup who are trying to sneak into a marginalized group and subvert it for their own wicked ends? Pride community discourse has been basically just remixes of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for decades.
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When will y’all learn
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theymeanaspecs · 4 years
Ridiculous theory: exclusionists are so terrified at the prospect of attracting attention that they think that anyone who would intentionally do anything to make themselves stand out is a complete idiot with no survival instincts. If someone dyes their hair, it makes them more conspicuous, and to an exclusionist someone being willing to be conspicuous is an indication that that person is untrustworthy, if not completely detached from reality.
And/or they hate fun.
just exclusionist things - "people who use the word queer are all straight, like if a straight man dyed his hair green and said he was an aro pansexual demigirl you'd just believe him ew." yes and? what is this a bad thing? support your local aro pan demigirl today!
what is it with exclusionists and hair dying??
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theymeanaspecs · 4 years
Of all the stupid shit that came out of that ace/aro hatred movement, people responding to information about the negative and violent experiences perpetrated against aces/aros by saying things like “uhm this happens to gay?? how dare you insinuate that [a sexuality that is extremely similar to other minority sexualities] experiences the same experiences as us??” takes the entire spoiled cake.
And to those that still think that, I diagnose you with very dumb bigot disease. It is curable, but the treatment is 5 CCs of boot applied directly to the teeth. 
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theymeanaspecs · 4 years
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theymeanaspecs · 4 years
It’s funny because aspec people were bullied into hypervigilance! Ha ha! /sarcasm
(it's "discourse" related so I figured I'd throw this over here) I'm going back through my dash and seeing that "vote for best tumblr post of the decade!" thing you reblogged a couple days ago include "this sounds suspiciously aphobic or possibly terfy" when if I remember correctly, OP /was/ aphobic, actually gave me an anxiety attack. A post that gave exclusionists an excuse to turn us hearing their dogwhistles into a meme nominated as something iconically funny. What is wrong with people.
FUCK I forgot that stupid post was on the list. I went through each of the posts one by one to cast my vote, and by the time I did, I had forgotten that shitshow was on the list because it’s not even top ten material, let alone #1.
Yes, the person who was called “suspiciously terfy” was in fact a terf. IIRC–and forgive me, it was so long ago now–the tags on the OP contained a very obvious dogwhistle, and the post itself was originally circulated through TERFs and aphobes first, before breaking out into a larger sphere of popularity.
It’s really a disappointment and a disgusting mess that it became a meme at all, let alone enough of one that it can end up on a finalist list for best meme of the decade.
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theymeanaspecs · 4 years
The nearly frantic insistence by both the press and her own family members that Bianca Devins couldn’tve, just couldnt’ve been asexual (despite her publicly describing herself as such) is pretty telling. It’s as if they think that her being asexual makes her less worthy of love, and so they have to defend her against such allegations. 
“No, no! Ignore what she said--she was bisexual,” they’re saying. As if being asexual is some kind of cruel fate, a final knife in the wound of her passing. As if they can rescue her from her own self-determination. 
“You can mourn for her. She was a human being.”
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theymeanaspecs · 4 years
“Yes I know she literally called herself asexual in a public forum, and there are records of it, but people who are not her think that she wasn’t!” 
Jesus fucking Christ, they’re really determined to ignore her self-determination, aren’t they?
Have you seen yasmin benoit's insta? Rolling stone published a story about Bianca Devins claiming aces had an agenda to tarnish her like those lying about her using drugs. It's fucking wild and so upsetting, especially w the tales and statistics about ace women in comparison to straight ones. The writer was aphobic on twitter before. It makes me rage so much that society forgets us unless they remember us for having an 'agenda' or being deviants & freaks or now lying about a poor girl who passed
If anyone has the stomach for a tweet could you send @yasminbenoit some support when calling out Rolling Stone today.
Here’s the twitter links. Even just RT or faving them will notify rolling stone of their error.
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This was a failure of journalism and of the author and the magazine. If someone is violently killed all you have left is their words. An acephobe doesn’t get the right to undo someone’s own words and to target Yasmin as the cause of this another layer of vile on top of it all.
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theymeanaspecs · 4 years
The only cis person knowingly and intentionally pretending to be trans that I ever saw was a cis woman who pretended to be a trans woman so she could shit on ace people.
And this is a woman who pretended to be a different type of woman. Cis people don’t pretend to be genders they’re not (unless they’re doing it for a playful and temporary purpose, like roleplaying games or cosplay). That means that the very very VERY rare somebody who claims to be trans but isn’t will be claiming that they are a trans example of the gender they actually are, and they’ll be doing it in bad faith to win arguments, not just living their own damn lives.
transmeds dont doubt existence of people, only doubt that they are accurate about their identities. Not all people who are wrong about being trans are trenders, but trenders DO exist (even if they arent an issue we should be focusing on) - My transmed friend.
ok but get this: yall dont have any place speculating on others identities! trenders DONT exist! fuck off!
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theymeanaspecs · 4 years
Everybody on this website really needs to consider that straight cis allo perisex people do not, generally, CARE about the distinctions between us. Yes, all of us have different stereotypes assigned to us (e.g. gay-> pervert, bi -> slut, transfem -> serial killer, aspec-> inhuman, etc etc), and cisheteropatriarchy affects us in different ways, but in the end we’re all just one big pile of Not Straight.
When ace and aro people get sent to conversion “therapy”, the people sending them did “think they were gay,” yes, but that’s because it’s all “gay” to the cisheteropatriarchy. The Man doesn’t use “gay” in the way that we might to signify exclusive same-gender attraction. The Man uses “gay” to mean “not Straight,” because the Man doesn’t give enough of a shit about us and our experiences to use more precise language and modes of thought. 
The shift in our community to assuming that the Man uses “gay” in the same way we do is incredibly damaging--and make no mistake, it’s by design. It’s by design of the same people who trade on the rate that bi and trans people get assaulted to get donations but then give most of their budget over to cis monosexual gay people. It’s by design of the same people who lie about our past, claiming that “lesbian” always meant “exclusively a woman who is exclusively attracted to women” and therefore any indication that a historical figure was bi or a trans man or nonbinary is wrong and evil and a theft of history. It’s by design of the same people who want a middle class abled cis white woman to be able to look a poor disabled trans woman of color in the face and claim to be more marginalized then her.
The universally exclusive “gay” is a scam propagated by grifters and bigots, and I’m sick of everyone falling for it.
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theymeanaspecs · 4 years
when ace people say “this blog is a troll blog” it’s not excusing homophobia what it is saying is “this blog was made by someone who hates ace people and wants to make them look like homophobes and reblogging their posts making fun of them with no context gives off the impression that youre making fun of ace people”
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theymeanaspecs · 4 years
“I’m about three inches away from realizing that my actions have consequences, but don’t worry, fans, I will definitely never cross those three inches because being a bigot and a bully is just too darn much fun!”
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When ur so dependent on cool guy clout that u have to preface ur anti suicide post by insisting that u still love bullying ppl
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theymeanaspecs · 5 years
Tumblr Capital Crime #1241229:
Describing yourself with words that TERFs want to keep reserved for their personal use.
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if you dont believe at this point that people online are chomping at the bit to be homophobic towards gay men & would gladly post about hating faggots if they could get away with it youre not paying attention
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