Top 2 Leg Stretching Machines For Sports
Flexibility is very important for sports. Especially leg flexibility is more essential since it balances your whole body. You can become flexible when you do regular exercises and practice yoga. But if you want to gain flexibility more easily and more quickly you can opt for the leg stretching machines. 
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What are the benefits of using a leg stretcher machine to stretch your legs regularly? 
Here are some benefits of stretching your legs regularly:
It mainly improves flexibility
It helps to maintain good posture.
It helps to lower blood glucose levels and manage diabetes.
It also helps in post-workout recovery and it reduces the lactic acid buildup.
It also reduces the risk of injury during workouts.
It improves blood circulation.
Stretching can treat chronic lower back and leg pain.
It boosts athletic performance.
What are the top leg stretching machines?
1.Tiger Claw Pro Leg Stretching Machine
2.Century Versaflex 2.0 Stretching Machine
These are the top 2 stretching machines for sports. The features, advantages, and disadvantages of these  2 machines are given below.
1. Tiger Claw Pro Leg Stretching Machine:
The Tiger Claw Pro Leg Stretching Machine is one of the most expensive leg stretching machines available on the market today. It has a steering wheel in it which is used to control your stretches. It has a padded vinyl which would make your stretching very comfortable. 
It also has back support with adjustable angles. The best part with the tiger claw pro leg stretching machine is that it is delivered with fully assembles equipment. But you need to assemble the steering wheel which is quite simple to do. You don’t need to use any nuts and screws.
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If you want to lean forward on your stretch then you can take off the wheel and you can easily lean forward. It has an excellent stretch of more than 180 degrees.
Tiger Claw Pro Leg Stretching Machine does not have a gauge to track the angle of stretch. It is a drawback of this stretching machine. Some users suggest that it would be better if the wheel is greased so that it helps it to rotate smoothly.
Features of Tiger Claw Pro Leg Stretching Machine:
This leg stretcher helps you to develop flexibility and maintain balance.
It has a cushioned footrest that provides comfort to your legs.
It has a sturdy construction and so it enhances durability so the machine can be used for the long term.
It is light in weight so it is easy to transport.
This stretching machine is so relaxing that you can use it comfortably while you just watch TV.
It has an adjustable pull-bar which helps in improving your flexibility.
It has adjustable back support.
Its stretching range is 180 degrees range.
It has a long leg padding.
The padding thickness is less.
The leg support pad of this machine is not removable.
2. Century Versaflex 2.0 Leg Stretching Machine
The Century Versaflex 2.0 stretching machine is perfect for elite athletes. This machine has a heavy-duty steel construction which ensures strength and durability.
The century company has increased the length of the back support in this 2.0 version. This model also uses a ratcheting mechanism and a cable system which helps in spreading your leg’s apart. 
It has a handlebar that is present in the upfront so that users have a comfortable stretching experience. It has the same padding cushions as the previous version.
The problem is that this leg stretching machine does not suit tall people. Another drawback is that the assembling manual is not clear so users find it difficult to assemble this stretching machine. 
This stretching machine is ideal for different levels of stretches done.
It is constructed with a heavy-duty steel frame which is accompanied by a cushion made from vinyl-covered foam and it gives comfortable support.
It also comes with spacious back support.
It requires minimal assembly.
It has an excellent design with a 4-position stretching arm along with a degree indicator to track the level of stretch.
It has a stretch angle gauge to track your degree of stretch.
It is available at an affordable price.
There are handlebars present for facilitating leg stretches.
The padding is thin throughout the equipment.
You need to assemble on your own.
These are the best leg stretcher machines for sports. If you want to become flexible easily and quickly then it is worth trying these leg stretching machines.
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Why schedule your workout?
For example, if you work out three days a week, you can work out your arms and shoulders one day, work out your back, legs and chest the next time, and on the last day, you can do some fitness training. If you want to improve your flexibility of your legs then you can try best leg stretcher machines.
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It is possible that the thought of just following the flow has pervaded your mind. However, this often causes everything to quickly lose structure and it will keep you from achieving your goals.
Therefore, failure to a schedule will make your workouts seem less important. It will thus make you lose your dedication, lose your motivation and lose your persistence. On the other hand, planning will help you focus on your goals and help you stay on track towards the goals. 
What are the important aspects?
Planning does not have to be conclusive with strict timing for each activity. It's more about being organized so you can achieve your goals as easily as possible. 
Therefore, it is important to keep the following in mind: 
Exercise program:  training here and there or occasional exercise has no effect, at all. If you are not persistent in your training, it will prevent you from progressing. Therefore, you need to establish days and hours during the week that do not interfere with the rest of your activities.
Clear goals:  undefined goals usually lead to instability. If a goal is not made clear, it will not help achieve your goals and it will undermine your dedication.
Training:  this is the most important aspect according to your goals. Training is at the heart of your goals and, therefore, should be planned in a balanced way so that it always benefits your needs.
How should you schedule your workout?
Before implementing any kind of plan, you must have clear goals and decide which schedule is convenient for you. Once you have decided on this, you can start planning your training sessions.
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There are several ways you can plan your workout. What is most important is maintaining harmony and stability in your training. That way, for example, you will avoid training your arms more than your legs. Now, we will show you how to schedule your workout:
Divide the body parts you want to train. There are no parts of your body you should leave out. This must be taken into account when planning your program. Below, we have listed the body parts and how to train them: 
Shoulders: training with dumbbells, sitting pressure, military pressure and push-ups.
Chest:  push-ups, bench press, incline press, and pull-ups.
Back:   rowing, deadlift, single row, and triceps extensions.
Arms:  lateral arm elevations, push-ups, and triceps extensions.
Stomach muscles:  plank, leg lift, and abdominal bends.
You should always warm up sufficiently before starting any exercise. You should also stretch out when you finish your workout. The way you should distribute your workouts will depend on how many days a week you work out. 
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7 Warm-up Exercises For Increased Mobility
The short warm-up program consists of six exercises with bodyweight and one with weight:
Supine scorpion: The exercise allows you to create some movement in the back and lower back. You must lie down on your back and keep your arms out to the side. Hold the upper body on the floor and drive one leg over to the opposite side. Quietly, you can start working your leg higher and higher up your arm to get a greater stretch on your lower back.
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Four Hydrant: This exercise is made primarily to use the balls and warm up the hip. Stand on all fours and keep your upper body straight. Push one leg out to the side and before it looks around in such a large circle motion you can make before finally pulling it under you again.
Spiderman stretch: Here you focus on the hip and inwards, and you get your ankles warmed up. Here you can also start on all fours. Place one leg at a time next to your upper body, with your heel on the floor. You may want to tilt slightly to the side before changing legs and repeating.
High knee walks to cradle walk: These exercises both focus on the hip, balls and inwards. It is a combination of the two exercises high knee walk and cradle walk. When you are about to take a step forward, you lift your knee-high and grab around your knee (high knee walk) or around your ankle (cradle walk), then pull your leg up towards you.
You first run a high knee walk on both legs, then you run a cradle walk on both legs - and then alternate this way. 
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Squat to stand: Here you work on opening up the hip and getting a good stretch on the back thigh. Start by grabbing your toes, with the most stretched legs possible. Then pull yourself down in a squat motion, with your arms on the inside of your knees to open up your hip.
Work to keep your back straight and get your chest up and forward. Then you run up and down between these two positions.
For example, an extension may involve extending one and one arm up into the weather while sitting down in the bottom position.
Cossacks squat: This is also a type of squat exercise that focuses on the hip but where you also get a good stretch on the inner thighs and bend in the ankle. Start with a wide foot position, keeping one leg straight and facing the other. Point the foot of the stretched leg up into the air. Press up to the starting position before doing the same to the other side.
Goblet squats: The last exercise you can do with a little weight, and the exercise is to do a squat movement with a kettlebell or dumbbell in front of your chest. Keep your back straight and find the depth by bending your ankle and hip. Use the balance to balance with if you need to.
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If you want to improve your elasticity and flexibility in short time without much struggle you can opt for best leg stretcher machines. Using these leg stretching machine you can become more flexible.
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10 Good Stretching Exercises For Long-Haul Flight Travelers
You are forced to sit still while traveling by air. At the same time, there is not much legroom in the aircraft, so you can quickly sit in the same position in what feels like a hundred years. As a result, many travelers experience sore or even numb muscles and joints, especially after a long flight. Simple leg stretching exercises can minimize this common discomfort.
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Many people do not realize how beneficial it is to stretch their muscles and joints. It can be done anytime, anywhere. Stretching exercises help your body in a variety of ways. You can also improve your flexibility using best leg stretcher machines.
Here's how to stretch your best
Slowly stretch the muscle
Hold the stretch between 15-20 seconds
Just relax again
Repeat the stretch - preferably several times while sitting in the plane
Breathe normally as you stretch
Relax in all muscles as you stretch
Try these stretching exercises during your next long flight to reduce body pain caused by sitting still
Arm across:
Hold your left arm across your body using your right arm. You need to feel the stretch of your shoulder. Repeat on the opposite side.
Ankle over opposite knee:
Place your left leg over your right knee with your right leg at a 90 degree angle and your right foot planted firmly on the floor. You need to feel the stretch in your hip. Repeat on the opposite side.
Stretch of the buttocks (back thighs):
Keep your left leg straight for 15 seconds. You need to feel the stretch of the back leg. Repeat on the opposite side.
Ankle rotationer:
Hold both feet together and turn them in circles for 15 seconds. Stop and repeat 5 times. This should relieve the anxiety in your ankles.
Sit up, keep your arms still and roll your shoulders back 5 times. Then roll your shoulders forward another 5 times. This should help your spine and remove back tension.
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Kneel up:
Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the ground. Pull one knee up to your chest and hold it for 15 seconds. This should stretch your quadriceps femoris (the muscles on the front of your thighs) and hip flexors (the muscles that flex the hip).
Keep both feet on the ground and lean forward so your chest is flat on your knees. Drop your arms down, but keep both your feet on the ground. Keep this as long as you want, it's pretty relaxing! This should help your spine and spine.
Scroll to relaxed neck:
Close your eyes and start rolling your neck 10 times clockwise. Then roll your neck 10 times counterclockwise. This exercise is also relaxing for your spine and neck as it reduces tension.
For an extra neck stretch, place your left hand on top of your head and then gently pull to the left. Repeat on the right side.
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Squats on the flight toilet:
Since squats in the hallway look strange in the flight cabin, do this exercise on the flight toilet - put the toilet lid down first. Face the door and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then stand up. Repeat 10 times. It boosts blood circulation.
When the seatbelt sign is off, take the opportunity to walk around the cabin at least once an hour. This will ensure that your blood circulates normally.
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