thiefs-vow · 3 years
New tricks
She listens closely to all of his experiences, mentally taking notes and nodding along. “Yep, those all count! You’re a real veteran in the field then…” Why would someone like him need a class on thievery? It sounded like he knew his stuff minus the getting arrested part.
“Ha! I ain’t gonna arrest ya— my brother would throw me in the slammer right beside ya!” It was a bit of an exaggeration, but he definitely wouldn’t be happy. Plus Patty knew what it was like. No one picks pockets as a kid if they can help it. “Me? Hmmm…now I’m worried my credentials ain’t as good as yours!”
After a few moments of thinking hard, Patty snaps her fingers. “I’ve been pick pocketin’ since I was a kid too— but I think my biggest heist was in Yied Shrine! Ah— sorry, I forgot not everyone is from Jugdral, but just know it was super dangerous!
“Other than that, I mostly do petty stuff— girl’s gotta eat.” And she more than just two mouths to feed back in Conote. “Didn’t get caught, they— back home, I probably wouldn’t be alive to tell the tale if I was!”
Yep yep, the teacher seemed competent enough. Pickpocketing, the Yied Shrine, staying out of trouble. He may be able to- wait. “The Yied Shrine? The one with all those dark mages? That Yied Shrine? With the creepy chanting and all the blood and-” 
Oh. His. Gods. She was the real deal. 
What? How? Why? Ok, he knew why. But WHAT? “That’s incredible!” He jumped up and rushed over, shaking her hands as if she were a saint. “I never- wow, I never thought anyone’d manage!” Even with all his experience, he hadn’t been able to scratch the surface of that place, and this amazing lady was able to pull off a full heist? “So how- no wait. First, was Balmung there?” He had to know if the rumours were true. 
Holy shit they were. He couldn’t contain his excitement, practically bouncing as he took a step back. “You gotta tell me how ya did it! I tried breaking in myself few years back, went horribly.” For someone to actually get in, steal from those dastards… must’ve taken cunning, skill, incredible bravery… “To pull that off… you really take after your mother.”
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
New tricks
How did Patty get away with a class like this? Well, the teacher’s were pretty desperate for one, and she may have fibbed a bit on what exactly a class on thievery would be teaching. Maybe she told them it would be about stopping thieves, but really, whose to say? All that mattered was that she was helping out the teachers!
Also even if no one showed up, that just meant that Patty had a period to do absolutely no work. A win either way.
She had been sitting on top of a desk when Dew walked in, nearly causing her to fall over from the shock. Someone actually came!? Damn, she should’ve actually planned out what she was going to say! “H-heya! Just call me Patty, ‘kay? I’m still a student, so ya don’t gotta be formal!” Not to mention that she was only called Patricia when she did something wrong.
“Soooo…what kinda experience do ya have with thievery? Don’t wanna bore ya with stuff you know already!” Please say none. Please…say none.
“Alrighty, nice to meet ya Patty!” Seeing as she was already doing it, Dew sits on top of a desk at the front of the class. No comfier than the bench, but surprisingly fun, Patty had taste. 
“Ooo, good question!” He claps his hands, time to think. “Well, been picking pockets since I was a lad. Eh, to be fair, wasn’t the best, got arrested a few times… and then there was some breaking and entering, grabbing what I could on the battlefield, heists! Love a good heist. Then uh, I sell stuff sometimes, but I charge way more than it’s worth, does that count?” 
He laughs. “Is this the part where I get arrested?” 
Now he’d introduced himself (kinda), it was time to hear from the teacher herself. “How ‘bout you? What sorta daring missions you get up to?”
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
Ares finds himself pulled into the staff room by the strange blond before he can even respond. The man, who hadn’t even divulged his own name, had caught him off guard by using his own. The mention of his presumably late aunt also piqued his interest and ignited his fears. What stories had she told this stranger about him when he was little more than a babe? He had to worry what kind of embarrassing details the man knew of his childhood.
Cake was pushed in front of him and he was still too surprised to refuse. He lifted his fork and let if hover above the plate as he tried to process what was happening. Ares had faint but very fond memories of his aunt and as such his demeanour softened a touch.
“You never told me your name,” he blurted out, completely skipping over the question he’d been asked. There were much more pressing issues at the moment. “How did you know Aunt Lachesis?” He hesitates to ask when he had last seen her. He knew better than to hope she yet lived but he didn’t want to hear news of her passing either.
“She– she spoke of me?” he asked, a little surprised by the fact. Ares had admired Lachesis but his recollection of her from his youth was patchy at best. It felt… comforting to know she had cared for him enough to talk about him to her friends.
Even if she might have told some mortifying tales.
“Oh how rude of me. I’m Dew, pleased to meet you sir.” A bite of cake, damn that was good. The staff had it lucky here. He could truly say this mission was a success now, maybe he’d return sometime. But more pressing matters awaited. 
“Back in the day, I was part of Sigurd’s army.” A glance at Ares’ face showed that was a name he recognised. “And the army was in the north part of Verdane for a while, cause of some politics or summin, I dunno. It was great, pretty close to my home actually, last time I saw my parents we were-” He was getting off topic. “Oh sorry, Lachesis.” 
“Anyway, one day Lord Sigurd gets a message from Nordion. Something something politics again, but Lady Lachesis was in danger. So of course, we go help her, then end up conquering the entire country while we’re at it… sorry ‘bout that.” 
“So Lachesis ends up joining our army, and we go conquer some countries together. Now I think she’s great. Like, we’re not even that far apart in age, but she’s always so refined and mature. A right noblelady… and like, how do you even befriend someone like that? I was even smaller back then, n she didn’t seem to care about anyone other than her family. But I went for it, gave her one of my coolest swords, free of charge, and we started talking. Loved her I did, and she seemed to like me well enough.” 
“Oh look at me rambling on, sorry about that. Good memories and all, glad to share.” He laughs. “She talked about ya a lot she did, about those tea parties when you were just a toddler.” He laughs. “She always made you sound so cute.” How things change.
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
New tricks
The academy professors are bogged down with work and need a little extra help. Teacher’s assistant positions have been opened up and are available to just about anyone willing to lend a hand. Try your hand at helping teach some of your fellow students—or get an inside opportunity to change you and your friends’ grades in the assignment logs. [Grants Authority +1]
Starter for @lockpicnic
It was a new year at the academy, bringing a new year of classes… Now, Dew wasn’t required to attend, by any means, but from time to time he looked over the timetable, to see if anything interesting was being taught. 
And by Ullr, this was interesting. 
If the lecturer’s name wasn’t reason enough to take a look, the subject certainly was. A class about thievery? He never thought he’d see the day, a fancy school like this offering such a class? He wasn’t able to get away with something like this last year. 
Maybe it was compensation for the mission they’d just been on. ‘Sorry you died, you can teach whatever now.’
He arrived at the classroom a few minutes before the lecture was meant to start. “Patricia Yngvi?” She certainly had her mother’s hair, but she was shorter than expected (not that Dew could talk). “A lecture about thievery, yeah? Name’s Dew, I look forward to learning from you.” 
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
edain flinches when she’s pulled into an unexpected hug. her eyes are wide as she watches him cry more than she initially had. it makes the tears come back for her, harder to keep them at bay.
“yes. i couldn’t endanger anyone because of my blood, so i escaped to fodlan, like you. funny how that worked out..” even with midir gone, even without knowing the whereabouts of anyone else or what happened to shannan and oifey after she left them, dew was still here for her.
“it’s alright, dew. it’s not your fault.” she shakes her head. she doesn’t want dew to handle all the blame for what happened. it was not either of their faults, although edain still finds herself sometimes thinking about how midir wouldn’t have died if it wasn’t for her. it’s a useless thought that doesn’t do anyone any good.
edain doesn’t fight it as dew takes her hands in his. it’s a welcome warmth in her mind. “of course i remember your vow.” she says, because she could never forget it. “i…. you can’t die for me, dew.” she shakes her head, feeling the sobs that rack her body. she sniffles, giving up on hiding her tears. “you can- you can protect me. but don’t give up your life for me. please.”
Of course, he would give his life for her… but he cannot disobey her word. His passing would bring her too much sadness, and that would be the worst thing he could do. Even hearing her now, it was too much. Such a lovely woman should never have to cry. 
“Alright. I promise, Lady Edain, I will not die… and neither will you. If anything happens, I’ll find a way to save the both of us. So please, call on me whenever you need help.” The tower loomed over them, and Dew felt a great strength within him. Whatever gods that were listening in, they’d surely hear this vow. 
No matter the situation, he’d find a way out. No matter the peril, he’d live through it. He’d survived so much already… he wouldn’t die. 
He’ll live for her instead. 
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
AU where my muse’s strengths and weaknesses are different, would their abilities affect their life’s path? Or could they make the same choices?
Not to be rude, but Verdane's a bit of a wreck. You either steal or get stolen from, Dew's just trying to get by with what he has.
If he had good strength, he probably would have become a bandit, or joined the Verdane army (though what's the difference really?). Then he would have met a swift end on the end of Sigurd's blade when he invaded. Cheery stuff huh?
If he had good defence and hp, or even decent res, he could have worked at the arena. He wouldn't be the best fighter by a long shot, but it could have been fun. He'd still get bodied by Sigurd (and then the rest of his army in quick succession), but he wouldn't die.
But he has good speed and luck, which made for a good pickpocket, and lead to where he is now. It's good.
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
AU where my muse chooses a different profession (sender can specify if they like!) !!
Bandit Dew would be too easy.
There's this lil skill in FE4 called Bargain, which gives Dew better prices in shops. He gives it to his kids, it's great.
What if he used it in the other direction? Shopkeeper Dew. Or to be more specific, Dew replaces the pawnbroker NPC.
Stole a tome off a dead body? But you're a melee kinda guy? Doncha worry, he'll take it off your hands. Then immediately sell it to your best friend for twice what he bought it for. (Hey, business is business).
Unlike the usual pawnbroker, he can and will buy holy weapons. Sure... there's like one person in the world who can use each of them... but they're really cool to hold. And he can hold lil events! 100 gold to have a go with Balmung, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Sometimes he questions the integrity of the army. He's bought and sold that paragon ring at least seven times today, couldn't they just pass it around normally? No? Ok then, more for him then.
He has a love-hate relationship with Anna. Yeah, she's an awesome lady, and has amazing business skills... but geez, her prices are steep.
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
❰❰ CARRY ❱❱ sender carries receiver bridal style + reverse (if it's alright!)
Ow ow ow... Batu's beard, he'd really done his ankle in. Wasn't even a fun injury he could brag about, he'd just fallen down the stairs like a fool... he wasn't sure if he was happy or mortified that Edain had been there to see it.
"Sorry, dunno if it'll work..." She'd tried using her staff, but it wasn't healing properly. "I'll get to the infirmary, thanks though."
He tried standing, but just taking one step was agony. Guess he'd need help after all. "Hey Edain, mind if I- egh!"
Either she was very strong, or he was very light... or both. "Lady Edain, you don't have to! I'll be fine to just lean on ya shoulder!" No? No, she was hellbent on carrying him. Damn.
He didn't want to inconvenience her... but this was pretty fun.
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
❰❰ SUPPORT ❱❱ sender comforts receiver after a loss / traumatic event
This wasn't Priam's department, but he did his best. He sat next to Dew in silence, glancing at him before speaking. "You alright? After... well."
Dew shrugs. What can he even say... they're dead.
"There's this saying where I come from: you've only made it if your grave gets robbed." He sighs, staring into the... void, whatever this place is meant to be. "All I had was me clothes and a training sword, doubt anyone'll be taking those." He was never expecting to become a king... but this was not how he wanted to go out.
"Geez, my parents are still there. Wonder if they'll ever find out..." Probably not. "Ain't seen them in years, but they were still alive last I heard... still tending to the farm."
Funny, he hadn't thought about them for ages, yet when it actually came to being dead, they were the first people that came to mind.
"It's just a lot to think about, ya know? And we've got plenty of time to think about everything but... guess I'm still in shock or something."
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme
Physical prompts based around some of my favorite tropes / physical actions in threads. Send this   + reverse   to change which muse does which action.
tw for implied violence in some
❰❰ PIN ❱❱ sender pins receiver during a fight/training
❰❰ HURT ❱❱ sender is hurt protecting receiver
❰❰ CARRY ❱❱ sender carries receiver bridal style
❰❰ LIFT ❱❱ sender carries receiver over their shoulder
❰❰ MEDIC ❱❱ sender bandages receiver’s wounds
❰❰ SUPPORT ❱❱ sender comforts receiver after a loss / traumatic event
❰❰ THREAT ❱❱ sender holds a weapon up to receiver as a threat
❰❰ SAVE ❱❱ sender saves receiver’s life
❰❰ CRY ❱❱ sender cries in front of receiver
❰❰ DANCE ❱❱ sender invites receiver to slow dance
❰❰ HAND KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the hand or wrist
❰❰ CHEEK KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the cheek
❰❰ HEAD KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the forehead
❰❰ EMBRACE ❱❱ sender embraces receiver
❰❰ HANDS ❱❱ sender’s fingers graze the receiver’s fingers
❰❰ CUDDLE ❱❱ our muses cuddle
❰❰ BED ❱❱ our muses share a bed
❰❰ BRUSH ❱❱ sender plays with / brushes receiver’s hair
❰❰ GAZE ❱❱ our muses make extended eye contact
❰❰ ALMOST ❱❱ our muses almost kiss but don’t or are interrupted before they do
❰❰ ARGUE ❱❱ sender ends an argument with receiver with a kiss
❰❰ ARM ❱❱ sender puts their arm around receiver
❰❰ PULL ❱❱ sender pulls receiver close to them
❰❰ BACK ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the back
❰❰ SHOULDER ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the shoulder
❰❰ LEAN ❱❱ sender leans against receiver
❰❰ CARESS ❱❱ sender caresses the receiver’s cheek
❰❰ HAIR ❱❱ sender pushes receiver’s hair away from their face
❰❰ TILT ❱❱ sender tilts the receiver’s chin with their hand
❰❰ CHIN ❱❱ sender tilts the receiver’s chin with their weapon
❰❰ LEG ❱❱ sender’s leg touches the receiver’s leg under the table
❰❰ FOOD ❱❱ sender feeds the receiver
❰❰ WALL ❱❱ sender pushes the receiver against a wall
❰❰ FREE ❱❱ sender frees the receiver from restraints
❰❰ TACKLE ❱❱ sender hugs the receiver so hard they almost fall over / do fall over
❰❰ DYING ❱❱ sender finds the receiver near death
❰❰ PANIC ❱❱ sender comforts the receiver as they have a panic attack or get overstimulated
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
In Another Life- AU Ask Meme Prompts!~
Send a number/prompt and I’ll describe my character in that Alternate Universe!
AU where my muse is of a different social standing than they are (nobility to commoner, commoner to royal, ect)
AU where my muse lived through a situation in which they died
AU where my muse died in a situation they lived through
AU where my muse works at a café
Generic Modern Era AU
AU where my muse is in modern school
If my muse was in the Pokémon World, what would their team/life be like?
AU where my muse is from another country in their own world
AU where they never met someone important to them
AU where my muse is in a band
AU where my muse has different virtues or vices than what they do in canon/now
AU where my muse time travels- as they are- to any era they aren’t from (such as modern times). How do they adapt/what stands out to them?
AU where my muse chooses a different profession (sender can specify if they like!)
AU where my muse is of a different moral alignment
AU where my muse is from a specific fictional universe of the sender’s choice
AU where my muse can spend time with someone who had died in their canon, just for a day. What would they do/say?
AU where my muse remembers something they’ve forgotten, how would it change them?
AU where my muse’s strengths and weaknesses are different, would their abilities affect their life’s path? Or could they make the same choices?
AU where one major choice my muse made at a crossroads is changed
Sender makes up their own AU!
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
TW: Death
The rest of you, try not to die…
Gods, screw all of this, Dew had to try not to die himself. Despite everything, he was still alive, and so was Edain. Dew couldn’t leave her behind now.
His wounds were catching up to him. He’d tried to ignore them, tried to convince himself that he could take the hits… but his resolve was failing. His strength was failing. All he had left in him were his words.
“Hey Sai…” He struggled to find the right thing to say. For goodness sake, he’d been able to encourage Arvis, why was he struggling now? “Sai, you’re doing great.” Ugh, that didn’t sound convincing. “Just keep at it and…”
Heal him. Please.
“We’ll all get through this, won’t we?” No, it was hopeless. All this time, he’d been trying to keep morale up… but he couldn’t hide the worry in his heart any more.
And then, that awful monster unleashed a final attack…
And Dew wouldn’t have to worry ever again…
> Briareus roll: 15… hit
> Dew’s health: 3.5 -> 0
forced to fight
After everything that’s happened on this mission, Lorenz’s death is hard to register. The entire team is dropping like flies, people that just days ago, Dew was joking around with, having fun with… would it ever mean something? Heck, would Dew even stay alive the next few minutes? Would any of them? The corrupted Reyson was down, but the others were still standing strong. 
> Serpent roll vs Dew: 11… Hit
> Dew’s health: 5.5 -> 3.5
The snake attacked again. Again, Dew couldn’t defend himself or strike back. He felt so helpless, like he was back in Verdane. He felt like the kid everyone saw him as. All he was good for right now was supporting his team… but his energy was failing him.
Priam and Sigurd are almost down, even just attempting to attack could prove fatal for them. Saias is doing an amazing job, but Dew can’t help with healing… and he doesn’t want to give the boy false hope. That leaves one person. So once again, Dew has to call out in support of his least favourite person.
“Arvis!” He struggles to think of something new to say. “Just… keep doing what you’re doing.” 
> Rally dexterity used?
The rest of you, try not to die.
CW: non-graphic character death
He knew it. He knew it mere moments before it happened, down to his bones. They’d all been through too much, and his own lifetime of being the exception on the battlefield or gladiator ring was coming to an abrupt end. He would join his fallen companions, any second-
It was a demon that did it, some many handed tyrant of arms that struck out at them in an insane frenzy. At least he was falling to something beyond what most warriors ever got the chance to face.
Priam rushed in, sword raised. He could feel his wounds, but more than that, what being alive felt like-
His ragged breath, his bloodstained clothes, every last frantic footfall upon the earth driven by an adrenaline laced heart, with eyes that shone with determination, and some old ragged cape and headband billowing out behind him.
Priam brought down Ragnell, glowing bright, for one last swing… and the blade never made contact with his enemy.
The killing blow knocked him to the ground.
Ragnell still glowed in his hand and he lay on the ground. Funny, he knew his concentration was broken… so how?
It kept glowing and he blinked his eyes further open. Not only the sword was glowing, but a figure before him. He barely could move to raise his eyes, but he was glad he did. He knew this too, that only he could see her. A ghost for certain, wearing ancient battle garb with long violet hair. In her hands were not one, but two swords- one of them was awfully familiar. Ragnell and a silver sister blade were in the woman’s hands as she stood by him, looking down at him with a serious but not unkind expression.
I always knew you had a soul, he thought to himself, but a twin is a surprise.
“Centuries later, and this treasure of Tellius has traveled far from home,” she commented. Priam couldn’t reply, and she didn’t seem to mind. “Your heart is valiant, and it is beating its last.” She knelt by him, voice carrying him away. He had so many questions to ask her, maybe he would get the chance…
“This torch will be passed on. Rest now, warrior.”
Priam felt less like he was holding the grip of a sword, and more like he was holding a person’s hand. He slipped away and never saw Ragnell stop glowing moments later, dormant again in his hand.
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
forced to fight
Just moments after Saias heals Lorenz, the enemy myrmidon and mages all gang up on the purple-haired lancer and brutally injure him. The redhead can only look on in bewilderment and a little bit of frustration as his work is so quickly undone and rendered pointless. “Lorenz! What are you doing?! You’re supposed to not let them hit you, it’s like I didn’t even heal you!” Even worse, the serpent attacks all three of them, and the strike heading for Saias looks particularly bad.
Eight-Headed Serpent attacks! Roll Divine Strike: 22?!
Corrupted Reyson’s buff (+0.5) and debuff (-0.5) are in effect!
Stain of Control and Personal: Nihil activate! Saias’s HP: 7/10
The snake slashes at the teen, but thanks to stain and skill, the ensuing injury manages to not be lethal. As Saias picks himself back up, however, he sees Lorenz on the ground, dead. Horrified, he covers his mouth in shock and despair. How many more will they lose? Why can’t he seem to do enough to help them?
He notices Priam has the most injuries now and, determined to not have a repeat of what just happened, he summons his power again and directs it at the bluenette with the giant golden sword.
Roll heal: 18! Priam gains +6 HP!
This time, he must’ve been much more energized, partly due to the very successful hit Father lands on Reyson’s shadow copy, because he manages to heal all of Priam’s wounds. (He can’t do anything about the poison, though, and he just hopes it won’t affect the other man too seriously.) Then the serpent attacks again, and just like last time he’s the target of a painful retaliation. Are you serious?! Can he sense that I’m the healer?!
Eight-Headed Serpent attacks! Roll Divine Strike: 16!
Corrupted Reyson’s debuff (-0.5 x 3) is in effect!
Stain of Control and Personal: Nihil activate! Saias’s HP: 5/10
Again, his stain and skill are what mitigate the damage, but he can tell he’s at only half of what his health is normally at. I can’t help but wonder if, despite our best efforts, we’re all going to die here.
After everything that’s happened on this mission, Lorenz’s death is hard to register. The entire team is dropping like flies, people that just days ago, Dew was joking around with, having fun with… would it ever mean something? Heck, would Dew even stay alive the next few minutes? Would any of them? The corrupted Reyson was down, but the others were still standing strong. 
> Serpent roll vs Dew: 11... Hit
> Dew’s health: 5.5 -> 3.5
The snake attacked again. Again, Dew couldn’t defend himself or strike back. He felt so helpless, like he was back in Verdane. He felt like the kid everyone saw him as. All he was good for right now was supporting his team… but his energy was failing him.
Priam and Sigurd are almost down, even just attempting to attack could prove fatal for them. Saias is doing an amazing job, but Dew can’t help with healing… and he doesn’t want to give the boy false hope. That leaves one person. So once again, Dew has to call out in support of his least favourite person.
“Arvis!” He struggles to think of something new to say. “Just… keep doing what you’re doing.” 
> Rally dexterity used?
The rest of you, try not to die.
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
Saias is probably going to lose his mind by the time they make it out of this (if when they make it out of this). Seeing the visages of his deceased teammates turned against them, or what might be imitative constructs devised by that youth from earlier, perhaps meant to torment them, is enough to make his head hurt. He knows the sweet possibility of family he saw before getting sent here is not the only thing he became cognizant of, but he can’t think about the other things he witnessed, or else—or else—
And he’s also absolutely useless at attacking any of their current opponents if his try with the training bow against the chimaera is anything to go by. That’s fine, he really doesn’t want to be the one to hurt them and find out they actually were his teammates. Besides, as of now he and Linhardt are the only healers in their party, and the verdette split off with the other group. So, healing it is. It’s really for the best anyway, someone has to make sure they make it out alive.
Seeing Lorenz bungle a blow against the swordswoman, Saias pulls out his tome and casts a Heal spell at the purple-haired man.
Roll heal: 8
Saias heals Lorenz for +2 HP!
He trembles a bit, and his magic feels sluggish, but at the very least he manages to channel it enough to heal a portion of the slash the Golden Deer received. He shakes his head. I’ve got to get my head back in the game.
Faith. It’s all about Faith. I have to have faith in my friends and in my god. We have to get out of here alive!
And if there’s a chance… maybe… maybe we can save the others. Maybe they’re not dead after all.
-> @thiefs-vow​
Alright, things weren’t going too badly. No one was too injured (yet), they were doing a decent (?) amount of damage, and Lorenz had been so kind as to distract the enemies. Things were gonna be fine… things were gonna-
Hmm, maybe Lorenz wasn’t distracting them on purpose. 
Back when they were fighting that chimera, Dew had heard Reyson sing a beautiful song. Now, the corrupted Reyson sang. A haunting tune that seemed to strengthen the enemy. Ok, that was bad.
Even worse, the eight-headed snake seemed to think that just attacking one person wasn’t enough. Noo, this overachiever had to attack everyone! Dew didn’t have time to dodge, nor try and block it, nor say his bloody prayers. 
> Serpent roll vs Dew: 16+4! Critical hecking hit!
Could it get any worse? 
Yes! Yes it could. Cause that hundred-handed monster just had to choose Dew as its target. Despite all the arms he had to attack with, this guy was somehow easier to dodge than the overgrown lizard. 
> Briarius roll: 8! Barely hit! 
Now was the time for Dew to be useful, to make his counter! Gathering all his strength, he swung his blade as hard as he could, a perfect hit onto the monster. It was pretty fun actually, why didn’t he do this more often? 
> Dew roll: 14+2! Critical hit! > …  > Damage reduction from training sword… -1 > Damage reduction from Reyson’s debuff… -1 > Ah
That’s why. Despite his best efforts, the monster didn’t seem phased, not even a little. Well, back to support he went. 
Out of everyone, maybe it’d be best to encourage their best fighter… he couldn’t believe he was about to say this. “Arvis! You’re doing great! Keep messing them up!” Don’t take it too personally, Dew still doesn’t like you.
> Rally dexterity used! > Dew’s health: 9 -> 5.5
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
forced to fight
there’s not much at all that sigurd understands in the moment, but he does know that he must fight back. seeing the faces of his friends makes way for pause. they’re already dead, he’d seen most of them die himself, he tells himself. an excuse to keep him going, to keep him from dying himself.
he still hesitates, his heart his achilles heel as it always is. even when he knows they just have their faces, it still hurts him. “i’m sorry for this, reyson- and everyone.” sigurd mutters an apology that doesn’t do much to calm his heart. he takes a deep breath, unsheathing his sword.
abandon that heart of yours, this is the battlefield. sigurd grips his sword tight, then launches an attack at reyson. he surprises himself with the fact that he can still fight like he usually does, even with the emotional attachments involved.
[ sigurd rolls to attack, 13 ] [ reyson (corrupted) takes 1 damage, 9/10 hp remaining ]
Ares, Reyson, Katarina, Ishtar… they were dead, or at least meant to be. Yet here they stood, fighting against the survivors. From a logical perspective, they were clearly just puppets, or imitations, but it didn’t matter. There was no way Dew could lift a blade against them. 
But, others were willing to fight. Sigurd had already attacked, and Priam seemed to be readying himself. Dew might not be able to attack, but he could still support his allies. In Fodlan, cheering on one’s allies seemed to be a valid tactic, and it was something Dew could do easily. 
“Priam!” He yelled. “You’ve got this! We’ll take down the dastards that are using our friends!” Maybe ‘we’ll’ was slightly inaccurate, but encouraging the troops was worth a little white lie. 
> Rally dexterity used on Priam! 
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
“This battle is far beyond anything we’ve seen before! You simply won’t be able to cope, Dew.” Ugh, this wasn’t even the first time she’d said this today. But… even when lecturing him, Lachesis was beautiful. The most beautiful woman on the planet. 
Gran year 760, Sigurd’s army was making its final push, heading for the capital of Grannvale. He’d been with these people for 2 years now, and people still thought he wasn’t capable. 
“I’m not just a kid anymore!” 
He pulls her into a quick hug. Just one final obstacle, and they’ll be able to have as much fun as they wanted. It was gonna be fine, they’d just have to work double hard to get the battle done as soon as possible. It’d be fine…
Tell her you love her.
Lachesis was the most wonderful person in the world, and for some reason she’d found time for a runt like him. A princess and a thief becoming lovers, it was unheard of. 
Tell her.
“You’re always so nice to me.” 
“Dew, you alright?” Despite her exterior, she really cared for him. She was a wonderful woman, the best in the world. 
Gran year 760, Sigurd’s army was making its final push, heading for the capital of Grannvale. He’d been with these people for 2 years now, and- 
Tell her you love her. 
This was wrong. Mere moments ago, he’d felt nothing in his heart except his love for Lachesis. Yet now, he felt the same for another… 
He zoned out of the conversation, trying to wrap his head around these contradicting thoughts. He blinked, and when he opened his eyes he found himself with another woman.
Memories rushed through Dew’s head. He knew they couldn’t be real, but they were so vivid… what was going on? 
A world where his wife died at Belhalla, a world where she went missing, a world where he replaced Midir… 
Not a single world where they could be happy. 
Nor a single world where he could be a father to his children. 
Was that his only fate?  
Then just as quickly as it had begun, the show ended. He opened eyes he didn't realize had been closed to find himself in a vast, terrain-less place of darkness.
Tell her you love her.
Before it’s too late.
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thiefs-vow · 3 years
sealed forest; evacuate the dance floor.
Strong arms heave him up. His feet drag along the ground for a moment and then he’s running. His support leaves him—and he’s alone. One foot in front of the other until they’re past the threshold of the village, the marketplace, the gate.
The great hall greets him the same as it always has, but not everyone is granted that blessing. (His friends are dead.) 
For a split second, grey eyes squeeze shut, and he watches history repeat itself through the eyes of his grandfather. (He’s falling, falling, falling…)
When his eyes open again, Kana watches team member after team member filter in. Somewhere, there are people fighting and the overwhelming stench of blood—something masked behind illusion. More lives wasted. 
(This land was ripping them apart.) 
One tear drips down his cheek, and then another, another. Sobs soon wrack his body. 
He weeps for the friends whose lives were stolen too fast. The innocents lost to the plague (that he will soon fall to). The wrathful power putting them through this terror. And for himself, who will never find happiness. 
(I’m scared, mama.)
> Starting health: 10
More running. Dew’s tired of it, of the running, the danger, the constant heartbreak. Maybe if the place wasn’t crumbling beneath their very eyes, he could be more help. He barely has the energy to process what R’wena’s going through… hopefully the others will be able to save her. 
He keeps running. There are so many obstacles, monsters swooping in to attack. Dew ignores all of them, fueled by adrenaline. Everything hurts like hell, but he can’t stop. 
Still running. He’s aware that he’s the fastest in the group. Everything’s so loud, he can’t see anyone, doesn’t know if they’re still safe… but he keeps going anyway. It’s selfish of him, but his desire to live is stronger than his desire to save the others. He made a vow he’d get out alive. And he’d never break a vow.
> Final health: 4
He made it… 
“Edain…” He cries her name as he collapses to the ground, wishing she could be here. Wishing she could heal him. From where he’s lying, he sees the others arrive. The gap between each person is agonising, every second worry for those not here yet… 
Three people haven’t arrived yet… 
And it becomes clear that they never will.
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