thingwerething · 9 months
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ISSUE 908: entr'kitchen
23 december 2023
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thingwerething · 9 months
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thingwerething · 9 months
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This is so funny. To me.
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thingwerething · 9 months
learn to draw if you’re interested in the irreplaceable experience of trying to explain to people that this does not also make you a graphic designer
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thingwerething · 9 months
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we’re really out here living in an AI dystopian hellscape and this shit has just begun… the future is grim…
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thingwerething · 9 months
y’all don’t understand how important t4t mcwexler is to me like… THERE’S JUST SO MUCH THERE TBH
in canon if we read them as cis they’re still pretty unconventional when it comes to gender at least within their respective universe… but both are really chill about it. hell they even seem to like having a bit of fun w it and not taking it too seriously…
something i’ve noticed about cishet couples, both irl and in fiction, is there’s a tendency to “enforce” gender upon the other, constantly reinforcing it, almost like they’re trying to convince themselves of something… but they never do that with each other??? when the two are seen in the most stereotypical gendered box they’re “supposed” to be in, it’s some of the most gut wrenching shit on either show. it takes the complexity of these humans away. the gendered box is a form of self harm for these two.
and honestly it’s that, plus the themes of being told you’re one thing and trying to break out of the mold… and it’s like… yeah it’s really not that far off to have a trans reading of their relationship?
there’s a lot of ways to even interpret their transness. but i imagine whether you see them as stealth or just in the closet and only out to each other (i’m more of the latter, personally), it’s… yet another part of their relationship that is also seen in the show. despite all their communication issues, they see each other for who they are and understand the other like nobody else. they’re in on a secret that nobody else knows. it’s just them against the world. and i rly like that abt them.
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thingwerething · 9 months
Round 3B: Poll 1
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thingwerething · 9 months
Round 3A: Poll 2
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thingwerething · 9 months
If “Running in the 90′s” was in A Major rather than A Minor
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thingwerething · 9 months
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thingwerething · 9 months
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thingwerething · 9 months
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season 1 deleted scene
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thingwerething · 9 months
I’m convinced if ppl on this site knew how crappy gifs look before you color them properly, they would appreciate editors more
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thingwerething · 9 months
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Made by me
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thingwerething · 9 months
i know its been said over and over that trans people who experiment with names before picking one or who change their names shouldn't be ashamed but ill even go and say. if you spend enough time with trans people you begin to realize how something like a name is just an extension of the person and if you really know them like KNOW them and not just catalogue them as a title in your brain then a name change isn't really all that difficult. primarily my friends exist in my head as 'someone i love' and then names and pronouns are modifiers. also if you know your friends well enough is someone going from 'raven' to 'victor' really that surprising of a change to make come on now
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thingwerething · 9 months
I swear to god that green day has had this exact same "scandal" like five times now.
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thingwerething · 9 months
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let's go year of the dragon
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