thinkinaboutjamie · 6 years
March 11, 2019.
Posting this now - found it in my drafts!
Today was kinda alright. I didn’t have many plans today, since all of my baby cousins were in school from deadass 7-5. Like wtf am I gonna do from then? Ate Bianca and Kuya Tom Tom and Kuya GRD (aka JR) said we would go out to the fish sanctuary at 8am, but I was up and ready by then and yet they haven’t showed up. I found that the perfect opportunity to do my homework, at least get those discussion questions out of the way.
Alas, when I did it was nice because I got that done, and by the time I was done they finally picked me up. Kuya Tom Tom drove the four of us to Hinunagaan, where we fed fish with bread (although I am highly opposed to this; I shamefully admit that I did it anways) and jumped into the dagat. It took me a while but damn was it really nice to swim in the sea with all the fishes.
When I got back, I was really kapoy and just slept. Kuya GRD and I had lunch, Ynna, Shen Shen, and Ai Ai walked home for their lunch break. We talked for a bit until they had to leave again, they are really the sweetest girls. My cousins came right after school. They declared that they would be absent from school the next day, since tomorrow is Nanay Gen’s funeral. Nikkos, Shiffra, Shen Shen, Ai Ai, Ynna, Sam Sam, Yuri, Jedd, and Mote all sleptover, but Sam Sam, Yuri, Jedd and I moved upstairs because Sam was too loud and waking up everyone. I’m here now writing this post - and I’m gonna spend time with my cousins now, they wanna play with Siri. My day wasn’t too bad, I feel as if a part of me is far away, and that part is Jamie. I really miss him a lot, it’s hard to talk to him when I’m with my cousins, because I wanna direct 100% of my attention to either party without it being half assed. I hope he understands and knows how much I love and miss him. I also really miss my puppy dog kyla.
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With love and chungus,
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thinkinaboutjamie · 6 years
March 7-10
Disclaimer, I’m putting all first three posts into one.
Hey! Pisngi me
March 7, 2019.
I guess March 8 here, I don’t pisngi know. Is this my intro! Hehe I’m on the plane right now, just woke up from a 10 hour flight, about to watch Black Kkklasmen, says it’s based on a true story. I hope i can watch more movies when I’m back home with my jamie baby. I brought soft son on the trip to me, making my flight super duper coz. Okay not much as happened, we ate some Filipino food shoutout to PAL. I’ll write an update tomorrow!
With love and chungus,
March 8, 2019.
I arrived today? Last night? Well I’m just gonna go with Filipino time. im super tired, I’m just wrapped in soft son. The air con is fucking blasting and dad roasted me for bringing soft son, but look how great of use I’m making of him! Thanks to my love Jamie for the idea of bringing him. I’m planning on sleeping for a bit, since we just got here. I don’t wanna sleep too long cause I wanna see my cousins, I said hi when I got out of the car. I guess I should address their names? The BBS are Yuri, GBoy, Jedd Jedd, Shen Shen, Ai Ai, Sam Sam, Iris, Nikkos, Shifra, Mote, and Cloris.
Update: there was a fucking earthquake
March 9, 2018.
Today I was supposed to go to the mall, but they had no room for me. That’s okay though, I got to spend time with my cousins. I guess I’ll tell you about each of them along the way. Mot Mot is one of the younger ones, he was with me pretty much the whole day. We talked about Canada, about how he wanted to see the snow. They watched me rush my stats homework really fast, but my laptop was overheating my legs in the fucking heat so I stopped doing homework. We went upstairs into one of the rooms, and at one point it was just me, Yuri, Iris, and GBoy. Iris is the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen, she’s 4 and can speak better English than her headass brother. GBoy is kinda stoic at first, but he’s actually really weird and spunky when you get to know him. He’s so fucking tall now. He also has a tongue piercing. Last year, he sent me a package with a hat telling me to come back to hinundayan. He doesn’t show it but he has a lot of love in his heart. Finally, Yuri, is known as the problem child. He’s the one with a lot of issues with parents and respect and all that. To me he’s just the most rebellious one, with that “too cool for school” act, he has the sweetest heart though. Those headasses tricked me into a video recording and I had no idea what was going on. They taught me how to play Flower power, lucky 9, first three, and ongcol ongcol(?) card games. I watched them play tongits and handtec until SamSam lost all of his money. We all kind of chilled in the room until it got too hot not to.
I got to call my boyfriend after this, it was great. I really miss jamie and his voice and big chungus looking pisngis. I wish he was here, he would love all the kids. It’s a nice break from Vancouver too. Shortly after my love patay’d, I patay’d too really early - like 8pm here. Everyone and I mean everyone was drinking, and Ynna’s mother was literally screaming her name for her. She was so wasted my parents had to help her to her motorcycle and Ynna had to drive her home. Ynna is the perfect daughter, beautiful, strong, nice, and top of her class. She is proper and does everything right, she never talks back and is very polite. I sometimes feel bad for her because of how perfect of a mould she has to embody when she’s here, I told her that she didn’t need to be that around me, she can just be a kid. She loosened up after I told her that and talked more, just like when I first told her that two years ago.
Ynna’s mothers screeching woke me up from my slumber. I went into the other room to see what was going on outside, since one of the rooms shows where they gamble. Jedd Jedd and GBoy were sleeping in the big house tonight, but only GBoy was still awake. I talked to him a bit, and he gave me one of his rings, aka “remembrance.”
March 10, 2018.
Today was a great day. The only thing missing is my lovely boyfriend. I think about what we could do here together if he was here. This morning I ligo sa dagat* (swam in the sea) and it was sooo beautiful. I went with two of my older cousins Kuya Tom Tom and Kuya JR, my ninang Ta Ta and my little cousin Sam Sam. It was quite beautiful and nice out there, beaches far beyond the scope of kitsilano.
After we did that we didn’t really do much for a couple hours, we chilled. I was mostly with GBoy, Jedd Jedd, Mote, and Yuri. Yuri danced to some whack ass Filipino shit for me, he also picked out my white hairs, LOL. Yuri, Sam Sam, and Mot Mot helped me learn some bisaya and Tagalog, and they wrote it down in my stats notebook for me to remember. Uncle Raul got Sam Sam a drone, well, two, but not the ones that you’re thinking. They’re just the toys, without the cameras - not the casey neistat bullshit. He lost it, but later he told me someone found it in a neighbours backyard. SamSam is the thickest one, the one most favoured by the parents but most bullied by the kids. They say he’s a cry baby and he’s a bully and an annoying piece of shit, but I actually love him. This morning I saw him literally dancing and stepping over great Lola Deli, and later overheard a conversation that went like,
Kuya Tom Tom: “Sam, did you drink a lot last night? You’re so fat today.”
Sam Sam: “No, I didn’t drink stupid. I am the one to watch over Lola Deli.”
So wholesome eh? We also all took photos today. I look RANK AF so I’m not posting any of them. I also had a heart to heart with my half brother JerJohn. Not sure what’s really going on there. Ate Bianca, kuya TomTom’s girlfriend, also came to visit and eat with us. She played a round of the card games with me and the bb cousins.
To top it all off, I got to FaceTime my baby jamie. My service got cut off today, luckily I was able to catch him before he slept. It looks like he’s having a rough go at home but some days are better - it’s timed like these where I wish, simultaneously, I would be there and he would be here. It would be nice to take him away for a while.
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