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ついったべいろぐ5 | キノコメ [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=53015790
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Hiro’s Journal (x)
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Big Hug #Baymax #Tadashi and #Hiro #BigHero6 😂🙇🙇🙇😂
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Hamada Brothers anime version <3
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I take no credit for any of these pictures, for most of them I don’t know the creator. If you know who drew any of these pictures please feel free to add the source or let me know, but for now please excuse the lack of credits.
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Ice harvester Tadashi // AN__donut
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Ouchies… #JGH #School #Hiro #HamadaBrothers #BH6 #BigHero6 #AuntCass #ToothlessThursday #Tadashi
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I love whoever did this 
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Tadashi Hamada + gif set ↳ requested by anonymous
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“It works…? It works!!”
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“It works…? It works!!”
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“No, no, no, wait! Please!” Still standing at Baymax’s sagging shoulder, Tadashi waved his hands frantically, trying to settle the situation before his robotics project got its head blown off. All he knew was that Baymax looked like something straight out of Fred’s comic books, and reaching out to help the woman with a clawed looking hand in a sopping wet vinyl bag was doing nothing to calm her fear. The only thing he could think of in the heat of the moment was to step out in front of Baymax, ushering him backward with one arm -- but there was nothing he could do to really shield his project from a bullet, if the woman chose to fire. 
“He’s harmless, I promise, he’s my thesis project--” 
“You seem to be experiencing increased heart rate and blood pressure,” Baymax said, tilting his head in a gesture programmed to be ‘cute’ for the sake of nervous patient. “Diagnosis--” 
“Not now, Baymax --” 
“A fear response triggered by external stimuli --” 
“Okay, thank you Baymax,” Tadashi said, giving the robot a hefty pat on the chest before looking down to the woman, holding his own very human hand down to help her up, giving a warm but desperately nervous smile. 
It had only occurred to him in that very moment that Baymax might not be the only thing here she might put a bullet through to protect herself. 
[Indie] Not All Robots: Tadashi/Mirage
Okay. So Test #92 wasn’t quite the stellar success that robotics major Tadashi Hamada had been hoping for. Although his robotics project, Baymax 1.0, was finally operational after the momentous 84th test, there were still a few… bugs to work out. 
At least today, Baymax wasn’t accidentally ripping doors off their hinges or speaking in wild multi-lingual gibberish. No, his programming seemed to be in excellent working order – but clearly, the vinyl on his feet needed to be double-reinforced or exchanged to something sturdier, because Field Test 92 had gone horribly awry the moment it started raining, and the wet gravel had been unkind to the soft outer covering of the robotic nurse. 
Very… very unkind. 
In fact, Baymax had deflated almost entirely, to the point where his vinyl skin sagged off the carbon fiber skeleton in such a way that he looked like a zombie. There was no getting around it – if Fred was here, that is exactly the parallel he would have drawn. Mortified, but unable to shrink Baymax safely into his carrying case without the deflated vinyl getting caught in the gears and damaging their functionality, all Tadashi could do was usher him desperately across the street. 
“Geez, almost there, big guy – we need to get you inside,” Tadashi said, glancing around at the unlucky pedestrians caught out in the rain as well, most of whom were already gawking in some shock at the zombie nursebot Tadashi was guiding along. 
He was panicking, that’s for sure. Baymax’s vinyl was water proof, so the machinery inside was protected. But still, years of work being threatened set the robotic’s major’s heart pounding in his chest. That feeling of alarm only increased as Baymax suddenly stopped in the middle of the street, turning his head with a gentle whirrr. 
“Tadashi. I heard a sound of distress,” Baymax stated, blinking. Tadashi forced a smile and tried to urge the 6-foot robot onward by pressing his shoulder up against his back. 
“That’s probably just me, buddy. We need to keep moving before we get hit by a truck,” he insisted, but Baymax turned wholly in the other direction. “…Baymax? …Baymax! Whoa, whoa, hang on there, buddy! Wait! Baymax!” 
Tadashi couldn’t have known whether it was another malfunction or not. It seemed that every field test revealed yet another thing to be concerned about. But Baymax looked like a complete nightmare, and Tadashi was more than concerned as his creation trudged straight up to a woman who had fallen on the sidewalk.
Immediately, Tadashi had a pang of concern for the woman. Baymax was right – someone had been in some kind of distress. 
However, looking like a skin-sagging zombie robot from a horror movie, the ordinarily very approachable-looking Baymax loomed over the woman and waved in a tight circle – with his finger and elbow joints sticking out quite horrifically against the deflated, sopping wet vinyl. 
“Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need for medical assistance when you said, AUGH GOD!!” 
Unfortunately, Baymax did quite a fantastic impression of a woman screaming in rage, and Tadashi threw his hands to his face in complete horror. 
Test #92: A complete nightmare. 
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“Just a little problem somewhere in the mobility programming for my robotics project,” Tadashi said as casually as he could. Still, he shuddered at the memory -- 
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-- or maybe it was just the cold from the icepack. Sighing, he lowered it from his face, showing an embarrassingly large bruise. 
“I’m glad I went the soft route and designed it with vinyl. Mostly it was like getting thumped with a pool noodle, but the second arm popped off and knocked the ceiling light down,” Tadashi explained. It all sounded more absurd with every word he spoke, and as exhausted and defeated as he felt behind the mild smile, he could help but huff a small laugh. 
“Kind of a disaster, but a work in progress. I think I need a fresh pair of eyes to have a look at the programming. There’s something I’m just not seeing.”
"Hey ah... Professor? Got a minute? I could really use some advice." Tadashi gave a light knock on the doorframe of Professor Callaghan's open office, leaning into view with a tired smile -- and with his other hand quite occupied pressing a large ice pack to his eye.
Callahan had been sorting through files when the pupil popped in. Alone in his office, it was dark save for a small, luminescent island of cerulean around his desk. In all honesty, he welcomed the distraction from the humdrum that had been occupying his mind for hours on end. He tapped one finger on a touch-screen control panel embedded into the surface of his desk, and the office came to life with light. All across the ceiling were large, transparent tiles, and a light source was behind each tile; the cerulean gave way to a plainer white, and allowed Callaghan to see the student. Overhead, a model maglev train sped around on a suspended track that outlined the capacious office-space.
“Come in, Mr. Hama-” Callaghan smiled as he looked up, but his eyes widened and he dropped the manila folder from his hands when he spotted the suggestion of injury. “Tadashi? Why the Cryotherapy?” He pointed to the ice pack and beckoned the young man in to sit.
The professor removed his reading glasses, folded his hands together, and rested his elbows on the desk and set his jaw atop of the interlocked fingers.
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