Awesomeness of my unit
Everything happens for a reason and we were meant to be together in this unit to complete and help each other. And we TRULY COMPLETE EACH OTHER.
Everyone is significant and has their own strength.
Sha - to think about EVERY SINGLE THING going on in this unit from the start, need to make sure all the works are done, listen to everyone ideas/problems/etc and drive us here and there. The one who makes the final desicions. Buy foundation.
Andrew - a rational, matured, think fast, very hands on, more experience, very practical and can decide faster. The one who comes out with latex idea.
Alin - started to ikat dhoti and headpiece ram, always helpful and always be there for everything
Aja - very hands on, master mind to sew baju savitri and seluar laxman, a good desicion maker, think first before doing something and matured
Thanu - sent photosss in wasep group while she was at home showing about this thing, that thing, tops and so on for us to use. Always bring food. She is tukang bawa barang.
Ehsan - Always helpful and trying to be there despite being so busy and tired with dancing.
Elvena (publisiti) - the one who started to ikat sari
Without any one of us, we cant do this and this unit cant be like what we have now. We really need the seven of us to make everything done and to get through this journey.
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General reminder
Be kind and loving like what you used to be.
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Random thoughts
1) Kind 2) Responsible 3) Loving 4) Patient And the two person in that relationship can respect each other. I dont think this is wrong, too much or demand since you're gonna be that person to be with him forever. And i think this can be said as do-yourself-a-favour-so-your-future-self-will-thank-you. Choose someone whose lifestyle is compatible with yours. Just dont steal your friend's boyfriend or crush. First come first serve. Pray for their best and yourself too.
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Again.. with my favourite chemistry girls. Make our move to the new KL Getaway mall near UM just for the free Boat Noodles. 03.03.2017
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10 Steps to Self Care
1. If it feels wrong, don’t do it.
2. Say “exactly” what you mean.
3. Don’t be a people pleaser.
4. Trust your instincts.
5. Never speak badly about yourself.
6. Never give up on your dreams.
7. Don’t be afraid to say “no”.
8. Don’t be afraid to say “yes”.
9. Resist the need to always have control.
10. Stay away from drama and negativity – as much as possible.
Source: Lessons Learned in Life
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Do not hold on to anything. If it is sweet or so nice just enjoy it at the moment. Enjoy it to the fullest. Then, allow yourself to experience other things.
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Note to this strong heart
When you feel like 👻 is not belong to you.. Yes, 👻 is. Do not think twice. Just move on. And never ever think about 👻 again.
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Before I forget the story behind this not-so-instagrammable photo, I better write it here. Here is the picture of us having breakfast at roti canai pak ali. Wake up so early (6.30 AM) just to go there. Even for classes I rarely wake up that early tbh and someday I just cant wake up and missed the class. #notamorningperson It was raining in the morning. The place was not so comfortable. Roti canai and teh tarik was the best but we cant really enjoy it thinking about the expensive uber. We went back to UM by bus. While waiting for the bus, we managed to snap some pictures of us at the bus stop. I like that morning atmosphere. Raining. Calming. Cold.
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Having some nice food at 10th college with them my crazy friends after biomolecule class. Bought burger some more after that and heading back to my college when the sky was turning reddish. What a beautiful scenery!
I enjoy going eating somewhere with them straight after class.
Feel like i am not always lifeless haha.
Today is one of those moments that i will cherish forever.
May our bond become stronger.
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To have a peaceful mind :)
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Just a cute simple life~
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Enjoy the simple pleasures.
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Just a few reasons to start the day! :D
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Surround yourself with people who have common sense.
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It’s not rude or unreasonable to ask for basic respect. Good people should treat you and your boundaries with some level of respect.
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Yes. It is the only thing I can hold on to.
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You don’t have to be positive if it doesn’t help you, but sometimes I find it’s the only thing I can hold on to when things are really low.
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Everything in this life requires us to always put some extra efforts.
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No one’s going to be upset at you for failing. Everyone fails. When you’re ready, keep trying!
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You're gonna be okay anyway just like the old times and become stronger day by day.
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They’ll still be a part of you, but hopefully in a way that provides you strength instead of pain.
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