thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:19 that we would understand the exceeding greatness of God’s power for those who believe. Notice the power is only activated when we believe. That means right now the Creator of the universe is just waiting to release healing, restoration, favor, promotion, abundance. The only catch is that we have to believe.
I think about Mary, the mother of Christ. When she was a teenager, the angel came to her and said, “You’re going to have a child without knowing a man.” Her first thought was, “That’s impossible. That’s never happened before. That defies the laws of nature.” She said to the angel, “How can this be?” He answered back, “The Spirit of the Lord will come on you and cause it to happen.”
I love the way Mary responded. She didn’t argue with him. She didn’t try to talk herself out of it. She simply said, “Be it unto me even as you have said.”
Has God placed a dream in your heart that seems impossible? If you will choose to believe, then His strength will rise up in you. His ability will supersede your ability, and the greatness of His power will bring to pass every dream and every desire He has placed within you!
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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Me getting ready for #TheFace season finale tonight at 8/7c on Oxygen.
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
 Everything is in His hands and in His hands we are safe and sound.
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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God is going before you to make the crooked places straight. No person, no sickness, no disappointment, can stop His plan. What He promised will come to pass.
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
So I found out this week that one of my elders is getting transferred. I'm really going to miss him. I already do actually. Over these past months we really became genuine friends and started to care about each other. Unfortunately, I'm not even allowed to write him or keep in touch with him. Thats whats really hard about this. He told me to add him on facebook so that he could accept it AFTER his mission which pretty much is in 1 year and 9 months. :( I didn't realize how much I cared about him until the last day I saw him. I cried when I got home, knowing that I may not see him again. I hope I get over this soon and that he is okay and happy wherever he goes. He was the sweetest, kindest missionary I ever met. I wish I appreciated the time I had with him more. I noticed after all the time I met with the missionaries I slowly became a kinder person myself. I'll miss him so much but I know this is how it is suppose to be. I was told that he can't write me because it might make  feelings escalate into romantic feelings so I guess I understand. Good luck in life and everything you do Elder! Thank you for being so kind and a good patient teacher/friend. I'm grateful for the time we did have! ,<3
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thisgirlsuniverse · 10 years
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