Blood Sport - Part 1
A/N this is Chapter 1 of my new fanfic for House Of The Dragon. It will be an Aemond/Velaryon OC. It is loosely based off this drabble I wrote but details have been changed. I really hope you all enjoy it!
All words in italics are high valyrian!
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Summary: Viserra Velaryon had always been loyal to her family but when her brothers actions led to the Queen demanding one of Rhaenyra's children return to The Red Keep as a ward, they could have never known that they had sent the Greens their biggest asset. The love she bore for her family was nothing compared to the love she had for the One Eyed Prince.
Controlling dragons was an illusion, it wasn’t like a master and a dog. The bond between dragon and rider was more of an understanding, dragons would obey basic commands but they weren’t rid of free will. Regular people didn’t understand that though, they saw the Targaryens as being closer to Gods than men. They were above certain laws and restrictions that regular men were but really all it was was a cleverly veiled illusion. 
There were of course exemptions to this, most notably Prince Daemon and his bond with his dragon, Caraxes. The dragon being able to understand his rider without the need for words or commands. Another was the Princess Viserra, the dragon egg that had been placed in her crib hatched a few hours after her birth and bonded immediately. Rumours swirled that the young hatchling would screech whenever the Princess did and their bond grew stronger so that by the time Viserra was old enough to begin training in the dragon pit, she ran into no difficulties. 
It was because of this though that she found watching her brothers attempt to train and command their own dragons quite boring. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy being in the dragon pit, she loved it in fact. What she found boring was watching them fail with their training. 
“Viserra look!” Her twin shouted. 
“Very good Jace.” She replied, not lifting her eyes from her book. 
“You’re not even looking.” He complained and instead looked back to Aegon for encouragement. 
“You always have your head buried in a book, if I had a dragon then I would always want to train with them.” Aemond stood over her, casting a shadow over the page she was on. 
“I like reading, and I train with Galbarax. I just don’t like doing it with everyone here. They just complain I’m showing off.”
Aemond sat down next to her and shrugged. “If I ever had a bond like you did with a dragon then all I would do is show off.” 
Viserra liked Aemond, he was always honest with her and never made her feel guilty for having a dragon despite it being a constant source of misery for him.
“What are you reading?” He asked, they both had a shared love of books and had often spent many hours in the library. This had ended more than once with a guard finding them both asleep on the floor surrounded by a pile of books that they had passed the time with. Viserra closed the book and let him read the name of the front cover. “You’ve read that one already, remind me to pick you out something new later. I think I’ve found one that you’d like, it’s about-“
“Aemond!” Aegon’s voice rang out over the dragon pit like a bell, drawing both their attention to him. “Come here we have something for you.” 
Viserra could only sit and watch as they led a fat pig up to Aemond with glee. “Behold the pink dread!” 
Her chest tightened watching her brothers and Aegon torment Aemond about not having his own dragon until he was left standing alone staring down the steps that led to the creatures below. 
“Aemond?” Viserra stepped towards him tentatively. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine.”
“Don’t mind them, they’re just being stupid. I know you will have a dragon one day.”
“I said I’m fine!” He snapped and before Viserra could stop him, he stormed down the stairs towards the dragons. Viserra didn’t bother to follow him, this was a common occurrence. Aemond would sneak down to try and claim his own dragon, get caught and returned to home where he would be told off by his mother. 
Instead Viserra followed her brothers and Aegon outside, she caught up to them within a few minutes. Aegon was still laughing about ‘the pink dread’ so without thinking, Viserra grasped her book firmly and swung it upwards in the direction of his head. 
“Ow!” Aegon lurched forward, clutching the back of his head. “You bitch! What was that for?”
“You know what that was for. He’s your brother, why must you go out of your way to terrorise him?“
“He’s a twat.”
Viserra sighed, there was no reasoning with him. Aegon did whatever he pleased and encouraged Jace and Luke to do the same. “You’re a twat.”
Viserra sat cross legged in the grass, Haelena sat nearby playing with a spider she had found in the grass. Most of her afternoons were spent like this, the boys trained and the girls were encouraged to practice more ladylike skills such as dancing, needlepoint but it usually ended with the two young girls disappearing into the garden. The quiet was comforting to them, Viserra liked Haelena although she was a little strange. She had a kind soul that made her a comforting person to be around. 
“Princess, your mother requests your presence urgently.” A guard stood in front of her. Viserra stood up and brushed down her dress, she followed the guard back to her mother's chamber's. 
Princess Rhaenyra turned around, holding a small bundle that contained the newest addition to their family. "Viserra, come meet your brother. This is Prince Joffery."
Viserra moved closer to her brother, "He looks very pink." 
Rhaenyra couldn't stop the laugh that came out, "Well he is only a few hours old, sweet girl. You looked the same when you were born." 
Viserra wrinkled her nose at the idea however the newborn Prince started to cry before she could answer. Rhaenyra brushed a hand through her daughter's hair and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Go on back now, we'll talk more later." 
Instead of returning to the garden, Viserra walked to the library. She closed the door behind her, the library was one of her favourite places in the red keep. She had even moved a chair closer to the window to read in her favourite place. Unfortunately for her, Aemond was sat in it. 
"Aemond! You're in my chair." Viserra complained. 
Aemond didn't bother to answer, he just waved a hand at her. "Move over." Viserra nudged him, squashing herself into the large armchair beside him. 
She sniffed the air, the smell of smoke invaded her nose. "You smell like fire." It was common for the two to speak high valyrian to each other. Out of both their siblings, they seemed the most interested in learning the language. Viserra loved that, it was one more thing that had made them great friends. 
"I got too close to Dreamfyre." Aemond explained. 
Viserra grasped his hand tightly in her own, "You will have a dragon one day, Aemond. I can feel it."
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Guys this fic I'm planning
We've got childhood friends to enemies to lovers.
The angst that will be in the fic, oh my god
I won't lie its gonna be a lot
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Family Betrayal
The untold reports of Prince Aemond and his love
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(This came to me at work and I'm toying with the idea of making a full fic based around it. Let me know what you think!) 
Prince Aemond x Targaryen/Velaryon OC 
The rumours surrounding Prince Aemond and his niece began not long after she was moved into The Red Keep as a ward of His Grace, The King. Many spoke of how the King missed his granddaughter and wanted to spend more time with her before his passing but whispers rang true around darkened corridors and corners. It was not an act of love that brought the young princess to Kings Landing but an act of punishment. 
The Queen herself was said to insist on Princess Rhaenyra's daughter to return to King's Landing. If her son had to lose an eye then Rhaenyra could lose her daughter. Some say she was given a choice about which child had to go, some say that the Queen insisted on her only daughter. Luckily for the young princess, unlikely friendships blossomed with the children she now lived with. Her strongest being with the second son of the King. Where one went, the other never too far behind.
Witnesses even say that during the wedding of Aegon II and Helaena, that no other lord dared to ask for her hand in a dance, less they wished to lose their own to the One Eyed Prince. This is only added further cause to the rumours surrounding the pair, tales of secret meetings in abandoned places, trips down to flea bottom covering their identities. Some even questioned the princesses' own virtue, however these were sharply put to rest by decree of the aging King. 
When the princess's own family came back to The Red Keep to defend her younger brother's inheritance and despite her strong friendship with the Greens, she never wavered in her support of her younger brother's claim to Driftmark. Her reaction following the dinner of her family and Prince Aemond's speech was said to be explosive, accusing both sides of trying to force her into a choice she was not willing to make. However despite the bold statement, when her mother requested her to return to Dragonstone with her family, the princess refused. The wedding of her to Prince Aemond was said to be one of the quickest that Westeros had seen, followed by the birth of a beautiful blonde haired boy.
The turning point in the Dance of Dragons and what many would call the Blacks biggest mistake was when Blood and Cheese appeared and murdered the children of the Royal sons. Whilst Princess Helaena was driven mad by the act, the other Princess was driven into state of deep hatred and anger to her own family.
It is said that when a Targaryen is born that the gods flip a coin, until that point the Princess's coin had not landed. However when she descended from the sky on her own dragon, both with blood curdling screams that echoed across the kingdoms to set fire to the supporters of the Blacks. There was no denying which side the coin had landed. Prince Aemond took to the sky's himself then and once more one was never seen without the other. 
Many reports following the battle above the gods eye agreed on how following Prince Aemonds death, she flew with his body far away and when she returned she carried Dark Sister, the sword that brought his death and his sapphire eye that he kept hidden from many but was loved by eye. The princess that had once championed for peace between her two families now demanded the death of her own mother for the deaths of her son and husband.  
One thing was clear from everything though, the Blacks sealed their own fate when Princess Rhaenyra's daughter became a ward of the King. The God's had sealed their fate long before the conflict had ever began. 
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This was wrote on my lunch break guys so I'm sorry for any mistakes !!
Family Betrayal
The untold reports of Prince Aemond and his love
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(This came to me at work and I'm toying with the idea of making a full fic based around it. Let me know what you think!) 
Prince Aemond x Targaryen/Velaryon OC 
The rumours surrounding Prince Aemond and his niece began not long after she was moved into The Red Keep as a ward of His Grace, The King. Many spoke of how the King missed his granddaughter and wanted to spend more time with her before his passing but whispers rang true around darkened corridors and corners. It was not an act of love that brought the young princess to Kings Landing but an act of punishment. 
The Queen herself was said to insist on Princess Rhaenyra's daughter to return to King's Landing. If her son had to lose an eye then Rhaenyra could lose her daughter. Some say she was given a choice about which child had to go, some say that the Queen insisted on her only daughter. Luckily for the young princess, unlikely friendships blossomed with the children she now lived with. Her strongest being with the second son of the King. Where one went, the other never too far behind.
Witnesses even say that during the wedding of Aegon II and Helaena, that no other lord dared to ask for her hand in a dance, less they wished to lose their own to the One Eyed Prince. This is only added further cause to the rumours surrounding the pair, tales of secret meetings in abandoned places, trips down to flea bottom covering their identities. Some even questioned the princesses' own virtue, however these were sharply put to rest by decree of the aging King. 
When the princess's own family came back to The Red Keep to defend her younger brother's inheritance and despite her strong friendship with the Greens, she never wavered in her support of her younger brother's claim to Driftmark. Her reaction following the dinner of her family and Prince Aemond's speech was said to be explosive, accusing both sides of trying to force her into a choice she was not willing to make. However despite the bold statement, when her mother requested her to return to Dragonstone with her family, the princess refused. The wedding of her to Prince Aemond was said to be one of the quickest that Westeros had seen, followed by the birth of a beautiful blonde haired boy.
The turning point in the Dance of Dragons and what many would call the Blacks biggest mistake was when Blood and Cheese appeared and murdered the children of the Royal sons. Whilst Princess Helaena was driven mad by the act, the other Princess was driven into state of deep hatred and anger to her own family.
It is said that when a Targaryen is born that the gods flip a coin, until that point the Princess's coin had not landed. However when she descended from the sky on her own dragon, both with blood curdling screams that echoed across the kingdoms to set fire to the supporters of the Blacks. There was no denying which side the coin had landed. Prince Aemond took to the sky's himself then and once more one was never seen without the other. 
Many reports following the battle above the gods eye agreed on how following Prince Aemonds death, she flew with his body far away and when she returned she carried Dark Sister, the sword that brought his death and his sapphire eye that he kept hidden from many but was loved by eye. The princess that had once championed for peace between her two families now demanded the death of her own mother for the deaths of her son and husband.  
One thing was clear from everything though, the Blacks sealed their own fate when Princess Rhaenyra's daughter became a ward of the King. The God's had sealed their fate long before the conflict had ever began. 
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Family Betrayal
The untold reports of Prince Aemond and his love
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(This came to me at work and I'm toying with the idea of making a full fic based around it. Let me know what you think!) 
Prince Aemond x Targaryen/Velaryon OC 
The rumours surrounding Prince Aemond and his niece began not long after she was moved into The Red Keep as a ward of His Grace, The King. Many spoke of how the King missed his granddaughter and wanted to spend more time with her before his passing but whispers rang true around darkened corridors and corners. It was not an act of love that brought the young princess to Kings Landing but an act of punishment. 
The Queen herself was said to insist on Princess Rhaenyra's daughter to return to King's Landing. If her son had to lose an eye then Rhaenyra could lose her daughter. Some say she was given a choice about which child had to go, some say that the Queen insisted on her only daughter. Luckily for the young princess, unlikely friendships blossomed with the children she now lived with. Her strongest being with the second son of the King. Where one went, the other never too far behind.
Witnesses even say that during the wedding of Aegon II and Helaena, that no other lord dared to ask for her hand in a dance, less they wished to lose their own to the One Eyed Prince. This is only added further cause to the rumours surrounding the pair, tales of secret meetings in abandoned places, trips down to flea bottom covering their identities. Some even questioned the princesses' own virtue, however these were sharply put to rest by decree of the aging King. 
When the princess's own family came back to The Red Keep to defend her younger brother's inheritance and despite her strong friendship with the Greens, she never wavered in her support of her younger brother's claim to Driftmark. Her reaction following the dinner of her family and Prince Aemond's speech was said to be explosive, accusing both sides of trying to force her into a choice she was not willing to make. However despite the bold statement, when her mother requested her to return to Dragonstone with her family, the princess refused. The wedding of her to Prince Aemond was said to be one of the quickest that Westeros had seen, followed by the birth of a beautiful blonde haired boy.
The turning point in the Dance of Dragons and what many would call the Blacks biggest mistake was when Blood and Cheese appeared and murdered the children of the Royal sons. Whilst Princess Helaena was driven mad by the act, the other Princess was driven into state of deep hatred and anger to her own family.
It is said that when a Targaryen is born that the gods flip a coin, until that point the Princess's coin had not landed. However when she descended from the sky on her own dragon, both with blood curdling screams that echoed across the kingdoms to set fire to the supporters of the Blacks. There was no denying which side the coin had landed. Prince Aemond took to the sky's himself then and once more one was never seen without the other. 
Many reports following the battle above the gods eye agreed on how following Prince Aemonds death, she flew with his body far away and when she returned she carried Dark Sister, the sword that brought his death and his sapphire eye that he kept hidden from many but was loved by eye. The princess that had once championed for peace between her two families now demanded the death of her own mother for the deaths of her son and husband.  
One thing was clear from everything though, the Blacks sealed their own fate when Princess Rhaenyra's daughter became a ward of the King. The God's had sealed their fate long before the conflict had ever began. 
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Do you guys have anything you'd like to see happen with our shelby sister? Doesn't have to be related to the family dinner storyline, I'm brainstorming a few ideas and want to see what you're interested in 😁
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Would a part 3 to family dinner gone wrong be something you guys would be interested in? Let me know if you have any ideas or something you'd like to see happen with her
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Hey!! Loved your Family Dinner Gone Wrong imagines. Any chance of a part 3?? 💜💜💜
Hi thanks so much! If a part 3 was something people would be interested in then I would definitely be open to the idea of writing one
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Hello lovely, Prompt 1, 7 and 12 with John Shelby please. Thank you in advance and have a great day.
Hi! My requests are actually closed at the minute but if you keep an eye on my page then you'll see whenever I open them again x
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Family dinner gone wrong Part 2
“It’s Charlie’s birthday next week.” Ada sipped her tea. 
“I know.”
“Are you going?”
You shrugged your shoulders in response. 
Ever since that night you’d moved in with Ada, all it took was one call from Tommy’s house and she had come straight away to get you. It was peaceful at her house, never any shouting even when Karl was naughty. A small part of you longed for the manic and crazy atmosphere of your old house. Waking up to Polly shouting at John, arguing with Finn over the last slice of toast, Tommy stood in the corner smiling at his crazy family. 
He hadn’t been smiling much lately according to Finn. Out of everyone, Finn and Ada were the only two you’d spoken to in months. They’d both encouraged you to ring or go and visit but you were too stubborn. You didn’t want to be the one to make the first move. You’d got as far as picking up the phone but had eventually put it back down without even dialling the number. You sometimes wondered if any of them ever did the same. Maybe one night when Tommy had stayed late in his office, cigarette hanging from his lip and a glass of whiskey in one hand. He’d stare at the phone before eventually sighing and picking it up. Tucks it between his ear and shoulder and dials the number, holds his breath and hopes you pick up. 
It never happened. 
“You can’t shut them out forever Y/N, they are your family.” Ada’s voice pulled you out of your daydream.
“You’ve shut them out.” 
“And I’ve let them back in. It’s a lonely life without family.”
When you didn’t reply, Ada sighed and stood from the table. “I’ll be going with Karl, if you want to come then you’re welcome to.”
“This doesn’t feel right.” You muttered to Ada as you walked up the steps to Tommy’s door. She had Karl in her arms and Charlie’s birthday present lay in yours.
“You’re fine, it’s just because it’s been a while.” She pressed the doorbell and swapped Karl to her other hip.
“Hello Mary.”
“Hello Miss Ada and-” Mary’s voice trailed off when she saw you. “Miss Y/N, how good to see you. Would you like me to take that present?”
“Please.” Your voice was quiet, if this was the reaction of someone that just worked for Tommy then what would his reaction be?
“Would you like me to inform Mr Shelby that you’re here?”
“No need Mary, I’ll do it. I always look forward to seeing Thomas Shelby speechless.” Ada marched on into the house in search of the family. 
“It’s good to see you again Miss.” Mary said again. “He hasn’t been right since you left, none of them have.”
Your stomach dropped and all you could do was nod in response.
You followed the loud noises coming out of one down the hallway and stood in the doorway watching what was happening. Ada had put Karl down and he was busy playing with his cousins. She was going round the room saying hello to everyone, Arthur was standing with Linda and Tommy, Tommy had Charlie in his arms. Esme was sat on one of the many sofas holding a baby and John was next to her holding a drink. Isaiah, Finn and Michael sat in a corner far away from everyone smoking and talking about God knows what. You swallowed a hard lump in the back of your throat and blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. Without realising, you’d had a hole in your heart since you’d left. A feeling of longing for the family that you missed so much. 
It was Charlie that saw you first. He squirmed in Tommy’s arms towards the doorway where you stood. It was only when he started to cry did everyone turn to see what had caught his attention. 
“Oh my God.” The sherry glass that Polly held, slipped and shattered against the floor. 
Tommy had turned a sickly shade and looked as though he might faint. He staggered slightly and Ada quickly took Charlie out of his arms and passed him to you. He immediately settled down and went back to making happy noises. 
Arthur cleared his throat, “He missed you.”
You nodded back.
John stood up, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he’d barely slept. “Where the bloody hell have you been?”
“With me John so give it a rest.” Ada snapped back. “If you’d bothered to pick up the phone when I rang you’d have known that.”
“You came back.” Tommy gaped.
“I wanted to see Charlie. I’ve never missed his birthday.” You answered. 
Finn walked over and wrapped his arms around you, even though he’d been speaking to you on the phone he’d missed you greatly. You’d been attached at the hip since you were born and had never spent much time apart. Spending time apart from you had made him feel like he’d lost one of his limbs and it nearly killed him. It was a bond the rest of the family could never understand, the two of you were just different. 
“Well I think everyone needs a refill on their drinks.” Michael stood up and put his hand on Polly’s arm, she was still staring at you like you were a ghost. “Mum?”
“Yes another drink. Y/N what do you want?” She finally snapped out of her shock and started to move. 
“Actually I’m just going to step outside for some air. Excuse me.” You handed Charlie to Finn and nearly ran out of the room. Your head pounded and your chest hurt. This was the familiarity you’d longed for but now that you had it, it was overwhelming. Everyone in that room wanted things to go back to normal but you weren’t sure it could. They’d hidden things from you, important matters that had concerned you and your future and it was a worry in the back of your mind it would happen again. 
You made it outside and leaned your head back against the wall, the cold air felt good on your face but the knowledge that you would need to go back inside at some point and face everyone  sat heavily on your shoulders.
“Y/N!” Isaiah’s voice rang out. 
“What are you doing out here?” You asked, you still didn’t know what to think of him. You’d thought he was someone who would’ve told you anything and would have always tried to protect you but he knew about the marriage and said nothing. 
He did nothing. 
“You ran out pretty quickly, wanted to see if you were alright.” 
“I’m fine.” You said, the edge in your voice was evidence that you weren’t though.
“No you’re not. I know you and you’re not fine so don’t lie to me.”
You couldn’t hold his gaze and so dropped yours to the gravel on the ground, it crunched under his feet as he stepped closer to you. You could feel his breath on your face as he stood straight in front of you. His voice was barely even a whisper. “Don’t lie to me. Not to me.”
You looked into his eyes and your voice cracked when you spoke, “You didn’t tell me. You didn’t do anything.”
It was his turn to look away then, “I know.”
“You know? That’s it?” You pushed yourself off the wall and moved to go back inside. You weren’t going to stay outside with him if he couldn’t even apologise. 
“Please come back.” You stood still, your back still facing him. “They need you. Arthur’s barely speaking and when he does it makes no sense. Esme says John’s hardly ever home and that he stinks of whiskey constantly. And Tommy? He’s a mess Y/N, he can’t do anything. Polly’s had to step up but she can’t cope either. Michael’s at his breaking point with her and Finn’s head is so messed up because he doesn’t know who he should side with. They miss you so much and they know they fucked up. They just want the chance to talk to you and apologise. They miss you so much Y/N, you have no idea.”
You turned back around to face Isaiah. “Just them?”
He took a deep breath in, “I miss you too. It’s not the same without you round.” A tear rolled down from the corner of his eye. “I miss you so much and I’m sorry that I never told you what was happening. I never wanted to hurt you.” Your own tears started to fall then.
“Please come back home Y/N. I can’t even bring myself to walk back into your house because I can’t stand in it and not expect to see you there.” By this point you were fully sobbing, hearing Isaiah pour his heart out to you was breaking yours. You had ignored how much you’d missed the boy because you knew you couldn’t accept it. His hands reached out for you and pulled you into his chest. He held you as you cried and you could feel his body shaking as he cried with you. “Please come home.” He begged “Please come back to me.”
Let me know your thoughts on this, I’m sorry it took so long! Hope you’re all doing ok during the pandemic going on and if any of you need to talk or rant then feel free to send me a message or an anonymous one to my asks if you don’t want me to know who you are. 
Stay safe everyone!
Taglist: @annabethgranger123
Message me if you want to be added to the taglist :)
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Family dinner gone wrong Part 2
“It’s Charlie’s birthday next week.” Ada sipped her tea. 
“I know.”
“Are you going?”
You shrugged your shoulders in response. 
Ever since that night you’d moved in with Ada, all it took was one call from Tommy’s house and she had come straight away to get you. It was peaceful at her house, never any shouting even when Karl was naughty. A small part of you longed for the manic and crazy atmosphere of your old house. Waking up to Polly shouting at John, arguing with Finn over the last slice of toast, Tommy stood in the corner smiling at his crazy family. 
He hadn’t been smiling much lately according to Finn. Out of everyone, Finn and Ada were the only two you’d spoken to in months. They’d both encouraged you to ring or go and visit but you were too stubborn. You didn’t want to be the one to make the first move. You’d got as far as picking up the phone but had eventually put it back down without even dialling the number. You sometimes wondered if any of them ever did the same. Maybe one night when Tommy had stayed late in his office, cigarette hanging from his lip and a glass of whiskey in one hand. He’d stare at the phone before eventually sighing and picking it up. Tucks it between his ear and shoulder and dials the number, holds his breath and hopes you pick up. 
It never happened. 
“You can’t shut them out forever Y/N, they are your family.” Ada’s voice pulled you out of your daydream.
“You’ve shut them out.” 
“And I’ve let them back in. It’s a lonely life without family.”
When you didn’t reply, Ada sighed and stood from the table. “I’ll be going with Karl, if you want to come then you’re welcome to.”
“This doesn’t feel right.” You muttered to Ada as you walked up the steps to Tommy’s door. She had Karl in her arms and Charlie’s birthday present lay in yours.
“You’re fine, it’s just because it’s been a while.” She pressed the doorbell and swapped Karl to her other hip.
“Hello Mary.”
“Hello Miss Ada and-” Mary’s voice trailed off when she saw you. “Miss Y/N, how good to see you. Would you like me to take that present?”
“Please.” Your voice was quiet, if this was the reaction of someone that just worked for Tommy then what would his reaction be?
“Would you like me to inform Mr Shelby that you’re here?”
“No need Mary, I’ll do it. I always look forward to seeing Thomas Shelby speechless.” Ada marched on into the house in search of the family. 
“It’s good to see you again Miss.” Mary said again. “He hasn’t been right since you left, none of them have.”
Your stomach dropped and all you could do was nod in response.
You followed the loud noises coming out of one down the hallway and stood in the doorway watching what was happening. Ada had put Karl down and he was busy playing with his cousins. She was going round the room saying hello to everyone, Arthur was standing with Linda and Tommy, Tommy had Charlie in his arms. Esme was sat on one of the many sofas holding a baby and John was next to her holding a drink. Isaiah, Finn and Michael sat in a corner far away from everyone smoking and talking about God knows what. You swallowed a hard lump in the back of your throat and blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. Without realising, you’d had a hole in your heart since you’d left. A feeling of longing for the family that you missed so much. 
It was Charlie that saw you first. He squirmed in Tommy’s arms towards the doorway where you stood. It was only when he started to cry did everyone turn to see what had caught his attention. 
“Oh my God.” The sherry glass that Polly held, slipped and shattered against the floor. 
Tommy had turned a sickly shade and looked as though he might faint. He staggered slightly and Ada quickly took Charlie out of his arms and passed him to you. He immediately settled down and went back to making happy noises. 
Arthur cleared his throat, “He missed you.”
You nodded back.
John stood up, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he’d barely slept. “Where the bloody hell have you been?”
“With me John so give it a rest.” Ada snapped back. “If you’d bothered to pick up the phone when I rang you’d have known that.”
“You came back.” Tommy gaped.
“I wanted to see Charlie. I’ve never missed his birthday.” You answered. 
Finn walked over and wrapped his arms around you, even though he’d been speaking to you on the phone he’d missed you greatly. You’d been attached at the hip since you were born and had never spent much time apart. Spending time apart from you had made him feel like he’d lost one of his limbs and it nearly killed him. It was a bond the rest of the family could never understand, the two of you were just different. 
“Well I think everyone needs a refill on their drinks.” Michael stood up and put his hand on Polly’s arm, she was still staring at you like you were a ghost. “Mum?”
“Yes another drink. Y/N what do you want?” She finally snapped out of her shock and started to move. 
“Actually I’m just going to step outside for some air. Excuse me.” You handed Charlie to Finn and nearly ran out of the room. Your head pounded and your chest hurt. This was the familiarity you’d longed for but now that you had it, it was overwhelming. Everyone in that room wanted things to go back to normal but you weren’t sure it could. They’d hidden things from you, important matters that had concerned you and your future and it was a worry in the back of your mind it would happen again. 
You made it outside and leaned your head back against the wall, the cold air felt good on your face but the knowledge that you would need to go back inside at some point and face everyone  sat heavily on your shoulders.
“Y/N!” Isaiah’s voice rang out. 
“What are you doing out here?” You asked, you still didn’t know what to think of him. You’d thought he was someone who would’ve told you anything and would have always tried to protect you but he knew about the marriage and said nothing. 
He did nothing. 
“You ran out pretty quickly, wanted to see if you were alright.” 
“I’m fine.” You said, the edge in your voice was evidence that you weren’t though.
“No you’re not. I know you and you’re not fine so don’t lie to me.”
You couldn’t hold his gaze and so dropped yours to the gravel on the ground, it crunched under his feet as he stepped closer to you. You could feel his breath on your face as he stood straight in front of you. His voice was barely even a whisper. “Don’t lie to me. Not to me.”
You looked into his eyes and your voice cracked when you spoke, “You didn’t tell me. You didn’t do anything.”
It was his turn to look away then, “I know.”
“You know? That’s it?” You pushed yourself off the wall and moved to go back inside. You weren’t going to stay outside with him if he couldn’t even apologise. 
“Please come back.” You stood still, your back still facing him. “They need you. Arthur’s barely speaking and when he does it makes no sense. Esme says John’s hardly ever home and that he stinks of whiskey constantly. And Tommy? He’s a mess Y/N, he can’t do anything. Polly’s had to step up but she can’t cope either. Michael’s at his breaking point with her and Finn’s head is so messed up because he doesn’t know who he should side with. They miss you so much and they know they fucked up. They just want the chance to talk to you and apologise. They miss you so much Y/N, you have no idea.”
You turned back around to face Isaiah. “Just them?”
He took a deep breath in, “I miss you too. It’s not the same without you round.” A tear rolled down from the corner of his eye. “I miss you so much and I’m sorry that I never told you what was happening. I never wanted to hurt you.” Your own tears started to fall then.
“Please come back home Y/N. I can’t even bring myself to walk back into your house because I can’t stand in it and not expect to see you there.” By this point you were fully sobbing, hearing Isaiah pour his heart out to you was breaking yours. You had ignored how much you’d missed the boy because you knew you couldn’t accept it. His hands reached out for you and pulled you into his chest. He held you as you cried and you could feel his body shaking as he cried with you. “Please come home.” He begged “Please come back to me.”
Let me know your thoughts on this, I’m sorry it took so long! Hope you’re all doing ok during the pandemic going on and if any of you need to talk or rant then feel free to send me a message or an anonymous one to my asks if you don’t want me to know who you are. 
Stay safe everyone!
Taglist: @annabethgranger123
Message me if you want to be added to the taglist :)
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Family dinner gone wrong Part 2
“It’s Charlie’s birthday next week.” Ada sipped her tea. 
“I know.”
“Are you going?”
You shrugged your shoulders in response. 
Ever since that night you’d moved in with Ada, all it took was one call from Tommy’s house and she had come straight away to get you. It was peaceful at her house, never any shouting even when Karl was naughty. A small part of you longed for the manic and crazy atmosphere of your old house. Waking up to Polly shouting at John, arguing with Finn over the last slice of toast, Tommy stood in the corner smiling at his crazy family. 
He hadn’t been smiling much lately according to Finn. Out of everyone, Finn and Ada were the only two you’d spoken to in months. They’d both encouraged you to ring or go and visit but you were too stubborn. You didn’t want to be the one to make the first move. You’d got as far as picking up the phone but had eventually put it back down without even dialling the number. You sometimes wondered if any of them ever did the same. Maybe one night when Tommy had stayed late in his office, cigarette hanging from his lip and a glass of whiskey in one hand. He’d stare at the phone before eventually sighing and picking it up. Tucks it between his ear and shoulder and dials the number, holds his breath and hopes you pick up. 
It never happened. 
“You can’t shut them out forever Y/N, they are your family.” Ada’s voice pulled you out of your daydream.
“You’ve shut them out.” 
“And I’ve let them back in. It’s a lonely life without family.”
When you didn’t reply, Ada sighed and stood from the table. “I’ll be going with Karl, if you want to come then you’re welcome to.”
“This doesn’t feel right.” You muttered to Ada as you walked up the steps to Tommy’s door. She had Karl in her arms and Charlie’s birthday present lay in yours.
“You’re fine, it’s just because it’s been a while.” She pressed the doorbell and swapped Karl to her other hip.
“Hello Mary.”
“Hello Miss Ada and-” Mary’s voice trailed off when she saw you. “Miss Y/N, how good to see you. Would you like me to take that present?”
“Please.” Your voice was quiet, if this was the reaction of someone that just worked for Tommy then what would his reaction be?
“Would you like me to inform Mr Shelby that you’re here?”
“No need Mary, I’ll do it. I always look forward to seeing Thomas Shelby speechless.” Ada marched on into the house in search of the family. 
“It’s good to see you again Miss.” Mary said again. “He hasn’t been right since you left, none of them have.”
Your stomach dropped and all you could do was nod in response.
You followed the loud noises coming out of one down the hallway and stood in the doorway watching what was happening. Ada had put Karl down and he was busy playing with his cousins. She was going round the room saying hello to everyone, Arthur was standing with Linda and Tommy, Tommy had Charlie in his arms. Esme was sat on one of the many sofas holding a baby and John was next to her holding a drink. Isaiah, Finn and Michael sat in a corner far away from everyone smoking and talking about God knows what. You swallowed a hard lump in the back of your throat and blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. Without realising, you’d had a hole in your heart since you’d left. A feeling of longing for the family that you missed so much. 
It was Charlie that saw you first. He squirmed in Tommy’s arms towards the doorway where you stood. It was only when he started to cry did everyone turn to see what had caught his attention. 
“Oh my God.” The sherry glass that Polly held, slipped and shattered against the floor. 
Tommy had turned a sickly shade and looked as though he might faint. He staggered slightly and Ada quickly took Charlie out of his arms and passed him to you. He immediately settled down and went back to making happy noises. 
Arthur cleared his throat, “He missed you.”
You nodded back.
John stood up, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he’d barely slept. “Where the bloody hell have you been?”
“With me John so give it a rest.” Ada snapped back. “If you’d bothered to pick up the phone when I rang you’d have known that.”
“You came back.” Tommy gaped.
“I wanted to see Charlie. I’ve never missed his birthday.” You answered. 
Finn walked over and wrapped his arms around you, even though he’d been speaking to you on the phone he’d missed you greatly. You’d been attached at the hip since you were born and had never spent much time apart. Spending time apart from you had made him feel like he’d lost one of his limbs and it nearly killed him. It was a bond the rest of the family could never understand, the two of you were just different. 
“Well I think everyone needs a refill on their drinks.” Michael stood up and put his hand on Polly’s arm, she was still staring at you like you were a ghost. “Mum?”
“Yes another drink. Y/N what do you want?” She finally snapped out of her shock and started to move. 
“Actually I’m just going to step outside for some air. Excuse me.” You handed Charlie to Finn and nearly ran out of the room. Your head pounded and your chest hurt. This was the familiarity you’d longed for but now that you had it, it was overwhelming. Everyone in that room wanted things to go back to normal but you weren’t sure it could. They’d hidden things from you, important matters that had concerned you and your future and it was a worry in the back of your mind it would happen again. 
You made it outside and leaned your head back against the wall, the cold air felt good on your face but the knowledge that you would need to go back inside at some point and face everyone  sat heavily on your shoulders.
“Y/N!” Isaiah’s voice rang out. 
“What are you doing out here?” You asked, you still didn’t know what to think of him. You’d thought he was someone who would’ve told you anything and would have always tried to protect you but he knew about the marriage and said nothing. 
He did nothing. 
“You ran out pretty quickly, wanted to see if you were alright.” 
“I’m fine.” You said, the edge in your voice was evidence that you weren’t though.
“No you’re not. I know you and you’re not fine so don’t lie to me.”
You couldn’t hold his gaze and so dropped yours to the gravel on the ground, it crunched under his feet as he stepped closer to you. You could feel his breath on your face as he stood straight in front of you. His voice was barely even a whisper. “Don’t lie to me. Not to me.”
You looked into his eyes and your voice cracked when you spoke, “You didn’t tell me. You didn’t do anything.”
It was his turn to look away then, “I know.”
“You know? That’s it?” You pushed yourself off the wall and moved to go back inside. You weren’t going to stay outside with him if he couldn’t even apologise. 
“Please come back.” You stood still, your back still facing him. “They need you. Arthur’s barely speaking and when he does it makes no sense. Esme says John’s hardly ever home and that he stinks of whiskey constantly. And Tommy? He’s a mess Y/N, he can’t do anything. Polly’s had to step up but she can’t cope either. Michael’s at his breaking point with her and Finn’s head is so messed up because he doesn’t know who he should side with. They miss you so much and they know they fucked up. They just want the chance to talk to you and apologise. They miss you so much Y/N, you have no idea.”
You turned back around to face Isaiah. “Just them?”
He took a deep breath in, “I miss you too. It’s not the same without you round.” A tear rolled down from the corner of his eye. “I miss you so much and I’m sorry that I never told you what was happening. I never wanted to hurt you.” Your own tears started to fall then.
“Please come back home Y/N. I can’t even bring myself to walk back into your house because I can’t stand in it and not expect to see you there.” By this point you were fully sobbing, hearing Isaiah pour his heart out to you was breaking yours. You had ignored how much you’d missed the boy because you knew you couldn’t accept it. His hands reached out for you and pulled you into his chest. He held you as you cried and you could feel his body shaking as he cried with you. “Please come home.” He begged “Please come back to me.”
Let me know your thoughts on this, I’m sorry it took so long! Hope you’re all doing ok during the pandemic going on and if any of you need to talk or rant then feel free to send me a message or an anonymous one to my asks if you don’t want me to know who you are. 
Stay safe everyone!
Taglist: @annabethgranger123
Message me if you want to be added to the taglist :)
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I was so happy to see a Part 2 to family dinner gone wrong! I cannot wait for more, I'm so hooked ❤❤❤
Thank you so much!
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Family dinner gone wrong Part 2
“It’s Charlie’s birthday next week.” Ada sipped her tea. 
“I know.”
“Are you going?”
You shrugged your shoulders in response. 
Ever since that night you’d moved in with Ada, all it took was one call from Tommy’s house and she had come straight away to get you. It was peaceful at her house, never any shouting even when Karl was naughty. A small part of you longed for the manic and crazy atmosphere of your old house. Waking up to Polly shouting at John, arguing with Finn over the last slice of toast, Tommy stood in the corner smiling at his crazy family. 
He hadn’t been smiling much lately according to Finn. Out of everyone, Finn and Ada were the only two you’d spoken to in months. They’d both encouraged you to ring or go and visit but you were too stubborn. You didn’t want to be the one to make the first move. You’d got as far as picking up the phone but had eventually put it back down without even dialling the number. You sometimes wondered if any of them ever did the same. Maybe one night when Tommy had stayed late in his office, cigarette hanging from his lip and a glass of whiskey in one hand. He’d stare at the phone before eventually sighing and picking it up. Tucks it between his ear and shoulder and dials the number, holds his breath and hopes you pick up. 
It never happened. 
“You can’t shut them out forever Y/N, they are your family.” Ada’s voice pulled you out of your daydream.
“You’ve shut them out.” 
“And I’ve let them back in. It’s a lonely life without family.”
When you didn’t reply, Ada sighed and stood from the table. “I’ll be going with Karl, if you want to come then you’re welcome to.”
“This doesn’t feel right.” You muttered to Ada as you walked up the steps to Tommy’s door. She had Karl in her arms and Charlie’s birthday present lay in yours.
“You’re fine, it’s just because it’s been a while.” She pressed the doorbell and swapped Karl to her other hip.
“Hello Mary.”
“Hello Miss Ada and-” Mary’s voice trailed off when she saw you. “Miss Y/N, how good to see you. Would you like me to take that present?”
“Please.” Your voice was quiet, if this was the reaction of someone that just worked for Tommy then what would his reaction be?
“Would you like me to inform Mr Shelby that you’re here?”
“No need Mary, I’ll do it. I always look forward to seeing Thomas Shelby speechless.” Ada marched on into the house in search of the family. 
“It’s good to see you again Miss.” Mary said again. “He hasn’t been right since you left, none of them have.”
Your stomach dropped and all you could do was nod in response.
You followed the loud noises coming out of one down the hallway and stood in the doorway watching what was happening. Ada had put Karl down and he was busy playing with his cousins. She was going round the room saying hello to everyone, Arthur was standing with Linda and Tommy, Tommy had Charlie in his arms. Esme was sat on one of the many sofas holding a baby and John was next to her holding a drink. Isaiah, Finn and Michael sat in a corner far away from everyone smoking and talking about God knows what. You swallowed a hard lump in the back of your throat and blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. Without realising, you’d had a hole in your heart since you’d left. A feeling of longing for the family that you missed so much. 
It was Charlie that saw you first. He squirmed in Tommy’s arms towards the doorway where you stood. It was only when he started to cry did everyone turn to see what had caught his attention. 
“Oh my God.” The sherry glass that Polly held, slipped and shattered against the floor. 
Tommy had turned a sickly shade and looked as though he might faint. He staggered slightly and Ada quickly took Charlie out of his arms and passed him to you. He immediately settled down and went back to making happy noises. 
Arthur cleared his throat, “He missed you.”
You nodded back.
John stood up, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he’d barely slept. “Where the bloody hell have you been?”
“With me John so give it a rest.” Ada snapped back. “If you’d bothered to pick up the phone when I rang you’d have known that.”
“You came back.” Tommy gaped.
“I wanted to see Charlie. I’ve never missed his birthday.” You answered. 
Finn walked over and wrapped his arms around you, even though he’d been speaking to you on the phone he’d missed you greatly. You’d been attached at the hip since you were born and had never spent much time apart. Spending time apart from you had made him feel like he’d lost one of his limbs and it nearly killed him. It was a bond the rest of the family could never understand, the two of you were just different. 
“Well I think everyone needs a refill on their drinks.” Michael stood up and put his hand on Polly’s arm, she was still staring at you like you were a ghost. “Mum?”
“Yes another drink. Y/N what do you want?” She finally snapped out of her shock and started to move. 
“Actually I’m just going to step outside for some air. Excuse me.” You handed Charlie to Finn and nearly ran out of the room. Your head pounded and your chest hurt. This was the familiarity you’d longed for but now that you had it, it was overwhelming. Everyone in that room wanted things to go back to normal but you weren’t sure it could. They’d hidden things from you, important matters that had concerned you and your future and it was a worry in the back of your mind it would happen again. 
You made it outside and leaned your head back against the wall, the cold air felt good on your face but the knowledge that you would need to go back inside at some point and face everyone  sat heavily on your shoulders.
“Y/N!” Isaiah’s voice rang out. 
“What are you doing out here?” You asked, you still didn’t know what to think of him. You’d thought he was someone who would’ve told you anything and would have always tried to protect you but he knew about the marriage and said nothing. 
He did nothing. 
“You ran out pretty quickly, wanted to see if you were alright.” 
“I’m fine.” You said, the edge in your voice was evidence that you weren’t though.
“No you’re not. I know you and you’re not fine so don’t lie to me.”
You couldn’t hold his gaze and so dropped yours to the gravel on the ground, it crunched under his feet as he stepped closer to you. You could feel his breath on your face as he stood straight in front of you. His voice was barely even a whisper. “Don’t lie to me. Not to me.”
You looked into his eyes and your voice cracked when you spoke, “You didn’t tell me. You didn’t do anything.”
It was his turn to look away then, “I know.”
“You know? That’s it?” You pushed yourself off the wall and moved to go back inside. You weren’t going to stay outside with him if he couldn’t even apologise. 
“Please come back.” You stood still, your back still facing him. “They need you. Arthur’s barely speaking and when he does it makes no sense. Esme says John’s hardly ever home and that he stinks of whiskey constantly. And Tommy? He’s a mess Y/N, he can’t do anything. Polly’s had to step up but she can’t cope either. Michael’s at his breaking point with her and Finn’s head is so messed up because he doesn’t know who he should side with. They miss you so much and they know they fucked up. They just want the chance to talk to you and apologise. They miss you so much Y/N, you have no idea.”
You turned back around to face Isaiah. “Just them?”
He took a deep breath in, “I miss you too. It’s not the same without you round.” A tear rolled down from the corner of his eye. “I miss you so much and I’m sorry that I never told you what was happening. I never wanted to hurt you.” Your own tears started to fall then.
“Please come back home Y/N. I can’t even bring myself to walk back into your house because I can’t stand in it and not expect to see you there.” By this point you were fully sobbing, hearing Isaiah pour his heart out to you was breaking yours. You had ignored how much you’d missed the boy because you knew you couldn’t accept it. His hands reached out for you and pulled you into his chest. He held you as you cried and you could feel his body shaking as he cried with you. “Please come home.” He begged “Please come back to me.”
Let me know your thoughts on this, I’m sorry it took so long! Hope you’re all doing ok during the pandemic going on and if any of you need to talk or rant then feel free to send me a message or an anonymous one to my asks if you don’t want me to know who you are. 
Stay safe everyone!
Taglist: @annabethgranger123
Message me if you want to be added to the taglist :)
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Family dinner gone wrong Part 2
“It’s Charlie’s birthday next week.” Ada sipped her tea. 
“I know.”
“Are you going?”
You shrugged your shoulders in response. 
Ever since that night you’d moved in with Ada, all it took was one call from Tommy’s house and she had come straight away to get you. It was peaceful at her house, never any shouting even when Karl was naughty. A small part of you longed for the manic and crazy atmosphere of your old house. Waking up to Polly shouting at John, arguing with Finn over the last slice of toast, Tommy stood in the corner smiling at his crazy family. 
He hadn’t been smiling much lately according to Finn. Out of everyone, Finn and Ada were the only two you’d spoken to in months. They’d both encouraged you to ring or go and visit but you were too stubborn. You didn’t want to be the one to make the first move. You’d got as far as picking up the phone but had eventually put it back down without even dialling the number. You sometimes wondered if any of them ever did the same. Maybe one night when Tommy had stayed late in his office, cigarette hanging from his lip and a glass of whiskey in one hand. He’d stare at the phone before eventually sighing and picking it up. Tucks it between his ear and shoulder and dials the number, holds his breath and hopes you pick up. 
It never happened. 
“You can't shut them out forever Y/N, they are your family.” Ada’s voice pulled you out of your daydream.
“You’ve shut them out.” 
“And I’ve let them back in. It’s a lonely life without family.”
When you didn’t reply, Ada sighed and stood from the table. “I’ll be going with Karl, if you want to come then you’re welcome to.”
“This doesn’t feel right.” You muttered to Ada as you walked up the steps to Tommy’s door. She had Karl in her arms and Charlie’s birthday present lay in yours.
“You’re fine, it’s just because it’s been a while.” She pressed the doorbell and swapped Karl to her other hip.
“Hello Mary.”
“Hello Miss Ada and-” Mary’s voice trailed off when she saw you. “Miss Y/N, how good to see you. Would you like me to take that present?”
“Please.” Your voice was quiet, if this was the reaction of someone that just worked for Tommy then what would his reaction be?
“Would you like me to inform Mr Shelby that you’re here?”
“No need Mary, I’ll do it. I always look forward to seeing Thomas Shelby speechless.” Ada marched on into the house in search of the family. 
“It’s good to see you again Miss.” Mary said again. “He hasn’t been right since you left, none of them have.”
Your stomach dropped and all you could do was nod in response.
You followed the loud noises coming out of one down the hallway and stood in the doorway watching what was happening. Ada had put Karl down and he was busy playing with his cousins. She was going round the room saying hello to everyone, Arthur was standing with Linda and Tommy, Tommy had Charlie in his arms. Esme was sat on one of the many sofas holding a baby and John was next to her holding a drink. Isaiah, Finn and Michael sat in a corner far away from everyone smoking and talking about God knows what. You swallowed a hard lump in the back of your throat and blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. Without realising, you’d had a hole in your heart since you’d left. A feeling of longing for the family that you missed so much. 
It was Charlie that saw you first. He squirmed in Tommy’s arms towards the doorway where you stood. It was only when he started to cry did everyone turn to see what had caught his attention. 
“Oh my God.” The sherry glass that Polly held, slipped and shattered against the floor. 
Tommy had turned a sickly shade and looked as though he might faint. He staggered slightly and Ada quickly took Charlie out of his arms and passed him to you. He immediately settled down and went back to making happy noises. 
Arthur cleared his throat, “He missed you.”
You nodded back.
John stood up, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he’d barely slept. “Where the bloody hell have you been?”
“With me John so give it a rest.” Ada snapped back. “If you’d bothered to pick up the phone when I rang you’d have known that.”
“You came back.” Tommy gaped.
“I wanted to see Charlie. I’ve never missed his birthday.” You answered. 
Finn walked over and wrapped his arms around you, even though he’d been speaking to you on the phone he’d missed you greatly. You’d been attached at the hip since you were born and had never spent much time apart. Spending time apart from you had made him feel like he’d lost one of his limbs and it nearly killed him. It was a bond the rest of the family could never understand, the two of you were just different. 
“Well I think everyone needs a refill on their drinks.” Michael stood up and put his hand on Polly’s arm, she was still staring at you like you were a ghost. “Mum?”
“Yes another drink. Y/N what do you want?” She finally snapped out of her shock and started to move. 
“Actually I’m just going to step outside for some air. Excuse me.” You handed Charlie to Finn and nearly ran out of the room. Your head pounded and your chest hurt. This was the familiarity you’d longed for but now that you had it, it was overwhelming. Everyone in that room wanted things to go back to normal but you weren’t sure it could. They’d hidden things from you, important matters that had concerned you and your future and it was a worry in the back of your mind it would happen again. 
You made it outside and leaned your head back against the wall, the cold air felt good on your face but the knowledge that you would need to go back inside at some point and face everyone  sat heavily on your shoulders.
“Y/N!” Isaiah’s voice rang out. 
“What are you doing out here?” You asked, you still didn’t know what to think of him. You’d thought he was someone who would’ve told you anything and would have always tried to protect you but he knew about the marriage and said nothing. 
He did nothing. 
“You ran out pretty quickly, wanted to see if you were alright.” 
“I’m fine.” You said, the edge in your voice was evidence that you weren’t though.
“No you’re not. I know you and you’re not fine so don’t lie to me.”
You couldn’t hold his gaze and so dropped yours to the gravel on the ground, it crunched under his feet as he stepped closer to you. You could feel his breath on your face as he stood straight in front of you. His voice was barely even a whisper. “Don’t lie to me. Not to me.”
You looked into his eyes and your voice cracked when you spoke, “You didn’t tell me. You didn’t do anything.”
It was his turn to look away then, “I know.”
“You know? That’s it?” You pushed yourself off the wall and moved to go back inside. You weren’t going to stay outside with him if he couldn’t even apologise. 
“Please come back.” You stood still, your back still facing him. “They need you. Arthur’s barely speaking and when he does it makes no sense. Esme says John’s hardly ever home and that he stinks of whiskey constantly. And Tommy? He’s a mess Y/N, he can’t do anything. Polly’s had to step up but she can’t cope either. Michael’s at his breaking point with her and Finn’s head is so messed up because he doesn’t know who he should side with. They miss you so much and they know they fucked up. They just want the chance to talk to you and apologise. They miss you so much Y/N, you have no idea.”
You turned back around to face Isaiah. “Just them?”
He took a deep breath in, “I miss you too. It’s not the same without you round.” A tear rolled down from the corner of his eye. “I miss you so much and I’m sorry that I never told you what was happening. I never wanted to hurt you.” Your own tears started to fall then.
“Please come back home Y/N. I can’t even bring myself to walk back into your house because I can’t stand in it and not expect to see you there.” By this point you were fully sobbing, hearing Isaiah pour his heart out to you was breaking yours. You had ignored how much you’d missed the boy because you knew you couldn’t accept it. His hands reached out for you and pulled you into his chest. He held you as you cried and you could feel his body shaking as he cried with you. “Please come home.” He begged “Please come back to me.”
Let me know your thoughts on this, I’m sorry it took so long! Hope you’re all doing ok during the pandemic going on and if any of you need to talk or rant then feel free to send me a message or an anonymous one to my asks if you don’t want me to know who you are. 
Stay safe everyone!
Taglist: @annabethgranger123
Message me if you want to be added to the taglist :)
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Hiii! I just wanted to say that I love your fan fictions, I haven't found any good Peaky Blinders Fanfictions and yours are just soooo bloddy good hahaha. I wondered if you were planning on doing any other stuff of Sister Shelby, that would be so wonderful haha. Maybe a part 2 on Family dinner gone wrong? Love u lots
Thank you so much! I am planning another part of family dinner gone wrong, I'm just so bad for sitting down and actually writing lol. I need to motivate myself but there definitely will be a part 2
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Would I be able to be tagged in the next part of Family Dinner gone wrong? Your writing is so good! I got so invested in the story and your portrayal of the Shelby sis is so good, I love her! Can’t wait to read the next part ☺️
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