thislittlemama · 8 years
"You Don't Get Itchy in Gucci" 🇬🇧 Ladies of London Season 3 Episode 8 Recap
“You Don’t Get Itchy in Gucci” 🇬🇧 Ladies of London Season 3 Episode 8 Recap
Marissa is still crying at the breakfast table, which is a truly unfortunate way to begin any day. Adela removes her altogether and everyone follows; everyone except Sophie, who announces to all that she loves everyone, except perhaps Juliet who is possibly too negative to be loved, and Queen Caroline, who has remained to arbitrate and who doesn’t go for hugs or expressions of concern anyway.…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
"She Could Be Her Legs" 🇬🇧 Ladies of London Season 3 Episode 7 Recap
“She Could Be Her Legs” 🇬🇧 Ladies of London Season 3 Episode 7 Recap
We pick up apparently after Astor, with Sophie trotting along to Julie Montagu’s house still in her hat to share that she lost every bet she made. Tra la la! Considering how inebriated the ladies got the last time we went to Astor with them, I kind of think Sophie seems a wee bit sober and perhaps she just came from the hat shop. Nevertheless. Julie is all worked up because last night she…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
Prima Donna on a Pub Crawl 🇬🇧 Ladies of London Season 3 Episode 6 Recap
Prima Donna on a Pub Crawl 🇬🇧 Ladies of London Season 3 Episode 6 Recap
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After three loooong weeks, finally everyone is out of my house! It is so hard to get the things done when Things 1-4 are around, needing stuff. Today I am seizing my liberation and charging through all of the things I have been neglecting, although washing the kitchen floor and folding the laundry-that-never-ends can wait for me to get caught up with the Ladies of London. As it turns out, really…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
I'm Really Big in Denmark 🇬🇧 Ladies of London Season 3 Episode 2 Recap
I’m Really Big in Denmark 🇬🇧 Ladies of London Season 3 Episode 2 Recap
I have to say, I am loving recapping LoL. The scenery, the accents, the novelty, and for all that half the pages of notes. Every bit as posh as Lady Pump (whose home was so accurately described as a “department store perfume display” by Vulture this week) but with style that has moved beyond a Dynasty/Barbie mash up, and none of the silly impress-the-neighbors bullshit of California in general.…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
"The Village Foghorn" 🇬🇧 Ladies of London Season 3 Episode 1 Recap
“The Village Foghorn” 🇬🇧 Ladies of London Season 3 Episode 1 Recap
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I’m back, kids! What a nice long blogging break it’s been since RHONY wrapped up, even as I did disregard the reunion episodes altogether. I have watched nearly nothing of RHOC and am not entirely sure how I feel about returning to BH; dumping Yo may just not be enough wholesale change for me to make time in my overcrowded existence. While I’ve been offline I actually spent a good stretch across…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
"We're Too Old For This" 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Finale Recap
“We’re Too Old For This” 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Finale Recap
Here we go, kids! We pick up with Queen B, still inexplicably in her thong despite all the heavy bleeding we’ve been forced to endure discussion of for weeks on end (don’t forget: we couldn’t go to Hawaii because of her gyney issues so we had to come here to boring old Miami), as she exposes Fiance Tom for the cad he is to The Kountess in her stripey rainbow housedress. She’s not only in her…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
"We're Not Still Talking About This, Are We?" 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 19 Recap
“We’re Not Still Talking About This, Are We?” 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 19 Recap
I decided to get a massage this weekend rather than write up my recap. NO REGRETS WHATSOEVER. After all, this episode was really all about Queen B and the action side of things – what The Kountess is actually going to do about it all – comes on Wednesday. To be followed by the much-anticipated Reunion which The Queen has been alluding to as a whole fiasco for weeks. I don’t know; I am really…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
"I Should Put Underwear On" 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 18 Recap
“I Should Put Underwear On” 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 18 Recap
My radio silence for the last two weeks was due to my annual exodus to the Bravo-free zone, where the squawks of obnoxious giant flying rats, also known as Canadian geese, replace the barks of Queen B each late summer. We’ve returned, and to commemorate my children’s first day of the school year yesterday my evening was capped off with a detour to Palm Beach, where the ‘Wives are gathered to…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
You've Dialed the Bethenny Business Bureau 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 15 Recap
You’ve Dialed the Bethenny Business Bureau 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 15 Recap
It’s been too hot to think the last few days and I am on my last nerve. This Pokemon Go bullshit is not making matters any easier. We brought Big home from camp on Monday, and first thing Tuesday he’s in and out slamming doors and wandering around in the street every 20 minutes. You know, it’s enough entirely without invisible gremlins letting hot air into the house. I’m TARRRED. But we must…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
"Edith Bunker Calls It a Brassiere" 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 14 Recap
“Edith Bunker Calls It a Brassiere” 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 14 Recap
I misplaced my notes from last week so never got that one recapped; suffice it to say that Julie Toothpick tried to dose the calzone with lidocaine and forks; The Kountess cannot be bawthered with Radzi; and Queen B is still being overly graphic with us about her ladybits issues. The End. We resume to find it has snowed in NYC! And it looks so fresh and pretty, which will change real fast.…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
TMI 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 12 Recap
TMI 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 12 Recap
I was too busy to fully recap last week, but here’s what happened: The Kountess invited herself on Queen B’s upcoming Mexico trip; everyone claims to have knocked boots with the soon-to-be-Mr. LuAnn; and The Queen started to experience graphic gynecological issues, about which we are about to here entirely too much more. Le sigh. We return to Manhattan and find Radzi delivering Baby The Dog to a…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
"Sorry If I Blew Up The House" 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 10 Recap
“Sorry If I Blew Up The House” 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 10 Recap
I forgot to mention in the recap of last week’s episode that the guest room closet of my childhood home is wallpapered – purple monkeys swinging on vines. Yes, I am THAT FANCY. If you have an interest in owning an 80-year old house with purple monkey wallpaper in one closet, it may be available to you if the contract my mother has with the current asshat falls through, so message me. Serious…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
"If You Can't Behave You Can All Go Home!" 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 9 Recap
“If You Can’t Behave You Can All Go Home!” 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 9 Recap
As a flock of squawking geese and one crapping canine foreshadow, Doritos’ slumber party is about to devolve into an episode of shitshow bitchery. When last we saw them, Queen B had exploded into the house and unleashed the kraken on Kountess Lu for having had the temerity to point out that their hair looks alike, and that she, the Kountess, had been present at the birth of the Skinnygirl…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
Quaaludes in the Cookie Jar 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 8 Recap
Quaaludes in the Cookie Jar 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 8 Recap
In the last week this little mama has thrown two year-end pool parties, a dinner for 19, a birthday celebration, a sixth-grade promotion, and handled a visit from El Nana and assorted work hiccups, and now we’ve arrived at SUMMER! With Mr. Little Mama and Big off on a Naked & Afraid camping trip, I am ready to use this lull in the testosterone to finally check in with the estrogen brigade of New…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
Takes One to Know One 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 5 Recap
Takes One to Know One 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 5 Recap
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Why do animal problems only happen when the man of the house is elsewhere? Last Wednesday my kids and I spent 40 frantic minutes trying to scoot a giant – I mean like 5″ long – grasshopper out of the kitchen. It was like Jurassic Park. We finally did shoo it out, but by that time I was nearly too spent for RHONY. And what a bizarre and perplexing episode! It was like Festivus came early! After so…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
"He's Just Gross" 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 4 Recap
“He’s Just Gross” 🍎 RHONY Season 8 Episode 4 Recap
I’m back and ready to recap while some happy potheads wash my windows. We pick things up fresh off ‘the elderly’ fighting and sneaking smokes out on the sidewalk. You totally knew Doritos and Julie Toothpick smoked. What I wasn’t expecting was a full on shot of Doritos’ motion control undergarments.   That girdle does not look like Yummie Tummie to me. Anyhoo, we’re out in the Hamptons and Queen…
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thislittlemama · 8 years
That's IT! 💎 Announcing the RHOBH Strike
That’s IT! 💎 Announcing the RHOBH Strike
Another season of Housewives, another abandonment on my part. The only guilt I feel is for letting you all down. But come ON, people: have any of us been enjoying this? Three weeks later and I am still jacked up like this: It’s killing me, smalls. With the wheels hanging off, I actually watched and took notes and photos on the third-to-last episode of RHOBH, got it 95% written, never finished it,…
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