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Camel pose
Day 5 Camel pose. I looked up all the benefits of this pose and found that it reduces fat on thighs and also does a deep stretching of hip flexors. I need to do these more often! I have a great deal of problems the with my hip flexors in the not so distant past. (Not lately since my yoga practice).
Ustrasana in one pose my toes are curled under for a good stretch! My hips are forward.
聽In the other picture my hips need to be more forward but I am working flexibility. I'm a work on progress I keep telling myself.
I added a video of my yoga this morning with Shadow on My blog
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Day 4
It鈥檚 also day 4 of HappyBackHappyHeart with a choice of either Tiger or Dancer pose so I did both. I am not going to lie I have only done Dancer pose like maybe 3 times and honestly can't remember ever trying Tiger pose.
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This morning the alarm went off at 4:25 and I felt horrible. 馃敽FYI I never feel"good" just have better days than others. 馃敽 I had a decision to make get up and workout and not walk the dogs tonight, or stay in bed and feel horrible about myself. 聽 I decided to 聽get up start with yoga. However, I only got one good pic this morning so this afternoon I came home and tried Tiger pose again.
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Tiger pose stretches out your entire body ! And no matter how much my body shook that was as high as my foot would go. Honestly, I look and feel nothing like a Tiger here. Oy vey! But it will be interesting to see what a month or two will bring.
I took the screenshot below this morning at the beginning of my workout. I am sick but can you tell?
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(Only my husband can see the bright red patch that develops in the center of my eyebrows. A small sign of the pain I am facing.) Lyme Disease is sometimes called "the invisible disease" or the "copycat" disease because one doesn't look sick and the symptoms are very much copycats of other chronic illnesses.
To read more please read my blog post
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I signed up for this subscription and am so glad I did! These are toxin free and really are great. I also use the body wash and totally swear by it! Click below for a code to get your pink tax rebate and to learn more.
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