I tried making one of those memes where you use pictures to spell out words or something but I messed it up so it means 'Mike Who Cheese Hairy' also heard as 'My Coochie's Hairy'. :)
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Why Naomi, from 21 Chump Street, is underrated.
This musical is actually really dead but still.
So Naomi was an undercover cop and arrested the high school student, Justin Laboy, or some shit.
So in the musical, you can clearly hear that she says she was a cop because of her family's use of drugs. She didn't want other family's to go through the similar situation she was in. Imagine how that affected her and traumatized her. Imagine having your family abuse drugs. But, of course, what she did was like somewhat illegal, but it was also somewhat Laboy's fault. He had a serious crush on her, he was not manipulated. He completely did this choice on himself. Justin coulda just not done it, just because Naomi was his 'serious' crush, doesn't mean anything. Justin did somewhat deserve to get arrest, but at the same time eh. He may have not known what he was doing, but still he had control over the situation at hand, he just chose to kinda just ignore what he shoulda done.
Of course this is purely said by opinion, I'd respect if you don't diss me or my opinion, I don't mind if you state your own opinion. I'll respect your opinion if you respect mine.
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Why the founding fathers [and like any other historical figures] are not terrible people.
So essentially, the Founding Fathers [and other historical figures], are terrible people?
False. Take Thomas Jefferson for example, he owned lots of slaves, he's a hypocrite, a rapist, racist, as well as a liar. Horrible, right? Of course, but he also lead our country to what it was today. He signed the Declaration of Independence, he has doubled the size of the country, he sold books to the Library of Congress, and helped founding the University of Virginia. He may have done a lot of horrible things, but so have we, he has changed the world in a lot of ways we haven't. Aaron Burr may have shot Alexander Hamilton, but he has done so much to form the future. He was the only member of the Founding Fathers to believe in women's rights, he's one of the most important figures in the history of Tammany Hall. If Burr had not shot Hamilton, well, who knows what the future would be, but it would be drastic. Alexander Hamilton may have cheated on his wife, left his family in debt, started a seven year campaign of nothing but slander against Burr unprovoked. Even if this kind of stuff did happen, he still helped our country's government be shaped by writing 51 of the 81 installments of The Federalists Papers, he was the first Treasury Secretary stabilizing the economy, also mostly a self-taught lawyer.
There is so much more they have done to help, and the other historical figures. So don't go around saying they were terrible people, because they were deeply flawed, they are honestly better than what we had been shaped into today. Though the technology is might I say impressive and advanced, but everything is by far corrupt.
All of us are deeply flawed, history happens, it made us into what we are today. They helped us get into this level of intelligence.
Remember people, stay young, stay free, be the best goddamned person you can be. Also, if you ever see litter, pick it up, it may not be yours, but it'll make a huge impact on the environment.
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Gotta fucking wait for it bruh
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I like stealing memes, but ask me anything ;) also I can draw, but it's like??? Idk decent?
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