thosetwobelievers · 6 years
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
random sentence starters
random sentences for any / multiple scenario(s). change around as you see fit.
“ who do you think you are? “
“ wait , did you just say you love me? “
“ please just … leave me alone. “
“ i’m so happy! “
“ is this a gift for me? “
“ hey! i’ve got something for you! wait right here! “
“ i love you. “
“ shut up! shut the fuck up! “
“ who told you that?! i didn’t say that! “
“ w — what? “
“ … i’m sorry. “
“ what? ME have a crush on YOU? whaaaaaat?! haha! what? pfft … shut up! “
“ bitch , guess what? “
“ oh my god … “
“ fuck you to fucking hell! “
“ man … go to hell. “
“ what did you just send me? “
“ what did you just say? “
“ they’re totally checking you out right now. “
“ jealous?! i’m not jealous! “
“ are you jealous? “
“ wow … you’re hot when you’re angry. “
“ wow … your smile is breathtaking. “
“ you’re so stupid. “
“ okay! that’s it! put your dukes up! “
“ you don’t want me. “
“ question , you’re not dating anyone , are you? “
“ let me take you out on a date. “
“ i swear to god i’m going to scream at the top of my lungs. “
“ no! don’t tickle me! “
“ i’m not good for you , trust me. “
“ no offense but i’m out of your league. “
“ so , how does it feel to know me? a blessing , isn’t it? “
“ … why does this card say ‘ happy 3rd birthday ‘? “
“ so what will it be tonight? “
“ please , let me listen to celine dion in the dark in peace. “
“ i don’t love you. “
“ you don’t love me. “
“ … is there something you want? “
“ you know , you’re really cute. “
“ god , just let me fucking love you , you idiot! “
“ shh … don’t cry. “
“ i just feel like everything is falling apart. “
“ hello darkness my old friend … “
“ so … do i get a goodnight kiss? “
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
for muses that need a little love. 
❝  i’m here for you.  ❞
❝  let me help with that.  ❞
❝  i’m here.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna hurt you.  ❞
❝  if they do it again, you tell me.  ❞
❝  i’ll protect you. ❞
❝  i’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you.  ❞
❝  let me take a look…  ❞
❝  i’m a phone call away.  ❞
❝  you should have called me.  ❞
❝  here, sleep.  ❞
❝  if you wanna talk, i’m here.  ❞
❝  hey, shh, it’s okay.  ❞
❝  i’ll never let you go.  ❞
❝  you’re with me now.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna take you from my side.  ❞
❝  i’ll do what i have to.  ❞
❝  i need you to stay here, okay? i got this.  ❞
❝  it’s safe here.  ❞
❝  i’m fine, let me see your face.  ❞
❝  we’re gonna have to keep ice on that.  ❞
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
quotes taken from season one; episode two.
❝  exactly what happened yesterday?  ❞
❝  i threw the first punch. ❞
❝  fall or jump?  ❞
❝  do you not worry you’re on the devil’s side without even knowing it?  ❞
❝  he fell.  ❞
❝  the difference between us is one of degree, not category.  ❞
❝  you’re too clever for me.  ❞
❝  are you afraid of me?  ❞
❝  do you like this kind of thing? this controlling, macho bullshit?  ❞
❝  _____ is gonna die unless you help them.  ❞
❝  what do you have to do to a boy, to get him to do that?  ❞
❝  it takes such a toll.  ❞
❝  one life is all we have, life and love.  ❞
❝  whoever takes life steals everything.  ❞
❝  he’d have been happier as a priest.  ❞
❝  how does anyone compete with a calling like that?  ❞
❝  i’m proud.  ❞
❝  anyone would be tempted.  ❞
❝  don’t die for him. not for him.  ❞
❝  who else knew you were here?  ❞
❝  he’s ashamed of you.  ❞
❝  he told me all your secrets, just so i could humiliate you.  ❞
❝  i’m here to tell you what kind of man your dad is.  ❞
❝  if you don’t leave ____ alone, i will kill you.  ❞
❝  you need to let it be.  ❞
❝  i think i got the right man.  ❞
❝  i like her, by the way.  ❞
❝  one coffee does not make us friends.  ❞
❝  she felt she’d lost you to the dead.  ❞
❝  we’re friends - i want to make you feel better.  ❞
❝  i don’t know what we are, but we’re not friends.  ❞
❝  i have no wish to hurt you.  ❞
❝  brownies/scouts honour.  ❞
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
I want to rp with you, but I don’t think you want to rp with me: a book by me
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
“And you don’t want to listen to a trained professional?” She leaned to the side, blocking off his attempt to dodge around her. Jamie wasn’t getting away from her that easily. “It may be boring, but the bristles of the toothbrush don’t fit between your teeth. That’s why flossing in necessary!”
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Tooth crossed her arms. Looking far from offended by that accusation. “I am, thank you.”
"But there isn't anything between my teeth-" he opened his mouth widely, pointing to his front teeth "-see? They're clean!" After all, the only instances when he felt the need to floss was whenever he ate mangos or oranges, whose tiny bits would get stuck and annoy him the whole day long if he didn’t do something about them.
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“And I have a field trip tomorrow, I should be asleep already. Why don’t you go pester Sophie about her flossing?”
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
why's The Guardian Collection so freaking expensive in Brazil? how am I supposed to get into that Christmas Spirit™ without it under my tree and the movie soundtrack in the background?
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
*: ・゚✧   red dead redemption 2 ( part 1 )
feel free to change pronouns, etc!
“ she says he’s dying.”
“ we’ll have to stop someplace.”
“ if we don’t stop soon, we’ll all be dying.”
“ i’m just hoping the law got as lost as we did.”
“ i found a place where we can get some shelter.”
“ it ain’t far. come on.”
“ get that fire lit, quick.”
“ bring in whatever blankets we have.”
“ see what we got in terms of food.”
“ __’s dead.”
“ there was… nothing more you could’ve done.”
“ what are we gonna do? we need supplies.”
“ well, first of all, you’re gonna stay here… and you are gonna get yourself warm.”
“ i don’t see what other choice we have.”
“ they may be okay, we don’t know.”
“ we lost some folks.”
“ now, if i could… throw myself in the ground in their stead, i’d do it. gladly.”
“ we are gonna ride out and we are gonna find some food.”
“ we’re safe now. there ain’t nobody following us through a storm like this one.”
“ we’ve been through worse than this before.”
“ we may be here for a few days.”
“ stay strong. stay with me.”
“ we ain’t done yet!”
“ alright, we’ve got some work to do.”
“ well, we ain’t run into them yet.”
“ hey… i ain’t had time to ask. what really went down back there?”
“ get yourself indoors. you need to rest that hand.”
“ i’ll live.”
“ we need you strong.”
“ ain’t sure what we’re gonna find out here.”
“ we have to try.”
“ stay close.”
“ this goddamn weather.”
“ can’t believe we lost __ too.”
“ you’re the only one i can rely on to stay strong right now.”
“ wait, is that someone coming towards us?”
“ i’m glad you’re alright, __.”
“ yeah, well, don’t talk to me about crazy.”
“ i’m glad you’re feeling so good about it.”
“ it ain’t much, but it’s shelter.”
“ sounds like quite the party.”
“ i am very sorry to disturb you.”
“ now, friend… i ain’t asking for much.”
“ please, i am… kinda desperate.”
“ we need the essentials. food, medicine… whiskey.”
“ you should eat something now, get your strength up.”
“ i don’t really want us to split up.”
“ well he started it!”
“ i’m gonna break your neck!”
“ i don’t know any more than that, i swear!”
“ i don’t know anything else… please… please, spare me.”
“ i promise you won’t see me again, partner.”
“ i won’t breathe a word to nobody.”
“ get the hell outta here. go!”
“ you let him go, huh?”
“ now, it is gonna be okay. i mean you no harm.”
“ we need to get out of here, and quick.”
“ you are safe now, and… you can’t stay here. you come with us.”
“ we’re bad men, but… we ain’t them, so…”
“ we’ll keep you safe until you figure out what you wanna do.”
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
"I know, my dentist said the same thing,” Jamie started, trying once again to pass through the door Tooth was blocking. “But flossing is boring. I already brush my teeth three times a day, that’s more than enough!” he argued. It was late, he was sleepy, and all that stood between him and his comfy bed was Tooth relentless persistence. 
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“You’re worse than mom, you know?”
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
yo, yo, yo, people;; i just got a new laptop, and, while i still got to transfer my icons, feel free to hit the like for a Jamie starter!
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
Jack’s head glanced over towards the closet a beat after Jamie did, brows furrowing in slight confusion when seeing that there was nothing there. He hadn’t heard anything to cause alarm; and the only shadows that stretched towards the end of the room were those caused by the lamp near the bed. Of course, he wasn’t about to fault the kid for being nervous if he thought that somehow Pitch had come back for him, and he was just about to turn around to reassure him that it wasn’t possible, but—
“Uh…” An amused smile touched upon his lips, shifting slightly so that he was fully turned to face both the bed and Jamie. “A horror movie? Seriously?” Jack couldn’t say that he watched a ton of horror films – or films in general – himself, but the few that he’d seen had come across… as incredibly fake and exaggerated. Some of the apparitions that they were focused on weren’t nearly as bad as humans tried to make them seem…
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“Oh, Jamie…” He barely stifled a snort, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “What would make you want to watch a horror movie? You still use a night light.”
"I know, I know,” he grumbled, well-aware of the regret he had been feeling since the minute the sun went down and darkness crept into the house. It hadn’t been so scary the night before, in Mike’s house, where they all joked about the cliché tropes and fell asleep in a well-lit living room after loads of snacks. Mike always threw the best slumber parties.
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“The boys suggested it, okay?” he said defensively, sparing a glance out the window to make sure no entities were watching him and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. “And I couldn’t really convince them to watch Toy Story a fourth time.” 
Or any movies from the Kids Netflix section, for that matter. Being a believer had its cons, after all: while all his friends took it as mere fiction after watching the making-of videos, Jamie couldn’t help but remember that North was very much real despite the existence of several made-up movies about him.
“Have you ever seen a ghost?” he asked after a few seconds, lowering his voice at ‘ghost’ in a superstitious attempt to not attract such a being by calling out its name. “Or a...  a demon or entity? Are they real too?”
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
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i spent longer on this than i should have
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
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“I will beat the devil in an appropriate place and not ruin my floors.”
“I got drunk and now I’m sitting on the ground.”
“Get an ouija board or something and bring me back!”
“Hi, welcome to me time.”
“Do you have anymore almond milk?”
“Just do it!”
“Hell yeah!”
“[Name], stop!”
“Cover it in mustard, and call it a day.”
“The power of Christ compels you.”
“[Name], no one is judging you.”
“We know you have a soap fetish, it’s okay, just let it out.”
“Who said you could come in?”
“What’s wrong with eating paint?”
“I will lock myself in the bathroom and fucking cry.”
“I don’t know what the fuck is happening.”
“I painted my face green, I’m ready to party.”
“Cannolis, bitch!”
“I look like a half eaten apple on a road trip.”
“Look how much your mom loves you!”
“Can’t you see what the fuck I’m wearing, bitch?”
“I’m having me time, get out.”
“The devil is everywhere.”
“I think what I’m trying to say is that I just wanna fucking disappear.”
“Some people think that I’m crazy, I’m just out here trying to have a good time, what’s your problem?”
“Don’t do drugs, not even once.”
“I have a basketball game tomorrow.”
“We’re good? Tight.”
“Don’t ever talk to me or my son ever again.”
“The darkness will swallow you whole.”
“This is a safe place.”
“I love you so much, but you test me every day.”
“You’re a nasty bitch!”
“I didn’t come here to fuck around.”
“I want to be seen from the heavens!”
“I love fucking myself up.”
“Don’t expose me like this.”
“Who you fightin’?”
“Please come back, please come back, please come back.”
“My face is burned.”
“Hi, welcome to I feel guilty.”
“I am on a never ending quest to be the most beautiful person in the world.”
“Look at me! And my exquisite face!”
“You have to go to your baseball game right now, son!”
“I think it looks natural.”
“Go away.”
“I’ll never let go.”
“Do I look like someone who wants to hurt your feelings?”
“What are your standards?”
“Can’t you see that I’m fucking leisuring?”  
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
Hiro cringed at the blooming curiosity. This was the problem with traveling dimensions without scanning- he needed to be more careful. He carefully stepped away from the boy, holding out a gloved hand to try and quiet him down. “Sh sh sh- don’t say things like that so loud.”
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Great. Now the kid was going to tell all of his friends that he saw a flying robot. He did, but Hiro couldn’t have him spreading around stories. He was about to come up with an elaborate, albeit foolish, lie when he heard the next question. Tech-spirit? Now that sounded funny, but Hiro wasn’t one to protest an idea given to him. “Exactly, kid. I’m one of those- a tech spirit. And you can’t tell anyone you’ve seen me or my, uh, friend. Because we’re supposed to be undercover, you know? You followin’ me?”
"Seriously?" His chin fell in surprise, an astonished smile growing on his lips. Jamie was fairly used to unknown spirits by now, the ones Jack brought to him every now and then so that they could be believed in as well. Even so, their centers usually revolved around emotions, holidays or natural elements, not.. technology! Could magic and science really merge like that? He so needed to google that later.
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“That’s so cool! I didn’t know you were a thing!” He exclaimed, and then a slight frown showed on his face. “Wait, how can I see you, then? Have we met before?” He slid his backpack off of his shoulder to grab his phone in the front pocket. Jamie kept a detailed Evernote list of every spirit he contacted specifically for moments like this; he wouldn’t be to see a spirit he didn’t believe in, after all. 
“What’s your name, again?” He looked up, fingers ready to type in search.
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
yo, yo, yo, people;; i just got a new laptop, and, while i still got to transfer my icons, feel free to hit the like for a Jamie starter!
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thosetwobelievers · 6 years
                                     you don’t have to understand
                                                            i just need you to listen
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