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God Kabir Ji told that the king of this lok is Brahm-Kaal who eats one lakh immaterial (subtle/sukshm) bodies of human beings. He has captured all the living beings in the cage of the three loks by entangling them in the net of karm-bharm and sins-virtues.
teen lok pinjra bhya paap punya do jaal Sabhi jeev bhojan bhaye ek khaane waala Kaal
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#कबीरसाहेबजी_का_अद्भुत_ज्ञान True spiritual knowledge of God Kabir
God Kabir Himself gives His (Purna Brahm's) information that above all the gods, there is God SatPurush (True God) who has infinite arms, who lives in Satlok and all the loks, [Brahm's (Kaal) 21 brahmands and the loks of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, and Shakti and the seven sankh brahmands of Parbrahm and all the other brahmands] come under Him.
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#कबीरसाहेबजी_का_अद्भुत_ज्ञान True spiritual knowledge of God Kabir
God Kabir Ji told that Purna Brahm (Complete God) had given five Vedas to Brahm i.e. Kaal. But Brahm manifested only four Vedas. He hid the fifth Ved, which Supreme God, by Himself appearing, has manifested through KavirgirbhiH, that is, Kavir Vaani by means of proverbs and couplets.
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#कबीरसाहेबजी_का_अद्भुत_ज्ञान True spiritual knowledge of God Kabir
hib Ji's Sahib Kabir 625th Prakat Diwas 14th June 2022
> How much sinful is it to consume tobacco? Supreme God Kabir ji said: -
Surapaan madya maasahaari, gaman karae bhogae par naari Sattar janm katat hain sheesham, saakshi Sahib hai Jagdeesham | Par dwara stri ka kholae, sattar janm andha ho dolacl Sau naari jaari karae, suraapaan sau baur
Ek chilam hukka bhare, doobae kaali dhaar l
Like it has been mentioned above that a person who drinks alcohol once bears seventy births of a dog, and then eats and drinks faeces and urine. One who performs sex with another woman bears seventy births of a blind. Even one who consumes meat bears in tense hardships. The sins incurred by one who commits the afore said sins 100-100 times, is what is incurred by one who only assists a person consuming tobacco once. What sin will be incurred by those who consume tobacco-hukka, cigarette, beedi, or consume tobacco in any other form? That person will incur heinous sin. When a per son, who consumes tobacco, emits smoke on smoking hukka, beed or cigarette, then that smoke entering into the bodies of his small children causes damage. Then those children adopt vices quickly, and their health also deteriorates.
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#कबीरसाहेबजी_का_अद्भुत_ज्ञान Truc spiritual knowledge of God Kabir
God Kabir Ji told that the Master of Satlok, Alakh Purush - Master (Lord) of Alakh Lok, Agam Purush - Master of Agam Lok, and Anami Purush - Master of Anami/Akah Lok is only one Purna Brahm, who is the Immortal God in reality; who by acquiring different forms lives in all of His four loks, and who is the controller of infinite brahmands.
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#कबीरसाहेबजी_का_अद्भुत_ज्ञान Supreme Knowledge of God Kabir
550 years ago, Supreme God Kabir (KavirDev) Ji gave the true knowledge of Holy Vedas, Holy Gita Ji and Holy Purans in His Sacred speech.
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#कबीरसाहेबजी_का_अद्भुत_ज्ञानTrue spiritual knowledge of God Kabir
Supreme God KavirDev Himself told the real story of creation of nature. God Kabir said that He Himself did all the creation. With His word-power, He created a Rajeshwari Shakti with which He established all the brah mands.Supreme God then produced all the souls in human form like Himself from within Him by the power of His word.
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#कबीरसाहेबजी_का_अद्भुत_ज्ञानTrue spiritual knowledge of God Kabir
Pardwara stri ka kholae, sattar janm andha ho dolae
Worshippable Supreme God Kabir Ji Has told that a man, who commits a wrong act with another woman, bears seventy births of a blind. A wise man never brings such misfortune upon oneself needlessly. Only a fool does such an act.
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#कबीरसाहेबजी_का_अद्भुत_ज्ञानTrue spiritual knowledge of God Kabir
God Kabir Ji told that if any person himself becoming a guru, makes disciples, then understand that he puts burden on his head. Because it is a rule of God that until a disciple gets across, a guru has to repeatedly take
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#कबीरसाहेबजी_का_अद्भुत_ज्ञान True spiritual knowledge of God Kabir
Satguru soi jo Saarnaam drdaavae,
aur guru koi kaam na aavae II
"Saar naam bin purush (bhagwan) drohi" God Kabir Ji said that a guru who does not give Saarnaam and Saarshabd or who does not have the authority (permission) to give naam by his guru i.e. by study of the scriptures even if any selfmade guru gives these naams, then also that guru and his disciples will be put in hell. That guru is an enemy of God, is a traitor. He will be hung upside-down in the court of God.
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#कबीरसाहेबजी_का_अद्भुत_ज्ञानTrue knowledge of God Kabir
Kabir, maans bhakhae aur mad piye, dhan vaishya so khaay | Jua kheli chori karae, ant samoola jaay II
God Kabir Ji told that one should never gamble or play cards.
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Kabir Prakat Diwas 14June bhai performing religion practical of kal brahm a workshiper also accuring that position indra after enjoying those soul acquire the life of a donkey
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Kabir Prakat Diwas 14June bhai performing religion practical of kal brahm a workshiper also accuring that position indra after enjoying those soul acquire the life of a donkey
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A tongue is a very important part of a body if it is not used to the praise of God and recitation of the Naam (Mantra) then it is useless because a person imcurs sin by uttering bad word to someone with this tounge
Kabir Prakat Diwas 14June
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Pani Mein Meen Pyasi Mujhe sun sun Ave Hansi ||
aatam Gyan Bina nare bhakti Koi Kaba Koi Kashi ||
kahat Kabira suno bhai Sadhu Sahab Mile Avinashi||
Kabir Prakat Diwas 14June
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Kabir Prakat Diwas 14June bhai performing religion practical of kal brahm a workshiper also accuring that position indra after enjoying those soul acquire the life of a donkey
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