thoughtsarethings · 9 months
No post for the last few days but they were good days which i pray keep on becoming good day by day forever❤️
Cat collar and cat liter fillers arrived. Praying my parents let me keep the kittens. Today was able to cut carbs vs other days but i know i could have done it earlier. Will try to do liquid fast tomorrow. Wish me luck
I also made my vitamin c & niacinamide serum. Am so excited for them. Will sell them at P450/ bottle or P750 for 2.
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thoughtsarethings · 9 months
Hello, sorry i missed writing yesterday.
Thursday, i went to the city, had my class at Ocean suites. i only had 2 students but i didnt mind, i think it was perfect still. But there were people on the pool and they were a bit noisy. But other than that it was okay.
Went to mam Diane regarding the design of the signages at the foundation. I also realized i havent wrote the check for salaries so am gonna write them next week.
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thoughtsarethings · 9 months
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Alright, yesterday i gave tbear, shadow & maldy a bath because there doggie shampoo arrived and was excited to try it.
Tbear eyes got runny and swollen (her left eye) and so i bought her drops for her eyes and it calmed down for the day.
Am glad to be consistent with giving them organic molasses and lactobacillus too and i did saw an improvement on tbears rashes.
My cards also arrived today. I bought a couple of cards, and 2 of the cards i got for me and the rest is for Elma, its her birthday this Saturday and she decides to celebrate it on Friday instead so my parents can join.
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thoughtsarethings · 9 months
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Yesterday, happy to be able to exercise barbell with Elma & Te Lyra and did yoga after that.
One of our 2 hens also got sick. As seen on the video; Tbear is watching over her and Tangerine. Good thing she felt better after my father gave her medicine. She ate and drank and slept, we let her rest for the day separating her from the chicken coop.
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Tallow sunscreen also arrived. I bought it because am trying to avoid anything chemical on my face. Currently am using a spf 10 sunblock that i only wore when i need to, which tallies to about 1-2x a week. Still i want to bring this number down by using an organic sunblock and i think this Tallow one should do the job (i hope).
I wash my face with a foam cleanser, daily. But i will get this habit out by using only warm water and cold water combo and some steeped leaves.
I also bought ingredients for my Vitamin C serum & Niacinamide serum. When those ingredients arrive, i will make them and label them and use 'em and sell 'em.
Today i was suppose to have clients at the treehouse, Hazel's family but there schedules did not meet they decided to have the class next week instead.
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And here are random shots of Orange and her kitties. I want to keep them all and i named the kittens Pumpkin, Turmeric & Ginger. I even bought something for their poop.
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thoughtsarethings · 10 months
Today was a peaceful day. No clients. No classes. And i do really appreciate this rest day. My energy seems to be back and i wanted to workout but decided against it as i want to make full recovery.
Junrey made garden bench, and as you can see in the video up, Tangerine enjoys it.
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And had a really fun time watching "One Piece". It's been some time since i enjoyed a movie or a series to be more specific. Good more lesson, fun, and creatively shot, i really enjoyed it.
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thoughtsarethings · 10 months
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The happenings on Friday, well just some of the happenings on Friday.
Firstly, it was 2nd day of my period and my body was feel heavy and weak and overall sickly. I just recovered from LBM and probably a bit of food poison and then my period game a day after i got better.
But despite that i have to drive to the city to finish foundation paperworks which are running 2 weeks late; had to drive to the foundation to meet sir Paolo as he will be taking some photos of the tarsiers. And after that will have to immediately drive back to my home town for the 4pm yoga pilates class.
All went according to plan, with slight trouble when sir Paolo arrived at 3pm when we were suppose to shoot at 2pm. Naturally i met him and once he was settled i excused myself not more than 5 minutes upon his arrival since i really need to be driving back for the yoga class at 4pm.
But before all that, immediately upon my arrival at the city, the office was still closed and i had a meal, a good one❤️
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Fast track to the end of the day, i arrived at the yoga class on time and after which took Elma & Enen to the new cafe in town. Had icecream, had sweets and drinks.
They after me and Elma went to El Siblings Ktambayan (private karaoke room). Enen wasn't able to come along since she had a singing that night.
That's all for today✨
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thoughtsarethings · 10 months
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Day 1 of period, i don't feel great. It's been days since i haven't been feeling great. And yesterday, i felt fine, then comes today with my period.
I refuse to have pain reliever; strongly believe they are counter healing in the long run. So i have this instead, turmeric tea & fresh holy basil leaves.
Turmeric root are great but i find that turmeric in powder form is equally tasty too. Am sipping this while at the treehouse looking out with Tbear.
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thoughtsarethings · 10 months
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Super Moon - Blue Moon August 30
It was a blue moon and a super moon too! So naturally, i cleansed my crystals. i thought i cleansed all of them but i missed my black obsidian pyramid - sorry.
I stayed at the treehouse deck with Tbear, did some breathing exercises and savasanah basking in the moon's light.
We stayed for about 30 minutes or so. I felt sleepy after that and had a very goodnight sleep that evening.
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