thoughttrains · 4 years
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thoughttrains · 4 years
Thoughts on Thich Nhat Hanh and engaged Buddhism? I've certainly learned a lot from his work, but I feel like he over complicates things, especially the five preceots.
He sets a high bar for us to meet. I do not think that the bar is too high given today’s current world situation. A new day is dawning. We must all do our part each to our ability. I guess we start with compassion and go from there.
The Fourteen Precepts of Engaged Buddhism
Do not be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ideology, even Buddhist ones. Buddhist systems of thought are guiding means; they are not absolute truth.
Do not think the knowledge you presently possess is changeless, absolute truth. Avoid being narrow-minded and bound to present views. Learn and practice nonattachment from views in order to be open to receive others’ viewpoints. Truth is found in life and not merely in conceptual knowledge. Be ready to learn throughout your entire life and to observe reality in yourself and in the world at all times.
Do not force others, including children, by any means whatsoever, to adopt your views, whether by authority, threat, money, propaganda, or even education. However, through compassionate dialogue, help others renounce fanaticism and narrowness.
Do not avoid contact with suffering or close your eyes before suffering. Do not lose awareness of the existence of suffering in the life of the world. Find ways to be with those who are suffering, including personal contact, visits, images, and sounds. By such means, awaken yourself and others to the reality of suffering in the world.
Do not accumulate wealth while millions are hungry. Do not take as the aim of your life Fame, profit, wealth, or sensual pleasure. Live simply and share time, energy, and material resources with those who are in need.
Do not maintain anger or hatred. Learn to penetrate and transform them when they are still seeds in your consciousness. As soon as they arise, turn your attention to your breath in order to see and understand the nature of your hatred.
Do not lose yourself in dispersion and in your surroundings. Practice mindful breathing to come back to what is happening in the present moment. Be in touch with what is wondrous, refreshing, and healing both inside and around you. Plant seeds of joy, peace, and understanding in yourself in order to facilitate the work of transformation in the depths of your consciousness.
Do not utter words that can create discord and cause the community to break. Make every effort to reconcile and resolve all conflicts, however small.
Do not say untruthful things for the sake of personal interest or to impress people. Do not utter words that cause division and hatred. Do not spread news that you do not know to be certain. Do not criticize or condemn things of which you are not sure. Always speak truthfully and constructively. Have the courage to speak out about situations of injustice, even when doing so may threaten your own safety.
Do not use the Buddhist community for personal gain or profit, or transform your community into a political party. A religious community, however, should take a clear stand against oppression and injustice and should strive to change the situation without engaging in partisan conflicts.
Do not live with a vocation that is harmful to humans and nature. Do not invest in companies that deprive others of their chance to live. Select a vocation that helps realize your ideal of compassion.
Do not kill. Do not let others kill. Find whatever means possible to protect life and prevent war.
Possess nothing that should belong to others. Respect the property of others, but prevent others from profiting from human suffering or the suffering of other species on Earth.
Do not mistreat your body. Learn to handle it with respect. Do not look on your body as only an instrument. Preserve vital energies (sexual, breath, spirit) for the realization of the Way. (For brothers and sisters who are not monks and nuns:) Sexual expression should not take place without love and commitment. In sexual relationships, be aware of future suffering that may be caused. To preserve the happiness of others, respect the rights and commitments of others. Be fully aware of the responsibility of bringing new lives into the world. Meditate on the world into which you are bringing new beings.
From “Interbeing: Fourteen Guidelines for Engaged Buddhism,” Revised edition: Oct. 1993 by Thich Nhat Hanh, published by Parallax Press, Berkeley, California.
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thoughttrains · 4 years
“Human beings grow best with encouragement and love. Today let every word you speak (to yourself and others) be filled with kindness.”
— Cheryl Richardson (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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thoughttrains · 4 years
Fuck this. Fuck this life.
Knives turning in my gut, bullet shells splinter the horizon. But I don’t feel it.
Numb, as if i had been doused in an agent
My body screaming for me to light it
Pins and needles
I set alight my vessle, set me free
Little did I know, i set alight my soul
I set alight my soul and I burned so brightly in darkness that could no longer contain me
Embers remain of what was, burnt, worn and weathered
A spark ignited
I flee from the pit of remains and walk towards a different kind of light
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thoughttrains · 4 years
Hi Interwebs. Been a red hot minute. I can’t remember the last time I wrote on here. Well, I come stuffed full of emotion, a heavy heart and stoned. I don’t even know where to start, my brains a bit of a circus at the current moment.
Well, I had a break up. There it is. A year. A whole year I gave someone respect, honesty, love, I gave them my trust. The trust and promises to be broken over and over again. Something I have learnt now, is to not be too trusting of people. They aren’t always who they say they are or pretend to be. People wear slog of masks and sometimes it takes a year to even see it. Or just me because I’m fucking stupid for believing he’d change. I was betrayed, lied to, and psychologically manipulated. I started to believe I was crazy until I spoke to other people who confirmed my feelings about situations were valid and I was not crazy. I had no idea I was being psychologically manipulated the whole time, until I spoke to a close friend who told me. And here is me, thinking I’m a strong, intuitive woman who can see through bullshit. I smelt it a lot, but he was so fucking good. So yeah, here I am, alone again, fucked over, wallowing in self pity. I haven’t eaten for 3 days. I haven’t been sleeping properly. This one got me good. I went and got Botox and tear trough fillers for the first time ever today, that’s how fucked I am. He went on his date today a week after staying at my place and sleeping with me and still trying to make me give him another chance and work things out. Downloaded tinder within 2 days of me ending things in the past and never told me until he slipped up. So my mind is currently just running a mok thinking of all of it. If they get together she will see, he can’t change. He will promise and promise and promise to change and won’t and keep doing shif behind your back but lie to you about it. He will like whatever you like and pretend he’s into whatever you’re into to make him the perfect candidate. Cracks eventually show, but man he’s got a good poker face and is so good at manipulation. Anyway, I dont know what the fuck I’m going to do from here. I’m 31 in two weeks and society’s pressures are getting to me. I want a family. I have a house I own at least, but I want that in my future. But right now, I don’t even want to date or even think about it. I don’t move on within a week. It’s so unhealthy, you have to grieve. I turned off the tv at 3am last night and just bawled my sad little eyes out for half an hour. I woke up the next morning and cried. It is hard, but every day I am coming around to accepting it more. It’s just the weekends where I don’t have anything to do and I feel so alone. I used to enjoy doing things on my own but I would always do them with him and I’ve fallen into not wanting to do anything at all but also feeling anxious that I’m not doing anything. Anyway I CBF to write anymore I just had to have a lil ramble about life and being emo and fuck men. Ciao.
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thoughttrains · 6 years
Monday Afternoon Jam
Well, here we are.. again. Bashing at the keyboard in the hope these fingers and these letters make sense of the devils that are dancing on my hunched shoulders and tornado inside my noggin’. 
Revelations seem to not be so few and far between lately. It feels as though wisdom, my dear old friend, is slowly creeping its way in. Either that, or maturity is rearing its wrinkly face at my ripe old age. Guys, i’m nearly 30. Share a moment of silence. Alas, I have made it this far. And what a fucking nightmare it has been. That’s not to say it hasn’t had it’s moments. (Moments probably being all of those times i’ve been 20 minutes deep, pupils gigantic, palms sweaty, into D&M with a random at a bar. Chewing  their ear off while  i’m chewing my face off. Charming.) I do joke a little when I say those moments were only high moments - I have connected with some beautiful humans and have shared some beautiful moments with old friends, which I will forever cherish and be grateful for, but I guess that brings me to my next point.
Friendships are a strange relationship. You basically hang out with these people, some of which may not even know what makes your heart sing and your blood boil, what goes in in your mind, what your passions are. Friendships come and go. As we get older, our standards of friendship change; when I was 14, all I cared for in a best friend was a ‘wingwoman’ and ‘drinking buddy’. That’s what was important to me at the time, so that’s what I held my standards as. Fast-forward 14 years and what is important to me now, has significantly changed. What is important to me now is: Respect, Kindness, Love, Reciprocation (although when love is present, one should not need need reciprocation as love should be given freely without limitations or expectations of any sort, but the law of attraction will always match like for like, so if you’re consistently giving out love freely, without expectations, and with the right intention, you will receive this back), Care and a touch of Selflessness. This is an important point to touch on. As life has gone on, I have unfortunately become bittered as a result of a) People I  cared about letting me down and b) By being on the front line of a corporate company, and being abused by the general public. I don’t like to admit it, but I am genuinely one of those people who hate people. Yep - you read it here first, I have an irrational hate of the general public. I would nearly even argue that it’s not irrational, but the fact of  the matter is, I CHOOSE TO ALLOW TO MAKE ME FEEL THIS WAY. Read that line, over and over, until it resonates for you. WE CHOOSE how things make us feel, and how we react to it. A quote I came up with one day when I was gettin’ all deep/probably high, was “Life is a series of choices”. So simple yet profound. We choose, every day, how we are going to feel. We choose what we wear, we choose what words we utter, we choose the foods we eat and what time we go to bed. We have the choice to do anything or be anything. The difference between the ‘doers’ and the ‘thinkers’ (as I like to call them) is that the ‘doers’ are out there making shit happen, just casually nailing life, and the ‘thinkers’ are the ones with all the big, bright ideas and revelations, but never follow through. I fall into the latter, category B, unfortunately. I wish I could be one of those people who gets up at 4am to be at the gym by 5, to be home by 6 to prepare themselves for the day ahead and climbs Mt Everest for fun, but lets be frank, i’m just not wired for pack mentality and I will never be a ‘gym person’, but I admire their mental strength and agility. No one wants to roll out of bed at the crack of dawn 2 hours early to exercise. That’s dedication. And I want some of it. I wish I could be one of those people who go to bed an hour early to meditate and journal every night - i’m not. But I want to be around people who do. There’s the law of attraction rearing its beautiful head again - I attract the ‘doers’ into my life, simply because I hold it as my intention. I have had many ‘doers’ in my life over the years, but the doer in me still lay dormant, until the day I am ready to take the leap outside of the bubble that is my comfort zone, and until I mentally strip myself bare, unshackle my mind from the self created constraints and climb over the multitude of great China walls it has constructed over the years. Saturn is a cheeky little bastard though, forcibly pushing me. Unfortunately my Saturn return is here until 2020, so ya’ll will probably hear from me more than you ever have before - dribs, drabs and bite size pieces of shit talk and whinging. Deal with it. 
Like always, thanks to my Gemini moon, I have completely diverted from the original topic,friendship. As I was saying... At the ripe old age of 29, I still haven’t found my ‘crew’. The people I was once friends with when I was in my early tweenties (i’m oh so creative), were a bunch of people who didn’t know who they were yet and were still figuring out life (I was one of said people and I am still figuring out life and who the hell I am), and we all just smoked a shit load of weed and partied like it was 1999, and by the end of it, I was no closer to figuring out who I was and what I wanted out of life. I wouldn’t have coined them as close friends, but back then I thought they were. What they really were, were what I like to call ‘Surface Friends’. You know the ones - the ones you hang out with all the time but deep down don’t really know and they don’t really know you? I see so much of this in friendships these days. It’s like people are scared to let people see the ‘real’ them, which baffles me, as that is the very thing I find the most beautiful, unique and intriguing about others. It’s true we live in a judgemental world. I read somewhere that it takes 0.25 seconds to judge someone, which really is pretty sad, knowing nothing about a person at all, painting a picture only with the words they speak and the clothes they wear, when there is SO, SO much more to a person than aesthetics, not to mention the fact it doesn’t define them as a person. We all want to please people we don’t care for. It’s quite a bizarre reality, in all honesty. Anyway, I saw a psychic around Christmas at Eumundi Markets who straight-up told me I need new friends, in those exact words. I wasn’t sure what she meant at the time, as I was quite happy with my group, who I had become good friends with, and been friends with for about 3 years at that stage. Her statement later revealed itself to be true - 3 out of the 4 friends in the group, I would consider no longer a friend - varying reasons as to why, but mainly because we were on different levels, because we’ve grown in different directions, or because of different friendship standards or selfishness. I don’t have time for BS anymore. I’m a bit less patient than I had perhaps been in the past - one big strike and you’re out. Once i’ve seen a side of your character that disagrees with my friendship morals/standards it’s rare I will give you much of my time. It’s not that I am not forgiving or understanding - I completely understand everyone is on their own journey and we are all making our way home in the best way we know how, so I definitely have compassion, I just don’t have time for it anymore and I don’t waste my time on BS. I could count the close friends I have on half a hand, and I am actually ok with that. I would rather have one meaningful friendship than a dozen meaningless, ‘surface’ friendships. Life is meaningful, but we have to actively seek meaning, and when we do, we find it’s quality over quantity. 
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thoughttrains · 7 years
Theres nothing more beautiful than someone who is unapologetically themselves. Who doesn't care for others opinions, or for life's trivialities. They accept, and progress. They don't dwell on events past; shortfalls or wins, these people understand what life is about - it is about riding life's metaphorical wave, crumbling with the cookie, and possessing the ability to piece themselves back together and making the tastiest, most delicious damn cookie that would even have Nigella drooling. These people have lived with themselves through life's storms and sunshine. They have felt what it feels to be low, and they know how invigorating life's euphoric highs can be. They know surrendering to their emotions is integral to progression. They identify the emotion, sit with the rawness of it all, acknowledge it, completely feeling it all before giving it a gentle push out of their space. These people don't judge themselves for feeling - after all, feelings are human emotions, and we are, well, human. It is ok to feel. It is SO very beneficial to feel. You don't have to identify with your emotions - a lot of our thoughts are ego-based, and reactions are based on emotion, which a lot of the time is repressed. Have you ever felt angry or sad for no reason at all? Or the smallest thing sets you on a downward spiral down the staircase to hell, burning everyone that gets in your way on the way down? Yeah, sure, it may be that your chakras aren't aligned, or the moon cycles are wreaking havoc on your emotions, but if you have some mouldy emotions buried deep down, these will be amplified or triggered by any chain of events. At the end of the day, you have the power within you to choose how you think, and how you respond to life's curve balls. Did you notice I didn't mention thoughts? I'll be the first to admit that thoughts are damn hard to control! Our true voices are diminished to whispers by our loud ego-dominant minds, competing for attention 24/7. No wonder we're all exhausted! It's hard to find that 'off' switch, but if you sit with yourself long enough, it is possible to decipher the ego from the true self. Remember, the ego wants suffering, pain, hate, judgement and safety. The true self wants true peace, happiness, love and doesn't care for safety or comfort - it thrives on change. Comfort is not where the magic happens; think of all those times you REALLY didn't want to do something, but pushed yourself and had the most amazing time and it was exactly what you needed but didn't know!? Life whispers to us in many ways, are you listening? Btw, the point of my story was how I love watching said people (which I am now aware does sound highly creepy, but totessoznotsoz) be unapologetically themselves, dancing in the rain, starry-eyed, like no one is watching. The glimmer of beauty, love and kindness in their eyes, the same glimmer that tells a story of hope. The twinkle in their eyes and the spring in their step, and the glee that's written all over their damn faces. Man, I love, love. #loveforthewin #diffusethehate #acceptance
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thoughttrains · 7 years
You wanna find out some personal shit?
1. Any scars?
2. Self harmed?
3. Crush?
4. Kissed anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
6. Someone you hate?
7. Best Friends?
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
9. What's your dream job?
10. Ever been in love?
11. Last time you cried?
12. Favorite color?
13. Height?
14. Birthday?
15. Eye color?
16. Hair color?
17. What do you love?
18. Obsession?
19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
20. Do you love someone?
21. Kiss or hug?
22. Nicknames people call you?
23. Favorite song?
24. Favorite band?
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
27. Something you would change about yourself?
28. Ever dated someone?
29. Worst mistake?
30. Watch the movie or read the book?
31. Ever had a heartbreak?
32. Favorite show?
33. Best day of your life?
34. Any talents?
35. Do you wish you could ever start over?
36. Any bad habits?
37. Ever had a near death experience?
38. Someone I can tell anything to?
39. Ever lost a loved one?
40. Do you believe in love?
41. Someone you hate/Dislike?
42. Are you okay?
43. Relationship status?
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thoughttrains · 7 years
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dreams (scipscales, flickr)
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thoughttrains · 7 years
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onights pondering consists of the search. The search we are all participating in. The search for something more. The search for inner peace. The search for our purpose in life. Search, seek, find, locate; whatever you preferred word of choice is, one thing is definate - the search is a hunger for something more. Something bigger. Something better. An insatiable lust for the unknown. We all seek the same unknown fantasy. How do you find something you if you dont know what youre looking for? Is it just an ‘a-ha’ moment and you suddenly realise all the pieces in your life fit together? Or do we have to make a conscious effort to continue on digging at the dusty corners of your mind for answers? Now I am no Albert Einstein or Oprah, but in my personal opinion, I think the search is for inner peace. To become completely at one and content with yourself so as nothing can disturb or interrupt your serene environment, metaphorically flowing through life like a waterfall, gently trickling over the edge of the rockface, unswayed and unaware of its destination. Is this where the 'secret’ to the search lies? To just flow like the waterfall, peaceful and oblivious? Some people may never find this “inner peace”. I believe those that do, however, make a conscious effort, every day, to pull out that coiled, bruised & beaten strength at the core of your very being and work towards finding their inner peace. Consciousness is the key. We need to practice the very things that lead us to inner peace. Each individual is different, what works for one person, may not work for another. I believe, personally, compassion, kindness, and acceptance are large contributors to inner peace. Accept and progress. Some people tie their own search to materialistic items, like that white picket fence house with the black BMW along with the prada heels, the bread winning hubby and the perfect children. Oh, dont forget the youthful skin (thanks to botox and a $400 creme-de-la-creme) and size 8 guess jeans. These people tie their happiness to a material world that could all be gone in a second. They are then stripped down to their bare self without the belongings that they thought shaped who they were & allowed to dictate their happiness and 'social status’ in their local community. The best people ive known dont care for belongings. Are you going to hug that university degree in its pine frame when youre 70? Are you going to worry about how you wish you had lost that extra 5kgs when you’re 80? Are you going to lose sleep (well, probably not when youre that age, but moving right along) over that negative comment that was made about you when you were 25? We all already know the answers. We all need to succeed in life in one way or another, but success is happiness. And here lies journey of life. The journey of the search. So, have fun, laugh, stay motivated, cry if you need to, dance in the rain, enjoy all of lifes little moments as they present themselves, and, in the famous words of trent from punchy, “just fuckin relax aye”.
“One day baby well be old, oh baby well be old, think of all the stories that we could have told..” ~*♡*~
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thoughttrains · 7 years
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thoughttrains · 7 years
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thoughttrains · 7 years
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thoughttrains · 7 years
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thoughttrains · 7 years
Sensitive. What does this word mean to you? Most people will associate this word with labels such as ‘weak’, ‘capricious’, ‘emotional’ and a host of other words in an attempt to put these people into a labeled, stereotyped box. I used to think this way also, until quite recently; the only difference is I am said sensitive person, and I am proud to declare I am a sensitive little soul. Sometimes we just want to be lost in blankets and sheets, curled up in foetal position hiding from the world and drinking chai all day long (coconut ice cream would also suffice). Sometimes I just want to be pet like an animal and told everything is going to be ok. But, for the most part, I am a happy-go-lucky, gentle soul that probably cares too much what others think and has way too many feels. The world is a tough place at the best of times. Sometimes it can feel like no-one cares about the world or anyone in it. Sometimes it can feel like a dog-eat-dog-world. Sometimes you feel beaten against this place we call home, and return home to the stars ASAP Rocky. But sometimes, I also see a shimmer of hope in the pool of humanity, like that stranger that walks past and flashes a cheesy smile to you, just because, or that shop assistant that wishes you a wonderful day, or even that person who lets you in on a busy motorway. These are our fellow sensitive souls. They know. They know how harsh the earth plane can be for us sensitives. They know what we have been through or what we might be going through, and choose to brighten someones day with a few kind words and small gestures. It is true, sensitive people are emotional beings, and I am learning to accept this as a beautiful thing. Yes, we feel. Isn’t that beautiful? Feelings, in a world that can be as cold as the antarctic, as dry as the sahara desert, and as unforgiving as the raging ocean. Our hearts have made it through all of these seasons, through the rocky terrain of life, and still beat for us. They are strong, badass motherfuckers, because you know what? To have feelings and empathy for others in a cruel world can sometimes be difficult, to put it mildly. Sometimes peoples hearts become frozen and numb, and their hearts whispers and screams go unheard, while some peoples hearts become muted, the operator becoming deaf to its wisdom. These are the people that need our empathy, our love, to unpick that lock that surrounds their patiently waiting hearts. So no, I don’t believe we are ‘weak’, We are courageous. We are strong. We are compassionate and we are kind, and together we can contribute to love and peace on this beautiful planet we call home. 
#love #empath #kindness #generosity #sensitivity #soul
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thoughttrains · 8 years
I have this dream, you see, of living in the mountains, where the only sound within earshot are birds, where i am alone with myself, my soul, my body, my mind. Where i can sit for hours in my overgrown garden, and sit with the wise, old grandfather tree with his long, twisted and wrinkled limbs and gnarled trunks, in all his imperfect beauty. Where i can go on an adventure in my own backyard. Where i can go down to my gushing creek and lay down in the water, and allow the water to cleanse and rejuvenate me. Where i can make meals from my own gardens. With NO pesticides. Where i can drink natural rainwater and not be forced into drinking poison. Where i can be right there, smack bang, in the middle of mother natures loving arms, making the smallest imprint on her as humanely possible, supporting her like she supports us. A girl can only dream right?!
PS I also want lots of beautiful flower gardens and crystals
PPS My ultimate dream to correlate with all of that blabber is to have my own skincare/health food business lines, in which mostly all herbs and ingredients come from who elses but my garden, where i would sell at the markets on the weekends and do my naturopathy day job during the week, probably part time so i could maintain my gardens. I would sell my skincare, ointments, oils, tablets etc also at my naturopathy clinic.
What a dream, right?
Just puttin’ it at there atcha universe!
Wink wink, nudge nudge 😉
Ciao for now, until the next urge to babble. Bai!
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thoughttrains · 8 years
Who are we?
Who are we, really? This is something I often ponder when I feel beaten against the harsh realities of the world and myself. Why do we do the things we do? Why are we so far from where we were and where we should be? How did we get here? So many questions, so little time to find the answers.
For thousands of years, there has always been ‘rulers’, people of power, creating a false sense of security for the ‘inferiors’ and a feeling of superiority for the person/people in power. Power, fame and money is what seems to have gotten the world into the state it is currently in, and has been for a long time. Peoples egos are hungry; once they taste the sweetness of power, they become like a starving African child who has never tasted the sweetness of the fruit that now dangles in front of their faces, and will do anything to stuff themselves with as much food as possible. The ego; the coward who hides in the corners of your mind, who BECOMES your mind, if you let it. Most of our ‘purity’ is already tainted before we even leave our mothers wombs - our mothers (whom most don’t know any better) take fluoride tablets while they are pregnant with us so we can grow ‘strong and healthy’. They drink chemically altered, fluoridated water, which the government claims is to ‘purify’ it. That point right there is significant - the government is smart; they know the most precious human resource that is readily available all over most developed countries, the one thing people NEED to SURVIVE, even more so than food, is water. Fluoride was used by Nazi’s in concentration camps in WW2, as a tool for mass mind control. Do you really think Nazi’s cared about the strength or quality of their prisoners teeth? I don’t think so.
Our governments have developed numerous mind altering & controlling technologies that are truly affecting the human race. For example, the introduction of wifi technology is a controversial topic that has sparked various debates about its impact, positive or negative. Wifi is just another technology advance that has made our lives easier in an ever busy world - we can all see its positive impact. But shouldn’t we all have the time to do the things we need to do and not be so rushed and stressed all the time? We spend about 80% of our lives working - 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Then we have to find time to maintain our houses, lives and souls. I can only imagine how a working parent would feel. Just sayin’. Back to the point - wifi has also been shown to affect cell growth, reduces brain activity and thus is damaging to child development. What about the chemicals in our food? We are feeding ourselves and our famiiies chemicals that are used for industrial purposes, that clearly we would not and should not eat, yet the marketing, use of words and packaging claims make us feel that sense of security. Don’t even get me started on the government approved ‘health’ tick - theres another false sense of security - we think it is safe because the government is here to look out for us, they have our best interest at heart. No, their interest is money and control (power). Did toy know petroleum is used in making imitation vanilla essence? We are putting into our bodies and our childrens bodies the same substance we put in our cars and trucks! I could go on about countless other subjects of concern, but i’ll stop at that.
So, I hear you ask, other than government control, why would they do this? Why do they want to control us? And the short answer is, MONEY! Why do you think diseases such as cancers and the like have increased so much? These diseases were never around before the introduction of aforementioned control. What do you think diseases and illness creates? MONEY! Cancer is a billion dollar industry. This is going out on a limb here, but science is SO advanced that they should have been able to find a cure for cancer by now. Why haven’t they? Its an extremely lucrative industry and the government will lose millions. Same goes for doctors - they are salesman, not doctors. We go in with an illness and they fill out a prescription and send you on your merry way, without questioning why the particular ailment occurred in the first place or even drilling down to the core. They only touch the surface - the old bandaid approach. Don’t get me wrong, doctors are helpful in many ways, where nature can’t heal. But I believe we should be looking at natural alternatives first. Our natural world has everything we need to maintain our health and prevent these illnesses. Did you know doctors training courses are funded by the pharmaceutical industries? Pharmaceuticals are another method of control, but lets leave it at that today. I strongly suggest watching a documentary on the pharmaceutical industry. It will open your eyes. I won’t even mention vaccines.
So really, early on, we have no chance of realising our true self - our soul - with all of this mind numbing, control that is happening around us, our egos unfortunately preside over our true self and take front row seats. Commercials defining what ‘beauty’ is and how to ‘attain’ it via the use of that particular companies various products (also mostly full of chemicals) are forced down our throats, making us feel inadequate and unfulfilled. I still, at times, battle with my ego (doesn’t help i’m a Leo) at times, and sometimes its a battle to shut it up, but as Eckhart Tolle put it - You are the soul that realises that there are 2 seperate entities - yourself and your ego. I try not to see peoples ‘face value’, rather their souls, excitement, passion, love and all of the other non materialistic things that make a person beautiful. What will we have when we are older? What attitude will we take into our next life? Pride, ego and insecurities? It’s quite sad that most of us don’t see the things that really matter in life until we’re senile and being aesthetically ‘beautiful’ doesn’t matter anymore, and never did. Its saddening to know that people will look back on life and realise they missed out on so much being preoccupied with all of these insignificant things that never really mattered.
I’ve bashed the keyboard enough today with todays ‘thought train’. but I will leave you with one final sentence of truth - you are ALL beautiful, find and rediscover that beauty you felt as a child before society got to your head.
SO much love to you all
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