thoughtumn · 9 months
Thoughts with Autumn
hello, world!
in celebration of my friend Matt's birthday, today we will be writing a blog post. As a self proclaimed connoisseur of connoisseur-ing- I have decided that this holiday be best celebrated by harshly and brutally judging the birthday man himself! So, here is the *definitive* list of ratings of ma.tt blog posts with brief explanations. enjoy!
We can go right ahead and start with Matt’s “Birthday Gift” blog post announcement itself. This post … I have mixed feelings about. It starts incredibly strong- two banger lines one after the other, the second being, ‘WHAT DO YOU GET THE GUY WHO HAS EVERYTHING?’ Like that’s a serve! But then as the reader continues... it’s just not that saucy… to no real fault of its own other than the simple nature of any 'announcement' type blog post. So I’m gonna rate this blog post 2/5. It’s fine. Low stakes. Got the job done. ⭐️⭐️
"Books 2020-2023." I like this post. I daresay I do. It’s short, it’s directly to the point. Matt admits his failings, lagging the last few years. It’s vulnerable. It’s two sentences. Right to business. Then we get the chronological list with links. No fluff. No “reviews.” Some bolded for emphasis. clean. smart. simple. easy. breezy. beautiful. covergirl. My only note on this post is I do think I would’ve appreciated some other notation for genre. ie. an asterisk for fiction, you know what I mean. But I respect this post. 4/5 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"What’s in My Bag, 2023." This was the blog post that first got me invested in this whole Matt blogging thing. I didn’t really know people blogged to be honest. In the day of super long captions on ig, twitter etc, … the blog … seemed like a fantastical art piece of legend. Not to repeat myself too much w/r/t the “Books 2020-2023” blog review, it’s clear that Matt’s style shines in list format. Something that spoke to me in this piece was the honesty- I genuinely believed that this all was in this mfrs bag. Like yeah. He’s got a heavy bag. Probably has back problems. This bag is simply too full. I got lost in the sauce a little with this post- scrolling down this journey of things I just never will get and never will seriously consider getting, but for one fleeting moment, imagining a life with. Fantasizing about having 3 phones with each associated slew of accessories. There were a few jokes that made me laugh out loud in this one. 4/5 only note is I think could have been minorly edited for brevity//a little slicing could make the whole piece more impactful. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Sunbird Security Isn’t Nothing." This is a very strong post. Explains simply for plebs like myself- educational for all levels of understanding- without lacking the classic Matt charm. Good use of the word “bamboozled.” Good use of directly weaponizing the reader @ apple. My only roast of this post is dude, get off Tim Cook’s dick. 4/5. good post. That last star I reserve for being truly jazzed so no hard feelings. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Text Joins Automattic." Another educational piece for the normie - for that I bitterly thank. Not too much to review. Good clean blog. smart. 3/5. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Wowza!" Bonus point in here for the mom name drop, cute, wholesome. “I feel like every cell in my body is charged,” lol ok relax… is he turning 40 this year or 140? But adds to the charm of this post. I like this blog a lot. Very genuine, very feel good, I love to feel the awe that Matt feels recounting this experience. This is what reminds me what the whole blog thing is about! Nice ! 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Cost of Spam." I’m rating this terrible to no fault of matt's but that I simply don’t know enough in my regular life to have any idea what’s going on here. Something about twitter bots I guess. But yeah sorry 1/5 because of user error (Reader dumbness) ⭐️
"Do the work." Ok Aristotle. Like ok!!! This one is fun. Like are those the only 2 ways? A government or a boat? What about like making a souffle, with preparation and then prayer? What about like running a marathon, with pain and suffering and perseverance? Both can be successful too. I liked this blog because there’s room for further speculation and introspection. 4/5. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Preserving Harvard’s Blogging History." Immediate 1 star because ew Harvard. Just kidding. But 1 star because no spice, no pizazz. In the epic words of Miss Britney Spears, “gimme more.” 1/5 ⭐️
"Houston, we have a solution." I wouldn’t regularly review this one because I wouldn’t classify it as a legit “post” more so a caption for a separate piece of media, but the title made me stop and chuckle so honorable mention here. 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"I love WordCamps!" Back to regularly scheduled charm. Well written, well explained. Good chronological exposition. 3/5, 1 point docked because I was jealous I didn’t get to go to word camp. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Thirty-Nine." Closing off this blog with Matt’s 2023 edition of what started all this. Gonna roast the hell out of this one because, it’s the last one and also, because I can! Also, Matt asked for a blog so I’m gonna blog! This post, despite its intended personality, felt impersonal to me. Now that I’ve deeply immersed myself in Matt’s blogging history, I feel like I’ve come to expect a certain candor and closeness in his language and phasing that I’m not quite getting in this freshly 39 year old Matt. Good ref to the Foundation series. Way to flex the milli donation. Big baller shit. But wait I’m scrolling down… “All birthday posts:….” Oh my….. ok so I guess for Matt’s birthday next year I’m gonna have to review every one of his birthday posts. Or maybe I’ll do that for my birthday just for fun. 4/5, added a star because of the links to other years and I’m impressed with the consistency that Matt’s been blogging. Jeez Louise! 22 birthday posts. shooweee. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Happy birthday Matt! I’m bummed to not be in sf to celebrate this week but hope to do so asap! Capricorn legend. I’m inspired to blog now. “Thoughtumn” will live on thanks to you. 
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