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Old but still one of my fave memes
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you were named after two of the bravest people I ever knew
Shakira Shakira
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every year around christmas me and my grandma play this fun family game called “maybe you want to put jesus in your room instead, sweetie? :)”. now, it’s important to note that the jesus referred to in our game is not actually the real jesus christ, but instead a wooden figure i made in 2011 that has an uncanny resemblance to the lord and savior himself
so what happens is that i place jesus in our living room, and my grandma smiles and asks me if i don’t want to decorate my room with him instead. i ask her in return if she thinks my jesus figure is ugly (which he is), but she reassures me that this is not the case. however, a couple of days later jesus mysteriously disappears from our living room, and appear in my room instead
now, the real jesus christ might have been able to perform a miracle like this, but please remember that the jesus in our story is only a figure made out of wood. he can not move on his own, so i think we can safely say that my grandma is the prime suspect here
the first year i would often confront my grandma about this, but she would always make up an excuse and never straight up tell me she moved him because he’s so ugly it’s an embarrassment to the family
eventually i grew tired of her lies, so now we only move jesus around in silence. one second he’s in the living room, the next he’s back in my room. in a way i think this adds an extra element of excitement to the holiday season, because you never know for sure when jesus is going to be moved again
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how do people get yelled at without crying i dont understand
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Reblog if you have used dude as a non gender specific term.
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it haunts me everyday that people pass me in the street and assume im straight
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this is the best thing I’ve ever seen on twitter
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PLEASE READ. WILL NOT HURT TO AND FORWARD. Kids are putting Drano, tin foil, and a little water in plastic drink bottles and capping it up - leaving it on lawns, in mail boxes, in gardens, on driveways etc. just waiting for you to pick it up intending to put it in the rubbish, but you’ll never make it!!!
If the bottle is picked up, and the bottle is shaken even just a little - in about 30 seconds or less it builds up enough gas which then explodes with enough force to remove some your extremities. The liquid that comes out is boiling hot as well. Don’t pick up any plastic bottles that may be lying in your yards or in the gutter, etc. Pay attention to this. A plastic bottle with a cap. A little Drano. A little water. A small piece of foil. Disturb it by moving it; and BOOM!! No fingers left and other serious effects to your face, eyes, etc. Please ensure that everyone that may not have email access are also informed of this. 
Snopes confirms.
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Friendship Week continues! Reblog this and Elmo will point to your name, so you can tell the world that Elmo loves you!
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friendly reminder that making Wanda Maximoff Hydra is disgusting as she is both Jewish and Romani.
We get it, Marvel, you hate Jews and Romani. Thanks for rubbing it in our faces.
Would appreciate goyim reblogging this. 
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miley cyrus had her fun of being black for awhile now shes settling back in as a white tennessee lovin country gal ready to to hit the cattle and chew on some hay
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Whom else in here is gay and refuses to have healthy habbits
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yall are so blissfully unaware that this whole “treat other people the way you wanna be treated uwu” in reference to how i treat my oppressors doesnt actually fucking do anything
im not going to fucking be nice to transphobes in the hopes that my unrelenting kindness will make them come to the realization that wow u guys the transgenders r people just like us!!! and they wont, in fact, exploit my vulnerability to further their abuse and bigotry
this isn’t fucking recess if i turn the other cheek im going to get slapped again
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i’m terrified of sounding mean on the internet so i always add too many exclamation marks and smiley faces but i think it makes me sound like a primary school teacher
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