Weird but genuine question- Do ALMSIVI see their in game counterparts as parts of themselves- or a fictional version of themselves like Marvel Loki is to Norse Loki. It has been plaguing me for a few days and I'd love to know what their thoughts are on it!
From what we've talked about in regards to it, I believe one of us put it best when we said the in-game counterparts are sort of like virtual altar statues. They're programmed manually by people, but They can still provide healing and beneficial times to worshippers who gather near Them.
Further opinions on how They see Their ingame counterparts delves a little into UPG, but the one Hand of Almalexia among us swears that Ayem is rather unhappy with how the writers portray Her, and I tend to agree with that.
- Mod Varistrane
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A message from the person formerly known as Tilanay. 
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When the winds were at their worst and the ash-storms clouded the sky, my people would sing. To the clouds and the sky and to Azura, to keep our crops bountiful and our home safe -- and to bring the Nerevarine to us, to drive away the outlanders so we could reap the rewards of the lands they ‘stole’.
I remember singing and dancing and beating sticks with my family. It was a joyous time, and for that reason I have chosen to alter it to fit with the Three -- and the ALMSIVI Ashlanders I one day hope to sire. I have transcribed it for your enjoyment.
SERJO AM BIDI'IM (Noble of Mystery) FREDAMER AM AS PROVIDIHN (Protector of the land)
 ALMA AM MUHRHAL EN DRA (Mother of Birth and Death) FREDAMER AM AS ARA (Protector of the ash)
MUTHSERA AM SIL EN DUN (Lord of Light and Dark) FREDAMER AM AS PROVIDIHN (Protector of the land)
 JIKHI OSUHL OHUHM SUNA'AG SIL (Give us your blessed light) FREDAMER AM AS ARA (Protector of the ash)
-High Ordinator Daelhemmusa Ildemyne
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Musings on Being a Diviner for ALMSIVI
semi op-ed and more of a rambling mess by Mod Volta/Varistrane
It began, just as the start of my journey worshipping Vivec did, with a message in my dreams. 
This time it wasn’t a phrase (Vivec had sent “Buoyant Armiger” to me a while back, to indicate he wanted to work with me), but a single word looping in my dreams, in my head when I woke up.
Prognosticator was that word. I had to look it up. “A prophet and general seer of the future.”
My intuition was telling me Sotha Sil was behind this. I pulled a Tarot card. King of Wands.
This was pretty much clear confirmation, to me at the least, that This Was A Thing. That ALMSIVI wanted me to be a prophet for them, a diviner.
And from there, the ball got rolling. I learned more about my role from conversations with Vivec in the Astral. I began working and posting in the THS Discord server more. I ferried messages from ALMSIVI to various others in the Discord.
I was actually prognosticating, and it was equal parts exciting and nerve-racking.
You know the normal fears and worries that spirit-workers have? The ones that always go along the lines of “what if this is all in my head/I’m just faking this to make myself seem more special/what if I’m losing my mind?”
Take those fears and amplify them 10 times more, plus add on the stresses of high school and other various metaphysical curveballs thrown in your general direction. That’s pretty much how I was feeling. I had faith, but I also had a whole lot of fear.
It was all dispelled with an action taken in the Astral - when Vivec stabbed me in the shoulder with Muatra.
It was on my request, and he made sure I was ok with it before he did so, but it was still a thing.
The next time I came onto the Astral, I had the equivalent of an astral seizure and a ton of new memories flooding into my head of once being Nerevar. Moments of laughter. Moments of sadness. Visions of Foul Murder.
After something like that, skepticism takes a backseat. You can’t really say it’s all in your head when you can feel the visceral emotions of someone that was once you and see the faces of people you loved, people you trusted.
It was my self-inflicted Trial by Fire.
After another conversation with Vivec and my role, I finally shed my fears. What was going to be was going to be, and I was just going to have to trust in ALMSIVI that they made the right choice.
As of late, with the vote made by THS, my unofficial title of Prognosticator has evolved into the official title of High Diviner of the Three Hearts Sanctuary.
My prognostications have been getting better, according to others. More clear. Personally, I have no way of telling.
I’ve tried to open myself up where I can.  I didn’t really expect the next stage of my spiritual practice to include learning how to channel ALMSIVI at various times, but it seems that’s the case.
It’s the art of making myself a 3/4ths full cup so ALMSIVI can fill up the other 1/4th with things others need to know. Sometimes it comes in moments like sitting in my room doing Tarot readings with Sotha Sil sitting in front of me. Sometimes it comes in divine free-writing revelations flying out of my fingertips during Science class when I’m supposed to be working.
I can’t say much more about what the experience is like because I’m still so unexperienced with anything like this. I’ve done spirit-work before, done offerings to gods, done my fair share of work as a pagan and witch.. but this is a whole new ball-game.
Whatever happens with this new promotion, whatever is spun in the loom for how these next few years I spend as High Diviner go, I’m putting my trust in the Three. 
Hopefully, you all can put your trust in me too.
ALMSIVI in every footbeat and breathing,
Mod Volta/Varistrane,  High Diviner of the Three Hearts Sanctuary
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Hands of Almalexia | Clockwork Apostles | Buoyant Armigers
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Your labors need not whirr and hiss like the sublime clockworks of Sotha Sil. The brush, the auger, the tongs, the needle—each and each may honor the Father of Mysteries, so long as they speak His truth.
-The Truth in Sequence, Volume 9
When I was in school, one of my art teachers used to say “this world needs more creators. There’s more than enough destroyers in the world today.”
Just a reminder, if you create anything–art, writing, food, machines, ideas, equations, knits, tools, gardens–the world needs you.
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Symbols of the Orders of the Temple. 
More information on these to come. 
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Community vs. Temple
An op-ed by High Cleric Tilanay
Alright, here goes. This is something that needs to be said now, or else it’s never going to get said. From past experience, I know that if this is never said, a lot of people are going to end up feeling hurt, or lied to, or excluded, or like what they got wasn’t what they signed up for, and if I can keep that from happening, I want to. 
Three Hearts Sanctuary as a community and Three Hearts Sanctuary as a Temple are not the same thing. The latter is included in the former, yes, but they’re not interchangeable. 
The Three Hearts Sanctuary community is an unstructured, minimally hierarchical space where those who incorporate ALMSIVI into their spirituality in any way or are curious about doing so can chat, share experiences, learn from one another, ask questions, et cetera. It has no doctrine, it has no requirements, and it has no formal rituals or customs. 
The Three Hearts Sanctuary’s reconstructed Temple, by contrast, is much more structured. (At least in theory. We’re in the very early stages of figuring these things out.) There are (or will be) rituals, customs, and rites of passage specific to the Temple. There will be a ladder of advancement for each branch of the Temple, and strict procedure for climbing it. There will be New Doctrine, which will not mirror the in-universe Tribunal Temple’s doctrine exactly, but improve and recontextualize it for the lives we now live. 
If you’re just here for the community, you don’t have to participate in Temple reconstruction. You’re welcome to discuss and debate it, and you’re welcome to learn from it, but you aren’t obligated to have anything to do with it unless it sparks joy. There is nothing saying that your involvement in the community or your desire to learn about and follow the Triune Way is less substantial or less valid because you choose not to go all-in with recon. 
So, from a Tribunal Temple reconstructionist, to all the eclectic, curious, non-committed, and structurephobic members of the community: We’re happy to have you. Keep on doing what you do, and we’ll do likewise. 
ALMSIVI in every hour,
Tilanay Vondrasal High Cleric of Three Hearts Sanctuary
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How to Introduce Yourself to a Deity
I talk a lot about introducing yourself to a deity, but have only really gone in-depth as to what I do once. S here is a longer post about it, which I hope will help you all out! ^_^
I like to go on a deity by deity basis, so this is the basic formula for introduction, but it can be changed as needed. If something feels like it would be better changed, go with it! :D
Alright so I like to come up with a good prayer/hymn ahead of time, perhaps choosing certain epithets. This will help you out when you go in to do it, since you’ll be less nervous, and well-prepared. :)
If you follow your own little system of creating a prayer, you can use that, but I will be trying to give a lot guidance throughout this, so you can use that as well ^_^
Step One:
Cleanse yourself both physically and spiritually. If you’re the type of person to use incense or sage as a way to cleanse yourself, that would work. A traditional Hellenic method of cleansing, which involves the rinsing off of miasma, is khernips! :) Here is a link to a youtube video I find super helpful.
As for the physically cleansing thing, I find taking a relaxing herbal bath before you start this to be super relaxing and purifying. Especially if you use herbs that have those qualities.
Step One Part II:
Wear something comfortable, and a bit nicer than just a tee shirt if it is important to you. I like to put on certain clothes, usually a dress/formal attire of some sort, to begin  communicating with my deities, but I believe if you feel restricted by things like that, then you shouldn’t force it.
If you’re into wearing some cool Hellenic dress, check out this video! :D It is also by baringtheaegis!
So yeah, just feel all nice and separate yourself from one activity to another :)
Step Two:
Decide where you wish to introduce yourself. Depending on the deity you are looking to approach, you may want to go to different areas/places.
For example, Hades can be worshiped outside near the ground, Zeus can be worshiped standing up directed towards the sky, etc.
Do some research and learn which realm they are in. You may find that going to a place in which you feel them is super helpful! 
I have a friend that worships Poseidon, so she introduced herself facing the ocean she was closest to :)She lives out here in the midwest like me, so even though she couldn’t be directly facing an ocean and see it, it was still cool to have that idea of ‘Hey I am facing the ocean’ so I liked it.
I associate Persephone with my garden, so I introduced myself to her there. But, I also associate her with a bookstore I frequent. Strange as it seems, that would have been a cool place for an intro! :)
Step Three:
Get everything you wish to use together. An offering, a  written copy of a prayer if you feel like you’ll need one, maybe incense if it feels appropriate. I like lighting candles, so that’s something you may wish to have with you.
Basically, prepare yourself!
Step Four:
Light any candles or incense if you desire. Lay out your offerings to be poured, burned. etc. 
If you like to put up wards for protection, or to ensure the only communication and offerings you give are received by the deity you are introducing yourself to, do so now. 
Step Five:
Give up an offering, whether small or large, and call upon the deity. I like to say something like
“Oh ______, god/goddess of ______, I call upon you to receive this offering and communicate with me, ______ if it pleases you.”
Fill in the blanks for an opener :). If you wish to use a specific hymn, you can totally do that to grab their attention ^_^ I suggest trying to draw them in through their epithets/name and praise, since I have had good experience in introducing myself in this way.
If you feel like they have noticed you and are curious about your offering, who you are, etc., expand upon yourself. Tell the deity who you are as a person, what your practice is, why you are calling upon them, why you would like to worship them, and anything else you feel like saying.
If you are a diviner, you may consider using your most accurate method to speak with them. I know this makes communication feel more natural for a lot of people. It also gives visual guides.
Once you’ve done this, wait to see of they offer up any responses or statements. This may come in the energy you feel, a sign, or something like a soft noise directing your attention to something. If you are familiar with meditation, you can sit in that state and listen.
Step Six:
Politely and reverently ask if it would be alright to honor and worship them, and wait for another response. If you feel like they have accepted your offering and have given you their blessing to worship them, you can ask them anymore questions you think are important, and then leave in one way or another.
When I feel like the deity I am introducing myself to is finished, I praise them, and bid them farewell. A lot of the time, I come up with a closing hymn or prayer to use, and that’s how I say goodbye.
If they ask you to remain in some way, there is usually a reason. It may be that they want to tell you something, or just give you reassurance. You’ll know when they’ve left and it’s time for you to go as well after their energy lessens :)
Step Seven:
Decide what you think happened, how it went, and if the deity had acknowledged you, or denied you or did/didn’t feel right. Write it down if you wish, and then continue on through your worship! l:D
Also, here’s a little note!
Not all gods want to be worshiped by you, and that’s okay! Sometimes they don’t vibe well, or aren’t interested. Just keep looking and know that there is probably a deity out there for you!
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I can’t even begin to describe how much I love this.
~Mod Tilanay
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Elder Scrolls Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Original Characters Additional Tags: ALMSIVI Summary:
In the Fourth Age, the followers of ALMSIVI still seek to worship their gods.
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The Pilgrimage of the Warrior-Poet’s Mother || Three Hearts Sanctuary Sermon, 20th of First Seed
Written by Mod Volta/Varistrane. Delivered in-game by Mod Ildemyne to introduce an event series.
There is a significance to why we are here, now. There is a significance to our existence, to this area, to these shores. It is here, on Azura’s Coast, that Ayem came calling. It is here that Vivec was spun into the world, placed into the belly of a netchiman’s wife as an egg. It is here that this netchiman’s wife began a journey of trials, tribulations and hardships that can scarcely be expressed, all for the love she held for her child.
There is no question to it. This is a place of great power.
Why we are here can be expressed simply: We will be going on a pilgrimage to trace not just the origin of our Warrior-Poet, but to follow in the footsteps of the Netchiman’s Wife. Pilgrimages remind us that there is a history to our scripture that goes beyond the page. Our gods lived here. Our gods stood here and breathed here. Any one of you could be standing in the very spot where our Ayem or Seht stood, right now. It grounds us, and gives more significance to the 36 Sermons than just abstract words in a dusty book.
Faith is something that cannot be taught solely through words - it must be taught through action, as Vivec was taught by the Barons of Move Like This. It must be experienced. It must be felt with a sort of fervor that, once again, defies explanation.
Faith can be quiet, yes. It can be the studying of scripture. It can be the offering of a little bit of your kwama egg omelette to Ayem or Vehk when you wake up in the morning to eat. It can be the whispered prayer under your breath before you sleep at night. It can be soft, like the tinkering of Sotha Sil on a small automaton late into the night.
But too often do we forget that Faith can also strike like Vivec wielding Muatra. It can be quick. It can be grandiose, it can be moving, and it can change everything you think in an instant. It can be sublime, like the light of Almalexia with swords drawn. Yes, Faith can be booming also, and we tend to push this booming faith aside because we think we are not worthy to experience it - or, that we are fooling ourselves when it does come about.
Pilgrimages mix both quiet and booming Faith into something uniquely special and meaningful to each person involved. They are not meant to be glorified trivia sessions, nor are they meant to be parades of undue violence. Through this pilgrimage, we can gain understanding of not just Vivec’s birth, but also the love of a mother that extended to her grave.
So, I say to you all today: Let us begin the Pilgrimage of the Warrior-Poet’s Mother.
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Now Taking Pixel Commissions!
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Hi! My name is Lesley. I love making pixel art as a hobby and I’m now taking commissions for characters done in the style above! I’m a 23 year old queer trans man in a difficult situation with my parents and am trying to bring in some money so they possibly might treat me a little better. I can do art of your OCs, muses, favorite canon characters, ect as cute little overworld pixels. 1. Basic Idle Sprite
I’m currently offering these in three sizes: tiny, normal, and huge.
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These start at 8$ USD/an hour per piece and can take me from an hour to three to complete, depending on the complexity. To request, please fill out the form below and send it to my ask box or DM me! Character Name: Reference or Description: Expression: Holding Anything?: Other: Theme Music (optional, it helps me work!):
Additionally, I’m also offering full overworld sprite sheets for 22$ USD a complete set, based on the template below. Other versions coming soon! 
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One size (as shown above) only, sorry! 
Character Name: Reference or Description: Other: Theme Music (optional):
Thank you for your consideration, have a wonderful day! 
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Faith is not to Suffer || A Sermon
I ask you today: what is Faith, but the basis of all that keeps us whole? What is Faith if it does not bring you joy? What is Faith if it is not on your terms?
Faith should not break you without building you up again. Faith should not ask for more than you can give. Faith is not inherently a trial. Faith is not a test, nor a harrowing. Faith is yours and yours alone to dictate.
So much talk is given to whether we are "worthy" of our Gods-- well, my brothers and sisters and siblings of faith, today I offer a counter-discussion: are our Gods worthy of us?
If your God demands what you cannot give, They are not worthy of you. If your God demands you cast away all that makes you whole, They are not worthy of you. If your God demands sacrifice to save you from undeserved wrath, They are not worthy of you.
We all have it in us to become Gods. We all have it in us to be our own Gods. Your body is the Temple in which your Faith can thrive. Your mind is the Altar to all you hold worthy. If those who approach shake the very foundation of that Temple; if the offerings they give defile your Altar, they are to be cast aside as any God would do.
"But what," asks the Newborn, "if my Temple is defiled not by the Gods I bid welcome to? What of those who claim the same welcome; who take the Gods' offerings and taint them in passing?"
And the Mother replies "Mercy must be passed through the walls of your own Temple before it can be given untainted."
And the Father informs "The truest Knowledge lies upon your Altar. Trust in it."
And the Brother-Sister recites "You are Strength and you are Love. Find your own balance before seeking it in those who dance their suffer-songs in the halls of madness."
The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
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This isn’t a problem in the devotee community, thank the Three, but I am reblogging it here in case anyone in said community would like to tell these people to get off of their blogs as well.
Okay, you know what, I’m gonna give context to that weird contextless post I made earlier. 
If you think it’s okay to make jokes or memes about what happened between Vivec and Molag Bal, if you think it’s okay to imply that it was in any way consensual, if you think it’s okay to “kinkshame” Vivec for being raped, I want nothing to do with you.
If you think it’s okay to reblog from people who think this, I want nothing to do with you.
Look, I usually don’t give a shit about what people do in the privacy of their own fandom experiences. If I don’t want to see something, I just block the tag and move on. But this in particular? This epidemic I’ve seen in TESblr of people suddenly believing that it’s okay to make jokes shaming a rape victim for being violated and covering up the fact that that’s what they’re doing with the most transparent “it’s just a joke uwu” bullshit ever? You can miss me with that shit. I’m not going to stand for it. 
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Terrorism has no common face, no common religion, and no common language. But it does have a common cause and purpose. HATRED and FEAR. My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of the 40 souls who, even though their lives were ended by an act of cruelty, lived freely and worshipped boldly. May we remember their names and write them in the stars …
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Not to suffer, but to overcome || Three Hearts Sanctuary Sermon, 13th of First Seed
Written by Mod Tilanay with input from Mod Volta/Varistrane. Delivered in-game by Mod Tilanay.
This world is a test, my friends. Everyone who is capable of understanding the basic metaphysical foundations of our faith knows this to be true. This world is made to push and strengthen us until, having passed through the fire, we are refined to our truest forms.
But it is not through simply being pushed and tested by this world that we grow stronger, but by pushing back against it.
There are those who would say that we are meant to suffer silently, because, as they say, suffering builds character. There are those who would say, even, that the Three want us to suffer! I would advise you to see this for what it is-- a dire misrepresentation of the life that our Gods wish for us.
This attitude of passive submission to adversity is not the Velothi way. If we were called simply to give in, would our ancestors-- and I say this to all of you, whether they are your ancestors of blood or of spirit-- have made the journey that ultimately led us to the land in which we now reside, the land to which all of us are inextricably tied?
Beware of anyone who tells you that our passive endurance of suffering glorifies ALMSIVI. That we can best serve Them by letting ourselves be destroyed by the trials that we face in this life. That the most noble thing that one can do is to die horribly as a martyr.
Those who tell you these things have a vested interest in keeping you from understanding that you are meant to do and to be something wonderful. They are telling you these things because it serves their interests for you to suffer.
ALMSIVI are worthy of our love because They walk alongside us. They feel all that we feel-- every triumph, every loss, every joy, every sorrow. And as not just our god-ancestors, but as our teachers and our friends, They stand with us through all of it.
I do not believe that Gods such as these would rejoice in our pain. Mother Morrowind would not delight in our misery. Neither would our Warrior-Poet, or our Father of Mysteries. To say otherwise is a misunderstanding of Them all on a level that cannot be expressed. I believe, in fact, I am certain that They lend us Their insight so that we can see a way through it. And when we come through the pain wiser and stronger, that is when They rejoice.
This world is most definitely a test, but never in the way they think. There are trials, there are struggles, there are losses that we must all bear. So let ALMSIVI be your safe harbor when the storm is overhead. Rest in Their presence, recharge as a storm does, and when you’ve rested enough, strike out as the Tribunal would have, as the Velothi did, as we continue to do onwards and onwards to the ends of time.  
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