threexleafxclover · 3 years
ur glasses look nice on u, my dude :)
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Ah, really? I can’t say I agree... Honestly, I only wear them out of necessity.
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threexleafxclover · 3 years
how come you were "supposed to be" the shsl lucky student? things like luck can't just change like that, can they?
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  haha... I guess some wishes do come true.
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threexleafxclover · 3 years
Can I have a hug :)
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If you’d like to, anon… Though I’m not sure why you’d want to hug someone like me...
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threexleafxclover · 3 years
what do you believe makes a human soul?
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Sometime ago, I would have talked about how it’s made up of talent and hope, right? But nowadays I think it’s mostly the latter. That will to help others, and that greater good, is the most powerful force of all. That is the true core of the soul. ...Though in this world, most people don’t live up to that hope… and instead fall into a much deeper, darker despair. It’s pitiful, isn’t it?
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threexleafxclover · 3 years
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Wow, my first non “anon” ask! It’s nice to see that there’s actual people still out there...  But... are you okay? You sound like you’re pretty out of it... -------------------------------------------------------
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threexleafxclover · 3 years
hey komaeman whats up my guy. whats your thoughts on babies? are they precious? do you want to punt them into space?
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Children, huh…I guess I don’t mind them that much. I haven’t seen one in forever, though, or anybody else really.
If I had to choose one of the options you gave, I'd say they’re “precious,” or even “hopeful”! We never know what they could grow up to be like! They might end up even changing the world… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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threexleafxclover · 3 years
“… Um… Hello?”
The voice rang through the emptiness, reverberating as far as the eye could see.
“Is anybody there?”
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The light had come on, he’d thought. The fans had started running. The room practically rumbled under the computer's weight. The screen was flickering, yet nobody spoke a word. “Ah, so… there really is nobody then…" ||
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------- That’s fine! I’d asked months ago, but nobody replied… Haha, I even deleted the post!” I’m probably just wasting my time… Nobody ever wants to talk to me.”||
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------- “But just in case... If anybody is really out there… I’d like to know.”
“There’s only so long I can be alone with my thoughts.”
“Oh, and if you’re wondering my name…”
“It isn’t important.”
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And then, he was swallowed by dust.
-Nagito Komaeda (?) Is Now Accepting Questions!-
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