What is your type?
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Eve growled under her breath, “I am unsure if this is an insult or not...”
Tagged by: No one
Tagging: @tospititontheon​, @krakenofthedeepsea​
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                               ❛❛ S..shut up... ❜❜ He forces out, voice becoming weak as the overwhelming urge to break pushes forward. He can feel his grip over the body waning, panic seizing his heart as he claws and scratches for control. It feels like he’s dying. He’s dying. 
                               His knees feel like they’re going to give out, hands clenching into harsh fists, hot angry tears flooding down his cheeks. Stop. Stop it! He doesn’t want this! He doesn’t want to break down like this! He can’t afford to! If she’s in here, then someone else might get in! He needs to get away, he needs to run, but where is he going to run to? This was the only truly safe space he felt he had left and Eve was able to just waltz right in! 
                               Crown Clown’s hands lift, parting the cape to cover his ears. Stop. Stop, God please, just stop. He’s not sure whose even in control anymore. Are either of them? Have they both completely lost control? Whose tears are these? The Noah sinks down into a crouch, head between his knees, trying to make himself small enough to just disappear. 
                               Don’t look at him, he doesn’t want to be perceived, he just wants to feel safe again. Gold and silver eyes fogged up too much with tears to see, not even able to make out whats their boots and whats the floor beneath them. He wants to cling to his rage, but he can’t find it. He can’t find anything. He’s truly lost. Whose trembling? Is it him? Is he trembling? Or is it Allen? He doesn’t know anymore. He doesn’t know, dammit! 
                                A sob rips its self from their chest, eyes screwing shut as they fall deeper into their panic. Crown Clown wrapping around their shoulders, trying to comfort it’s accommodator, so painfully confused about it’s host’s state. It doesn’t understand. It doesn’t know what’s wrong with him, it doesn’t know how to handle the Noahification process, doesn’t know how to handle Nea. But it’s trying. It’s trying so hard, not minding when hands fall and the boys clutch their left arm to their chest, more scared sobs coming from the two as they crumble completely, one mentally begging for his mother and the other for Mana.
                                 Why’d it have to be two kids? They were just children when this all stole away their innocence, when the world did them so dirty. They really are breaking under the pressure.
Eve slowly walked to him, her footsteps silent amongst her soft singing. Her eyes never leaving him as she watched him crumble to the floor. But she just knelt with him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him close so his head rested against her chest above her heart, one hand with fingers tangled in his hair while cradling the back of his neck and the other holding him gently but firmly. 
She didn’t stop singing, but she did return the room to how it was when she arrived. Silently so as not to disturb Nea more.
Otherwise she only focused on them.
How long has it been since these little ones’ have cried? Allowed themselves to heal?
She could guess.
She wanted to help them.
Even if Adam’s life be damned.
Something her father never tried to understand if he dared to look and see her tears.
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                                He moves back too quickly, Crown Clown’s cloak tight around him, hood pulling its self up as it’s mask settles down over his face. His stomach felt uncomfortably tight, he hated this. He didn’t know what she was going to do next. But what she says puts a sour taste in his mouth, expression twisting faintly. ❛❛ I’m not a Noah. ❜❜
                                 He was an exorcist, he was going to cling to that as tightly as possible, till the day he either died or Nea erased him. He refused to become a Noah, not without a fight. He knows and trusts his friends to send his head flying if Nea took him over. He wasn’t a Noah. He was Allen Walker, son of Mana, student of Cross, Exorcist of the Black Order, and it those titles could be ripped from his cold dead hands. ❛❛ My name is Allen Walker, I’m an exorcist. It’s…A pleasure to meet you, Eve… ❜❜
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Eve held back her emotions barely. Her long sleep taking her fine control from her during her first moments of wakefulness. Sadness the most overwhelming as the other pulled away and protected himself with Innocence.
“But-” A small cough breaking through as the result of her raising her voice slightly. Her hand almost slapping her face in reflex to cover her mouth as she used too much force to make her sleep addled body move.
“But you have the feeling of a Noah. Or-” She looked at the Innocence on him.
Her voice going soft in anguish as her eyes glanced over the Innocence draped over the other, “Or have humans figured out how to make Noah’s with their technology like they’ve made Innocence obedient weapons?”
She looked back up to where she could see a hint of his eyes. 
“What is an exorcist? Is it a special type of accommodator?” She heard Adam and Marian whisper while watching over her. She didn’t hear everything just snippets when she floated in the blackness and wasn’t absorbed by memories.
She slowly pushed her torso up, arms shaking a little at the foreign movement, and almost slumping over onto her legs or a root. Innocence breaking and dropping into pieces around her waist and behind her from where it came from her back, though there were no holes or protrusions to prove this.
She needed to move. This conversation disturbed her and she wanted Adam.
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// Mine and @tospititontheon future come Thursday.
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                                He despises that this body’s first response to stress becoming too overwhelming is to start producing tears. They burn the backs of his eyes and fog his vision as she speaks. But he’s unclear whether they’re Allen’s, his own, or Adam’s tears spilling forwards. They come too quickly to be blinked away, face growing uncomfortably warm as he’s practically forced by Crown Clown to remain still and listen to her speak. He feels trapped where he stands, lashing out like an animal. He hates this feeling of wanting to run away somewhere safe because now not even his piano room feels secure.
                                But the mention of Cross, that has him bristling. So she knew Cross? He knew more than he’d ever let Nea believe. Of course he had. Can’t trust anyone older than yourself it seems. Knuckles crack as he clenches his fist and listens, biting back any more retorts while she wants to speak. He tries to think of how he’s going to respond, but his mind comes up blank. He can’t think of anything to say, he can’t– he can’t–
                                He’s stuck there, feeling like a scared child and cornered animal all in the same breaths. It feels like the world is crashing and the carpet as already been pulled out from under him, desperately scratching for something to hold onto, yet biting at any hand reaching out to help him. A growl leaves his chest from deep down, begging her to stay back away from him. He doesn’t feel safe. When was the last time he HAD? 
                                He can feel the muscles in his jaw tense as he clenches his jaw, fingers going numb from the grip in his fist before he forces them to relax, clenching them a few times to get blood back into them. This was not the time to panic. He couldn’t afford to panic at all, he needed to screw his head back on. 
                                ❛❛ Because he started all of this. How can I forgive a man who ruined my mother’s reputation and abandoned her with two infants that weren’t even her’s? How can I forgive a man who let a war happen and then turned tail instead of fixing his mistakes? How can I forgive a man who cursed my brother and myself to kill each other like Cain and Abel? How can I forgive a man who cursed ME to clean up his damn mess and have to kill everyone in the process? Tell me, Eve. How can I forgive him for fucking me over 7000 years before I was even alive? Who set me up for failure in everything but homicide with nothing but his fractured memories to go by and fix a war? Fuck this life, I was barely 15 when this all went to shit, I shouldn’t have to clean up a grown man’s mess, let alone my father’s. I shouldn’t have had to get any blood on my hands but here we are! So you tell me, why do you think I can’t forgive you just as much as him, huh?! ❜❜ 
                              He didn’t want to go off like that, but all that came out was word soup, no case to really be made, just his own inner turmoil spilling out onto the floor like blood from a wound, like last night’s supper after spending the rest of the night drinking. He hated it, wanting to erase everything he just said from existence, it made him feel disgusted and heavy. Limbs trembling with the rage he did his best to only rear up when he needed that extra boost to his punches and that extra umph of emotion before his dark matter, or something to keep him from running off fumes. Spite and anger the only things keeping the suddenly smaller Noah going forward. All the bravado he put forward waning, revealing just for a moment the still scared young man crumbling under the pressure to fix an entire world on what felt like his own. He had support, he wouldn’t deny that, but he was the catalyst for disaster, and it was killing him.
Eve’s green eyes watched him. Waiting for his response. His anger obvious in his posture, his clenching hands, the growl. He was so full of anger at Adam. Her undying love for her brother couldn’t understand it.
But her hatred for her father could.
Every word made sense in a way, but it didn’t mean she had to feel that way and that’s all she wanted to convey. She wasn’t trying to say his feelings weren’t valid, just that her’s were too.
Her blades disappeared.
She wished she knew why Adam did this, but all she had were guesses based on the little breadcrumbs she kept finding. Cross kept on being pulled away from her much like Allen and Neah. She was tired of guessing. She wanted to know. It k i l l e d her not to know what happened to her brother. To not know why she was never going to see him again.
Yes, she got two little brothers instead, but... 
They weren’t Adam. 
They weren’t the man who said he’d help her take down the Chief of Heaven. The man who said he’d stay by her side always and forever.
Where did that promise go?
She looked at the child before her. His innocence reminding her of herself. Even if Adam wasn’t doing it with horrible intentions like her father... he was this child’s villain, and she by association. Adam took that innocence away with his actions, just as her father did her.
She closed her eyes.
Why Adam?
She opened them again, giving Neah and Allen her undivided attention and focus, then started to sing.
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repost, don’t reblog. bold what applies.
𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 : bonfires, competitiveness, hand veins, loud laughs, messy hair, sneaking out at 2am, abandoned beaches, stray dogs, candle lights, body language, creaking floorboards, ouija boards, having no regrets, karaoke nights out.
𝐓𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐔𝐒 : house plants, oversized sweaters, soft hands, fuzzy socks, visiting big cities, snoozing your alarm clock, the color yellow, vanilla-scented candles, aloe vera, fruit smoothies, baking cookies, the mom friend, loves the ukulele.
𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 : femme fatale movies, in love with female villains, sharp eyeliner, quick-witted, does things out of spite, do no harm but take no shit, in love with dogs, probably cries during sad movies but won’t admit it, easily excited, ripped jeans.
𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 : mermaids, easily infatuated by love, smelling flowers, picnics in open fields, gets sad when thinking about the past, impressed easily, daydreaming, plucking fresh fruit, loves fashion, would die for their friends.
𝐋𝐄𝐎 : confident in what they do, kill them with kindness, high ponytails, probably wants to visit paris once, not afraid to tell the truth, in love with cute animals, the one to lift others up, good at teamwork, the warm feeling of summer, dragons.
𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐆𝐎 :  pastel markers, the smell of lavender, has a welcoming vibe around them, actually organized, scrunchies, neat notes, love going to museums, probably into photography, neutral colors, handwritten letters, stardust.
𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐀 : soft blankets, cuddling the ones you love, always standing up for your friends, hopeless romantic, can be very distant, can be a little dramatic, pretty hair, dresses nicely, tries to be popular on social media, optimistic, humorous.
𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 : cottages in the woods, in love with greek mythology, vintage t-shirts, really emotional but doesn’t want anyone to know, determined, moonlight, pretty handwriting, into the retro aesthetic, rainy days, doesn’t judge people, cats.
𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 : always ready for an adventure, street smart, wants to travel the world someday, doesn’t easily trust people, alcohol, paintbrushes, can’t sit still, untied shoelaces, tangled up earphones, blasting music at midnight, eye-gazing.
𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍 : cold aura, coffee is what keeps them going, probably hasn’t slept in two days, actually a big softie, high-waisted jeans, cute pet videos, small apartments, has too many notebooks, often goes to the library, writing essays.
𝐀𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 : loves to paint & do any kind of art, wants to live at the seaside, knows a lot of random facts, shares food, messy notes, bullshits an entire essay, graffiti, has their own distinct style, wants to live their life like they want to.
𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 : old teddy bears, unsent love letters, mom-jeans, loves to sing, feels at home by the ocean, writes poetry, hard-workers, always up for deep conversations, probably did the stupid thing, open curtains, a soft breeze.
Tagged by: @the-atlesian-general
Tagging: @tospititontheon
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Body language. (bold what applies)
D E F E N S I V E . arms crossed on chest // crossing legs // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // karate chops // stiffening of shoulders // tense posture // curling of lip // baring of teeth
R E F L E C T I V E . hand-to-face gestures // head tilted // stroking chin // peering over glasses // taking eyewear off — cleaning // putting earpiece of glasses in mouth // pipe smoker gestures // putting hand to bridge of nose chevron // pursed lips // knitted brows
S U S P I C I O N. arms crossed // sideways glance // touching or rubbing nose // rubbing eyes // hands resting on weapon // brows raising // lips pressing into a line // strict, unwavering eye contact // wrinkling of nose
I N S E C U R I T Y  & A N X I E T Y. chewing pen or pencil // rubbing thumb over opposite thumb // biting fingernails // hands in pockets// elbow bent/closed gestures // clearing throat // “whew” sound // picking or pinching flesh seams // fidgeting in chair // hand covering mouth whilst speaking // poor eye contact // tugging at pants whilst seated // jingling money in pockets // tugging at ear // perspiring hands // playing with hair // swaying // playing with pointer/marker// smacking lips // sighing // rocking on balls of feet // flexing fingers sporadically
C O N F I D E N C E . hands behind back // hands on lapels of coat // steepled hands // baring teeth in a grin // rolling shoulders // tipping head back but maintaining eye contact // chest puffed up/shoulders back // arms folded just above navel
O P E N N E S S  &  C O O P E R A T I O N. open hands // upper body in sprinters position // sitting on edge of chair // hand-to-face gestures // unbuttoned coat // tilted head // slacked shoulders, droopy posture // feet pointed outward // palms flat and facing outward // chin up
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He blinks, watching her tail morph into legs. Kraken’s smile turns into a frown, a hand moving to rest on his tentacles. He’s dreamed about having legs and seeing his new friend have hers makes him feel…left out… Ah well, doesn’t matter, he supposed.
Kraken turns his face away, smiling to himself as he starts to dispose of the bones and guts. “How is it, up top? With the humans?” He questions, curling his tentacles away from her legs. “And yes, it’s quite alright…”
“Ah, well... it could be better. Though I am biased.” She gave him a small grin as she delicately walked around and over his tentacles to get to his sail and the lights.
“Humans are humans. Inane creatures. They can create beautiful things, but... other than that I don’t much care for them.” She looked at him.
“If you ever get the notion to go up top... don’t show yourself to just anyone. Humans can create beauty, but they destroy things just as easily and I wouldn’t want that to happen to you.” She reached out and gently touched his arm.
“You are too beautiful to be destroyed by the likes of their shallowness.” She gave him a small smile.
“So! I see books over here...” She skipped over a tentacle to go to the books. “Is this where you read or just store them? Because we can put a string here for you to see before you take them off your little shelving and then the other where you like to curl up most and read.” Turns her head to look at him over her shoulder as she holds a line of lights up by the books.
“What do you think?”
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Meeting again
Eve opened her eyes to a softly lit room, the calming presence telling her she was in her Ark. As she blinked, coming into focus were the expanse of branches from the tree from the Garden of Eden. She would recognize it anywhere from any angle. 
She slowly pushed herself up, groaning at the soreness that permeated her body indicating that she slept for a long time again. She did not remember falling asleep here though. Glancing around, she frowned at all the Innocence that had grown around her in the roots of the tree. She needed to stop doing that.
After trial and error, she finally managed to get up and stay on her feet without falling. Thankfully, she didn’t get much of any dirt on her white dress, which looked like nothing from her closet or that she had seen people wearing the last time she was awake. Cross or Adam must have changed her.
She slowly left the heart of the Ark, the defenses not activating at her presence as she made her way. She paused in a corridor with a frown though, feeling life in her Ark and far too much for it to be her family. The Akuma didn’t leave that big of a footprint even with the numbers they had at their disposal.
She made her way to a door and made it see-through one way and froze.
Humans were in her Ark. In her family’s Ark. She fell to the ground and reached out but couldn’t feel a n y o n e. Her breathing quickened. Why was no one here? Why did they leave me?
She looked up at the humans and studied them trying to find an answer. But all she saw was that they were all the same, all dressed the same, all-
She frowned and pressed up against the door. Squinting at the shiny things on their chests. Remembering a brief memory of Cross coming to see her, but his was gold. Did he- Did he belong with these humans?
She hastily stood and squeezed her eyes shut, gritting her teeth, and changed. Grunting as she felt her skin turn pale, her hair black, and her stigmata compress and heal. She panted at the effort, hating having to look like this. Then she used her Innocence and some Dark Matter to create those clothes while forcing all Innocence to retreat inside and not show. 
Then she stepped out into the world like a human. She felt inside her and looked for Cross, listening and following. Thankfully, going with the flow of several humans dressed like her and wouldn’t have to make an excuse.
It was so easy to blend in. To go through the door in the Ark after them and act like she was meant to be there, even if she had no clue who they were. She followed her connection to Cross and there was noise. Chatter, clanging, etcetera like... dining but louder.
She turned into an open doorway and paused. It was a massive dining hall.
Her green eyes pinged everywhere, ignoring how some people looked at her. Then she saw it. His bright red hair. And she was moving. He had to be at the far end.
She tried to walk, but she started to power walk. Her long black hair flowing behind her. Then she got so close.
Her voice came out strangled, “Cross.” She couldn’t help it, she ran the last few steps and jumped him, wrapping her arms tight around his neck as she buried her face in her arm and his neck.
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Kraken looks back at her, a small smile on his face. “Oh yes, do come up.. I’m sorry about the smell.” He motions towards the small pile of fish bones and guts. He bundles the lights up and sets them on his sail.
“I don’t get a lot of visitors.. so I haven’t had the energy to clean up around here..” He starts moving to clean the den up, gathering handfuls of bones in his tentacles.
Eve smiled back, “Oh don’t worry about it. Smell worse on a battlefield.”
She pushed herself up and her tail fanned out and split. It stayed scale like but became pants that covered her legs. She kneeled on the plateau before slowly standing, it had been a while since she had after all, so it took her a second to get her bearings.
She looked at him, “Is this okay?” Referring to her more obvious human looks now.
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                                 Kamelot. There’s no denying whose name that was, and it sent his stomach plummeting down into his belly. In the back of his mind he’s screaming at himself. Eve. He has to run away, he’s got to get away from her, she’s a threat, she’ll hurt him. ❛❛ Eve… ❜❜
                                 The name is enough to glue him to the spot, fingers creaking as he tries to think of what to do next. Why was she on the Ark? Why didn’t the noah take her when they abandoned ship? His breathing is slowing, almost to a stop, skin beginning to turn ashen as he tries to keep himself calm. A fight breaking out in the Ark would put him in the worst possible position. 
                                   He didn’t even want to be on the Ark right now, but to be slapped with this, how the hell was he supposed to handle this? Crown Clown’s cape comes out, wrapping around him tightly, coming down his arm and encasing his right hand in it’s glove. Allen’s head hurts as he tries to remember Eve, tries to get into the Noah’s memories without losing himself.
Her smiled waned a little as she watched the emotions on his face - the little twitches - in his eyes - in the way they went from curious to wary and afraid - in his posture - that seemed ready for a fight - how innocence that she barely noticed wrapped around him - like it was protecting him - and how his skin seemed to be on the verge of changing to theirs but didn’t.
How he said her name.
“Wh- Why are you afraid?” She asked softly. “We... are family.” And she would never hurt a member of her family. They are her everything.
Her fingers twitched as she tried to move, wanting to reach out and reassure him that it was alright.
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He blinks, having forgotten about the lights. “Oh.. yes I suppose we should..” He rubs his neck nervously. He then turns around, gathering both of them in his hands. “Now where is my den..” he ponders before setting off north.
It takes him merely a few minutes to swim to his den. The den appeared to be a tiny hole in the rocky depths but kraken was able to fit inside quite easily! He drags the lights gently inside and crawls onto the sandy plateau. “…”
It looked.. sort of cozy… there was a lot of items littering the cove like books, silverware and other human things! There was even a giant sail that kraken used as a blanket it seemed. “I wonder where these can go..”
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She giggled at his little spot of forgetfulness. It was cute. Oh she wished she could take him home with her, get him away from being alone down here, but... humans feared what they didn’t know and she didn’t want him to face that. Especially if they thought he was some type of Akuma.
Eve followed him silently. Taking in how he swam, it was interesting.
It was easy for her to squeeze in after him. Popping her head up and putting her arms onto the plateau.
“My~ this is a wonderful little place you’ve got.” She smiled as she looked about. “May I come up?” Looks up at him for permission.
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anonymously or not, send me  ‘👀🔍’  if you admit to reading one or more of my threads with other people.
bonus:   tell me which ones you’re keeping an eye on!
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He sits back down on the sea floor, a tired expression on his face. “I could show you… the luminous deep… it’s really pretty and the colors help me sleep..” he smiles up at her.
They help him calm down after a hectic day.. such as this one.. He does appreciate the cheek stroking.. it’s nice.. reminds him of someone close..”it’s the least I could do.. after what happened…” He chuckles nervously.
He seems embarrassed at his little freak out. His face going a deep shade of blue.
She follows him so she can keep the calming motion up. Floating above him.
“Luminous deep?” She repeated in confusion. Truthfully she didn’t know much about the ocean having never really explored it much even before this or her sleep.
“You don’t owe me anything, but I would be delighted to see it. However, first, why don’t we put the string lights in your home, hmm?” She gestured to the two strings of lights laying innocently on the sea floor a little aways from them.
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He paused, a shaky sigh escaping him. “…I-I can’t hurt you..?” He finally settled down enough to look back at her. His eyes suddenly holding decades of age in them. “Are you sure..?” He asks, his hand finally stopping the scratching.
At her words he visibly relaxed.
He closed one eye, her stroking calming him more. “….okay…” He nods, closing the other one and leaning into her touch. “I’ve hurt a lot of things… a-a lot… and I don’t want to hurt you…” he repeats, voice shaky.
It seems he’s scared of himself. Truly scared. What must’ve happened in his life to cause that to happen. Given the graveyard outside his den… there’s not many good things about it…
“I’m sorry…”
“I promise you can’t. Only my family or stones like the one you gave me can. Not you and not anything else. Okay?”
She squeezed his hand. Glad he had stopped the scratching finally.
“You won’t.” Eve smiled and watched him relax.
“It’s quite alright. We all have something that haunts us.” Her voice a little sombre at that end. Still stroking his cheek with her thumb.
“Now what, little one?” She asked after a few minutes of silence.
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He immediately tried to pull his tentacles away, backing up as he starts to duck back into the darkness. “I-I really should go..” he however couldn’t get them all away as she seemed to hold one of them in her hands. The tentacle in question was badly damaged. Many healed scars littered the inky colored appendage.
He kept his face gazing into the darkness. He couldn’t believe he was this dumb! He couldn’t trust himself around anyone.. why would this time be different?! He couldn’t hear her anymore but what snapped him out of this.. mess of his mind was a gentle touch on his cheek, turning his face to her’s.
Kraken whined as she spoke, the words not doing much to calm him down. “B-but you don’t understand.. I’m not scared of you.. I-I’m scared of what I can do… and I don’t want to hurt a friend…” He mutters, a claw reaching up and scratching on his arm.
“L-look around… I did this… I’m not safe.. that’s why they stay away…” he tried again, to pull away.
Then hand on his tentacle rose to stop the hand on his arm, stopping his scratching.
“Shhh... That’s what I’m saying, little one. You can’t. Even if you used everything you had against me, you couldn’t hurt me.” Her thumb gently brushed along his cheek soothingly.
“Anything you did to me would be like seaweed brushing against your arm. Nothing.” She leaned up and close, eyes serious as she tried to convey this.
“What can I do to make you believe me?” Her words soft as she studied him. Her hair fanning out around them from their gentle movements in the water.
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“A Noah…?” He questions, gazing at her skin and forehead. It was certainly something new. Kraken has never met a Noah before, let alone knew they existed! He’s read on many human things.. but a Noah is certainly Interesting to him.. “I knew smelled something off about you.. when I met you… but I couldn’t tell what it was” Kraken dug a hand into the sand, scooping up a good chunk of it and held it out to her. “There is many things lurking where your eyes and ears cannot see.. but your nose can..”
“I’m curious on this creator.. but to me.. you are a friend.. Noah, human or merfolk..it doesn’t matter..” Pure honesty In his voice. Kraken lets the sand fall through his fingers, a smile on his face. His body floats up, his tentacles curling around them. A happy look In his eyes as he gazes at the strand of lights.
“A million years old..?” His eyes go wide, that certainly was a shock! “I’m.. not sure I’m good company but I appreciate it…” He turns away, gazing into the darkness around them. “I’m afraid to say this but.. you shouldn’t underestimate me…” Fear lines his voice as he says this. “…I should go..”
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“As you can see, I’m not trying to hide it.” She said while gesturing to herself. “Your knowledge was just... incomplete.”
She smiled back at him, squeaking a little in surprise at the hug from his tentacles, but didn’t struggle. Her hands coming to rest on them, still holding the string of lights she had. Her glow dimming as his tentacles covered her tail and the light it created.
“Please don’t call me human. I... won’t respond well if you do. Nor will my family if they heard you say it... I’m not exactly fond of them.” She admitted softly.
She giggled. “I fear you are underestimating me, little one.” She reached up, letting go of the lights in the one hand and gently cradled a cheek, turning him to face her.
“You could squeeze me and I would breathe only a little shallow, at most, and I can feel how strong you are. But I could just as easily rip off all your limbs before your head and you wouldn’t be able to scream.” She paused.
“Please don’t let that make you fear me. I don’t plan on doing that. It is just an example.”
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