throughadogeyes · 3 years
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So my name is Fred, and I’ve got a story to tell, a journey for you to come on with me…
We’re in the process of discovering what is wrong but ultimately my blog is their to try and help humans understand some of the things they could be seeing… but it’s best I start from the beginning.
I’m a Romanian rescue dog, I was abandoned with my full litter of brothers, much younger than I should be been away from my Mum… but luckily I was found outside the rescue and they took care of us so well. I loved my brothers dearly. And one day I was told you’ve found a home…
I took a long journey to the UK, mummy had wanted to rehome in the UK, but as we live in a farm our fences weren’t big enough for rescues to approve them (I won’t lie I’m glad they had to find me). I live in dog heaven, field of field that’s mine to explore with my family.
When I arrived I instantly felt at home, my family were so proud as I toilet trained instantly after just one accident, and I started on my journey to becoming a big strong clever puppy.
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The first challenge was getting me to eat, as I didn’t really understand this type of food… and I had quite a poorly tummy, it took a while to find the right food for me. I settled on a brand called Yora, they use novel protein and it has an antimicrobial effect on tummies - which means it basically taught my tummy to fight of things that upset it or bacteria etc.
My food makes me happy that I don’t have to worry about my poorly tummy, and my family are happy as it makes me super shiny and glossy… win win!
I soon discovered after settling in, that I had another furry thing in the house, I met my big (little) feline sister Arya, I drive her potty but i know she loves me as whenever I go for a walk she waits for me by the door… caught you sis!
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I went to training sessions and at the start all seemed pretty normal, I was learning all the things, sit, down, paw, stay and I was smashing it…
Then my head didn’t feel like mine so much anymore… and I begun behave differently, the next bit I’m going to hand over to Ary as I think this is easier to explain from her point of view…
Take it away Ary!
So firstly Fred, I guess as your not feeling well I need to be nice, I’ll only say it once Yes I do really love you and I meow as loud as I can when you leave because I miss you… right enough if that!
I noticed Mummy & Daddy coming home from walks shattered, and stressed and often grumpy with each other… I over heard them saying Fred was becoming a nightmare, they kept saying a “switch” keep flicking and when it did you couldn’t get anything from him. He wouldn’t look at them, he would scream and bark and try to chase things. He even a few times got out of his harness, mummy thought it was his prey drive as he’s a husky.
We’re lucky Mummy is a bit of a pet person as she works as head of training for a pet company… but even she was lost as to what to do.
It started as outdoors only I’d see Mum & Dad coming home from walks and think oh no it’s been a bad one as their faces looked so sad… or I’d hear Freddy screaming but when I saw him there was no reason for the screaming.
Then in the last 2 and a half weeks something really changed in him… he would sit at the door yelping at animals and fixate in them - I was a bit worried he didn’t like me anymore only the outdoor ones (phew I was wrong!). Once Fred fixated nothing could distract him, not even me teasing him, it was like he was paused in time and the things around him were there anymore. I found it really hard and I know my family did.
He then started to push the boundaries more - we all thought even though we’d attended training and socialisation session that some How we had created a naughty dog - we were his family it was our fault. In fact one horrible trainer told mummy and daddy they should lock him up 90% off the time and it was all their fault! (Luckily mummy knew better and said no!).
He begun to excessively hump things too! Can you imagine my panic! I’m a cat I can’t do THAT with a dog!! It meant I hid on my scratcher a lot…
Worse than that my family Mummy,Daddy, Nana & Grandad we’re all exhausted as his behaviour started to happen all night they couldn’t rest or sit down or even just talk with our Fred leaping on someone, humping them or crying…
We decided enough was enough and we saw a special man, a behaviourist, who was recommended by Mummies friend who runs a wonderful rescue called Animals in Need in Northampton… Annie essentially saved our family and she didn’t know it.
Fred headed off to meet the behaviourist Annie had recommended and Fred’s “switch” went instantly he latched onto the wonderful kind man and humped, barked, jumped and squealed the whole session… 3/4 of the way through he simply said “I don’t even know what to do” Freddy told me that he looked him in the eye with a real love and want to help him but he knew he couldn’t…
Everyone came home somber and Mummy looked as though she wanted to cry - obviously to help matters I followed her up the stairs whacking her ankles and trying to play - she didn’t even want to play… I sat in the bed and listened to her calling the vets… (our vets are nice we both like them so I knew she was doing it for good reasons!)
I heard her say the behaviourist wanted Freddy to have some tests as he couldn’t help him, she explained he was exhibiting extreme stress symptoms and that even playing with his toys was triggering them… mummies voice sounded so sad… the lady booked moved all the appointments about and got Fred in straight away, in less than 24 hours he was in and having a full bloody panel…
We don’t yet have the answers, but we got to thinking that it’s so easy for a human to misunderstand our behaviour, that we wanted to raise awareness. We wanted owners not to listed to awful people like the lady who blamed mummy and daddy for creating “a reactive dog”
Fred isn’t reactive he loves dogs and is just shouting to tell us he’s not ok…
We’ll take you along in his journey no matter where it takes us…
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