thumbtacs · 1 year
"All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time." - Mitch Albom
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thumbtacs · 1 year
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thumbtacs · 1 year
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thumbtacs · 2 years
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thumbtacs · 2 years
“ I am handsome,more please!!”
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thumbtacs · 2 years
“Flowers grow back even after the harshest winters. You will too.”
— Unknown
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thumbtacs · 2 years
Rules for a Beautiful Life
1. Love yourself and other people.
2. Don’t grow hard and bitter.
3. Decide not to worry.
3. Live a very simple life.
4. Be thankful for the small things.
5. Smile and laugh frequently.
6. Think the best of others.
7. Make your dreams reality.
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thumbtacs · 2 years
Do you Want to Enjoy your Life?
1. Don’t keep doing things you hate.
2. Stop terrorizing yourself with your negative thoughts.
3. Choose to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
4. Watch what you say; don’t put yourself down.
5. Take care of your body, and love it properly.
6. Develop a life-style that helps develop self-esteem.
7. Don’t compare yourself with others; note where you’ve grown and changed.
8. Stop trying to change others; stay focus on yourself.
9. Laugh a lot; enjoy yourself; and don’t take life too seriously.
10. Accept compliments;value everything you are.
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thumbtacs · 2 years
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thumbtacs · 2 years
7 Questions to Help you Find your Passion
1. What did you really love doing as a child? What did you seem to have a natural talent for?
2. What are you willing to do for free because it brings you satisfaction and fulfillment?
3. What sorts of things absorb your attention, and cause you to lose all sense of time?
4. Do you prefer to work with others, or by yourself?
5. Do you prefer order and structure, or do you prefer freedom, and the chance to be spontaneous?
6. What would you do, and where would you work, if someone told you they would finance your dream? Would you build a business? Travel? Spend it on yourself? Invest it in doing something meaningful for others?
7. If you were asked to picture the ideal life, what would it look like? What would be all the different aspects and components?
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thumbtacs · 2 years
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thumbtacs · 2 years
George Bernard Shaw // “The longer I live, the more convinced am I that this planet is used by other planets as a lunatic asylum.”
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thumbtacs · 2 years
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His strength and stay.
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thumbtacs · 2 years
Things I would like to have, immediately:
Autumn temperatures
Apple cider with cinnamon stick
Pumpkin picking
Weather under 70 degrees
Halloween decorations
Horror movies on tv
Lack of heat
Walks in the graveyard
Ghost hunting expeditions
Cool, breezy, chilly, brisk, refreshing, no-humidity air
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thumbtacs · 2 years
“I have endured. I have been broken. I have endured hardship. I have lost myself. But here I stand, still moving forward, growing stronger each day.”
— Unknown
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thumbtacs · 2 years
“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”
— Henry Drummond
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thumbtacs · 2 years
“There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t even jump puddles for you.”
— Lessons Learned in Life
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