thunderchilddiaries · 9 years
Who started this notion that the internet is a “safe space” for anyone or anything?  Seriously, I have a bone to pick with them.  I’m not even that old, I’m pretty much right in the generation of kids that started growing up with the internet (kind of shitty in the 90′s and early 2000′s but got a lot better very fast) and all we were ever told by pretty much every adult ever was that the internet was not safe. Fun? Yeah.  Interesting and informative?  Sure, if you know how/where to look.  But, safe?  Never.  
That being said I honestly worry so much about those who say something like their facebook page, or their tumblr blog, or any online community is supposed to be a safe space for them. I’m just like please, please, no.  It’s not safe, it’s not private, hell it’s not even all that friendly a lot of the time.  Please, I implore anyone who reads this, don’t go on the internet thinking anything more than your own inhibitions will protect you from anything.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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Old women keep hitting on me at my place of work.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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My parents keep wondering whether I'm going to be able to manage four pieces of coursework due in on the same day.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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And the internet has returned!
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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Waking up with no hangover whatsoever.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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This is the number one reason why I don't babysit.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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My preferred activity whenever anybody asks me to do anything.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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I'd love to see a horror movie where the grinning psychopath is given this charming piece of advice.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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I do love a good evening in, watching horror movies in the dark.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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As Black Friday approaches, every store employee is psychically doing this with their fellow customer service workers.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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That deep breath at the start of each working day. Come and take me, customers: my body is ready.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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I wish I had a cowboy hat so that I could exit every room in this manner.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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Since my job and classes started, I'm really having to organise my day.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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Note to self: when customers approach me with concerns or complaints, this is apparently not an appropriate response.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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The entirety of my CV, condensed.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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Listening to the thunder that is the rain hammering down on my conservatory roof and knowing that I'm going to have to walk through that to get to work tomorrow.
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thunderchilddiaries · 11 years
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