ticklemykaiju · 8 years
Ok but someone tell me why Harry didn’t grow up to be the best Defense Against Dark Arts professor Hogwarts has ever known
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
If you need further proof that this decision by Marvel is the actual worst thing ever, please consider that Captain America has officially lost the moral high ground to the Joker. 
That’s right. 
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
“Luckily I have an ace up my sleeve!” I smirk and roll my sleeve up. A confused asexual rolls out, blinking in the sudden light.
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
when you try to do minimal damage to a pokemon to capture it, but instead kill it
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
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please let this be a recurring thing in the show
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
honest relationships and mutual respect and trust do exist. I know they love to tell you they’re just concepts on here but they really do exist. stop listening to angry singles online about relationships. you wouldnt listen to somebody sleeping in a tent telling you how to own a house like? come on
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
This is an absolutely unbelievable demonstration of the behavior of different layers in Earth’s atmosphere. Look how the distant clouds move so different from the near clouds.
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
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my ugly most disgusting pokemon meme
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
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You thought that was the last of EvaKiryu? NOPE!
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
soft boys…… reblog if u agree
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
Client: Hi! So I have this big project coming up and I need a set of five drawings done for it. I absolutely LOVE your work and want to hire you. How much do you charge?
Me: Thanks for reaching out! It all varies but my rate for commissioned work is about $40 per hour, but I’m willing to work with you on that if money is tight.
Client: Great!
He then goes into detail about the project, which is HUGE.
Client: How many hours do you think it’ll take you to do that?
Me: It’s hard to say, for the size of each drawing you want, as well as time putting concepts together, I would say you should budget for no less than four hours for each piece.
Client: Really? I was assuming it would take you about an hour for each one. Is it really necessary to take THAT much time to draw them? Aren’t you able to just do it?
Me: Well, I could just do it, but with the amount of detail you’re wanting, it’s not something I can pluck out in simply five hours for the whole thing. I have to put concepts together, make sure it’s what you want, and if it’s not, then I have try a different route. But again, I’m willing to work with you on pricing. Do you have a budget you’re working with?
Client: It’s not very high. I guess I’m confused as to why it takes you so long to draw what I’m asking. My instructions seem clear enough. You should be able to just make that happen quickly right?
Me: If you’re fine with poorly done artwork, then yes, I can do that. But you’ve described to me buildings, scenery, characters, all done on 14x17 sheets of paper. What I can do is draw these on smaller sheets of paper and then blow them up to the size you’re wanting, which could help reduce how long it takes me, but even then it’ll still take more than an hour each. It would be helpful to me to know what your budget is and we can negotiate something.
Client: I have a budget of $100
Me: Unfortunately I can’t do five 14x17 drawings for $100. As I stated before, $40 per hour is my rate for commissioned work. I do work with people on pricing and am willing to do that for you, but I do ask that it be reasonable. I’m willing to bring to rate down to $30 per hour, which will help significantly.
Client: I’m just so confused about why it will take this long. I wish you could just work with me on this and try to put these together much more quickly than what you’re telling me. These don’t need to be extravagant. My son drew what I described to you all in about 3 hours. He’s not an artist though, which is why I’m reaching out to you.
Me: Yes, but your description of what you want is very detailed and I know from experience that I something this extravagant will take time. I hope you can understand this. Your project sound super exciting and I would love to be a part of it, but I can’t do the amount of work you’re asking me to do without a fair compensation.
Client: I’ve found someone else who can work with me. Thanks for your time!
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
There’s no such thing as “apocalypse”, you can’t just opt out of the end of world. Destruction is a basic human need.
You can only have heteropocalypse or homopocalypse.
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ticklemykaiju · 8 years
i never even noticed they misspelled beetles… why did they do that? ok
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