ticklingishappy · 5 months
Oh, this gorgeous model (Neda Iranpour) is now an Emmy-award winning journalist for CBS 8 in San Diego. With interviews with Barack HUSSEIN (in a Rush Limbaugh voice (RIP 🙏)) Obama, Mittens Romney, and George Lucas!
Her career serves as proof that appearing in adult content is not necessarily career ruining, for those of you on the fence about your pretty face appearing in tickle content!
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ticklingishappy · 1 year
Chapter 1: Miss Lisa (Part 1)
"So, guys, I was thinking about the party Saturday night and what you said, Lucy. About wanting to tickle Anna again?" Kristen sheepishly approaches her friends after a long week of contemplating whether or not to tell them of her secret fascination (or maybe fetish): Tickling. Kristen had been following the tickling fetish community for a while and was well aware of its underground popularity. She also had found some different ads in various online venues about men and women seeking others to tickle or to tickle them. Based on how much fun Lucy had and how much Anna brought it up since then in their group chat, she suspected that they would find her offer intriguing at the least and irresistible at the best. "Well, I think I have a way for us to have more time like that if you would be at all interested..." Kristen was beginning to lose hope that they would be interested at all given their blank stares. She looks down and pretends to fumble with her drink. The coffeehouse they frequented was always quiet and no one is around to hear the conversation, so Kristen at least avoided the embarrassment of her friends making fun of her in a crowded place. Lucy and Anna look at each other as if silently communicating. They didn't really think about Saturday much (outside of Anna wanting revenge). It was just a harmless prank. But they didn't want their friend to feel like an outsider now that she's approached them about something that may be important to her. Based on her body language, it seems pretty important. "What would this opportunity entail?" Anna graciously offers. Kristen's face lights up as she unlocks her phone to show them what she found. "Well, there's a whole community of tickle fans and a few of them live around here. I've been to a couple of meetups for fetishists in general, and a few of these people showed up. They're nice enough and looking for some people to play with. Basically, we can see if any of them are looking to tickle or be tickled and we get to be whichever they want. What do you think?" Kristen asked excitedly. Anna and Lucy looked at each other with wide eyes. What could it hurt? Kristen is obviously excited about it. And being tickled is hilarious and doing the tickling could be really fun. "Let's do it!" Lucy offers, feigning excitement. She was actually a little excited, but mainly nervous. She was very ticklish, after all. "Really??" Kristen's eyes widened with surprise and joy. "I know someone who wanted a ticklee today! I hope she doesn't mind a few more!" "Hey guys! What's up?" It's Heather and Emily. They finally got here. "Aren't you going to be happy to hear what we have planned!" Anna remarks through a smile, preparing mentally for the torture she's sure her ticklish belly is going to endure. - Two Hours Later - "So, why exactly did we have to wear bikinis to this?" Heather asks, nervously tugging at her cover-up to cover her slightly exposed belly. "Bikinis show a lot of skin. And the more ticklish skin that's showing, the easier it is for the tickler to tickle you and make it fun for both of you!" Kristen offers happily. "And here we are," Lucy prompts, pulling in to the driveway of a large house with a lone car. "What a mansion!" Anna exclaims. "Are we getting anything for this, Kristen? Any money or anything?" "Well, she offered some pay, but I didn't ask how much." "I'll make this a regular thing for the right price!" Anna offers, thinking about the easy money this could be. The five girls walk cheerfully toward the door in their swimsuit cover-ups. Seeing as this was Kristen's idea, she knocks on the door and a lady quickly opens it. "Come on in!" The cheerful lady warmly offers. "I'm so excited you decided to come! Everything is ready whenever you are! My name is Lisa." She's so friendly that the girls forget why they are here for a second. "When you said you were bringing four friends, I had to make some pretty quick adjustments! But everything is prepped and ready to go as long as you five are still up for it," Lisa politely gestures to a door leading into a basement, the lights on and a cool breeze coming from the staircase. She's a little older, maybe early forties, with a few flecks of gray, but a nice body. She's wearing a simple long sleeve shirt and some sweatpants, obviously comfortable with what's to come next. "Would you like anything before we head down?" Lisa asks sweetly. The girls nervously shake their heads and Lisa points to the staircase. They go down the stairs into the basement area to find five matching bondage tables. Each one has restraints at the top and bottom, wrists at the top and ankles at the bottom, all the girls assume. Feathers line the walls, hanging from little hooks like tools in a toolshed. There are also some hairbrushes and toothbrushes as well as large, fluffy feathers and feather dusters. "Wow..." Anna remarks nervously to herself, shivering a little bit as she grabs her sides. "This is my little dungeon," Lisa begins. "It's humble compared to some others in this community, but it works well for my purposes. If each of you would change into your outfits, then stand next to the table you wish to use for this session, then I'll come around and get you all strapped in!" Lisa squealed with excitement, her long fingernails terrifying Emily, who was terribly ticklish. Anna began taking her cover-up off, revealing a lavender bandeau bikini with a seafoam green and lavender bottom. Her belly is toned, but still soft. Her figure is a nice hourglass with medium breasts and wide hips. Her innie belly button is still a little sensitive from the tickling she received Saturday at her party. "Ok, I'm ready..." she hesitantly offers to Lisa. Her short, brown hair falls to her shoulders as she raises her wrists to the restraints above her head. Lucy, a thinner girl also with a great hourglass figure, reveals her small, halter top bikini and strikingly toned tummy. She lets her long red hair out of her ponytail as it falls about her fair shoulders. She giggles a little as she raises her arms, anticipating the tickling her armpits will soon receive. "Ok, I think I'm ready!" she announces enthusiastically. Lucy's actually excited for this! She raises her arms above her head and prepares for Lisa to finish strapping Anna down to come get her strapped in next. Heather is terrified and slowly takes her cover-up off, revealing her cute body. She's shorter than the other girls and a little bit thicker than them as well. Her bikini is a simple black string bikini, and she is nervous about being tickled. But she's also kind of looking forward to it. She raises her arms nervously above her head as she waits for Lisa to come by and strap her in. Lisa is still strapping Anna in (and giving her a few little tickles to test her out). Emily takes off her cover-up to reveal a cute monokini. "I hope this is ok..." she mutters quietly to Kristen. "It's all I had." Her monokini is open on her sides, but has a strap running down her belly, covering her innie belly button. Her freckles along her face continue to the rest of her body and her fair skin stands out against the deep blue of her outfit. Her long black hair is pulled back in a ponytail and she's sporting a new navel ring hidden by her swimsuit. She raises her arms above her head and waits to be strapped in. Kristen is stoked to be here right now. She quickly undoes her cover-up to reveal a simple bikini with a large bow tied in the front of her top. Her long brown curls go well with the earthy green of her outfit. She quickly raises her arms above her head, giggling excitedly as she does, and waits for Lisa to come around and tie her down. She can't believe this is finally happening! She's about to have her first real session! "I'm ready, Miss Lisa!" Kristen offers up ecstatically. As Miss Lisa finishes tying each girl down, she quickly addresses her rules, "I do not do safe words. If you want out, you can say so right now, but once the tickling begins, you are here for the duration of it. I will probably touch some areas of your body you did not know were ticklish. It's all part of the -lee and -ler process. Just have fun and laugh your heart out!" The tables the girls are tied to are leaned back, but don't have them horizontal to the ground. It seems more like a 75 degree angle, so every spot is accessible, but the girls are still able to see each other well. They all face inward as Miss Lisa addresses them from the middle, looking around at each other nervously. Then, Miss Lisa glides over to Lucy, whose arms are tied high above her head, and gets to work. "Now, I like to start with the obvious spots, your armpits, your sides, your ribs, your tummy, and maybe your feet. However, I am a big fan of exploration, so I will find your most ticklish spot wherever it is. Then, I'll exploit it for a long, long time," she gives Lucy a big smile and then begins tickling. Her fingers quickly scuttle across Lucy's smooth, ticklish armpits. The soft skin there is incredibly sensitive to touch and Lucy immediately begins squirming. But she isn't laughing. "Oh, come now, darling, let's get a good listen to that giggle now! You are being tickled, after all! Tickle, tickle, tickle!" Miss Lisa taunts Lucy, who is writhing and squirming against the restraints, unable to bring her arms down to protect her vulnerable armpits. Miss Lisa's fingernails teasingly tickle across her terribly ticklish pits, but Lucy is strong-willed and refuses to laugh just yet. "Alright, you leave me no choice then!" Miss Lisa digs in mercilessly with her fingertips and Lucy bursts out in ticklish laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, NOT THERE, PLEEEEEEEHAHAHAHA!" Lucy is squealing and laughing and begging now, unable to stop the flood of laughter that pours from her ticklish body. Miss Lisa's fingers still scratch and tickle Lucy's ticklish pits, her fingers digging in gently yet hard enough that Lucy's underarms quickly turn pink. "Now, we are getting somewhere!" Miss Lisa remarks happily. She slows her tickling and moves down toward Lucy's ribcage, Lucy's curvy figure offering plenty of ticklish skin to explore. Miss Lisa's fingers begin their ticklish assault yet again, this time with light tickles all across Lucy's ribcage and sides and tummy, her fingers skittering like a thousand little tickling critters. All of them relentless, and all of them masterful ticklers. Lucy's laughter increases yet again as Miss Lisa continues her tickling of Lucy's shapely sides and belly. "Hmm..." Miss Lisa ponders an unspoken question. "Not quite loud enough. I guess your armpits are a bit worse, huh?" As she says this, she moves from Lucy's bare, ticklish midriff to her hips, tickling deep into the hip bones until Lucy is wailing with ticklish laughter. "I HAD NO IDEA I WAS TICKLISH THERE! HAHAHAHAHA!" Lucy had never been tickled there before! Sure, she has been held down and tickled by friends before, but she has never endured tickling like this from someone so talented with her fingernails. "Oh, there are SO many places you'll find you're ticklish. And each one of them is available to my tickle-happy little fingers. Coochie, coochie, coo!" Miss Lisa teases Lucy as she tickles her relentlessly, tears spilling from Lucy's tightly shut eyes. Miss Lisa's fingers tickle and tickle Lucy's voluptuous hips, causing Lucy to thrash and squeal with ticklish laughter, unable to escape the ticklish torture. "That was a good reaction!" Miss Lisa coos. "But let's see if this wittle spot right here makes you giggle." Miss Lisa taunts Lucy with baby speak as she slowly and torturously moves a wiggling index finger towards Lucy's exposed belly button. The bikini Lucy is wearing offers no protection for Lucy's most ticklish spots, so her entire body is free for the tickling. Miss Lisa's finger reaches Lucy's belly button and she tickles so very lightly at first, causing Lucy to squirm and beg for the tickling to end. "Remember, sweetheart, there are no safe words in Miss Lisa's dungeon," Miss Lisa taunts, her tickling finger still gently scratching at the bottom of Lucy's ticklish belly button as tears fall from Lucy's eyes. Her face is red from laughter and her skin is turning a light pink, but Miss Lisa is far from through tickling her. "And now, let's see how THIS works!" Miss Lisa plunges her index finger into Lucy's ticklish navel and swirls it around and around, tickling and tickling until Lucy is babbling incoherently for the tickle torture to end through her uncontrollable laughter. Miss Lisa's finger is relentless, tickling and tickling, swirling and spinning around as Lucy's back arches off the table, her wrists and ankles pulling against the restraints that hold her fast throughout the ticklish torture. Her belly button has never gone through this much tickling, and Lucy has never had this much fun being tickled! She actually kind of enjoyed this helpless feeling. She loved the tickling and the laughter and the slight torment of it all. All of a sudden, Lucy shouted a word she never thought possible in her given the situation. "MORE!" This stunned Miss Lisa who had already believed that Lucy found this session to be absolute torture. "I can give you more," Miss Lisa threatens. She moves back to Lucy's armpits and tickles so very lightly across the sensitive hollows. Lucy again bucks and thrashes, but still begs for Miss Lisa to tickle her more with some quick panicked pleas for mercy. Miss Lisa tickles and tickles until Lucy is all tickled out, a giggling mess that no longer struggles or pulls at the restraints, but merely accepts her ticklish fate. "I guess your break time has come, my dear," Miss Lisa offers to the incoherently babbling and giggling Lucy. "And now, it's time to move on to my next victim!" she cackles as she moves towards Heather's table... - To be continued -
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ticklingishappy · 1 year
The Slumber Party - Prologue (The Ticklish Adventures of Lucy and Friends)
"Ok, everyone! It's time for ghost stories!" Anna proclaims excitedly. It was her birthday and she has her best friends over for a slumber party! Her tank top barely touches the top of her sleep pants so that any time she raises her arms, she exposes her soft tummy to right above her belly button. "I think I have one!" Lucy pipes up. Her red hair is a sharp contrast to the other girls', but it gives her a natural cuteness that most guys can't resist. She sports a short crop tank top, well aware of her hourglass figure. She giggles as she prepares to execute the prank they have all planned to pull on Anna. "One time, one of my friends was exploring the woods behind her house and she found an old, abandoned building," Anna begins. All the girls around her huddle in anticipation both at the story and at their dastardly plan. "There was no one around, so she decided to go in and see what it was like on the inside. As she walked around the large, open rooms, she heard a girl slightly giggling from somewhere in the house. It slowly got louder and louder, turning from a giggle into a laugh until it was laughing so loudly it sounded as if it was crying! Then, she heard it begging for someone to stop!" Just then, all of the girls jump on Anna! They pin her arms above her head, her tank top exposing her smooth, ticklish armpits. As they hold her arms up, her shirt also comes up and exposes her belly! She knows she is in trouble now, with four of her friends holding her down, there is nothing she can do! "I think it's time for your BIRTHDAY TICKLES!" Lucy exclaims, plunging her fingers into Anna's vulnerable pits. The other girls join her in the tickling: Kristen on her belly, Emily on her sides, and Heather at her feet. Emily tickles Anna's sides with a light, flurry of fingers. Her fingers gracefully and deftly maneuver across Anna's ticklish skin. Heather's fingernails gently scratch in ticklish circles around Anna's soles. But Kristen knows how to tickle Anna's belly: gently kneading her soft, slightly pudgy skin around her belly button. The tickling is unbearable as Anna thrashes and squirms, trying to escape the clutches of her ticklers to no avail. Laughter pours from her lips as she begs her friends to end their incessant tickling of her poor exposed body. "Pleeeeeeease, guys! Let me gohohooo!" Anna begs, her words quickly turning to laughter once again as the girls continue their merciless tickling. Her skin turns pink as they tickle her to tears, her uproarious laughter filling the room. The girls switch up their tickling techniques, Kristen tickling lightly on her belly while Lucy also gently scratches her fingernails all along Anna's incredibly ticklish armpits. Heather moves closer to Anna's heels and gently tickles there while Emily begins to dig her fingers into Anna's soft sides and smooth ribcage. Anna roars with ticklish laughter, her spastic convulsions powerless against her four friends holding her down. Her hands reach for anything they can use to escape, but the tickling is much too powerful and she is quickly overwhelmed by it. Kristen, Emily, Heather, and Lucy all tickle away at the different spots on Anna's vulnerable body: her belly, armpits, sides, and feet all mercilessly tickled as her captors hold her as still as they can. "Look how ticklish she is, girls! I don't know if she can handle much more! Too bad we have twenty more minutes to go, give or take fifteen," Lucy teases Anna. Anna's eyes widen as she hears her malicious words. Her laughter grows louder and louder as her friends continue tickling her. "Maybe we should all take turns on different spots!" Heather suggests all too happily. "I want to try her belly!" Heather and Kristen trade places, Kristen moving to Anna's feet and Heather to her belly. Anna has a brief moment of relief until Heather decides to dip her finger into Anna's deep innie belly button! Anna's laughter becomes louder than ever as Heather's finger goes around and around, deeply tickling more than Anna has ever been tickled before. Her armpits are still a prime target, and Lucy is making the most of her favorite spot. Her fingers dance, wiggle, and gently scratch all over Anna's smooth, ticklish hollows. When Anna tries to struggle away, Lucy simply follows her armpits, never letting her fingers stop tickling the poor girl's pink skin. Emily, a shorter freckled girl with long, curly black hair, leaves Anna's sides to the other girls who visit the spot every now and then with their tickling fingers. She comes back with something Anna had hoped she wouldn't find! "Look what I found, everyone!" Emily declares, holding up some colorful feathers Anna was using for an art project she was working on. "And there are more than enough for all of us!" she proclaims happily, passing the feathers around to each of Anna's tickling tormentors. Each girl takes two feathers and tickles their favorite spots (except Heather, she continues the merciless belly button tickling with her adept index finger and tickles the rest of Anna's belly with her other hand). Lucy, now sitting on Anna's worn out arms to keep them above her head, gently flits the feathers across Anna's underarms. Anna begs for her to stop, the gentle tickling more maddening than the deep tickling, but her pleas fall on deaf ears. Kristen runs the tips of the feathers lightly along Anna's soles, being sure to run them quickly enough to cause Anna's ticklish laughter to spill wildly into the air (she almost wishes it was her in this predicament, but she doesn't want to tell any of her friends that secret). Emily uses the feathers as if writing with a quill, the rounded tips of the feathers gently scratching at Anna's sides causes such a delightfully ticklish torture that Kristen joins her in her technique, running the blunt ends across Anna's soles (writing the words, "I'm too ticklish" over and over on Anna's body). Heather continues her ticklish torture of Anna's tummy, but uses the feather's fluffiness to lightly torment Anna's belly button. Anna screams and begs as the girls tickle away with their fiendish feathery wands. Heather quickly flips the feather around, using the blunt end in Anna's sensitive innie belly button, causing Anna's back to arch and her laughter to turn to a raucous cacophony of screams, giggles, and uncontrollable pleas for the tickling to stop. Well, they found her most ticklish spot for sure! The tickling continues well past where Lucy promised it would, Anna's overwhelmed body pink from all the tickling she endures during her torment. But her tormentors eventually slow their feathers and fingers down and let Anna catch her breath before they release her one by one. "That was fun!" Lucy exclaims. "We'll have to do that more often!" All the other girls nod along in agreement and Anna just giggles softly through her breathlessness. As Anna lies there, her chest heaving from all of the ticklish laughter, she begins to plot her revenge. But how could she get all four girls at the same time?...
Hi Tumblr! I am already on DeviantArt, but I wanted to share my work here, too! I’ve actually been a lurker for a while, but was convinced to start sharing here and actually jump in to the community.
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