tidalgeode · 5 days
Psst, hi there...
Posting this here because lets be honest this is basically an SCP blog at the moment,
I was wondering if there were any 18+ non-nsfw scp discords out there! I want to talk to more people in this community but
I'm not comfortable discussing a lot of topics present in scp with minors
social anxiety keeps me from reaching out
(or if anyone wants to like, hit me up in tumblr dms thats cool too !!theyre open!!)
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tidalgeode · 5 days
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Talloran and Draven designs! Do not seperate them they need to heal despite it all...
As much as i love the whole dark markings and other anomalous imagery for Talloran I couldn't decide how i wanted to portray it in my design so instead they get weird scars
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tidalgeode · 5 days
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I want to study this little freak. i get major redditor vibes from him. Guy who debates in the youtube comments
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tidalgeode · 13 days
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Meri and her ugly father <3
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tidalgeode · 14 days
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Doodle i ended up coloring! I promise I'll draw someone other than Clef soon I'm just trying to get my designs for other characters somewhere I'm happy with.
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tidalgeode · 19 days
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I actually don't have a backlog of art believe it or not im just insane and draw at every waking hour anyway have a Talloran!!
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tidalgeode · 19 days
🥹 Ty for giving clef a dad bod, he's extremely gender to me, I need to steal this man's everything
Of course!!! Clef is not an anime boy he is an old man... Also I am shaking your hand,, uh as i write this im wearing an awful bright hawaiian shirt... i swear there's no correlation...
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tidalgeode · 19 days
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Fullbodies for my Clef and Kondraki designs, since i was getting tired of colorpicking shaded doodles
get these men OUT OF MY HEAD !!!!
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tidalgeode · 21 days
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Apparently on Twitter this is going around??? Idk i just stole it from my friend LMAO
anyway my thoughts on toxic old man yaoi
(upon review I think clef and kondraki are both truck freak AND crazy ass simultaneously)
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tidalgeode · 24 days
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Recently been watching Dr. Cimmerian's videos and reading his work, so have the "you're wrong" guy in all his yellow suitedness
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tidalgeode · 24 days
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I think they should fall into the river and drown (im insane about these damn old men....) Anyway i drew this for a little thing I wrote, its under the read more !! shout out to my friends for proofreading it we got rid of like 10 'he would's
It was the ass-crack of dawn, as Clef often put it. They had left around 5 minutes ago, while it was still dark. Now, the dawn light was scattered through the leaves. The rushing water became audible as he and Kondraki's footsteps crushed the excessive undergrowth along the old path. Clef mourned their timing, gazing at the barren blackberry bushes that littered the entire forest.
“Couldn't we have gone in summer?” he asked, hands in his pockets as he carefully stepped down from a large rock.
“As if either of us were available. Fishing's better in fall anyway”
Kondraki, at this point in the trip, had long since given up trying to make the shorter man shut his trap. He just wanted to get to the water faster,  not wanting to miss the small window of time when the fish are most active. The river wasn't far, but trekking through the overgrowth was taking longer than expected.
Kondraki wished he had brought a machete, becoming irritated at the amount of times his fishing pole became stuck in passing bushes, despite his best efforts.
“If you don't catch a massive fucking fish bigger than the creel I'm gonna be disappointed, Konny.” They crossed through the last narrow clearing in the brush, finally able to see the river. Now walking on gravel, Kondraki took the lead and walked over to a jutting mass of rock close to the mouth of the creek. He placed his rod against it as he climbed on top and opened a pocket in his vest. Finding a flat enough section of the rock, Clef sat and pulled out a spoon from the creel. “Gimme the end of your line.”
“Excuse me? Like hell I'm letting you choose a lure for me. I thought I already had a-” He squinted as he looked for the end of the line, with no hook to be found. “Oh, motherfucker.”
“Must have gotten lost.” Clef said, sporting a shit-eating grin. ”I like this one, lemme tie it for you.“ He showed off the spoon, it was neon and spotted like a more garish trout.
“Come on, I know just as well as you do how to tie a knot.”
“Knowing you, your stench is gonna kill the damn fish.”
“Don't they have a good sense of smell? Call it an improvement. I bet they'd love it.“
”Know what, maybe you're right. It'd make sense if the only thing that could be attracted to you is a fish.“
Kondraki grabbed the line and found his way to the end of it, flicking up the bail to allow it to extend further and handed it off to Clef.
”What does that say about you then?“ Clef said, taking the line and delicately tying the spoon on with a tight knot.
”It says nothing, because you're the ugliest man I've had the displeasure of knowing.“
”You're so sweet, I try.“
”Shut the fuck up before I throw your ass into the river.“
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tidalgeode · 25 days
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kinda embarrassing to be haunted by your dead situationship there clef
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