tiffanyindiapers · 12 days
Oh you want to pick what undies you get to wear to go out with the guys? Mommy has your three choices right here. Don’t even start with the “they’re not real undies” crap. We both know what happens when you go out with the guys, you get trashed and piss yourself. So you can either put one of these on right now or I’m gonna put you in all three and make sure the guys know about your diapers. 
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tiffanyindiapers · 22 days
Diaper faggots are the lowest of lifeforms on the planet!
Some facts about diaper faggots:
Diaper faggots are not necessary gay! However, diaper faggots are placed on earth to serve men whether they like it or not.
All diaper faggots belong tightly locked in chastity! Diaper faggots must focus on superior men's pleasure, not their own.
Diaper faggots use their diapers for everything! Piss, shit, and cum if they are ever allowed.
Diaper faggots do whatever they are told! Diaper faggots are below everyone else and must follow instructions from anyone who gives them.
You must reblog if you are also a diaper faggot!
If you are not a diaper faggot, congratulations! Do whatever you want with us, and feel free to message me to tell me how I can serve you!
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tiffanyindiapers · 1 month
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tiffanyindiapers · 2 months
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Tony knew that doing this would sentence himself to a pussy-free, diaper-dependent existence during his college years. Those were the stakes. That's what he was proposing in his perverted little head.
Yet after he came up with the devious plan in June he couldn't stop thinking about it for three months. Finally the big day: First day of college. He didn't know his roommate but did know it was a co-ed dorm. Perfect. He knew he had to do it the first night. He couldn't have his roommate seeing him go to the bathroom to piss or take a shit. It had to be established right away that he was a diaper wearer.
So, once he'd been moved in and his parents said goodbye, he politely declined his roomie's invitation to go out to eat with some girls and guys from their floor. "I actually have a headache and am just going to rest a bit," Tony said.
That was at 6. His roommate left. At 6:15 Tony left too, driving to a pharmacy to pick up some adult diapers. By 6:35 he was taped into one and laying on his dorm bed. He turned toward the wall so his back was visible to whoever walked in. He pretended to sleep, having no idea when his roommate would return.
Finally at 8:15 he heard the door jostling, he heard voices. He started doing some fake snoring to really sell that he was out. He heard...multiple people come in. His roommate's voice. And a girl's voice. Oh god. But it was too late do do anything. He kept up the fake snoring.
Then, silence, as he knew the pair were taking in the sight. Then giggles. Whispers. Snickering. Then the girl talking. "Dude, it's a fucking diaper. What the fuck? You're rooming with a bedwetter? Or is he incontinent? Or a freak? I've heard about freaks like this."
The roommate, also snickering, "No, no. It's probably like a disease or something, stop it."
More laughing. Then they exited. He kept up his fake snoring. Mission complete. He rubbed one off in his Pampers and that's when reality hit him.
His roommate and the girl were now telling everyone on their floor what they saw. Everyone in the dorm would know soon enough and then it'd spread to other dorms, the story of the frosh knocked out and his diaper exposed. No girl would want anything to do with him, fearing he might shit his Pampers on their first date. And later that night when his roommate returned and confronted Tony about what he saw, "Dude, so, me and Amy when we came in saw, um, you know..." Tony would have to say he was incontinent, had been for years. No cure. Yes, he wore diapers. Otherwise the alternative was admitting he was a diaper-wearing sicko and then he might well get tossed out of school, no matter how progressive it was. So then the roomie would assure everyone that, no, Tony wasn't sick in the head, just sick in the bowels and bladder. "Apparently he needs the diapers."
And that would be that. Everyone would know. And when his parents visited guess what? He was going to have to be diapered, or everyone would know he faked it. So now he'd have to conjure a story for them. He had effectively put himself in diaper prison, all for a quick cummie in his Pampers.
It was pathetic, perverted and predictable. Like all sissies.
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tiffanyindiapers · 3 months
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tiffanyindiapers · 3 months
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tiffanyindiapers · 3 months
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What’s more embarrassing:
Your wife making you wear a diaper for the roadtrip because she knew you wouldn’t be able to hold it?
Proving her right by wetting the diaper not once, but three times?
The knowing look on her face when she reaches her hands between your legs to check you?
Her pulling over to the side of the road so she can change your plump, pissy pamper?
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tiffanyindiapers · 3 months
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Nurse's office
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tiffanyindiapers · 3 months
Diaper Girl Paige Cuffed Into A Cradle & To Mess for
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tiffanyindiapers · 3 months
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Frilly skirt goes on.
Silly shirt comes off.
You're not a man anymore, honey. You're just a prissy sissy!
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tiffanyindiapers · 3 months
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"Just let her cry it out down there. She needs to learn she's only useful when we say it's time to be”.
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tiffanyindiapers · 4 months
Complete sissification. Blonded, corseted, petticoated, stockinged, diapered, pantied, bonneted, gagged, forced into high heels, locked into ankle cuffs and an armbinder. What's next? Being pushed through the door for public humiliation of course...
Such is a sissy's life. Nothing but a plaything for my owner's amusement.
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tiffanyindiapers · 4 months
What a gorgeous adult baby Shelly is
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tiffanyindiapers · 4 months
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“Uh oh. It looks like someone was overdue for their diaper change!”
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tiffanyindiapers · 4 months
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tiffanyindiapers · 4 months
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Jake and the mother-in-law
Jake's foot stamped against the hardwood in frustration, his lips forming into a dramatic pout. "What do you mean Sue is staying with me while you're on your girls trip”? he whined, his voice lilting into a childish tone.
His wife Jill couldn't help but smirk at the sight of her husband's tantrum. He was thrashing about like a toddler denied dessert before dinner. "Well honey," she purred, "the way you're carrying on now only proves why I can't leave you alone." She stepped closer, her heels clicking on the floor. "You're just not mature enough for me to trust you by yourself all week." Jake opened his mouth to protest, but Jill pressed a manicured finger to his lips. "I also expect you to mind my mother and do as she says”! Her voice dropped to a dangerous tone. "Or there will be consequences when I return. Fine!" Jake shouted, wrenching away from her touch. Jill grabbed his chin firmly, forcing him to meet her smug gaze. "Come again, Jakey?" Jake's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Yes mommy," he mumbled.
Jake's eyes widened in shock as Jill nonchalantly revealed that she had disclosed Jakes bedtime routine to her mother. His face flushed crimson with embarrassment and indignation. How could she betray his trust like that? He threw himself on the floor, fists pounding and legs flailing as a full-blown tantrum erupted.
"How could you tell her that? It's private!" he cried out between sobs.
Jill rolled her eyes at his dramatic reaction. "Oh honey, stop being such a drama queen. She's my mom, I tell her everything. All my girlfriends know too. They all think it's cute."
She waved her hand dismissively. "Plus, I had to tell her since she's babysitting you."
Jake cried out in protest, "Babysitting me? I'm not a baby!"
Jill sighed. "You know Jake, I've had enough of your attitude today. If you keep this up, you'll be sleeping in your nursery all week instead of your big boy bedroom."
Jake pouted angrily. "Why can't I sleep in your bedroom?"
"Because you have your own room and that’s where my mom will be sleeping, silly boy. Now stop acting up," Jill replied firmly. "My mom should be here soon. Why don't we sit you on your potty chair while I finish packing?"
Leaving the kitchen, Jill returned a minute later with a large Elmo training potty and placed it on the floor. Jake stared at the potty and then at Jill, crossing his arms in defiance.
"Oh for heaven's sake, baby," Jill snapped, losing her patience. She yanked down Jake's Spiderman briefs and pushed him onto the potty, tucking his peepee into the plastic bowl.
Jake sat there sullenly as Jill brought out her suitcase and put it by the front door.
Jill's carry-on bag was already perched on the counter as she began meticulously organizing her toiletries, when the unmistakable hissing of Jake going potty sounded. "Good boy!" Jill praised with feigned enthusiasm, standing Jake up and taking a baby wipe to dab his little peepee clean. DING DONG. "Oh, that must be my mom. Don't move an inch, Mister," Jill commanded, leaving Jake frozen naked in front of his Elmo potty, urine still dribbling out.
Jill embraced her mother at the door, thanking her effusively for babysitting her husband. "Oh, it's my pleasure, dear. Just promise you'll have fun with the girls," Jill's mom replied with a knowing smile. As they walked in, there stood Jake in all his glory. "Oh my goodness did you make peepees on the potty?” Jill's mom gushed, stifling a laugh. Jake flushed red, standing awkwardly with his Spider-Man undies still around his ankles.
"As you can see, I was just about to clean Jake up!” Jill said as she wiped her husband’s peepee clean before pulling up his Spiderman undies. Jake's face turned even more red, clearly embarrassed. "Jake has been having some accidents during the day, so I’ve been trying to have him sit on his training potty at least every other hour," Jill explained to her mother. Jake's screams echoed through the house as he ran into the living room, mortified.
"Honey you really need to keep him in pull-ups during the day until he can stay dry like a big boy or put him back in diapers full time”. her mother suggested gently. Jill nodded, knowing her mother was right.
“I can pick up some up some training pants tomorrow,” Sue said with a smile, already envisioning Jake in his car seat on their way to the grocery store. “That would be great mom!”
Jill gratefully responded as she zipped up her bag. She was cutting it close if she wanted to make her flight on time. After giving Jake a quick peck on the cheek and reminding him to be a good boy for her Mom, she scooped up her luggage.
"Now don't you worry about us," her mom said, shooing Jill out the door. "Have a wonderful trip and text me when you get there ." With a final wave, Jill set off, comforted knowing her mom had everything under control back home. She couldn't wait to immerse herself in vacation mode. This was just the break she needed.
Sue walked into the living room after grabbing a diaper and some jammies from Jake’s nursery for her sulking son-in-law . "Time for jammies!" she announced patting Jake's bottom as he pouted on the couch. “But it's only four o'clock!" Jake protested.
"I don't care what time it is, little boy," Sue replied firmly. "With all your whining today, you're going to bed at six sharp. If you keep acting like a baby, you'll be sleeping in your crib instead of your toddler bed."
Jake reluctantly laid down on the floor so his mother-in-law could get him ready for bed. Sue removed his Spiderman undies and told him he'd be wearing pull-ups during the day from now on. Before Jake could argue, she shoved a pacifier in his mouth and handed him a rattle to occupy his hands.
As she gently cleaned him with some baby wipes, Sue tried not to chuckle at his little peepee. She sang the "cleanup song" while lifting his legs to wipe his bottom, noticing he had left her a nugget of poop. "Ugh Jake maybe you’re not ready for pull-ups as you clearly can’t properly wipe yourself!” Sue said shaking her head. Jake’s mother-in-law slid the large, disposable diaper covered in rattles and pacifiers under Jake's bottom. She coated him in calming baby lotion and sprinkled baby powder over his peepee and bum before taping up the thick pamper . Jake sighed as Sue buttoned a Snoopy pajama top on him and pulled a matching diaper cover up over his fresh pamper. With a delighted grin, Sue eagerly snapped a couple pictures of Jake in his diaper and jammies, ignoring his red-faced pleas to stop. "Smile for Nana Babykins”, she cooed mockingly, pinching his cheek. Jake cringed in shame as she gleefully texted the photos to Jill with the caption "All ready for beddy byes! 😂" Sue just laughed at Jake's misery, thoroughly enjoying his embarrassment. "Don't worry sweetie, I'm sure Jill and all her friends will think you look adorable!" she said in a sugary tone laced with cruelty, reveling in Jake's utter humiliation.
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tiffanyindiapers · 4 months
Krabbelbaby 🤗🥰💞
crawling baby 🤗🥰💞
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