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Decided to put all these sketch comics into one post. I didn’t have any overarching story in mind when I started but I couldn’t help adding more and more to it. I’m not even sure if it’s over yet.
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Ok so now that the zine is out I can post the comic! Thankyou to @shadamyzine for giving me the opportunity to work on this and meet so many cool people! Please enjoy cause this took months! 🥲
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Also check out the zine for all the other cool art and stories! Not just mine.
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dadow... save me dadow
based on this
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ah shit. here we go again
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guys, hear me out
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Been a little bit since I doodled sonic stuff
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or, even better, a Shadow series where Shadow is doing things as a lone wolf but we get flashbacks of him and Maria on the ark that end in nightmares until the final one where Maria wishes him the best.
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Since they're so obsessed with the humans in the movieverse how about a prequel show for Shadow?
Give us a show set in the 1970's about Maria and Shadow and them growing up together!
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Womp womp
I’m excited about Keanu Reeves voicing Shadow in Sonic 3 and love seeing all the fan arts and memes about it, but I’m still boycotting and pirating.
What devastates me is hearing that Keanu is a Zionist. There is speculation about the sources but it heavily leans towards being true, which is just so upsetting. They were taken 10 years ago though so maybe there’s a chance he may have opened his eyes and changed (to my desperate hope). Regardless, as much as I still love Keanu as an actor, I’m deeply disappointed in him and can only hope he changes for the better.
BOYCOTT SONIC 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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They need to make that scene from the first movie come full circle or its a WASTE
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tigerdovefan34-realone · 11 months
Incorrect Aerina Quotes
Furina : Can you pass the salt, daddy?
Both Aether & Neuvillette : Both reaches for the salt
Furina, embarrassed : Aether...!!!
Aether : uhhhhh...
Neuvillette : You have a ten second headstart.
A : Yes sir! Books it
F after pulling down Aether's tights : Hurray, I did the thing!!!
A : What do you mean I'm under arrest?! What did I steal?
F : My heart!
F : Aether, why did you have Paimon dress up like me?
A : Paimon wanted to see if I could be a good boyfriend to you, why?
F, beginning to tear up : Ok
F : Sings the most beautiful song in existence all while Aether watches her
A : I had no ideas Angels lived in Teyvat.
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tigerdovefan34-realone · 11 months
So I was watching Pokemon (as ya do) and I saw these dynamics:
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And I thought.
wait just a diddly darn second I've seen this before
And not just because Pokémon shippers have been arguing about it for like a decade. 
No, I'm talking about this:
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tigerdovefan34-realone · 11 months
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she’s everything he’s just ken
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Phobia isn't a Real Term, it's an ideological one
Phobia comes from the Greek fear Phobos, which means irrational fear. Three of the most common fears are Arachnophobia (irrational Fear of Spiders), Claustrophobia (Irrational Fear of Tight Spaces), and Thalassophobia (Irrational Fear of the Ocean or Large Bodies of Water). However, none of these are irrational when it comes down to it. Depending on the species of Spider you interact with, getting bitten by one could easily kill you and there are stories aplenty about being lost at sea or in tight spaces and dying as a result. Islamophobia = Irrational Fear of Muslims and Islam, not irrational when you consider a large portion of muslims would enact terrorist actions and sharia law on western nations if they so wished and that the religion of Islam became so prominent not through peaceful conversion as Christianity but by forceful conquest and conversion as their many Caliphates show. Homophobia = Irrational Fear of Homosexuals but the sole fact that it wasn't until the 1980s when AIDS became a major scare largely in part due to the fag community should be proof enough that an irrational fear of Homophobia is in fact very much rational. Finally, Transphobia = Irrational Fear of Transexuals/Transgenders but the idea that this is an irrational fear is pathetic considering you are captured and groomed into a certain type of cultish belief, convert to that belief, and mutiliate yourself in such a manner that you will be in constant agony for the rest of your life is proof enough that the fear is rational. There is no such thing as irrational fears, all fears are rational, you just have to be stronger then them and beat the ideology behind some of the fears.
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stop asking him if he has a favorite. he doesnt have one!!!
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hand’em over y’all
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