tigerincahoots · 4 years
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Give this a like if you want the link to Kevin’s reboot page.
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
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Give this a like if you want the link to Kevin’s reboot page.
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
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Give this a like if you want the link to Kevin’s reboot page.
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
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Give this a like if you want the link to Kevin’s reboot page.
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
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I have been thinking about this for a few days now - and I believe that Kevin as he is currently ... he’s not as exciting as he used to be. I don’t know if it’s me or if it’s other people that lose interest but something definitely needs to change for I invested so much time and energy into creating him and the world he lives in that quitting would merely be tossing everything to waste. I am highly contemplating a full reboot with him. New page, new url, new things, new everything. Yes, its’ a lot of work since Kevin has been around for so long and he has so many things done but a part of me sort of needs it. It’s not guaranteed that I will --- but I a have been contemplating. All relationships would be maintained on the new page ( obviously ) so it’s not a remake but a reboot. Maybe develop things more. Maybe cut others off. Anyway --- this is a potential PSA for a reboot. You have been informed of the current stance of things.
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
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                       “A TIGER DOESN’T LOSE SLEEP 
                        OVER THE OPINION OF SHEEP.”
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
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Dale “Barbie” Barbara - 1x07 (½)
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
how do you need to be loved?
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Carefully, like a gentle rain on dry Earth
You've been left beaten down and by someone you really trusted and loved, so now love doesn't come easy for you. You want it to. You want to love and be loved, but you're not sure you remember how. So you need someone else to take the lead. They have to be gentle and sweet and patient. They have to watch out for you, and make sure youre doing okay, because most days you feel a little fragile, if not totslly shattered. But someone will come along who will put those pieces back together again.
tagged by: @brycecousland​
tagging: @enduringalpha​ @xwolfbonds​ @theregoesthebellhop​ @siingula​ @norighteouspath​ @hcartcfstcne​ @blue-eyed-devils​ ( diego ) @multipackers​ ( slade ) @trashedrps​ @wrathfulmercy​ + anyone who wants
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
❤️ from Lawrence
Send ❤️ and my muse will name 5 things they like about yours
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“Is good Mr. White fishing for compliments now? I would have never guessed his ego was so frail...”
1 - He’s loyal. One of the most loyal individuals I’ve met. In my world, that is saying something. They don’t stay for long if they aren’t. He is.
2 - Great fashion sense. I do appreciate a man that knows his suits and knows how to fill them properly. A lot of people could only wish they could pull that off.
3 - Intensity. He has something about him that is alluring. I can see why people throw themselves at him. Bickering like dogs after a bone.
4 - Great in bed. His mouth does wonders --- and he knows exactly how good to fuck someone and how well to take it. One of the best I’ve ever had. And still do.
5 - He’s highly intelligent. He knows his shit. He knows things that most people would not. He knows when to keep his mouth shut and when to open it. No one likes a mindless sheep. He shows others what it looks like to have brains and beauty.
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
Send ❤️ and my muse will name 5 things they like about yours
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“Rick Grimes... Rick Grimes... he’s quite the character, isn’t he?”
1 - He’s an excellent warrior. He knows what needs to be done and he doesn’t need someone to whisper in his ear how to do it. Most people need paint by colours act.
2 - Amazing fuck. He knows how to use that mouth of his and he definitely knows how to ride a dick. ‘Nuff said.
3 - His eyes. He does have gorgeous eyes. As blue as mine. Like staring into the sea. It can be calm or it can be stormy...
4 - He has a good heart. Probably better than mine. Might use his up his sleeve but he conceals it well. Only during certain moments, his real heart comes out. It’s not something he shows to everyone. I feel... special?
5 - One of a kind. The type of man that appears every 50 years or so. Cool, calm, collected. Knows where his head is. Where is heart is. Most people crack under pressure. He doesn’t. It shows... determination. Passion.
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
❤️ do u even have five in u
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“Five things that I like about that silly little overdeveloped chicken? Now... that’s a tough one. Can’t promise five...”
1 - He’s determined. Whether is the word of the Father or whatever BS he believes in, he’s determined. He makes up his mind and he sticks to things.
2 - I like that blue tie. It has many.... usages. He needs to wear it. At all times.
3 - The fact that he can’t properly understand sarcasm is more of a funny aspect than one I like. It’s like talking to a wall. He takes everything seriously. It’s funny, sometimes annoying but... most people are not like that.
4 - He sees the world differently. He sees the good while I see the bad. He chooses to believe in good and kindness. It’s a refreshing outcome from everyone else I tend to cross paths. I do like it ... even if he’s annoying.
5 - His ... scent. There’s something there. The Holier Than Your Ass Nº 5 or whatever cologne he uses. I really thought he would smell like a grilled chicken but it’s actually pleasant...
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
Send ❤️ and my muse will name 5 things they like about yours
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“Bryce. Now here’s an interesting one. Five things that I like. I suppose I can pick five from a somewhat decent sized list...”
1 - His eyes. No matter how many times he looks at me, I feel like drowning. It’s impossible to look away.
2 - He’s a great kisser. The type that makes the freaking time stop when your lips met. Addictive... almost like a drug of some kind.
3 - His heart. He is kind and he is brave. He is a hero and he’s there for whatever comes. Choosing to see the best possible outcome even when shit is really bad.
4 - He does have the most terrific ass I’ve ever see. Not just the ass but I can’t help but stare when he looks away. Good enough to bite.
5 - He believes in me. Suits the 3rd thing but... he has this overly annoying quality of seeing the best in me even when I don’t. He’s there. Through thick and thin. It’s scary actually... but I do like that.
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
❤️ [Later on when they've gotten to know each other]
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“Five things I like about Diego... Does it really have to be five?”
1 - He does have very nice eyes. That’s quite damn obvious.
2 - He’s somewhat temperamental. I like that in a person. Better than being someone’s sheep and follow along.
3 - Don’t tell him that I said this --- but he does have a terrific ass. Fills those pants nicely. Not that I checked.
4 - Trustworthy. Trust is important in this current time and age. I don’t trust that many people but he’s a good bean. Maybe one day I’ll trust him with my life too.
5 - Great fashion sense. That’s how point 3 exists. Not that I would raid his wardrobe or anything but he does know to dress to impress.
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
Send ❤️ and my muse will name 5 things they like about yours
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
Ricky didn’t expect anything else to come from the night, which was fine since Kevin seemed more than happy to just take him home, bid him goodnight and then hang out some more tomorrow. It was a nice evening and Ricky didn’t wanna spoil it with too much. That and he was a bit of an old fashioned man in the way he handled relationships, which meant he took his time, gauged a person and then let whatever happened play out from there. So this night was the perfect little appetizer to whatever possible new world would come. He was actually really excited and couldn’t wait to see if they ended up being good friends or more.
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Once the other returned, the brunette smiled and dusted his hands off, straightening himself out a little as he studied the man. Even better in casual clothes. Better in any outfit, actually. “Me? I wouldn’t just leave you hanging, that would be rude. I’d never, unless you were like… being a creep or something. I have some sense of self-preservation, after all.” Ricky chuckled jokingly, smiling softly towards Kevin and shaking his head. “No, no, don’t worry. I wouldn’t do that to you.” He reassured, quirking a brow at the rather interesting pet name and humming.
“Your Highness? I gotta admit, I’ve not been called that before. And uhm… Why don’t we take a car? As much as I’d love to walk out and about right now, I don’t want to risk either of us catching a cold because of the chill.” He responded, eyeing the other playfully. “Well, I hope you drive me safely. I got work still and I don’t think they’d be able to replace me so easily right off the bat.” Ricky laughed, moving towards the door after checking he had everything and opening it up. “After you, my good sir.”
KEVIN HAD TO ADMIT… he was enjoying this. Something that he didn’t had the chance to do often --- or wanted. To flirt with someone and take his time in getting to know someone before dropping his pants around his ankles. It was all new to him, this side of things. To actually engage in conversation and learning more about another person. His father was probably twisting and turning on his grave… and that alone was a happy thought that made Kevin look even more forward to getting to know Ricky. Not just for curiosity sake but there was a hint of spite in his actions. Knowing that his father would go berserk with the concept of him showing emotions.
WITH A LINGERING SMILE, Kevin picked the car keys and motioned for Ricky to follow him, closing the door of his room behind them and making sure that it was locked. To take someone home after a date --- who knew he was even capable of doing such a thing. “I don’t plan on having an accident, don’t worry.” Last thing he wanted was to ruin a perfect night with his tendency to break speed limits every so often. Too bad he brought the car and not the bike. It would be far more interesting to feel Ricky’s arms wrapped around him as they drove down the street and into the night. But there would be more times. There would be more encounters. If they all ended up like this…? Maybe he should give dating a chance. Getting to know someone first.
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”YOU’RE LUCKY I DIDN’T BROUGHT MY BIKE.” They had entered the elevator and went down all the way down the parking lot where Kevin’s silver sports car was parked alone. There were other cars but they were all together on a different side of the parking area and Kevin had made sure to park his away from everyone else’s. One scratch on his beauty and he would go to jail for murdering someone. “Your Highness.” The car was unlocked and Kevin opened the passenger’s door with a small bow, lips still curling in a ever-knowing smile. “If you please.”
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
Chuckling a bit as he kept the pace of fucking the young man before him, Lawrence watched and listened as the other seemed to talk about something that he didn’t foresee happening. At least, not in the way that he was expecting. His cock seemed to get even harder in the man’s hole, hearing a loud groan from the other confirmed that for him. Still thrusting into the other, he continue to gaze at the other, still in a bit of shock like it was some sort of dream he was having. While his instinct really wanted to argue with the other, and tell him that their pact would be ruined at this point, Lawrence couldn’t lie to himself that this was something that he was hoping to happen, just as much as he was mustering up his own strength to allow for the other to fuck him too. 
Without thinking about it too much, he pushed the other off of his cock, almost shoving him to the side. Offering the other a wink, nearly wondering if he should pay him for his trouble, or anything for that matter. But, he seemed offended enough but still willing to come back if Lawrence really needed that piece of ass again. But now stroking himself as the other approached he didn’t want to ruin the moment, but he couldn’t not do anything about his pent up energy for this exact moment. 
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Getting onto his knees he motioned the other to stand in front of him slightly bent over so that he could start his mouth on that wondrous hole of his. “I won’t hold back…” He said to the other, growling a bit as he licked his lips to drive his face into the other’s cheeks, feeling the musk and warmth of the other’s frustration and aggression. 
KEVIN DIDN’T CARE OR EVEN GAVE TWO SHITS ABOUT THE OTHER MAN. He was nothing more than a disposable toy that Lawrence had collected for a quick fuck at the beach. The odds of them meeting once more were scarce. Not when the other man, the one who looked terribly offended and embarrassed moaned like a possessed goat while fucked by a real man. Why Lawrence lost his time with such trinkets was beyond Kevin but he truly did not care one bit. It had been a long week and the things he wished to accomplish were not going his way. He was pissed --- and he would either put a bullet between someone’s eyes or let Lawrence finally get his wet dream come true.
AN APPRECIATIVE HUM ROLLED FROM HIS LIPS, the feeling of Lawrence’s beard against his cheeks tickling for a moment --- exchanged by the wet and hungry tongue that insisted in piercing his hole. Kevin closed his eyes and brought one hand back, lacing his fingers on Lawrence’s mane, pretty much forcing the other man to shove his face between his buttocks --- just so he could feel the intrusion even further. The gentle thrusting of the tongue prepping him for the next course of action. The one where Lawrence would finally get to do him.
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”I’D BE OFFENDED IF YOU DID.” Kevin wetted his lips, pushing his ass further against his friend’s mouth. They had sucked each other off and gotten off together. They had shared lovers between the two of them but going all the way…? It was a fantasy that they both had. Something they wished it could happen but never truly prepared for. Lawrence could thank his foul mood for being like this now. On the very rare occasions that he bottomed, it was only when either the mood hit or something had gone to shit. “You’ve wanted this as badly as I want to fuck you.” His hole clenched around his friend’s tongue, urging Lawrence to keep going no matter what. “I’m not some goat-moaning twink, Lawrence. I can handle you not holding back.”
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tigerincahoots · 4 years
THE WEIGHT OF RESPONSABILITIES WERE BACK. The world had faded away as they fucked and forgot about everything else --- which had been perfect and more than welcome --- but now that the afterglow was gone, Kevin was more aware than never that they needed to keep doing their job. What were they supposed to do? Cuddle? Pretend the world hasn’t gone to shit and lay down on the couch, not caring about being naked and behave like a perfectly normal couple? They weren’t in that world anymore and even if they were, Kevin wasn’t quite sure if he knew how to do the whole post-sex act. He never stayed the night before. Nor he allowed others to stay. Sex was just sex and someone staying after was bound to become something more. Something that he really didn’t know how to do.
BUT RICK GRIMES HAD TO STAY. And so did he. In a way, he didn’t mind. It was better to have some company than being alone with his thoughts and Rick had already proved himself twice that day. Both on the field and now. If there was someone he would have to pick to stay with --- it would be Rick. “We stay.” Blue eyes lingered for a moment as Rick moved away from him, memorizing the frame of his naked body as he moved. The perky ass he had fucked minutes ago, the half-hardened length that hasn’t quite gone down yet, the thin layer of sweat that glistened under the silvery glow of the moon outside. There was definitely worse ways to spend the night. They could be at each other’s throats and probably kill one another if they didn’t get along… which was not the case.
THERE WAS A MOMENT OF CONFUSION AS KEVIN GRABBED THE SHIRT THAT WAS NOT HIS OWN, his eyes lingering on Rick for a moment as he pretty much determined that he wanted to have his shirt. Something to remember him by when they were not together. Something to keep close to him. Something with his scent and warmth. “Alright. Keep it.” As much as he didn’t want to smile, Kevin picked Rick’s shirt and took a whiff. There was the faint odor of sweat and masculinity. Similar to his own and yet something completely different. If Rick wanted to keep his, he could very well keep the other man’s. There was nothing more to it than a small exchange, than something that would remain with them even after the sun rose. Almost like Rick wanted to make sure that this night had actually happened.
WITHOUT WORDS, Kevin began to dress his tactical gear once more, occasionally glancing towards Rick as they both covered their naked bodies with clothes. It was a shame, really --- Rick had the sort of body that deserved walking around deprived of clothes or any other artifices that would cover it. But what would they tell their unit if they caught them both naked? What would they think or even do? Whatever they had --- it had to remain a secret for a while. From their unit. From Umbrella. Who knows what sort of backlash they could experience if others knew about their connection? The world was already gone mad. No way Kevin would risk the little good he had experienced so far.
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”I DON’T REALLY SLEEP.” Not for quite some time. Standing up, Kevin walked towards the window to make sure the perimeter was safe, closing the gun holster around his thigh. Too many nightmares that would keep him awake. Too many events that tormented his sanity. “So I suppose either you sleep or neither of us does.” His attention returned to Rick. To the bottle of water on his hand, to the almost adorable expression in his features. Almost like he was hoping that he would join him on the couch. Sit down side by side and either talk or remain in silence. “We can’t tell people about this.” That much was a given. “We have no idea what Umbrella would do if they found their co-captains happened to have sex.” Maybe send him or Rick away or even led them to a mission that could be their downfall. “It stays between us. For safety.”
Rick didn’t expect him to say yes to his staying, but he was right as he mentioned their watch which seemingly faded to the back of Ricks mind through all of this. If they were living in the world from back then, if there wouldn’t be a watch or a mission, Rick would probably offer him a drink, cuddle with him in bed and wait until they fell asleep in each other’s arms. But this wasn’t the past, this wasn’t the world they grew up in and Kevin was not the type to cuddle with him in any way, or was he? Was he only nice cause he knew they still had to work together? Or would he still stay if this would be the normal world, if this would be Ricks place and his bed? Probably not, probably he would run out first and Rick would never see him again. But they didn’t have this choice here now, they were comrades. Working for the same unit and still caught in this mission. None of them could just leave, even if they wanted to. And so Kevin’s yes to stay somehow turnt into something bittersweet, cause Rick couldn’t be sure he said it cause he liked this.
“You’re right. I might have lost my focus for a second here.” Rick admitted with a cheeky grin and leaned down to kiss Kevin’s sternum, just an inch away from his necklace. “I have to stay, hm? If that’s the case, I guess I have no choice. Not that I mind it.” No, he didn’t. But Kevin could. “We stay.” Rick repeated and slowly lifted himself from the others lap which caused a light gasp as he felt Kevin’s cock leaving his walls cause he hoped it wouldn’t be the last time to feel this. “Stay.” he whispered in a soft command and got up with shaky legs, shaky but not in a bad way, more in this exhausted after good sex way Rick nearly forgot about in the last lonely years.
He reached out for their clothes, picking up one piece after another and grinning about the fact how spread they were. Instead of caring about the sticky feeling on his stomach which would now drown into the fabric of his shirt, he more enjoyed the fact of having this feeling until the next morning when they were able to take a shower. Somehow it filled his chest with pride and another warm feeling he couldn’t explain yet. “Here.” With a smirk he handed Kevin his clothes, but chose to gave him his shirt so he could keep his. “I wanna have yours.” And just after speaking it out confidently, he slipped Kevin’s shirt over his head before getting back into his boxers and pants.
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With a secret side glare he watched how Kevin dressed himself, already missing the fine color of his skin and the muscles forming his body in this perfection. “We should drink something.” And he definitely wasn’t speaking about beer now since they sweated so much that they definitely needed something better than that. Rick grabbed his water bottle and sat down in front of the couch to lean his back against it while taking the first sip. “If you want… you can sleep and I keep watch. But… I would also not mind if we… spend it together.” Awake or not, he wanted to have him around and leaned his head back on the couch to look up at Kevin’s blue eyes before handing him the bottle. “Not gonna lie, I think I liked you more without all these fabrics. But I don’t want the boss to freeze, do I?” One hand reached out for Kevin’s, offering to just hold it or join him on the ground, but he also wouldn’t mind to get back on the couch with him, as long as they would stay next to each other and not treat each other like burning fire.
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