timebomb44 · 5 years
Being Brave - 1
Being Brave – 1
In this episode I explain why I’ve decided  to start this Old School with Amanda podcast offshoot, called Being Brave. In an attempt to prove that being brave is always the best option. Ever since I became working age, I’ve always had in my head that I’m not going to work until my sixties, basically, I decided in my twenties that I was going to retire at 50. As my 50th Birthday fast approaches,…
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timebomb44 · 5 years
Then they came for me...
Then they came for me…
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—      because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—      because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—      because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller
Watching the Rachel Maddow…
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timebomb44 · 6 years
Episode 11 - Random Thoughts - Part Two
Episode 11 – Random Thoughts – Part Two
Welcome to another episode of Old School with Amanda. This is part two of my chat with my niece Darbi (@darbiofficial ) and my honorary nephew, Tayo (@tayo-tazteen-weekes. In this episode we talk about Life, death and Savage mothers. [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/567936396"…
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timebomb44 · 6 years
Episode 10 - Random thoughts for the New Year - Part 1
Episode 10 – Random thoughts for the New Year – Part 1
For the first podcast of 2019, I invited my niece, Darbi, and her best friend, Tayo, to join me in exploring a few topics which have been on my mind. We ended up having a really long, winding conversation which I have decided to post in two parts. This is part one, I hope you enjoy it. In this part we explore topics ranging from New Year’s resolutions, through R Kelly, parenting and death. It…
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timebomb44 · 6 years
Episode 9 - What I've Learned from 'The Amazing Race'
Episode 9 – What I’ve Learned from ‘The Amazing Race’
So this episode is a short glimpse of lessons learned from the TV show, ‘The Amazing Race”
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timebomb44 · 6 years
Episode 8 : Conversation with a Young Person
Episode 8 : Conversation with a Young Person
In this episode I talk to my niece, Darbi, about life, love and everything in between. From Black people time, to the perils of modern dating as an old person and a young person. [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/527156784" params="visual=true&color=#7f2d68&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true" width="100%"…
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timebomb44 · 6 years
Episode 7 - Mid Term Predictions
Episode 7 – Mid Term Predictions
  In this episode, I give my predictions for the US Mid Term elections. Based on my experiences of the paradigm shifts in the UK, I see patterns in the USA. I might be wrong, who knows…
The blog post on Paradigm shifts can be found: here The post evaluating the last UK election can be found: here
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timebomb44 · 6 years
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Episode 6 – I’m Tech Savvy, but… So in this episode, I decided to talk about my experiences with technology this week. I tend to think, I'm quite good with Technology, but that can lead to over-confidence, which is never a good thing...
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timebomb44 · 6 years
'Old School with Amanda' Podcast
‘Old School with Amanda’ Podcast
So, I’ve managed to upload the first five episodes of my new podcast Old School with Amanda
  This is the App that I am using. It’s just like the old…
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timebomb44 · 6 years
Long time, I know...
Long time, I know…
Hi dear followers and friends, It’s been a long time since my last post, I apologise profusely and beg forgiveness. Lots of things have been happening. I have started on my Pottery Adventure in earnest. Spending hours and hours in the studio making weird and wonderful, but useful, pots of wonder. I have started an Etsyshop. I have started a Pottery podcast, called “The Potscast” If you would like…
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timebomb44 · 6 years
Election So, I tasked my pupils with making an information video. They did theirs on the environment, I decided to have a go at a political one. Let me know what you think...
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timebomb44 · 6 years
Melania Trump's Hat
Melania Trump’s Hat
She had it designed to her “personal specifications”
I wonder, now bear with me, I wonder whether Melania isn’t far cleverer than we’ve all been giving her credit for.
What if it was designed so that the person wishing to approach her has to bow slightly and Melania has to, at the same time, raise her head.
  As you can see it works…
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timebomb44 · 6 years
Dear Young People Worldwide
Dear Young People Worldwide
I have been watching closely the events occurring over in the US and I find myself once again struck by how wrong I had been in my assessment of the current crop of young people (are 17 year olds still millennials?) I feel once more obliged to update and refine my own personal apology to young people. (My original apology can be found here:  Dear Milennials, I apologise…, but this is the revised…
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timebomb44 · 7 years
The Gun Question
I’m going to weigh in on the gun question. I do this in the secure knowledge that I, more than likely, am completely wrong in many ways, which some people will go to great lengths to point out. So before I start, may I draw your attention to my disclaimer here and repeat once more, I’m just thinking aloud. I’m not trying to solve anything, sell anything, change anything or promote anything. I’m…
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timebomb44 · 7 years
What? No stars?
So, I have moved into my flat and with the beautiful day today, I have also had my first dip in the rooftop pool.
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It’s half term so I had been planning on exploring Ho Chi Minh, but Monday and Tuesday were wet washouts and today was just too gorgeous to do anything but lounge by the pool (In the shade of course). Yesterday, I did venture out by taxi. I went to Cho Lon, the Chinese area of Saigon.…
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timebomb44 · 7 years
Here’s a Tip for You, Theresa
Here’s a Tip for You, Theresa
Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash So, in a desperate attempt to win back young voters, the Tories have decided to freeze tuition fees and raise the threshold at which students must start repaying. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/oct/01/tuition-fee-repayment-earnings-threshold-rise-to-25000 I’m sure that’ll have them flocking back to the Tory party in their droves. I’m sure the (ever…
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timebomb44 · 7 years
Dear Mr Peston
Dear Robert Peston I would like to directly address issues in your Facebook post on 27th September 2017 More specifically, firstly, I would like to address this: The Labour mob loved and worshipped him, in what was more religious festival than traditional conference. I’m assuming, and please correct me if I’m wrong, that you are a journalist and as such, you choose your words carefully. I have…
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